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Staten Island is the third in area and last in population.

Arthur Kill bridge comes from the dutch Achter kill, meaning back channel

David Eisenhower(1953-61)

Lifestyle: Suburbian living, Television, Cars, Highways

Science: NASA, Television, Nukes, DNA

Cold war: Space race, Nuclear weapons as a deterrent, Korean war

Discrimination: No segregation, Civil rights act of 1957, Little Rock Nine(1957)

Lost generation: Those who came of age during WWI.

Gertrude Stein gave it.

They focused on wealth and hedonistic values

Paris was the headquarters

Mea Culpa: My Fault-> Christian prayer

Scottish is an ethnicity

Scot is a person

Scotch is a drink (He was called scotch when he is Irish)


Epiphany is the 6th of january

Epiphany is the manifestation of an idea


New Grauge

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