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Why are we unable to reason rationally:

Human bias: unprobeable: we exaggerate

probable: not exaggerate

1st case
choose between 2 health programs
both are the same thing but by instinct you will choose 1 because it seems like the loss has
been minimized.

2nd Case
1% chance of winning, sounds better than 99% chance of loosing

3rd Case: most likely to choose 2nd one because it has been framed in such a way

We tend to reject risk and avoiding loss through the framing effect

Biases and mental states:

Fairness bias
Price of A=10 but in your mind you think A should be fore 7 you leave that thing and don’t

Hindsight bias:
I knew it. We overestimate that we can predict things and cloud ourselves because we lose
track of whether it was actually predicted, or you predicted the correct thing

Confirmation bias:
What I was thinking was wrong, and you were right.
you will talk to a friend who will give you the conformation you need. And think that all
others are not understanding or unempathetic

What determines intelligence: something you are born with but can be increased given that
you put in effort

Is this intelligence:
General knowledge, strong knowledge, people who know how to answer in a group of
people, understand and manage our emotions: forms of intelligence
Intelligence not only academic

How do you know that you’re intelligent?

We are unable to confirm if we are intelligent or others are until we have some facts.
We measure intelligence through psychometrics: IQ etc.

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