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A Surprise Party

Mary and John are best friends. They have

known each other since kindergarten and they
always celebrate their birthdays together.
Mary's birthday is on Friday and John has a
special plan for her. He is going to throw a
surprise party for her at his house. He has
invited all of their friends and he has bought a
cake, balloons, and decorations. He is also going
to give her a necklace that he made himself.

On Friday morning, John calls Mary and tells her

that he has a dentist appointment in the
afternoon. He says that he will meet her at the
park after his appointment and they can go to
the movies together. Mary agrees and wishes him
good luck. She doesn't suspect anything.

John finishes his appointment and goes to his

house. He calls their friends and tells them to
come over. He sets up the cake, the balloons, and
the decorations in the living room. He also puts
the necklace in a small box and wraps it with a
ribbon. He checks the time and sees that it is
almost 5 o'clock. He calls Mary and tells her that
he is on his way to the park. He says that he will
be there in 10 minutes.

Mary is waiting for John at the park. She is

wearing a new dress that she bought for her
birthday. She is looking forward to seeing John
and watching a movie with him. She thinks that
he is the best friend ever.

John arrives at the park and sees Mary. He

smiles and waves at her. He walks towards her
and gives her a hug. He says that he has a
surprise for her. He says that they are not going
to the movies. He says that they are going to his
house instead. Mary is confused and curious. She
asks him what the surprise is. John says that she
will find out soon. He takes her hand and leads
her to his car. He drives to his house.

They get to John's house and John tells Mary to

close her eyes. He guides her to the door and
opens it. He tells her to open her eyes. Mary
opens her eyes and sees all of their friends in
the living room. They shout "Surprise!" and
"Happy birthday!" Mary is shocked and delighted.
She can't believe that John planned a surprise
party for her. She thanks him and hugs him. She
says that he is the best friend ever.

She goes to the living room and greets their

friends. They give her presents and cards. They
sing happy birthday to her and cut the cake.
They eat, drink, and dance. They have a lot of

John gives Mary his present. He tells her that he

made it himself. He says that it is a necklace
with their initials. He says that it is a symbol of
their friendship. Mary loves it. She thanks him
and puts it on. She says that it is the most
beautiful necklace ever.

They have the best party ever. They agree that

it is the most wonderful day of their lives. They
take many photos and videos to remember their
party. They also make some new memories and
laugh a lot. They say that they will never forget
their party.
- dentist: a person who treats problems with
your teeth.
Example: John had a dentist appointment to
check his teeth.

- suspect: to think or believe something without

having proof or certainty.
Example: Mary didn’t suspect anything about
John’s plan.

- set up: to arrange or prepare something for use

or action.
Example: John set up the cake, the balloons, and
the decorations in the living room.

- wrap: to cover something with paper, cloth, or

other material.
Example: John wrapped the necklace in a small
box with a ribbon.

- confused: not able to understand or think

Example: Mary was confused when John said that
they were not going to the movies.
- curious: wanting to know or learn more about
Example: Mary was curious about John’s surprise.

- shocked: feeling surprised and upset by

something unexpected or unpleasant.
Example: Mary was shocked when she saw all of
their friends in the living room.

- delighted: feeling very happy or pleased.

Example: Mary was delighted that John planned a
surprise party for her.

- symbol: something that represents or stands

for something else, especially an idea or a
quality. Example: The necklace was a symbol of
their friendship.

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