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Name: Maverick N.

Section: ACT-231 (originally from ACT-233)

Activity 3: Everyday Heroes

In your life experience, who is your hero?
We have been exposed to valiant acts of defense against colonizers, heroes who bear arms and fight.
But everyday is a struggle. Nominate one person or more who you think is a role model, or who has
provided an example of courage, justice, sacrifice or kindness. Being kind is a form of good citizenship
which is often overlooked.

My grandmother is my hero in my eyes since she has taken care of me since I was a child. I know my
mother takes care of my needs, but since we were together every day, I've grown closer to my
grandma. She's the one who looks after me, teaches me new things, listens to my stories, offers me
advice, and does a variety of other things that I'll need help with as I get older. I suppose you could call
me "Lola's Boy" because I prefer to spend most of my time with her.

Also, I'm aware I should be closer to my mother, but I ended up growing estranged from her due to
misunderstandings and unforeseen circumstances. Of course, we have troubles in our relationship, just
like every other family, and right now, I don't care. I simply want to live a life free of problems and
hassles, so I choose not to intervene or say anything. I apologize for the abrupt narrative, but I feel like
I never have an opinion, especially when it comes to my mother, and I would rather choose someone
who listens and understands me, such as my grandmother.

My mother is always in charge, to the point that I have little freedom to make decisions and express my
opinions. While my grandmother knows me better since we have always been together since I was a
child, I also believe that we have the same attitude and thinking, whether I ask her questions about
anything or when she chooses to tell me stories from her past. I enjoy listening to her life stories and
teachings since I get to learn a lot from her, and I feel that I'll get to build myself into a better person in
that way. That's why she's my hero.

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