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Parental Pressure: Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Selected

Grade 11 Students in Mystical Rose School of Caloocan, Inc.

A.Y 2020-2021

A Qualitative Research Project

Presented to
The class of Mr. Jeffrey C. Alba
Mystical Rose School of Caloocan, Inc.

In Partial Fulfilment of

The Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1







APRIL 2021

According to Moneva&Moncada (2020), parental pressure is the drive that parents

put on their children to achieve a goal. On one hand, student's self-efficacy is the belief

of the students that they can do successfully a task whatever it is. Parents still expect

their children to excel at everything they do and to do better than their peers. It is true

that parents want the best for their children and wants them to have a better life with

little challenges, but for this to happen, they force their children to work harder and place

pressure on them.

In order to describe parental pressure as a factor that affects the students’

academic performace we conducted a phenomenology research study from the

population of Senior High School students in Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. This

study aimed to describe parental pressure as a factor affecting the academic performance

of selected grade 11 students. The researchers used a semi-structive interview while

conducting the research in order to create a connection between the findings and the

gathered data from the co-researchers.

According to the gathered informations parental pressure can have a positive

impact on the students in terms of their academic performance. Some of those who suffer

from parental pressure strive for more achievements to secure their future and to prove

that they can be the best academically.

It has been concluded parental pressure is sometimes a friend because your

parents push you to path that they think is the best for you and sometimes an enemy it
because if you can't manage yourself, it's a bad thing for your mental health. so parental

pressure is not that bad it depends of how you look at it.


This chapter consists of the study's background, statement of the problem, the

research's assumptions, scope and delimitation, local of the study, and the definitions of

terms. These parts are essential to justify the occurrence of the study.


Throughout much of history, most adults have largely neglected child growth from

birth to adulthood. Children were often regarded as miniature models of adults, with little

concern given to the various developments in cognitive skills, physical development, and

even behavioral aspects. Filipino parents consider infants and young children as not

having a mind of their own, lacking in understanding, and dominated by raw emotions

that demand immediate gratification (DelaCruzet et al. 2001). Every child needs to be

taught a clear, exact, and good code of conduct because they do not yet have the

academic capacity, experience, or character integrity required to shape their personality.

As Alampay (2014) stated, parenting in the Philippines has been shaped by the

unique history, values, experiences, adaptations, and ways of being that characterize the

Filipino people and their culture. Filipino children likewise strive to meet familial

obligations and expectations, whether in the form of instrumental support, such as

conducting household chores or helping parents’ financially in their old age or the form

of educational and occupational achievements (Garo-Santiago et al. 2009; Fuligni&

Pederson 2002; Wolf 1997).

During the children's growth and development, parents play an important role in

uplifting and responding to their children's needs. But because parents are more focused

on the academic performance of their children, they put too much strain and force them

to be the best in everything. It is human nature to desire to be successful; a person

places the responsibility entirely on themselves; the extra pressure from a parent isn't

needed as well.

According to Moneva&Moncada (2020), parental pressure is the drive that parents

put on their children to achieve a goal. On one hand, student's self-efficacy is the belief

of the students that they can do successfully a task whatever it is. Parents still expect

their children to excel at everything they do and to do better than their peers. It is true

that parents want the best for their children and wants them to have a better life with

little challenges, but for this to happen, they force their children to work harder and place

pressure on them.

While it is vital to teaching a child the value of hard work and discipline in life,

putting too many expectations on them will backfire and negatively impact the child's

mental health. Panchal (2020) stated that Parental Pressure can be either advantage or

disadvantage to the student’s behavior. One of the examples of its advantage is that

student learns to work hard. Working hard is a valuable virtue that children can be learned

from a young age. One cannot hope to accomplish their aspirations while they are used

to sitting around and wasting their time. Parents continually expect us to work hard, and

therefore a little bit of parental pressure will plant the seed of hard work early in their

child's life. Also, Students who have suffered from parental pressure are the achievers of
high grades. A student with academic aspirations can do nothing in their life until they

get an impressive report card. If a child works diligently in their chosen area on a regular

basis due to parental motivation and their ambition, they would be able to obtain higher

grades. They are often the students who have Higher self-esteem and more likely to

accomplish their goals and excel in life if they work hard and live a disciplined life, as

parental pressure helps them to do. When they achieve their goals, it increases their

morale and self-esteem. Providing your child with a competitive as well as nurturing

atmosphere means that they work hard to accomplish their goals. Competing with one's

peers can ensure that your child is encouraged to outperform the others and will not fall

behind or become unfocused.

However, too much parental pressure will never benefit the children and will only

make them mentally ill. Parents must ensure that they are not exceeding their authority

when putting pressure. If parents put pressure on a child all the time and are never

satisfies with his achievements, then it might lead to the child’s constant dissatisfaction

with himself. Parental pressure mostly focuses on making children achieve goals rather

than making them learn things. As the end goal of achievement is far more important

than the learning process, it makes children more susceptible to cheat.

According to Murayama et al. (2016), when parents have high hopes for their

children’s academic achievement, the children tend to do better in school, unless those

hopes are unrealistic, in which case the children may not perform well in school. The

expectation to get good grades traps children in a cycle that encourages them to rely on

the material world. Human compassion, friendship, and the ability to form relationships
are sacrificed for the need to work only for oneself. This results in a race of greedy

humans who are unconcerned with something or anything other than themselves.

In the article “When Parenting Styles Differ”, Davis (2010) reveals that there are

Three kinds of Parenting Styles; the authoritarian (a parents-know-best approach that

emphasizes obedience); permissive (which provides few behavioral guidelines because

parents don't want to upset their children); and authoritative (which blends a caring tone

with structure and consistent limit-setting).

Parents with an authoritarian style have very high expectations of their children-

which leads to parental pressure, yet provide very little in the way of feedback and

nurturing. But the most successful type of parenting style identified by the psychologist

Diana Baumrind, is authoritative parenting that is characterized by "high demands" but

also "high responsiveness." That means parents have big (but still age-appropriate)

expectations for their kids, and they stay attuned to their kids' needs and help them meet

those expectations. This way, kids know what's required of them and feel confident they

can comply. As a result, "Research consistently demonstrates that the children of

authoritative parents are more likely to enjoy positive relationships with their peers, to

do well in school, and to become independent and self-sufficient than children whose

parents take an authoritarian, permissive, or neglectful approach," says Lisa Damour,

Ph.D., author of Under Pressure (2019).

Different parents have different viewpoints and approaches to inspire their

children. Although having high aspirations can be beneficial, constantly putting pressure

on children can be negative.

Thus, this research entitled Parental Pressure: Factors Affecting the

Academic Performance of Selected Grade 11 Students in Mystical Rose School

of Caloocan, Inc. A.Y 2020-2021 prompted to describe Parental Pressure as a Factor

Affecting the Academic Performance of Selected Grade 11 students at Mystical Rose

School of Caloocan, Inc. for the Academic Year 2020-2021 as they experienced the

pressure from their parent.


The main purpose of this descriptive study is to describe Parental Pressure as a

Factor Affecting the Academic Performance of Selected Grade 11 students at Mystical

Rose School of Caloocan, Inc. for the Academic Year 2020-2021 as they experienced the

pressure from their parents. Hence, parental pressure is the state where parents drive

their children to do well in many aspects. Parents enforced their children to attain good

performance in school. However, students are obliged to do well in academic aspects as

the requirement from their parents for various reasons (Moneva&Moncada, 2020).

This study specifically sought answer to the following questions:

1. How is parental pressure a factor affecting the academic performance of the


2. What struggles are encountered by the participants being pressured by their


3. What measures are utilized by the participants to address the struggles


The researchers conducted a study by the use of quantitative method of research

dealing with the effects of parental pressure to students' academic performance.

The primary respondents of this research study will delimit to the selected students

in senior year (Grade 11) of Mystical Rose School of Caloocan. Moreover, the participant

will be purposely selected by referring to the students whose may experiencing parental

pressure since they're entering a new level in high school. Each of them will be

interviewed by the researchers to ask some questions that focused on the researchers'

topic, with the help of this researchers will be able to determine the impact of parental

pressure to students' academic performance. The researchers delimit the timeline

coverage of the study which conducted during the A.Y. 2020-2021 and focuses only on

effects of parental pressure to student's academic performance.

Thus, the respondent that was chosen is the students who are experiencing

parental pressure when it comes to their academics. Therefore, the results that we got

can only be applied to the grade 11 students of Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.

Parents remain very much concerned about their children’s grades. The role of

parent in the academic achievements of children is very evident and it has been an

interesting area for many researchers in the world. The problem arises when different

parents pressurize their children to get higher grades. The Researchers come up with this

study to describe Parental Pressure as a Factor Affecting the Academic Performance of

the students as they experienced the pressure from their parents.

This study focuses on describing parental pressure as a factor affecting the academic

performance of selected grade 11 students. Moreover, the results of the study will be

beneficial to the following:

Students Who Experienced Parental Pressure, for them to be aware that

they are not alone and be inspired of the other’s situation that experienced the same

thing. This will address the struggles they encountered not only in their academic

performance because of parental pressure.

Parents, this may serve as their eye opener that a simple pressure they are

performing toward their child can lead to a bigger effect on the academic performance

of their child and give clarification on how they should handle this issue.

Teachers, for them as a guide for teachers to deal with the students who suffered

from Parental Pressure. This study can help to improve the relationship between their

School Administration, for them to identify the reason for each student’s

performance. This would help them to generate some activities that may help to resolve

the problem.

Community, this research would give awareness to the society, to the youth in

particular, about how parents can have a huge impact on students’ success.

Future Researcher, this study can be used for further knowledge, source of

information, and citations. Also, they can use the study results as a guide and come up

with better research conclusions.

This chapter discusses the research methodology used in this study, including the

research design, selection of co-researchers or the sampling techniques, research

instrumentation and data collection, treatment of data and data analysis, validation of

the instrument, research roles and biases, and trustworthiness.

The researchers utilized qualitative research mode of study. According to several

prominent qualitative scholars (Creswell 2002) Pope& Mays 1995; Denzin and Lincoln,

1994) qualitative research it’s intended to deeply explore, understand and interpret social

phenomena within its natural settings. By using qualitative research, researchers want to

collect richer information and get more detailed picture of issues, cases or events (Arora

and Stoner 2009)

A qualitative approach was chosen to investigate the barriers and encouraging

factors for professional help-seeking in order to gain insights in the perceptions of

students who have sought professional help for mental health problems. Since the main

focus were the perceptions of students with mental health problems qualitative

research was most appropriate (Miles et al., 2013). In addition, qualitative methods allow

an iterative design that could be redirected during the analysis of data emerging from

the research process (Patton, 2002). Furthermore, this study was retrospective, as the

participating students were asked to reflect on thoughts and feelings during a period in

the past.

The researchers chose the co-researchers using the Purposive Sampling

Technique, which allowed them to select co-researchers who were best suited to

obtaining accurate results. This is a Non-Probability Sampling, which refers to selecting

respondents based on the characteristics of the entire targeted population and for the

primary goal of the researchers in conducting the study. Purposive Sampling is a non-

probability sampling that allows choosing according to attributes of a population and the

purpose of the research (Crossman, 2018). The Sampling Technique is useful in selecting

co-researchers who correctly fit the required characteristics in order for the researchers

to obtain information, data, and answers from the appropriate co-researchers who have

been purposefully chosen for the study. Purposive sampling was chosen by the

researchers because they require specific information that a participant qualifies for. The

participants' qualifications were as follows:

1. Participants must experience Parental Pressure.

2. Each participant should grow up within the guidance of their parents.

3. Participants must belong to any school organization.

The above-mentioned co-researchers' qualifications ensure that the gathered

insights will be useful in addressing the study being conducted.


The co-researchers of this data were selected from the population of Senior High

School students in Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. For a phenomenology, a number

of ten students from the total population in Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. were

taken and used as co-researchers of the study. A phenomenology is an approach to

qualitative research that focuses on the commonality of lived experiences within a

particular group. The fundamental goal of the approach is to arrive at a description of the

nature of the particular Phenomenon (Creswell, 2013). According to Crouch & McKenzie

(2006), having less than 20 co-researchers in qualitative research can aid the researchers

in establishing and retaining a tight connection and improving a comfortable gaining of

information. This study used ten (10) selected grade 11 students from Mystical Rose

School of Caloocan, Inc. throughout the Academic Year 2020-2021.


This study conducted is approved first by the subject adviser. In facilitating the

instruments, the researchers utilize qualitative interviews for the co-researchers to

answer with full honesty for the significant points needed for the study. The researchers

conduct the use of qualitative interviews in getting the insights and experiences of

students who are suffering parental pressure with the use of interview that are conducted

to cover and acquire enough information for further clarifications. The researchers use

semi-structured qualitative interview.

The researchers used the interview as a research instrument. Specifically, it used

a Semi-structured Interview. According to Cristobal Jr. and Cristobal (2017), in semi-

structured interview, there is a specified list of questions to be asked by the researchers,

but the researchers are allowed to ask follow-up questions that are not included in the

list of original questions when new ideas come up. The semi-structures qualitative

interview can help the researchers gather deeper information and more data from the


During the interview, the co-researchers were asked to answer the interview

protocol of the study. The researchers made use of the interview protocol to find the

bridge between the results and the data gathered by the researchers. The interview

protocol contained a list of questions each having an intended purpose.

Question 1: Tackles the information, perception or an overview about the respondent.

Question 2: Refers to the relationship of the respondents with their parents.

Question 3: Talks about family support in terms of academic activities.

Question 4: Refers to how often the respondents deal with parental pressure.

Question 5: Talks about what the respondent feels with them being pressured by their


Question 6: Refers to the effects of parental pressure to the respondents’ academic


Question7: Refers to the respondents’ idea, thoughts or opinion about the possible

causes of parental pressure.

Question 8: Refers to the respondents' experiences and struggles while dealing with

parental pressure, how it affects them socially, mentally, emotionally. How it affects their

relationship with their parents and how they cope up with those situations and if those

struggles serve as their inspiration.

Question 9: Refers to their perceptions or thoughts about what could have happen if

they not experience parental pressure.

Question 10: Talks about the possible feedbacks of their parents if they opened up

about them being pressured.

Question 11: Talks about the thoughts of the respondents that they can share to inspire

and motivate students who experienced the same thing, and to those parents who

perform parental pressure with their children.

After formulating a qualitative research, the researchers came up in choosing an

instrument under after sequential reading in the statement of the problem of this paper.

Under the phenomenology qualitative research design is the purpose to handle the right

idea of a phenomenon as individuals have lived and experienced it. In seeking answers

to the statement of the problem, the co-researchers were interviewed. The statement of

the problem served as the basis point for the interview protocol. With series of checking

and corrections, the interview protocol was presented to adviser for further clarification

and suggestion.

Before interviewing, the researchers also asked permission for the interviews to

be audio recorded. A screen recorder or audio recorder was used during the interview.

Making use both of these recorders allowed the researcher to record fully and accurately

what was being said rather than taking notes during the interviews. According to De Vos

et al (2002), it was very useful to make use of a tape recorder because the researcher is

able to concentrate on what was said in the interview so that the researcher could think

about a follow-up question. The co-researchers were interviewed individually in a private

and quiet room.


The following themes that were put here emerged from diligent analysis of the

gathered data. They were supported with the direct quotations and statements from

the co-researchers.

1. Co-researcher and their achievement. An achievement is a great

accomplishment —something achieved with great effort or skill. Achieve and achievement

often imply the completion of something important or difficult—a lofty goal or a great

feat. Before anything else, we get to know each of the participants and ask them to share

some of their background and achievements they considered as the biggest in terms of


Co-researcher S introduces his achievements as I believe yung biggest

achievement ko in terms of academic ay noong naging consistent yung pagpasok

ko sa with honors. Nangyari ito noong Elementary at Junior High School at minsan

napapabilang ako doon sa top 10 academic achievers. [I’ve been part of the With

Honor List consistently while I was on Elementary and Junior High School,

sometimes I got to be part of top 10 achievers.]

Co-researcher W shares some of her hobbies; watching TV’s and reading a book.

Ahh yung first time ko maka top 5 sa myste, siguro I’m so I’m just so proud lang

ganun, nung mga panahon na yun. Kasi di ko naman expected na mag totop 5

ako so nakaka proud lang sa pakiramdam na ma achieve mo yung isang bagay na

di mo naman ineexpect na maaachieve mo. [I didn’t expect it to be the the top 5

on our school, that’s why I’m proud of it.]

Co-researcher F states I am 16 years old turning 17. Uhh siguro nung elementary

uhh grumaduate ako na 1st honorable mention and then junior highschool ayon

grumaduate din akong with honors. [Back in elementary I graduated with 1st

honorable mention and with honors on junior highschool.]

Co-researcher M told us, she’s 16 y/old from Stem Lakandula. Uhmm simula

elementary ako hanggang highschool nakatanggap ako ng [Since elementary to

highschool I received] good leadership award, most friendly and of course being

with honors.

Co-researcher J shares that she’s 17 years old and I am from Grade 11- STEM

Lakandula. Some of my hobbies are watching, reading, and baking. And my

favorite subject since elementary is mathematics. Yung biggest achievement ko

siguro is yung marepresent ko yung mrsci sa mga [I think my biggest achievement

is to have a chance to represent MRSCI on] interschool math competition for three


Based on their responses, we can see that each of the co-researchers has

different academic achievements; however, the majorities of them appears to

excel in their classes and are not willing to give up their education.

2. Connection with the parents. Having a strong relationship with the people

around you helps create a sense of belonging and helps meet a person’s social needs .
Here is the relationship between the participant and his/her parents. After asking them

to share some of their achievements we now ask them to explain their connection with

their parents.

Co-researcher S said wala naman akong problema sa kanila. Except kay papa

pala, medyo distant yung loob ko sa kanya kasi di naman talaga kami ganun

kaclose. Pero si mama, yeah kaclose ko yan and wala akong problema sa kanya [I

don’t have any problem with them. Except to dad, there’s a bit distance between

us because we are not so close. But with mom, yeah, I’m close to her and doesn’t

have any problem with her.]

Co-researcher W and co-researcher J shares the same thoughts, my parents

are good naman. Normal na family lang ganun minsan may di pagkakaintindihan

pero naayos naman sa huli. Close kami ni mama tapos di naman kami ganon ka

close ni papa pero we’re good naman with each other. [My parents are good.

Normal family, there’s an argument sometimes but we managed to resolved it at

the end. Mom and I are close, then me and my dad are not so close but we’re

good with each other.] according to Co-researcher W. While Co-researcher J

stated that yes, syempre minsan di naman maiiwasan may pagtatalo pa rin ganun

pero I can say na maayos naman yung relationship namin. [Yes, of course we can’t

avoid small fights but I can say that we have a good relationship.]

Co-researcher F opens up that ngayon kase lalo na nagka pandemic uhm diba

dito lang sa loob ng bahay lagi tapos nagkaka bonding din naman kami tapos
nagatatawanan ganyan. [Now, since its’s pandemic we must stay at home so we

have the chance to bond and laugh together.]

Co-researcher M says that siguro meron akong good relationship with them kasi

uhmm nakakasama ko sila pero yung para saakin kung close na close hindi ko sila

gaano ka close kasi hindi ko sila nasasabihan ng mga ano ko ng mga problema ko

o mga naiisip ko. [Maybe I have a good relationship with them because I associate

with them but if super close, I’m not.]

The participants' responses clearly indicate that they have a good

relationship with their parents, it may not be perfect because of the disagreements

but despite of this they still manage to resolve it and become a stronger family.

3. Family Aid. Having a supportive network of family can also assist us in

maintaining a positive attitude in our daily lives. Humans cannot survive on their own. In

difficult times, we need our family to be pillars of support. This tackles about how their

family members support them on their academic activities and how they perceive this

support or assistance. Supports coming from your families are very important and

meaning well.

Co-researcher S answers us with yes; of course, naman tinutulungan nila akong

reviewhin yung mga topics na maiinclude doon sa academic contests, exams, and

quizzes na yun and dahil doon tumataas naman ang mga scores ko. [They help me

to review the topics that are included there and because of it my scores are getting

Co-researcher W answers as long naman na kaya ko i manage yung sarili ko and

yung time ko sa pag-aaral and other responsibilities suportado naman nila ako. [As

long as I can manage myself and my time to studies and other responsibilities, they

support me.]

Co-researcher F reveals that pinupush nila ako kunwari kapag ako yung makulit

ako yung matigas yung ulo sila yung nag aano sila sakin na wag mag cramming

ganyan, bago mag due date dapat naipasa mo na ganyan. [They’re pushing me, like

they said that I must submit it before the due date.]

Co-researcher M state that sobrang suportado nila ako sa academic activities ko

kasi pag dating talaga sa pag-aaral napaka active ng parents ko. [They’re supporting

me very well on my academic activities because in terms of learning, my parents

are very active.]

Co-researcher J shares that most of the time supportive naman sila. Pag ayun nga

nasa ibang school ako para sa competition, lagi silang nandun. [Most of the time

they’re supportive, like if I’m at different school for a competition, they’re always


Based on the answers of the participants we can conclude that they all

receive family support on their academic activities. They also mentioned that their

parents assisted them in reviewing their lessons and encouraging them to study

more diligently.
4. Coping up with the Pressure. Here are some of the ways they deal with and

handle parental pressure effectively, as well as how frequently they are pressured by

their parents' expectations. This will aid researchers in determining the effects on a

student's academic performance.

Co-researcher S said not very often. Noong mga bata-bata ako prinepressure

talaga ako ni mama na… But now na malaki na ako, di na ako masyado

prinepressure ng mama ko. [Back then I was a child my mom pressures me... but

now, I can say that she’s not pressuring me anymore.]

Co-researcher W tells siguro kapag ano like kapag mga exams na ganon kasi

syrempre honor student ako expected na kailangan mataas grades ko pag dating

sa mga exams na yan. [I think every exam day, ofcourse I’m an honor student so

they expect I have a higher grade in exams.]

Co-researcher M answers honestly actually araw araw kasi ano nag-aaral ako e.

Tapos feeling ko kapag nag-aaral ako lagi ko naiisip parents ko laging ko binibigay

best ko umaasa sila na binibigay ko talaga best ko pag dating sa academic

performance ko. [It’s everyday, because I’m studying and I feel that I always think

of my parents because they assume that I would give my best in terms of academic


Co-researcher J also answer honestly, hindi naman kasi sila vocal sa

pamemressure sakin na sasabihin nila na dapat ganto yung grades ko ganun. Pero

tuwing lumalabas yung grades and achiever's para sa isang quarter tapos hindi
sila natuwa sa results nun, sinasabi nila syempre kung gano sila ka disappointed.

[They’re not vocal on pressuring me, but everytime when grades and achievers

have announced for a quarter and they’re not happy on results, then they’ll tell

me how dissapointed they are.]

In this question, the co-researchers open up about their experiences with

parental pressure and how they dealt with it. It may not so easy but they still get

to manage it and cope up with it.

5. State Your Feelings. We give the participant a time to explain and express

his/her thought on being pressured by their parents. In this way we’ll fully understand

the situation.

Co-researcher S brings out that noon, ako since may punishment talaga akong

matatanggap kapag di ko nameet yung expectations ng parents ko, like kapag di

mataas grades sa isang subject. So, sa takot kong mapalo, nag sipag talaga ako

sa pag-aaral. [Previously, I’m really scared since there’s a punishment I might

receive if I’m not able to meet their expectations, like if I have a low grade in any

subject. Because of the fear of being spank, I study hard.]

Co-researcher W tells that nakaka stress and mentally draining siya kasi imbes

mag enjoy ka nahihirapan ka na lang para I meet yung mga expectations na

nilalagay nila sa shoulders mo. Which is dapat hindi naman ganoon. [It’s stressing

and mentally draining.]

Co-researcher F confess that iniiyakan ko lagi kapag mas mababa yung rank ko

ganyan o kaya may line of 8 ako sa grades, ayaw kasi nila ng may line of 8 gusto

nila laging line of 9. [I always cry on it because my rank is low or sometimes

because I have a line of 8 in my grades, because they don’t want it if I have a line

of 8. They want me to always have that line of 9.]

Co-researcher M shares that mahirap kasi ayun lang naman yung kaya ko pero

parang nag eexpect pa sila ng mas mataas pa. Mataas yung expectation nila saakin

ganon. [It’s difficult because that’s just what I can but they always expect more.]

Co-researcher J said that minsan nalulungkot ako and sumasama loob ko kasi

naiisip ko, bakit hindi sila natutuwa sa kung ano lang kaya ko. [I feel sad

sometimes and resentful because they’re not happy with what I can.]

The responses of the participants may assist some parents in fully

comprehending their child's feelings of being pressured by them.

6. Outcome of the Pressure. Participants discuss the effect of parental pressure

to them. The researchers asked them to share the outcome of it from their perspective.

Co-researcher S, co-researcher M and Co-researcher F tells the same

feelings “I think dahil sa pag prepressure na ginawa nila sakin noong bata pa ako,

mas sumipag ako sa pag-aaral.” [I think because of the pressure that they made

me feel back then, I became hardworking] said by Co-researcher S. “feeling ko

naman maganda kasi kung hindi nila ako pinupush o pinepressure ganyan ano

walang lang ayoko lang din” [ I feel like it’s much more easier if they don’t push
me, because I don’t like that] according to Co-researcher F. While Co-

researcher M said that “advantage non kasi parang uhmm naaano ako mag-aral

nag pupursigi ako mag-aral kasi nga kailangan ko ma reach yung expectation nila

saakin. [Because of their pressure I become more hardworking.]

Co-researcher W answers that minsan naiisip ko bakit need ko pa ba gawin yun

like for what. Kapag may exam diba na pressure ka so yun nga kapag nag rereview

ako parang ayaw ko nalang mag review kasi I’m not doing it for myself na eh kasi

I’m doing it for their satisfaction. Sobrang nakaka walang gana kapag ganun yung

nangyayari. [Sometimes I think why are they doing it, for what? Everytime we

have an exam there is a pressure, so everytime I review, I review not for myself I

do it for their satisfaction. It’s tiring everytime it happens.]

Co-researcher F honestly share that positive yung nagiging epekto nun sa acads

ko kasi syempre pag pinagalitan na ako, napipilitan akong mas galingan ko pa para

lang hindi na maulit yung sermon nila sakin ganun. [The effect is positive in my

academics; because of course when they scold me I have no other choice but to

do my best so that they will not scold me anymore.]

With the informations that we the researchers gathered we concluded that

the Co-researchers all have a bitter feeling with being pressured by their parents,

but they all share the same sentiment that it makes them a better person in terms

of academics.
7. Cause of the pressure. We let the participants to share their ideas or thoughts

on the possible causes of parental pressure. It is important to know what the roots of

this pressure are.

Co-researcher S shares that naalala ko lagi nilang dinadahilan sakin noon para

daw maganda grades ko sa school at ginagawa daw nila yun para daw gumanda

yung future ko. Since dito sa pinas diba, higher grades in school equals greater

opportunities in life. [I remember that they always say that it’s for my grades, and

they are doing it for my future. Since here in Philippines higher grades equals to

greater oppurtunities in life.]

Co-researcher W and Co-researcher J answers the same ideas alam ko na

they want what’s best for me and alam ko rin na ginagawa nila yun kasi alam nila

na mas may igagaling pa ako sa pinapakita ko. [I know that they want what’s best

for me and I also know that they re doing it because they know that I can show

them greater results.] According by Co-researcher W. While Co-researcher J

said that Hindi ko nakikita yung mga kakayahan ko kaya pinepressure nila ako.

Para marealize ko na hindi lang ito yung kaya ko, na kaya ko pang makaachieve

ng mas better pa sa kung anong meron or kaya ko ngayon. [I don’t see my

potentials that’s why they pressure me so that I will realize that I have more

potentials and that I can achieve better things]

Co-researcher F tells that idea? Oo, feeling ko meron kasi sa pamilya namin ano

may tita akong professor sa kilalang University ganyan tapos kapag reunion pa

naman alam mo na yung mga kinekwento about sa mga angkan ganiyan yung apo
ko ganiyan etong si anak ko ganito ganiyan. Pero syempre para rin umayos

kinabukasan ko [Yes, I feel like in my family because I have an auntie who’s a

professor in a well-known University. Every reunion we all know that they brag

about their family members and such. But also so that my future will be good.]

Co-researcher M said siguro kasi ako na lang yung bunso tapos uhmm gusto

nilang mag pursigi ako sa pag-aaral syempre pag dating sa future para hindi ako

mahirapan. [Maybe because I am the youngest and they want me to do better in

my studies of course for my future so that I won’t have a hard time.]

In this study all of the Co-researchers share the same thought that their

parents pressure them so that they will have a better future. They all also said

that their parents just want them to unlock the potentials they do not see by


8. Opposing with the pressure. We let the respondents to share his/her

experiences and struggles while dealing with the parental pressure, we let them express

their thoughts on having those expectations from their parents.

Co-researcher S shares that parental pressure did quite affect me when I was a

child. Noong nangyari yun naging withdrawn ako. As in yung di ako nakikipagusap sa

ibang mga bata at dahil dun halos wala akong naging kaibigan noon. [Parental pressure

did affect me when I was a child. When that happened, I was withdrawn, like I did not

talk to other children, I do not have friends back then.]

Co-researcher W answers that it affects her on Yung mga ano mental health

problems. Like sometimes sa sobrang pressured ko na, nadedepress na ako and yung

anxieties ko lumalabas and sobrang naapektuhan non yung everyday life ko. Syempre

pati yung pag-aaral ko. [ The mental health problems, sometimes when I get pressured

so much, I get depressed and my anxieties shows up and it affects my everyday life so

much. Same with my academic performance.]

Co-researcher M said that kung saakin kapag na prepressure ako lagi nila ako

pinepressure sa academics ko eh nag strustruggle ako e parang lahat dapat ng gagawin

ko perfect, parang bawal ako mag fail. [ Every time I get pressured, especially in my

academics I struggle because everything that I do should be perfect. I can’t afford to


Co-researcher J shares her experiences dati kasi one week before exam ko

madaming bawal like, bawal late umuwi, bawal gadgets, bawal manood ng tv. Tapos

buong time na nasa bahay ako wala akong ibang gagawin kundi humarap sa mga libro

ganun. [ Back then 1 week before exam there is a lot of restrictions like I can’t go home

late, I can’t use my gadgets, I can’t watch TV and all the time I’m only in the house

studying and reading the books.]

By what the participants said, we conclude that their parents perform some action

to had a high grade and pit some expectations for them to meet and those are the reason

why they often struggle and deal with the pressure of their parents.
9. Be the best version of you. We asked the participant if they couldn’t experience

the pressure would they be able to be a version of person what they’re now.

Co-researcher S honestly answers not really. Sinabi ko nga kanina tamad talaga

ako dati mag-aral. So, kung di ko siguro naranasan yang pressure nayun, siguro ngayon

super tamad ko parin mag-aral at dahil dun hindi magiging mataas mga grades na

nakukuha ko sa school. [ Like what I said I am really lazy to study, so if I did not

experienced that pressure I feel like I will be lazy to study now and because of that my

grades will not be good.]

Co-researcher W also answers no, kasi dahil din dito ang dami ko rin natutunan

dahil sa pinagagawa nila saakin ganon. [ No, because of those experience I learned a


Co-researcher F said hindi, kalahating oo kalahating hindi kasi ano na rerealize

ko din na kapag as the time comes by kapag lumalaki ka na rerealize mo na kung gaano

ka importante yung edukasyon ganiyan kasi nga ayun madadala mo rin siya pag mag

iibang school ka na. [ No, half yes and half no because I realized that as time goes by

while growing up you realizes how important education because you will carry it when

you go to other school.]

Co-researcher M answers that feeling ko kung hindi nila ako prinepressure mas

lalo akong maaano ma eexpress yung sarili ko pag dating sa academics ko. [ I feel like if

they don’t pressure me, I can express myself freely in academics.]

Co-researcher J honestly says that siguro oo, magiging the best version ako ng

sarili ko pero para sa sarili ko lang din. [ Maybe yes, I will be the best version of myself,

but for myself only.]

Based on the participants' answers three of them may not be the version they’re

now and two of them may be more than what they’re now.

10. Feedbacks from parents. We asked the participants if they would open up with

their parents what would they think the feedback or answers the parents may given to

them. If they already opened up, what is the reponses they had.

Co-researcher S answers that there was that time where I brought up yung mga

punishments at pressure na ginawa nila sakin and nakita ko na naguilty sila doon which

kinda shocked me. [ I brought up about the punishments and pressure that they did to

me and I saw that they felt guilty about it and it schocked me.]

Co-researcher W tells that dati noong mga bata bata pa ako kaso nga lang nag

mukha lang akong immature. Di nila ako tinake seriously. [ When I was a child but I

looked like an immature. They did not take me seriously.]

Co-researcher F said that parang pa balang pero hindi siya heart to heart talk

tapos ang reaction naman nila, yung reaction naman nila sinasabe nila “syempre para

maging successful ka”. [ Like in a joking way but not the heart-to-heart talk, then their

reaction was “of course for you to become successful.]

Co-researcher M answers that never, feeling ko ang sasabihin lang nila saakin

ano ang arte ko ganon. Parang ang arte mo naman di ka pa ba nasanay kaya mo naman

yan. [ I feel like they will tell me that I’m just being immature. Like are you not used yet.]

Co-researcher J shares that actually have no idea kung anong sasabihin nila

sakin kasi ayun nga never naman akong nagshare ng thoughts or nararamdaman ko sa

kanila. [ I have no idea what they will say to me, because I never shared my thoughts

or what I feel with them.]

From the answer we got, three of them already opened up about it to their parents

and two of them does not yet opened up to their parents and by what the responses of

their parents it seems like they’re shocked with what parental pressure can cause to their

This chapter discusses the summary of findings and symbolic representation that

drawn by the researches.

Based on the answers given by the co-researchers. This study controlled in

reducing the number of students who are Experiencing parental pressure. After

throughout analysis of data, the researchers hereby present the summary of findings.

The selected students from Grade 11 stated the common reasons why they are

experiencing parental pressure. Because parents want the best for their children, they

often dream of their children attending the best of universities and then securing a most

respectable job in modern society. However, as a result of experiencing parental pressure,

they develop anxiety and, in the worst-case scenario, they considered suicide because

they're afraid to get low grades since their parents have high expectations of them.

Because they are achievers, they are afraid of failing, they understand that their

parents have high expectations of them, and they even share their hobbies to forget

about their problems for a short time while they want to have some fun, according to a

co-researcher. In this situation, dealing with parental pressure is really bad for our mental


Some of them don't have a good relationship with their parents, and as a result,

they create a chasm between them and their parents simply because they don't get along.

They feel as if they're trapped in a cage and can't get out due to parental pressure. Some
of our co-researchers say they're on good terms, but not great because she can't open

up to her parents, but overall, our participants say they have a good relationship with

their parents. It may not be perfect because of disagreements, but they've managed to

resolve them and become a stronger family as a result.

Almost all of our co-researcher that experiences parental pressure achieves high

grades and numerous medals and certificates unlike those who don't suffer from parental

pressure, their grades are not that impressive but some students even if they are not

experiencing parental pressure their grade is still high. and because of this new normal

the pressure is much.

The findings of the conducted study shows that parental pressure can have a

positive impact on the students in terms of their academic performance. The results of

this research concludes that some of those who suffer from parental pressure strive for

mor achievements to secure their future and to prove that they can be the best


Therefore, experiencing parental pressure is sometimes a friend because your

parents push you to path that they think is the best for you and sometimes an enemy it

because if you can't manage yourself, it's a bad thing for your mental health. So, parental

pressure is not that bad it depends of how you look at it.


The cave in the “Allegory of the Cave” symbolizes the part of the world that

prevents man from seeing reality or the truth. The man in the cave represents all the

people in the world. The fire behind the man in the cave that serves as the light inside

the cave is the wisdom that man acquires in this world. Because of this wisdom, man

sees things in the world but not in their entirety because they are bound and confined

within the cave. Once they break free and come out of the cave, only here can they enjoy

the fullness of the knowledge gained.

Accepting your child is the basis for developing, communicating, and reinforcing

expectations for appropriate behavior. Many parents force their children for what they
want, or most often parents control their children. Yes, you're thinking of a better future

for your children but have you thought if how your child’s mental health is? Controlling

and forcing them for what they don't want to do can cause a lot of difficulties and they

will feel alone and weak. It is because of wrong parenting many children lose their

freedom, they lose their freedom of emotions and they can't decide well for themselves.

Critical parenting has been consistently associated with depression and, to a lesser extent,

anxiety. It is hypothesized that parents who criticize and minimize the child's feelings,

undermine the child's emotion regulation and increase their sensitivity to emotional health

problems such as anxiety and depression. Freedom is a condition in which people have

the opportunity to speak, act and pursue happiness without unnecessary external

restrictions. Freedom is important because it leads to enhanced expressions of creativity

and original thought, increased productivity, and overall high quality of life. Parent the

child you have, not the child you wish you had.

Just like what the last sentence stated, only they can enjoy the fullness of

knowledge once they break free. Same with the children, if you keep on locking them in

your own standard and in your own way of living and keep on manipulating them on

doing what you want they will never truly enjoy the knowledge they have. They will not

expand it and use it in order to learn more and experience life more. Knowledge is indeed

important to all human being, but experience and being on your own person is another

thing that everyone should experience. Knowledge and experience comes hand in hand,

the other cannot fully exist without the other one. Parents can guide their children in their

journey, but parents also should remember that they do not fully own their children to
just lock them up in the bubble they made. Let them break free and let them break loose

only then they will acquire knowledge that the books and school does not teach and only

then they will know what life truly is.

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