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Dupe Dynamics: Decoding the Motivations Behind Affordable Alternatives

Camille Taïeb, Serena McNabb, Jordan Gross

“A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true.”

Table of Contents

Methodology 4
Interview Questions 5
Results 7
Demographic Tables 7
Product Knowledge and Usage 8
Reasons for Choosing Product Dupes 11
Perception of Product Dupes 14
Ethical and Moral Considerations Associated with Dupes 16
Marketing Applications 17
Buyer Persona 17
Introducing Our Innovative New App - EZDupes 18
Conclusion 21
Appendix 22


The purpose of this research is to examine what motivates consumers, especially those belonging to
generation Z, to purchase dupes.

We chose to conduct qualitative research and do interviews because these methods allow for
in-depth exploration and understanding of the motivations behind consumer behavior. Qualitative
research provides rich, detailed insights into the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals,
making it well-suited for exploring complex phenomena such as consumer motivations. Interviews,
as a qualitative data collection method, enable us to directly engage with consumers, gaining
firsthand perspectives and uncovering nuanced reasons behind their purchase decisions. This
approach can provide valuable, context-specific insights essential for understanding the motivations
of Generation Z consumers when purchasing dupes.

The study was conducted by Camille, Serena, and Jordan. We conducted a series of interviews to
explore the motivations of Generation Z consumers when purchasing dupes. The interviews took
place via Zoom, allowing for remote engagement with the informant. During the interviews, as
researchers, we asked questions to understand the informants’ motivations and also conducted an
interactive session where we showed them products to simulate real purchasing situations. Each
researcher conducted three interviews, resulting in a total of nine interviews.

We used a purposeful sampling technique to select participants who were Generation Z consumers
and had experience purchasing dupes. This involved identifying individuals who fit the criteria of
being part of the target demographic and had relevant experiences related to the research topic.
Participants were recruited through social media platforms, online communities, and personal
networks. Data collection took place via Zoom, allowing for flexibility in scheduling the interviews to
accommodate the availability of the participants. The days and times of data collection were varied
to ensure representation across different schedules and time zones.

In our study, we utilized an interactive interview process where informants were presented with
choices between fashion and technology. Depending on their selection, they were shown two
different products – for fashion, it was heels and a pair of sneakers, and for technology, it was one
product. Subsequently, you asked them questions about the original product and the dupe displayed
on the screen to comprehend their motivations. This approach allowed for an in-depth
understanding of the participants' motivations when purchasing dupes.

Interview Questions

Demographic Questions

Name of the Gender Age Occupation Income Level


Product Knowledge and Usage

1. Are you familiar with the concept of product dupes?

2. What do you understand by the term "product dupes"?
Remind them of the definition of the term “dupe”: A dupe refers to a cheaper knock-off version of an
expensive product that closely resembles the original in appearance and function but is sold at a
lower price point. Dupes are often created to mimic the design, features, or performance of popular
and high-end products, offering a more affordable alternative for consumers. These products can be
found in various industries, including beauty, fashion, electronics, and more. Dupes are sought after
by consumers who are looking for cost-effective options without compromising on quality or style.

3. Have you ever purchased any product dupes? If yes, please describe your experiences.
4. How often do you shop for product dupes in general?
5. How did you find out about the product dupe?

Motivations for Purchasing Product Dupes

6. Why do you choose to purchase product dupes instead of the original brands?
7. What factors influence your decision-making process when choosing product dupes?
8. How important is the price difference between the dupe and the original product when
making your purchasing decision?

Perception of Product Dupes

9. How do you perceive the quality, value for money, and overall satisfaction of product dupes?
10. Have you noticed any differences in quality between product dupes and original brands?
11. Have you ever regretted purchasing a dupe instead of the original product? If yes, what were
the reasons for your regret?
12. What are some of the key benefits you see in choosing product dupes instead of the original

Brand Loyalty and Product Dupes

13. Does purchasing product dupes affect your loyalty towards the original brands?

14. What are your attitudes towards brand loyalty? Do you consider it important?
15. Do you believe there are any ethical or moral considerations associated with purchasing
product dupes?

Shopping Habits and Product Dupes

16. Do you actively seek out product dupes or stumble upon them while shopping?
17. Where do you usually find product dupes? (e.g., online platforms, social media, friends, etc.)
18. Are there any specific brands or retailers that you trust when it comes to purchasing dupe

Simulation Exercise
I'd like you to select a category that you feel most aligned with your preferences. We'll then center
our conversation on the category you choose.
- Fashion
- Technology
Link of the presentation for the original and dupe products:

19. Can you tell us about your experience with fashion/technology (depend on their choice)
products in general?
20. Have you ever purchased a dupe product in the fashion/technology category? (depend on
their choice) If yes, what motivated you to choose a dupe instead of the original product?
21. Can you share an example of a dupe product you have bought in the past? How satisfied
were you with its quality and performance compared to the original product?
22. Have you ever come across any of these products before?
23. What are your initial thoughts or impressions when you see these products?
24. Have you ever purchased any of these products or similar ones? If yes, what motivated you
to choose the product dupe over the original brand?
25. How do you perceive the quality of the product dupe compared to the original brand?

Final Thoughts

26. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences with product dupes?

Demographic Tables

Table 1: Informant and Interview Information (Camille)

Interviewer Informant Gender Age Occupation Income Level

Camille David Male 24 Student-Athlete Full scholarship

Imbert Do not have a specific
income level

Camille Jordan Da Male 25 Student-Athlete Full scholarship

Costa Part-time job working at the
university’s cafeteria

Camille Veronica Female 25 Student Part-time job working with

Mendez individuals with autism.

Jordan Stacy Female 26 Tech Recruiter 65K-85K


Jordan Grace Female 17 Student and Do not have a specific

Crider retail worker income level

Serena Abby Female 22 Caretaker for 30K

Burkholder Bayada

Serena Mia Female 13 Student Do not have a specific

Brunson income level

Based on the commonly accepted definitions, a 13-year-old would fall into the Generation Z
category. The Pew Research Center defines Millennials as those born between 1981 and 1996,
while Generation Z starts from 1997 onward. Therefore, a 13-year-old would be considered part of
Generation Z according to the Pew Research Center.

Jordan Tim Male 28 Filmmaker Do not have a specific

Connolly income level

Based on commonly accepted definitions, a 28-year-old falls into the Millennial generation, not
Generation Z, as anyone born between 1981 and 1996 is considered a Millennial. The Pew
Research Center defines the Millennial generation as those born between 1981 and 1996, with the
next generation, Generation Z, starting from 1997 onward.

Serena Natalie Female 41 Marketing 85K


Based on commonly accepted definitions, a 41-year-old falls into the Millennial generation, not
Generation Z. The Pew Research Center defines Millennials as those born between 1981 and 1996,
while Generation Z starts from 1997 onward. So, being 41 years old places an individual within the
Millennial age range according to the Pew Research Center. Millennials are currently between 27
and 42 years old in 2023, according to Pew Research Center.

Product Knowledge and Usage

Here is the word cloud generated from the words that surfaced most frequently when posing the
question: What do you understand by the term "product dupes"?

According to their answers to the question, "product dupes" refers to more affordable alternatives to
high-end or popular products that closely resemble the original in design, features, or functionality
but are sold at a lower price point. These dupes mimic the appearance and function of the original
product, offering a budget-friendly option for consumers. They can be found across various
industries, including technology, fashion, beauty, and more. Product dupes are essentially a way for
consumers to access similar products to high-end or popular brands without the premium price tag,
making them accessible to a wider range of consumers.

According to their response, social media serves as the primary avenue for discovering product
duplicates. Among the various social media platforms, Instagram holds the second position, while
TikTok claims the top spot.

TikTok, being one of the largest platforms for fashion trends, has evolved into a central hub for hauls
and reviews. The latest phenomenon gaining traction on this short-form video platform is the trend
of 'Dupes,' a term derived from duplicates and representing Gen Z's shorthand for more affordable
versions of high-end items. Notably, the hashtag #dupes has garnered over 3.5 billion views, as of the
latest data available (checked on 11/12/2023).

Respondents frequently mention online platforms like Shein, Temu, emphasizing the role of reviews
and recommendations in influencing their decisions. The variety of sources underscores the dynamic
nature of online and social media-driven shopping trends.

“It's mainly on websites like Shein or Temu” - Stacy Constantino

Shein and Temu have gained popularity for their extremely low-priced clothing and products, but
they have faced ethical scrutiny. Shein, known for fast fashion, has been criticized for its lack of
transparency in the supply chain, low-quality and controversial items, and environmental impact. It
has been rated "We Avoid" for sustainability and ethics due to its neglect of labor conditions and
animal welfare, and it's accused of not taking meaningful action to reduce its substantial
environmental impact. Temu, which operates as a marketplace for various products, has been noted
for offering even lower prices than Shein. Both companies have been accused of potential links to
forced labor, exploitation, and intellectual property theft, raising concerns about their ethical

The use of real consumer reviews and user-generated images in their marketing strategy is a positive
aspect of Shein and Temu. By allowing customers to share their experiences and showcase the
products they purchased, these platforms build a sense of trust and transparency. This approach
enables potential buyers to make informed decisions based on authentic feedback and visuals from
fellow consumers. It also fosters a community where people can share their thoughts and help
others make better purchasing choices. Additionally, it adds a layer of authenticity to the shopping
experience, enhancing consumer confidence in the products and the platforms themselves.

Reasons for Choosing Product Dupes

The primary motivation for choosing product dupes over original brands is affordability.
Respondents, particularly those with financial constraints such as students, opt for dupes to save
money without compromising on quality or style. Affordability is a recurring theme, and respondents
emphasize the importance of cost-effectiveness.

“Financial constraints play a significant role. Being a student with limited income, I opt for
product dupes to save money without compromising on quality.” - Jordan Da Costa
“My main motivations include affordability, especially as a student, and the desire for quality
products that align with my personal preferences.” - Veronica Mendez

Tim Connolly discussed the significance of price, emphasizing that it serves as a motivating factor
primarily within specific product categories. For instance, when it comes to items like makeup or
skincare, the correlation between quality and the price is crucial. The consideration extends beyond
monetary aspects; it involves the potential risks associated with opting for a lower-priced product. Is
the individual prepared to face the physical risk, where the choice might pose a threat to their
well-being, especially when it involves products applied directly to the skin? Lower-priced skincare
items may carry the risk of causing damage. Subsequently, social risk comes into play, as the chosen
product and its consequences may influence how others perceive the consumer, potentially
impacting self-esteem and confidence. This, in turn, introduces the psychological risk, as making a
suboptimal decision may lead to a loss of self-respect.

“Because oftentimes the difference in composure ingredients like, if we're talking cosmetics
or specifically oftentimes the difference in ingredients in that particular category is nowhere

near enough to justify the price difference, in my opinion. Or if it's something like clothing, I
usually just can't afford the more expensive one.” - Time Connolly

Various factors play a pivotal role in influencing consumer decisions when considering alternative or
"dupe" brands. Key determinants include the reputation of the dupe brand, the extent of
resemblance to the original product, overall quality, and notably, two major influencers: price and

Delving deeper into the significance of price in consumer decision-making, individuals express a
nuanced perspective on how cost influences their choices. While price stands out as a major
determinant, it's not merely about seeking a cheaper alternative; rather, it's about value and the
perceived worth of the product.

Stacy Constantino articulates a proportional approach, especially in the context of makeup products.
She mentions a specific percentage—around 20%—as the ideal difference she seeks. This nuanced

approach suggests that consumers like Stacy are not seeking an outright cheaper version but rather a
product that strikes a balance between affordability and quality. The 20% threshold implies a sweet
spot where a reasonable reduction in price aligns with their expectations without compromising on
perceived value.

For luxury items, the sensitivity to price intensifies. Stacy emphasizes her reluctance to exceed a
certain price threshold, indicating a specific upper limit of over a hundred dollars. This highlights a
clear boundary where the price becomes a deterrent, irrespective of the product's allure or

“If it's something like a makeup product, I feel like 20% is probably the difference that I'm
looking for. But if it's something that's a luxury item. I don't want to pay like over a hundred
dollars for it.” - Stacy Constantino

Similarly, Tim Connolly provides insights into the decision-making process by stating that if the dupe
is only marginally cheaper, he might lean towards the more expensive option. However, the term
"substantial enough" underscores a crucial point — the perceived value gained from a more
affordable alternative must be significant to sway the decision.

“Well. if the dupe is only a teeny bit cheaper. Then maybe I'll go with the more expensive
one. But usually it's substantial enough that, like, yeah, I'm gonna go for the cheaper one. so
I guess it's pretty important.” - Tim Connolly

The study employed an interactive interview process where participants made choices between
fashion and technology products, leading to the presentation of original and dupe options. This
approach aimed to gain insights into participants' motivations when purchasing dupes in-depth.

When we presented two products and inquired about their initial thoughts and motivations for
choosing the dupe over the original brand, a consistent pattern emerged in both categories. Across
the board, participants invariably began their discourse by emphasizing the aspect of price.

Grace Crider succinctly encapsulated this shared sentiment by expressing that, upon viewing the
products, her primary impression was that they looked virtually identical, with the key distinguishing
factor being a substantial difference in price. This concise observation highlights the immediate focus
on the financial aspect and the perceptible affordability contrast between the two options.

“That they look exactly the same except one is a lot cheaper” - Grace Crider

In the realm of reviews, a critical aspect emerged—consumers express a distinct preference for
unbiased assessments. Stacy Constantino, for instance, highlighted the importance of impartiality in
reviews. She articulated a specific desire for makeup product reviews that showcase the product on
someone's skin, coupled with an unbiased evaluation. Sponsored videos, where individuals are
compensated for demonstrating the product, raise skepticism, as the financial incentive could
compromise the objectivity of the review.

Stacy's perspective reflects a cautious approach, with a greater willingness to trust reviews from
individuals genuinely interested in trying the product. This signifies a shift in consumer trust
dynamics, favoring authenticity over promotional content.

For non-makeup items like clothing, purses, or shoes, the review process takes a multifaceted
approach. Consumers like Stacy actively seek out diverse media, from product photos to unboxing
videos. This comprehensive exploration involves scrutinizing intricate details, material quality, and
the overall user experience.

“I wanna see if it's like a makeup product. I want to see what it looks like on someone's skin
and I want to read an unbiased review. So if it's a sponsored video where they're
demonstrating the product, I'm usually not going to trust what someone says, because
they're getting paid but if it's just somebody who wants to try it I'm most likely gonna listen
to them. And then anything that's like a clothing item, or a purse or shoes, or anything like
that. I still like to look up product photos, or any kind of video of somebody like actually
unboxing it, going over the details of it, talking about the material quality, etc.” - Stacy

Perception of Product Dupes

When considering the aspect of quality, our sources highlighted a shared understanding that opting
for dupes inherently entails accepting an inferior quality. This acknowledgment extends beyond price
considerations to encompass various facets such as materials and overall product quality.

Natalie Brunson, for instance, expressed a pragmatic perspective. While there may have been
instances where a purchased dupe didn't precisely replicate the original brand, her price-conscious
shopping approach mitigated any potential regrets. She emphasized that, due to her awareness of
the trade-offs in quality inherent to dupe purchases, she was content with her decision and didn't
experience regret.

“I don’t know if I had any regrets from purchasing a dupe, but overall, I mean, there have
been times where something had arrived that wasn’t exactly like the original brand. But
because I'm pretty price conscious and shop that way, it was fine. There was no regret, I kind
of knew what I was getting.” - Natalie Brunson

Similarly, Mia Brunson echoes the sentiment that when choosing dupes, there's an inherent
acceptance of certain differences from the original product. The explicit acknowledgment of these
disparities suggests a level of informed decision-making. Mia's statement implies that as long as the
consumer is comfortable with the divergences in quality, noticing such distinctions doesn't lead to
regret. Instead, it aligns with a mindset of understanding and accepting the trade-offs associated
with opting for a more affordable alternative.

“The products are obviously going to be somewhat cheaper than the original. However, it's
obviously not going to be the exact thing. There are obviously going to be differences, and

you may be able to notice them. But if you're okay with the differences, then that works,
correct." - Mia Brunson

Brand Loyalty and Product Dupes

Attitudes Towards Brand Loyalty

Attitudes toward brand loyalty vary among informants, with a common sentiment being that while it
holds importance, it is not an absolute commitment. Respondents emphasize the prioritization of
personal needs and budget constraints over unwavering brand allegiance.

David Imbert, Jordan Da Costa and Veronica Mendez’s viewpoints provide insight into a common
mindset where brand loyalty is recognized but not deemed as an inflexible commitment. Imbert's
emphasis on prioritizing quality and functionality suggests a consumer orientation grounded in
tangible product attributes. The willingness to opt for a more affordable alternative, commonly
referred to as a "dupe," reveals a pragmatism that transcends brand loyalty when economic factors
come into play.

“Brand loyalty is important, but it's not absolute. I value quality and functionality over brand
names, and if a dupe offers these at a more affordable price, I'd be inclined to choose it.” -
David Imbert
“Brand loyalty is significant, but if a dupe offers these at a lower price, I'd opt for it.” - Jordan
Da Costa
“While I appreciate brand loyalty, I prioritize my personal needs and budget.” - Veronica

On the contrasting end of the spectrum, Abby Burkholder's perspective introduces a divergence
wherein brand loyalty is downplayed, with the exception of health-related considerations.
Burkholder's emphasis on health-related benefits as a potential motivator for brand loyalty highlights
the nuanced nature of loyalty factors, where certain aspects of a product or brand may warrant
steadfast allegiance.

“I don’t consider brand loyalty very important unless it is for health. Or like health benefits.
So, yeah. Brand loyalty is not something I think about often.” - Abby Burkholder

Ethical and Moral Considerations Associated with Dupes

Delving deeper into the ethical considerations of purchasing product dupes, it becomes evident that
the issue is multifaceted. On one hand, there's the ethical dilemma surrounding intellectual property
and fair competition. Design theft and the replication of products can stifle innovation and creativity
within the industry, impacting original designers and companies. This raises questions about the
morality of supporting such practices by purchasing dupes.

“The ethical considerations associated with purchasing product dupes might involve issues of
intellectual property, imitation, or supporting unethical practices in manufacturing. However,
the decision to purchase dupes often depends on individual circumstances and personal
values.” - David Imbert
“The decision to purchase product dupes can raise ethical and moral dilemmas concerning
intellectual property and fair competition. Supporting dupe products could be seen as
potentially infringing on the original creator's intellectual rights, potentially impacting
innovation and creativity in the industry. There are also concerns regarding the transparency
of the manufacturing process, including questions about labor conditions and environmental
sustainability. However, individual perspectives on ethical considerations can vary, as some
consumers might prioritize affordability or personal financial constraints over these ethical
concerns when making their purchasing choices.” - Jordan Da Costa

Additionally, financial constraints often play a significant role in purchasing decisions. Consumers
facing budget limitations may opt for dupes as a more affordable alternative. However, the
responsibility of companies producing dupes is also crucial. It's not just about replicating the product,
but also its presentation, branding, and marketing, which raises concerns about ethical business

“As a student, I'm aware of the ethical concerns tied to purchasing product dupes but due to
financial constraints, affording the original branded products often proves challenging. While
I value ethical considerations, my choices are frequently shaped by the necessity for
cost-effective alternatives within my budget as a student.” - Jordan Da Costa

For other informants, there are no ethical and moral considerations associated with dupes.

Marketing Applications
Buyer Persona

Introducing Our Innovative New App - EZDupes

Imagine a revolutionary application, EZDupes, designed to redefine your online shopping experience.
We all know platforms like Tripadvisor, Booking, and Kayak, but when it comes to comparing
products, finding a centralized solution can be challenging. That's where EZDupes comes in, offering
a comprehensive price comparison platform for all areas, whether it's fashion, electronics, or books.

EZDupes - your ultimate guide for informed choices

EZDupes doesn't just stop at comparing prices; it unveils a revolutionary approach to online
shopping. At its core is a distinctive functionality that transcends traditional comparisons,
empowering users to scrutinize original products meticulously alongside their more economical
counterparts dispersed across diverse markets. This feature isn't merely a tool; it's a compass guiding
users through the labyrinth of options, ensuring they make choices aligned with their preferences
and budget constraints.

What sets EZDupes in a league of its own is the incorporation of verified and unbiased consumer
reviews, creating an ecosystem of authenticity and transparency. Every review undergoes a stringent

validation process, ensuring that users are not only comparing prices but making decisions based on
real, trustworthy experiences shared by their peers.

However, the true game-changer is EZDupes' loyalty program, a dynamic engine that propels user
engagement to unprecedented levels. Unlike traditional platforms where users are passive
consumers, here they become active contributors to a vibrant community. When users share honest
and insightful reviews, they are not just expressing opinions; they are earning tangible rewards,
fostering a culture where every voice matters. User engagement is not only about sharing opinions
through written reviews but extends into a dynamic multimedia experience. When users go the extra
mile to post pictures or videos as part of their reviews—capturing the product in action, conducting
tests, or showcasing a side-by-side comparison of the received item with its online
representation—they earn even more significant rewards within the loyalty program.

EZDupes - where your discoveries become the heartbeat of the community

Within the "Discover" section of EZDupes, users have the power to curate and share captivating
videos showcasing their latest dupe finds—a feature akin to the engaging format found on TikTok.
This dynamic element not only transforms the application into a visually immersive platform but also
serves as a perpetual wellspring of content, constantly evolving through the vibrant contributions of

Encouraging an interactive ecosystem, EZDupes prompts users to share their thoughts through
comments, fostering a community-driven dialogue. This intentional space for commentary becomes
a hub for users to exchange insights on product quality, offer valuable purchasing advice, and
collectively elevate the overall shopping experience. In essence, the "Discover" section emerges as a
dynamic arena where the community actively shapes and refines the content, creating a truly
collaborative and informed space for discovering the best dupes in the market.

EZDupes - where personal style knows no financial boundaries

Within the EZDupes app, users have access to a unique feature: the "Dressing Room." This dedicated
section serves as a personalized space where users can meticulously curate and showcase every
dupe they discover. More than just a catalog, the "Dressing Room" becomes a dynamic reflection of
individual style, offering users a convenient way to organize and share their favorite dupes with

What sets EZDupes apart is its inclusivity. In addition to user-created dressing rooms, influencers also
contribute to this collective space. Imagine admiring a high-end fashion item showcased by an
influencer, but it's beyond your budget. No worries—EZDupes transforms this scenario. Influencers,
too, curate their own "Dressing Room," featuring not only their original picks but also affordable
dupes found on the app.

This transformative feature means that users can seamlessly connect with an influencer's style world,
regardless of income levels. If an influencer flaunts a designer piece, they can now find and add a
more budget-friendly dupe to their "Dressing Room." This not only democratizes fashion but also

bridges the gap between aspirational and accessible styles, creating a space where users and
influencers unite in the pursuit of diverse and budget-friendly fashion expression.

EZDupes - where the allure of celebrity fashion is brought within reach, and exclusive pop-ups
become immersive portals into the style universes of the stars.

In a nod to the influence of celebrities, EZDupes goes beyond by organizing exclusive pop-up events
in diverse locations, each centered around a highlighted personality. This strategic move presents
users with a rare chance to explore and acquire the favorite dupes curated by their beloved

Picture this: a pop-up event featuring dupes inspired by a renowned celebrity, showcasing their
iconic style in a tangible and accessible manner. Users not only witness but can directly experience
and purchase these celebrity-endorsed picks. It's an immersive journey where the power of celebrity
influence meets the accessibility of budget-friendly dupes.

These carefully orchestrated pop-ups become more than just events; they are gateways into the
fashion worlds of celebrities, allowing users to align their style with their favorite stars. EZDupes
transforms admiration into a tangible experience, creating a dynamic intersection where celebrity
styles and affordable fashion seamlessly converge.

The qualitative research conducted by our team aimed to explore what motivates consumers,
especially those belonging to generation Z, to purchase dupes. Through in-depth interviews, we
gained valuable insights into the factors influencing their decisions, perceptions of product dupes,
brand loyalty, and ethical considerations associated with these purchases.

Key Findings

Motivations for Choosing Product Dupes = Affordability emerged as the primary motivator for
choosing product dupes. Respondents, particularly those with financial constraints such as students,
opted for dupes to save money without compromising on quality or style.

Influence of Price and Reviews = Price played a crucial role in decision-making, but consumers sought
a balance between affordability and perceived value. Reviews, particularly unbiased and authentic
ones, were highly valued, indicating a shift towards trust in user-generated content.

Perception of Product Dupes = Consumers acknowledged the trade-offs in quality when choosing
dupes but expressed satisfaction when aligning with their budget-conscious shopping approach.
Acceptance of differences in quality mitigated any potential regrets.

Brand Loyalty = While brand loyalty was recognized, it was not absolute. Consumers prioritized
personal needs, budget constraints, and quality over unwavering allegiance to a specific brand.

Ethical Considerations = The study highlighted the multifaceted nature of ethical considerations
associated with dupes. Intellectual property concerns, fair competition, and transparency in
manufacturing were acknowledged, but financial constraints often influenced purchasing decisions.

Implications for Businesses

1. Businesses can benefit from emphasizing price transparency and showcasing the value
offered by their products. Clearly communicating the quality and features of original
products, as well as any ethical practices, can influence consumer choices.

2. Integrating authentic user reviews into marketing strategies can build trust. Businesses can
create platforms or engage with existing ones where users share their experiences, fostering
a sense of community and authenticity.

3. Recognizing the diversity of consumer budgets and preferences, businesses can adopt
inclusive marketing strategies. Highlighting both high-end and budget-friendly options can
cater to a wider audience.

4. Collaborating with influencers to showcase both original and dupe products can bridge the
gap between aspirational and accessible styles. Exclusive events featuring celebrity-endorsed
dupes can create unique and immersive experiences for consumers.

5. Businesses producing dupes should consider transparent communication about their

manufacturing processes, ethical sourcing, and commitment to fair competition. Addressing
ethical concerns can positively impact consumer perceptions.

Our research provides nuanced insights into the motivations of consumers when purchasing product
dupes. The findings offer actionable recommendations for businesses to align their marketing
strategies with the preferences and values of this demographic. As the consumer landscape
continues to evolve, understanding and adapting to these insights can contribute to building stronger
connections with the target audience.


Informed Consent Form

Project Title: Decoding Consumer Preferences: The Rising Popularity of Dupes and Their Significance
for Businesses in a Dynamic Marketplace

Researcher: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

I, the undersigned, hereby agree to participate in the research project titled “Decoding Consumer
Preferences: The Rising Popularity of Dupes and Their Significance for Businesses in a Dynamic
Marketplace” conducted by [Your Name] as a participant. I understand the nature and purpose of the
study and agree to the following terms:

Purpose of the Study: I understand that the purpose of this study is to investigate the motivations,
behaviors, and perceptions of consumers in relation to the adoption of dupe (duplicate) products in
the industry. The study aims to gain insights into how various consumer segments, including Gen Z
trendsetters, Millennial savvy shoppers, social media influencers, high-end brand enthusiasts, and
online shoppers, approach and engage with dupe products. By exploring their decision-making
processes, influences, and experiences, this research seeks to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the role of dupes in contemporary consumer choices and how they are influenced
by factors such as trends, brand loyalty, and online shopping experiences.

Procedure: I agree to participate in an in-depth interview as part of this study. The interview is
expected to last approximately [duration] and will be conducted via video call.

Confidentiality: I understand that the information I provide during the interview will be kept
confidential. My identity will not be disclosed in any reports or publications resulting from this

Voluntary Participation: I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary, and I may
withdraw at any time without consequence. I may decline to answer any specific question during the

Use of Data: I agree that the data collected from the interview may be used for research purposes
and may be quoted or paraphrased in research reports or publications.

Contact Information: I may contact the researcher, [Your Name], at [Your Contact Information], for
any questions or concerns related to the study.
I hereby consent to participate in the research study as described above.

Participant's Name: _______________________

Participant's Signature: _______________________

Date: _______________________
Serena McNabb: Okay. So could you provide your age, gender, occupation and income level?
Natalie Brunson: Yes, I am a 41 year old female. I work in the manufacturing industry and I'm at an
income level, I guess, individually at around 85 ,000.
Serena McNabb: Okay. Okay. Are you familiar with the concept of dupes?
Natalie Brunsion: Yes.
Serena McNabb: Okay. And then what do you understand about the term product dupes? So the term
dup itself is a dup, sorry, dup refers to a cheaper knock off version of an expensive product that closely
resembles the original appearance and function. So what do you, I guess, understand by that term?
Natalie Brunson: So by understanding of that is it looks very similar, feels very similar depending on the
industry that it comes from. It operates in a similar way if you're talking about technology. So it's made
to look like and feel like the original product or a higher price product, but it's typically sold at a much
lower price. I think that, like I said, I think that the dupes can be found and probably pretty much any
industry if you know what you're looking for, if that's something that you're seeking out.
Serena McNabb: Okay. Have you ever purchased any dupes products? I have, actually. And can you
describe your experience purchasing that product?
Natalie Brunson: I personally do look for the product dupes prior to maybe dropping money on certain
things that are more well priced. For the most part, my experience has been pleasant. If I do a little more
research on it and search around for the best looking or best acting dupe, I typically have been able to
find products that I'm pleased with.
Serena McNabb: Okay. How often do you shop for product dupes in general?
Natalie Brunson: I would say pretty much any time I'm looking to make a purchase outside of, you know,
everyday purchases like groceries and things like that. I'm always looking for a bargain and if there are
products out there that very much closely resemble other products, I'll take the time to research and to,
you know, see them in person and really make the distinction between the two.
Serena McNabb: Okay. And how often do you shop for products? Sorry, how did you find out about, you
know, you use new products that you buy?
Natalie Brunson: I think a lot of stuff is out there online by looking maybe in social media or I have a 13 -
year daughter. So she's very well versed in what products are out there and what's popular. And I would
say that friends or where social media probably plays a larger role in that. And knowing what's out there
and what's popular.
Serena McNabb: And so we're going to move on to our motivations for purchasing section. So why do
you choose to purchase product dupes instead of the original brands?
Natalie Brunson: I think for me it's probably more affordability than the fact that if if I can't really tell the
difference, I don't believe that other people would be able to tell a difference. If the quality is good, you
know, good enough, I guess I should say. And I do believe that probably original brands maybe have a
high quality to them. But if the dupe has a high quality to it as well and it's much more affordable, that's
certainly something that I would probably lean more towards the price. And then I also just think that
some, you know, original brands or main brands are ridiculously expensive and don't necessarily think
that they're even worth that amount of money. So for me, it's getting a decent quality for a decent price.
Serena McNabb: Okay, so what factors influence your decision making process when choosing product
dupes? I know you said prices, another factor.
Natalie Brunson: Yeah, for sure. Price is definitely a factor. I think to the quality does have something to
do with it. I wouldn't waste any money on something that at least wasn’t of good quality and if it was a
dupe, um, so it has to have a nice balance of the price but also quality in that it will last for an extended
period of time. Its really just looking at something and what it costs and what you’re getting for your
money. Um. So nobody wants to buy something cheap that’s going to fall apart but if it’s a dupe that is
good quality that looks like the original, at a good price, then those are all the things to consider.
Serena McNabb: and…so… you kind of touched up on this, so, how important is the price difference
between the dupe and the original product when making your purchasing decision? And you said price is
a determining factor, so I guess, could you just elaborate more on that?

Natalie Brunson: Yeah, like I said if it’s a small margin between the price of the original and the dupe, and
I feel like the quality of the original far out ways the quality of the dupe then I think that it is important to
look at the price and it may be worth it. I feel like the dupes that I have used, theres not a giant difference
in quality, so to me the price is important when I make the purchase decision. Because if I can get more
“band for my buck” then that is certainly something to consider, when you know, raising a family. And
having various places where your money needs to go, its absolutely to take a look at those kinds of things.
Serena McNabb: Okay. So, now were moving on to our perception of product section. So, how do you
perceive the quality, value for money, and overall satisfaction of product dupes?

Natalie Brunson: Um. I, like I had stated, I think there are a lot of products out there that have quality
dupes that are very valuable for the money that you are spending. And I do understand that there are
original brands and brand names that have quality in those kinds of things. But for me I perceive in at least
what I purchase, the quality of it is satisfactory to the dupe overall since I am spending less money on it. I
think that the quality is fairly equal to the value.

Serena McNabb: So, how would you describe the differences in quality between product dupes and
original brands? For example, better, worse, or equal?

Natalie Brunson: Um. I would, I’m sure there are, you know, plenty of dupes out there that don’t stack up
to the original. But from my experience and the things that I look at in fashion and in home good product,
things like that. I think that the difference in quality is minimal. Um. Like I said, I’m sure there are brands
that just don’t compare, right, when you go to find a dupe for it. Overall, I think that quality…sure it might
be a little less, but its not such a large difference, for me, where it would deter me from buying the dupe
because they seem fairly equal. Based on the products that I am buying.

Serena McNabb: Have you ever regretted purchasing a dupe instead of the original product? If yes, what
were the reasons for your regret?

Natalie Brunson: Um. I cant think of a specific time where I had regret for buying a dupe product. I can say
that certainly with some fashion and things like that, you do sort of know, what your getting into when
you purchase that type of product. Um. So, I don’t know if I had any regrets from purchasing a dupe, but
overall, I mean, there have been times where something had arrived that wasn’t exactly like the original
brand. But because I’m pretty price conscious and shop that way, it was fine. There was no regret, I kind
of knew what I was getting.

Serena McNabb: Okay, what are some of the key benefits you see in choosing product dupes instead of
the original products? So, this is very similar to, like, kind of how we talked about price and quality. Are
there any other benefits, um, that you can think of?

Natallie Brunson: um. Well, I mean obviously, like you said, one of the biggest benefits is going to be the
price. I mean you will always have a little more money in your pocket. Um, that’s always a good thing. I
think that just in general there’s, you know like I said, there’s probably brands out there that for whatever
reason cost a ridiculous amount of money. I think that the benefit to finding a good-looking dupe, um,
instead of that original products would be, being able to be cost conscious and social conscious, depending
on, I guess the brand your talking about.
Serena McNabb: Alright, we’re going to be moving onto our brand loyalty section. So, does purchasing
product dupes affect your loyalty towards the original brands?

Natalie Brunson: I think that, certainly, if you purchase enough of a dupe product and your quality is good,
then you know settle on that kind of thing then that probably would affect the loyalty towards the original
brand. It doesn’t make the original brand any less than, um, but I think that overall if you’re getting a
quality dupe then why spend that kind of money. Unless you just like Nike, or whatever it is. Um. But I
think that, I would say for me at least if I am going to continue looking for dupes then it is affecting the
brand loyalty towards the original brand.

Serena McNabb: And so, in general what is your attitude towards brand loyalty? Do you consider it

Natalie Brunson: um. You know. I think it honestly depends on the industry, or area youre talking about.
I mean I think there are things like health products or health care products that, um, that it may be
important to have a brand loyalty towards. Just because it involves your health. So, I would consider it
more in that respect, but with things like clothing I don’t know that it really matters that much. Unless its
something that is affecting my health, or the health of my family.

Serena McNabb: Okay, so we’re going to change the subject into shopping for dupe products. So, do
you actively seek out dupe products or stumble upon them while shopping?

Natalie Brunson: um. I think that it could go both ways. So. For example clothing or shoes, you know,
you’re aware of what the trend is and your specifically out there looking for a certain style. I shop around,
so I might be looking for the best price on the original product somewhere else then come across the
dupe. Then ill dig a little deeper, and see if the dupe is just as good as the original product or whatever.
So I think it goes both ways, I’ve done both. I’ve actually seeked out dupe products, because I just knew
that the original product was going to be way to expensive, or just wanted the look or feel of a product. I
also think other times you do just stumble upon them. But I think when I do my shopping it has been both.

Serena McNabb: Where do you usually find product dupes? Like, do you find them on social media or
through friends?

Natalie Brunson: All honestly. I think typically online, I mean, when you shop big retail stores things like
that, that carry similar products have the same look. I would say online. And then in the stores, lets say
your walking around Belks. They carry some different products with several different lines, and it’s kind
of designed that way so you can see, good, better best. So, I think it is online shopping but it does actually
occur within the stores.
Serena McNabb: Are there any specific brands or retailers that you trust when it comes to purchasing
dupe products?

Natalie Brunson: um. What I trust… I would say, I don’t know. I guess for whatever reason I trust amazon,
but I don’t know that I should. Um. But I would say that because you have the ability to see what other
people experiences are, and things like that. That might be one of the retailers that I would trust more so
when it comes to purchasing a dupe product. Just because I can see what other people have thought
about it.

Serena McNabb: Okay, so. I'd like you to select a category that you feel most aligned with your
preferences. These categories are fashion and streetwear. Or technology and gadgets.

Natalie Brunson: Probably fashion and streetwear. Because I know more about those products.

Serena McNabb: Can you tell us about your experience with these fashion products in general?

Natalie Brunson: um. Yeah, I mean, I go across the board. So, see the value in owning a few nice pieces of
fashion, and its always nice to follow the trends. But then on the flip side of that, I’m totally fine with
buying the dupe that saves me money and um. Because I guess I am more of a thrifty shopper, so the
overall experience of purchasing fashion and shoes, anything in that kind of general area. I think that I
have done digging and research, so I can get the best price and sometimes maybe let the name brand go,
more often, if its something that I can get for a good price, and probably something that I am only going
to hang onto for a short amount of time anyway.

Serena McNabb: Have you ever purchased a dupe product in the fashion category? And if so what
motivated you to choose a dupe instead of the original product?

Natalie Brunson: um, no. I mean I have bought shoes that are dupes but I do not own any versace or steve
madden shoes. Although, I would say that what motivates me, um, to purchase these dupe shoes is
probably price, quality, and comfortability.

Serena McNabb: Okay. So, can you share an example of a dupe product you have bought in the past? How
satisfied were you with its quality and performance compared to the original product?

Natalie Brunson: Yeah, so, Uggs are a very popular shoe brand. I actually own several pares of dupe style
uggs. It really just came down to cost for me on that, and I was able to try them on and compare them.
And everything felt the same and looked the same, so I was certainly motivated by price but also the
quality of the product was just as good as the ugg product
Serena McNabb: Have you ever came across any other dupe products?

Natalie Brunson: I come across dupe products all the time, and it makes for interesting shopping.

Serena McNabb: Okay, and what are your initial thoughts or impressions when you see these products?

Natalie Brunson: um, I mean, they are very similar products and they look cute. Even though the original
looks really nice, I think I would go with the cheaper pair since it looks almost exatly like the original and
still looks like good quality.

Serena McNabb: Have you ever purchased any of these products or similar ones?

Natalie Brunson: um, no. I don’t own any of the shoes listed, but I do have a pair of air pods.
And. Personaly, for me, when I buy technology I prefer to buy the name brand product.

Serena McNabb: How do you perceive the quality of the product dupe compared to the original

20: 57
Natalie Brunson: um. In regards to technology, like I said, I stick with the name brand. I know
and trust those products, and I know that they are going to work. That is why I don’t buy the
dupe verson. With clothing and shoes, I don’t mind as much. And again, the price of the product
is a determining factor for me along with quality.

Serena McNabb:Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences with product

Natalie Brunson: I think overall, I have been mostly satisfied with the dupe product. I will say that I don’t
rush into purchasing the dupe product because I want to make sure the quality is good too. So I think that
if you do give an opportunity to do the research, compare the products then, I feel, that I’ve been able to
find some quality dupes that I have been happy with and suggest buying.

Serena McNabb: Well, that’s good, I would like to say thank you so much for interviewing with me today,

Natalie Brunson: Okay, awesome. Thank you.


Serena McNabb: Okay? So I'm going to start with some demographic questions. Can you provide
your age. gender. occupation, income level and name?

Mia Brunson: My name's Mia. I'm 13 years old. I'm a female. I attend Bankstrall Middle school
and I don't have a job.
Serena McNabb: Okay, great. We're gonna move on to the product knowledge section. So are
you familiar with the concept of dups?

Mia Brunson: I am
Serena McNabb: great. So what do you understand about the term? Do products? And so
remember that do refers to a cheaper knockout version of an expensive product that closely
resembles the original. So what can you tell me about your understanding of these do products.

Mia Brunson: I think I've learned a lot about the understanding of what dupe means from the
Apt Tik talk, and people selling more products and dukes of more expensive things for people
who aren't able to afford as nice things.
Serena McNabb: But have you ever purchased any dupe products? And if so, please describe
your experiencing purchasing those products.

Mia Brunson: I believe I have. I think I bought a dupe product for a make up brand. I think it was
a moisturizer, but I think so. I call this a dupe because it's not really like the nicer version, but
Sedophil. moisturizer for the serving like. because survey is more expensive than cetera, and
they both work the exact same.
Serena McNabb: Okay. and so how often do you shop? For you know these products in general,
these Duke products.

Mia Brunson: So if I need to get something like in that exact moment, I would go every so often.
But if I have the. I guess. what am I trying to say? Enough money to get like the real deal? Then I
would get it. But if I don't have as much money at the time. And I need to get something. Then
every so often I would get the dupe.
Serena McNabb: Okay? So you say, you would frequently shop for these products. so how often?
Oh, I'm sorry. So how often do you shop for dupe product in general?

Mia Brunson: So if I need to get something like in that exact moment, I would go every so often.
But if I have the. I guess. what am I trying to say? Enough money to get like the real deal? Then I
would get it. But if I don't have as much money at the time. And I need to get something. Then
every so often I would get the dupe.
Serena McNabb: How do you find out about you mentioned tick tock, do you mostly find?
Mia Brunson: um, yeah, through Tiktok.did you find out about these new products through

Mia Brunson: Yeah.
Serena McNabb: okay. So next, we're going to move on to the motivations for purchasing these
products. So, our question here is, why do you choose to purchase product or do products
instead of the original brands.

Mia Brunson: I believe if they work the same, and they're cheaper and more affordable, then
that would always be the better option.
Serena McNabb: Okay, so what factors influence your decision-making process when choosing
due product? So you're talking about price? So are there any other? You know, decision making
like factors that go into this so like quality. like appearance, anything like that that goes into this
decision making process.

Mia Brunson: Yeah, I believe it's not just like the amount that it costs, but I also think it should be
somewhat a decent like I should. I feel like it should be able to have a good quality and have
somewhat the same as the original. That's the things trying to dupe off of. And yes.
Serena McNabb: okay, so how important is price difference between the do or the fake product
and the original product when making your purchase decision.

Mia Brunson: I believe it should be important, because if you're gonna get something that's, I
guess, less nicer than the regular deal, it should be not as expensive, and you should be able to
afford it.
Serena McNabb: Okay. so we're gonna move on to the perception of you know, Dupe, section.
how do you perceive the quality value for money and over all satisfaction of these due products
when you purchase it.

Mia Brunson: I think, I don't really necessarily have any sort of. I guess, different kind of view on
these type of things. I don't really care that much, for I guess the money portion of it, unless it
works well, and it satisfies. I guess the knee that I was going for. And the Dupe. that's really like
Serena McNabb: Okay. have you noticed any difference in quality between due products and the
original brand.
Mia Brunson: Yes, I mean, the do products are obviously gonna be a cheaper. somewhat like the
original. However, it's obviously not going to be the exact thing. There's gonna obviously be
differences. and you may be able to notice it. But if you're okay with the differences, then that
Serena McNabb: correct. Have you ever regretted purchasing a dupe instead of the original
product? And if so, what were the reasons for your regret?

Mia Brunson: Yes, I believe when I'm on Tiktok. Sometimes it will try and get me to buy a dupe of
something, and it's like, Oh, you know. it's cheaper, and I don't have the much money for the
original. So the dupe is the way to go.However, not everything online. It's exactly true. And what
they kind of were, I guess, stating about the product wasn't necessarily what I thought it was
gonna be. So I don't believe dupes are all that great. But if they work they work for some people.

Serena McNabb: sure. so what are some of the key benefits that you see and choosing do
products instead of the original? So what's like? Just like the main reason why. like getting like
per purchasing these products, basically.

Mia Brunson: because they're cheaper.

Serena McNabb: Okay? So money is a really big benefit for you.

Mia Brunson: Yes.

Serena McNabb: Okay. so we're gonna move on to the brand loyalty section. And, so, this first
question is. does purchasing product dukes affect your loyalty towards the original brand. So
would you prefer. if you like, a due product? Would you prefer buying that all the time, instead of
going to the original brand. that it's basically copying off of basically

Mia Brunson: if the Dupe brand is good and I haven't tried the original brand yet. I wouldn't
mind sticking to the du. However, I also wouldn't mind trying the original.
Serena McNabb: So you don't think that it really affects brand loyalty, then you think that it just
depends. Okay, so what are your attitudes towards brand loyalty? Do you consider important?
my attitudes towards brand loyalty so like, for example, like a Nike brand like you really like what
the brand stands for. Like. It's clothing and things like that. So I mean, you'd be loyal to to toward
that brand. Do you think like do you have like any attributes just about that in general? And you
consider that to be important when, like basically purchasing products.

Mia Brunson: I don't believe it's necessarily like. I guess your loyalty towards a specific brand. It's
more, if you like the brand. And you wanna stick to it or not. because everyone has different
opinions, and if you change your mind on. I guess your view of the specific brand, then you don't
necessarily have to stick to that one brand.
Serena McNabb: Okay. Do you believe that there are any ethical or moral considerations
associated with purchasing? Do products?

Mia Brunson: like, what do I consider?

Serena McNabb: Yeah. So like you know, if it's hmm. like.I don't know. Do you think there's any
like reasons, basically like any ethical or more reasons that you would consider to like. not
purchase or purchase one of these fake products. So, for example, like with like face products
like makeup products, or whatever do you think like May? Maybe there could be something
involved with that? So like some people tend to not like it purchasing dupe products for makeup
because of Because they'll be going under skin. So do you think there are like any any like any
ethical moral considerations that you would consider when purchasing fake or duke products.

Mia Brunson: Yes, also. Thank you for going into detail about that. I believe that something like if
you were to talk about facial dupes and stuff. you would have to really like be on the lookout for
what's like. and the actual bottle that you're using. cause you don't really know. It's the
chemicals. And these dupes are different from the original. They're not the exact same thing. So
you have to like, really look out as to what might not go the best with your skin as it is for the

Serena McNabb: Okay. so we're gonna move on to the shopping habits of these product dukes.
so do you actively seek out product dukes, or stumble upon them when shopping.

Mia Brunson: Yes, most of them catch my eye because I've seen them on tick talk. And I've just
seen them while, like, somewhat online.

Serena McNabb: next, so, where do you usually find these do products? So you do say that you
see them on tick, tock. So online platforms, do you see them on any other online platforms or
any specific ones? Or do your friends happen to tell you about them? in in any other areas?

Mia Brunson: Yeah, I mean, me and my friends have tick tock and other social media platforms.
So most of us typically talk about dukes and the original. And then we will. I guess I get,
recommend it to them if we like it.
Serena McNabb: Okay? And are there any specific brands or retailers that you trust when it
comes to purchasing gift products? So any specific brands that you would see like on Tiktok, that
you might trust when it comes purchasing your products.
Mia Brunson: I think any. So I think sedophil is a good dupe it really has made my skin like a lot
better. And a lot more moisturized and I was kind of worried at first. that it wouldn't be as good
as Saravi, because everyone says how Saravi's good. However, I've never tried it, so I wouldn't
know. But Sedophil has worked really well for me. So, yeah.
Serena McNabb: okay? And okay, so I would like you to select a category that you will most
aligns with your preferences. So, do you prefer fashion and street wear or technology and

Mia Brunson: Fashionist street wear.
Serena McNabb: Okay, fashion and screecher. So can you tell me about your experiences with
fashion products in general? Is your overall experience of like spying fashion products?

Mia Brunson: I believe fashion is a big part of who I am as a person and showing who I am when
I want to express my sort of I guess style i've been into fashion for a, while, now, I always be on
the lookout for you know, cool clothes or just things that I think would suit me best an make me
look cool.
Serena McNabb: Okay. So have you ever purchased a due product. You know, in the fashion field.
And if so. what made motivated you to choose that product instead of the original?

Mia Brunson: I don't really care that much, for I guess the money portion of it, unless it works
well, and it satisfies. I guess the knee that I was going for. And the Dupe. that's really like it.
Serena McNabb: Okay, can you share an example of a dupe product you have bought in the
past? How satisfied were you with its quality and performance compared to the original

Mia Brunson: Yeah, so, I'm really into athletic wear. And a really big brand that's been trinning is
lulu lemon, however, the thing with their leggings is there $100 each. And that is extremely
expensive for one pair of leggings when you can get couple pairs off of sheen, or go to old Navy
for like 10 bucks, which is a lot cheaper then blue lumen leggings, which are the same material
and work the exact same.
Serena McNabb: Okay? Have you ever come across any of these products before?

Mia Brunson: No
Serena McNabb: And what are your initial thoughts or impressions when you see these do
products.So in regards to fashion, or just in general.

Mia Brunson: I think like with a little lemon and bold Navy leggings.

Serena McNabb: Yeah.

Mia Brunson: Um, well I think that with the dupe products Ive seen or like had. I believe I mean,
lulu lemon obviously is gonna be nicer because they're more expensive, and they take their time
making their leggings.but I mean, if leggings they all look the exact same. My opinion there
really isn't. Shouldn't be like a big price difference when it comes to athletic wear if they're just
meant. For one thing, one thing only which is working out. And you know, doing all of these
physical activities. If they perform the exact same, they shouldn't have much of a difference
Serena McNabb: Have you ever purchased any of these products shown in the link or similar

Mia Brunson: yeah, like. Um, I didn’t buy this but someone bought it for me. But the apple air
pod dupes. Ive had those before.
Serena McNabb: Okay, and what motivated you to choose the product dupe over the original

Mia Brunson: Well I didnt buy it, so nothing really, um, motivated me to choose that product.
But I have seen stuff like that on Tiktok.
Serena McNabb: Okay? Well, how do you perceive the quality of the product dupe compared to
the original brand?
Mia Brunson: Well, um. I still think air pods would be better. But the ones that I have are still
nice, and work good.
Serena McNabb: Okay? And so we're wrapping up this discussion. So is there anything else that
you would like to share about your experience with these do products.

Mia Brunson: I think, do. Products are just great in general. Sometimes you might not like a
specific do product, however, saved you a bunch of money if you haven't really noticed. It saves
you good money. and if they work the same they work the same. And you can stick to one
product and don't have to go for the more expensive, and one that I guess makes you lose more
Serena McNabb: Okay. well, thank you so much for interviewing me today. I really appreciate it.

Mia Brunson: Of course.

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