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PART A: Reference to the following slides

1. Pre-Conventional Level (Stages 1 and 2):

Stage 1: Punishment and Obedience Orientation: At this stage, individuals focus on avoiding
punishment and obeying authority figures. Ahmad might choose to remain silent about the
potential intellectual property theft if he fears negative consequences, such as jeopardizing his
job, facing legal issues, or damaging the project.
Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange: Here, the focus is on self-interest and reciprocity.
Ahmad may weigh the potential personal benefits and drawbacks of speaking up. If he
believes that exposing the intellectual property theft may harm his career or the project's
success, he might decide to keep the information to himself. He may think that the
colleague will favour him in the future, so just engage in dialogue.

2. Conventional Level (Stages 3 and 4):

Stage 3: Interpersonal Conformity: At this stage, individuals are concerned with being seen as
a good person in the eyes of others. Ahmad might choose to report the suspected theft because
he wants to maintain a positive image and reputation among his colleagues and superiors.
This decision is driven by a desire to conform to social norms.
Stage 4: Social System and Conscience Maintenance: Here, individuals prioritize societal
norms and rules. If Ahmad believes it is his duty to uphold ethical principles and protect
intellectual property, he might decide to report the issue, even if it means going against his
colleague and possibly causing disruption to the project. His decision is based on a sense of
responsibility to the organization and its integrity.

3. Post-Conventional Level (Stages 5 and 6):

Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights: At this stage, individuals recognize the
importance of social contracts and ethical principles. Ahmad might choose to report the
potential theft because he values the principles of intellectual property rights and believes in
upholding ethical standards, even if it means confronting his colleague and the company's
Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles: In this highest stage, individuals adhere to universal
ethical principles, such as justice and human rights. Ahmad might report the suspected theft on
the basis of his belief in the intrinsic value of protecting intellectual property and
maintaining the ethical foundation of the tech industry, regardless of potential
consequences to his career or the project.
Individuals' ethical decision-making styles, locus of control, and Machiavellianism can
significantly impact their ethical decision-making in the scenario involving Ahmad's ethical
dilemma regarding potential intellectual property theft.

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