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oWing the

Oxample of
Karnataa iberal1sed ts p and teaching programmes, t is ant1cipatod that. mos!
tegards the grant
ot the new private universitios will have 10 close
ineeting owgs In the case at medcal education down. Incidentally. a lew other stato leginlatures havo
alisatton ane a iie later in both casos the passod similar umbreila Acts' but these have not
udents Catera
percldss A t a Irom the upper-middle, and received the assent of respective Governors because
om the statos of number
the eastern
The of the Chhattisgarh oxperience. New guidelines of the
Unversity Grants Commission require that stales pnss
ooleges started by sugar Kepar In lndia enHversity
tot the wards of its me
and in doing so
. e nstitutions ot
the ropute.. or those hawune
ontnbbuted to and economic prograss of tho
The starting of coiloges in the lielda ol allopathic granted university status under Section3 o the
e e and nurSing is not easy. because of strict Universily Grants Commission Act, 1956. Such
dics relating lo intrastructure. Hence, many institutions
are called
|e rusts have started dental, ayurvedic and deened-to-be-univeraties or
simply deemed universities, The first deemed-ta-be
meopathic colleges which the requirements are university was recognised in 1958 and by the end ol
string the century 44 institulions had been granted this
The ansion in management instituions in the Were some reputed private
ted in the early 1990s, as the demand tor inslittion
went up sharply. and the All India Council for nstitute of Technolgy. Ranchi
VBAS Birla Institute of Technolo Pilani,
cal Education adopted a liberal attitude with Manipal Acadomy of Higher Education, Manip and
Tpect to this discipline The applicants tor Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune However, lollowing
management programmes
attef-ott families. woro
Teacher generaily
educatlon thoseto grow
slarted lrom change of guidelines relating to tho grant of deemed
university status, in 2000, over 40 others have baen
later 1980s with
The the startingcolleges
education of colleges
cater conferred this stalus. About halt of them are private
institutions. The fact that many of these new deemed
students lrom the liberal arts belongung to the universities did not adequately meet the laid-down
conamiciy soCiety. In tact many norms, especially as regards teaching at the Masters
plicants to teacher edub a c k n t e n d e l . and conducting research of high standard
st earie
neneration learners, from tural
rst round, aspiring T o tne adopion of a new liboralised poliCy.
inb the social and economic ladder.
Admission to the self-financing professional pramote n r w t t e d tnis as a move to
college, though based on merit, is not ditficult (i! one imlemont the e e i s s " "gor education and
as the money) because of the large number of 'seats' 1995, which is tving in limbo botore
ho. o two houses ot
at are available. In fact, in engineering many seals Parliament, In an apparent U-turn
amain unf1lled. As a consequence ol the mushroom1ng 2000 were juidelin0s of
at protessional colleges there has been a marked lal suspended in late 2002 while
hundred applicalions for deemed university
the numbet merited students joining science still pending. A set of new guidelines statu:
sCience has suHered. have been
At the university-level, private prepared, but not implemented.
ot c s i e s have It is clear that even though there
been established in the stales is no clear-cut
policy regarding privatisation of higher education,
Pradesh (1), Gujarat (2). Ullaranchal (4), through and
ndvidual Acts ot legislatures. The Siate ol Chhatisrheiy regulations and guidel1nes that tend to
passed, in 2002, an umbrella Act' that permitted the soct e inatrves are being issued, the private
government lo establish private universities through questlons of enuplay a dominant role. This has raised
more nolitications
than hundred- and promptly togranted permission, iudoment ihe S s s and quality. In a recent
has ruled that there can
universities start functioning. be no commercialisalion icalion and has made it
new universities
established offices in
Chhattis mandatory lor private providers to
locateSsactually imparted through stalulory committees, appointed by the resclearance from
'study centres' India. The speciive stale
establ1shment of these private univs government, as regards adisSIon and fee rerure
a created a stir in academic circles and doubis haver, ine general opinion is thal market torces
ybean taised about the quality of education imparted h i a u n g and higher education has become a
by them. The University Grants Commission is now oraaneynstitulions, though otticialy non-profit
Sending out peer leams to examine their tunctioning ate in tact
making with legal requiraments.
handsorme profits.


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