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Unit 2 : ‘Stargirl’


No Definition

1 Yanking To pull on something with

a quick vigorous moment

2 Roam To go from place to place

without purpose or

3 stands Standing area of a sports


4 sole One and only

5 punted kick (the ball) a long

distance upfield

6 Stomped Tread heavily and

noisily, typically in order
to show anger.

7 racket A bat with a round or

oval frame strung with
catgut,nylon, etc.

8 heritage Property that is or may

be inherited

9 reluctant Feeling or showing

aversion, hesitation, or

10 linger Stay in a place longer

tha necessary because
of a reluctance to leave

11 sagged To droop, sink, or

settle from as if from
pressure or loss of

12 pranced Walk or move around

with ostentatious,
exaggerated movements.

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