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There are 5 important component in this parable each representing different

meaning and having its own significance in this modern times. The first and most
important component of this parable is the man sowing the seeds who is
representing God and the seeds being God’s message. The seed falls on to
different surfaces each having their own response to the seed, each of the surface
represent a certain group of people’s heart and their reaction to the word of God.
Many Theologians (A person who engages and is expert in the study of the nature
and different portrayals of God) have found out these meaning relevance and
significance in modern times.
The Second important component is the seeds that fell onto the path and is eaten
by birds, in this part of the parable the bird is a representation of the Satan and
the path represent who people who hear the message, but they immediately
forgot about it as it is taken or eaten by the Satan, this even shows todays as
there are people who don’t live a good Christian life because they are focused on
other things being distracted in them and not focus on God’s message allowing
Satan in their hearts and eventually allowing him to destroy the word of God.
The next component of the parable is the part in which the seed falls in the
bushes and choked by the growing of the bushes. In this section of the parable,
the bushes represent the worldly desires which eventually choke the message of
God, this is proven in the modern times by some people being too concerned with
what others think and they worry too much. They may be jealous, angry or
concerned with materialism.
Then there is the seed that fell on the rocky path and was scourged by sun, in this
section the sun represent the persecution or hard times and the rocky path is
representation of the people who respond with initial enthusiasm, but the word
of God does not sink in deep. And this can be interpreted as when the message of
the God is given to these people they response to the message with initial
enthusiasm, but due to the it doesn’t sink in their heart when encountered by
Hard and persecuting times resulting in them losing faith through which the
message of the God also fades or withers away.
Finally there is the section in which the seeds falls onto the good soil and produce
corn. Good soil represents people who hear the message and live it in their lives
and the corn represent the knowledge of the word of God, so in this section it is
explained that some people take the word of God, it sinks in their hearts and they
obey it and gain knowledge of the message or knowledge of the kingdom of
Heaven. This is evident in the modern world by people have strong faith and
remain dedicated to a Christian lifestyle, even when things are difficult.

The End
Written by Aden Tariq

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