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Reg No:21BCE9255

Project -1
Title: Optimizing food delivery apps

This document aims to outline the system requirements for developing software solutions
that optimize food delivery apps. The project addresses challenges such as inefficient
delivery services, limited food options, security concerns, lack of customization, and
environmental issues related to food waste.

1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of this project is to enhance the efficiency and user experience of food delivery
apps by addressing existing challenges comprehensively. This document serves as a guide
for capturing and documenting all requirements at the project's outset.

1.2 Document Conventions:

• FDA - Food Delivery App

• UI - User Interface
• API - Application Programming Interface

1.3 Scope of the Project:

The project aims to develop software solutions to optimize food delivery apps by improving
logistics, expanding restaurant partnerships, enhancing security measures, offering more
customization options, and implementing sustainable practices.

1.4 Reference:
• Smith, J. (2023). Enhancing User Experience in Food Delivery Apps. TechPublishers.
• Johnson, A. (2022). Security Measures in Mobile Payment Transactions. Springer.

Overall Description:

2.1 Product Perspective:

The software solutions will integrate seamlessly with existing food delivery apps, enhancing
their functionality and user experience.

2.2 Product Functions:

The optimized FDA will offer efficient delivery services, a wide variety of food options,
secure payment transactions, customizable dietary preferences, and sustainable practices to
reduce food waste.

2.3 Operating Environment:

The software requires the following environment for optimal performance:
• Processor – Dual-core processor or higher
• RAM – 2 GB or higher
• Disk Space – 100 MB or higher
• Operating System – Compatible with major mobile operating systems

2.4 Design & Implementation Constraint:

• The UI must support intuitive navigation and customization options.
• Integration with existing food delivery apps via API is essential for seamless operation.
2.5 Assumptions & Dependencies:
• Cooperation from food delivery app developers is required for API integration.
• User adoption of new features and practices is assumed for successful implementation.

External Interface Requirements:

3.1 User Interface:

The UI will feature intuitive design elements for easy navigation and customization of food

3.2 Hardware Interface:

The software is compatible with standard mobile device configurations, ensuring
accessibility across various platforms.

3.3 Software Interface:

Integration with existing food delivery apps requires API compatibility and adherence to
industry-standard protocols.

System Features:

4.1 System Features:

• Efficient Delivery Services
• Expanded Restaurant Partnerships
• Enhanced Security Measures
• Customizable Dietary Preferences
• Sustainable Practices for Food Waste Reduction

Other Non-functional Requirements:

5.1 Performance Requirements:
Regular optimization and maintenance are necessary for optimal performance. Secure
communication protocols and data encryption ensure transactional security.

5.2 Safety Requirements:

User actions with potential consequences, such as payments, should be confirmed to
mitigate errors. Robust security measures are implemented to safeguard user information.

5.3 Security Requirements:

Each user must authenticate using individual credentials for access. Multi-layered security
protocols ensure data confidentiality and prevent unauthorized access.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes:

The optimized FDA prioritizes efficiency, security, customization, and sustainability to
enhance the overall customer experience.

Project -2
Title: System Requirement Specification Document for Friendly AI Shopping System

The objective of this document is to outline the system requirements for developing a user-
friendly AI shopping system for software applications. It aims to address the challenges
posed by the absence of standardized data, complexity in AI algorithms, high development
costs, technical integration hurdles, and privacy/security concerns.


1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of this system is to develop a user-friendly AI shopping system tailored for
software applications. This document serves as a comprehensive guide for the developers to
capture and document all the requirements at the project's inception.
1.2 Document Conventions:
• AIS - AI Shopping System
• GUI - Graphical User Interface
• API - Application Programming Interface

1.3 Scope of the Project:

The Friendly AI Shopping System aims to revolutionize the shopping experience within
software applications. It addresses challenges such as standardized data absence, algorithm
complexity, development costs, integration hurdles, and privacy/security concerns. The
system is designed to be adaptable, efficient, and user-friendly.

1.4 Reference:
• Smith, J. (2023). AI Integration in Software Applications. TechPublishers.
• Johnson, A. (2022). Privacy and Security in AI Systems. Springer.

Overall Description:

2.1 Product Perspective:

The Friendly AI Shopping System is developed to seamlessly integrate with software
applications, providing users with an intuitive shopping experience. It operates as an
internal system, adhering to the outlined specifications.

2.2 Product Functions:

The AIS will facilitate product search, recommendation, and purchasing within software
applications. It will employ AI algorithms to enhance user experience and streamline
shopping processes. Additionally, the system will ensure data protection and offer secure

2.3 Operating Environment:

The system requires the following environment for optimal performance:
• Processor – Dual-core processor or higher
• RAM – 2 GB or higher
• Disk Space – 100 MB or higher
• Operating System – Compatible with major operating systems

2.4 Design & Implementation Constraint:

• The GUI supports multiple languages for user accessibility.
• Integration with existing software applications via API is essential for seamless operation.

2.5 Assumptions & Dependencies:

• Adequate technical resources are available for system implementation.
• Integration with software applications requires cooperation from respective developers.

External Interface Requirements:

3.1 User Interface:

User interaction will be through intuitive GUI elements such as buttons and menus within
software applications.

3.2 Hardware Interface:

The AIS is compatible with standard hardware configurations, ensuring accessibility across
various devices.

3.3 Software Interface:

Integration with software applications requires API compatibility and adherence to industry-
standard protocols.

System Features:

4.1 System Features:

• Product Search and Recommendation
• Secure Transaction Processing
• User Preference Analysis
• Seamless Integration with Software Applications

Other Non-functional Requirements:

5.1 Performance Requirements:

Regular optimization and maintenance are necessary for optimal performance. Additionally,
data encryption and secure communication protocols ensure data integrity and privacy.

5.2 Safety Requirements:

User actions with potential consequences, such as purchases, should be confirmed to
mitigate errors. Robust data protection measures are implemented to safeguard user

5.3 Security Requirements:

Each user must authenticate using individual credentials for access. Multi-layered security
protocols ensure data confidentiality and prevent unauthorized access.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes:

The AIS prioritizes accuracy, security, speed, and compatibility to enhance user experience
and ensure seamless integration with software applications.

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