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Rabindranath World School

W-10/3120, DLF Phase III, Gurgaon (HR).

CLASS X (2023-24)
ह द
िं ी पाठ्यक्रम


कक्षा – 10

स्पर्श – पद्य भाग

1) कबीर

2 ) मीरा

3) मनुष्यता

4) पर्शत प्रदे र् में पार्स

5) तोप

6) कर चले म फ़िदा

7) आत्मत्राण

गद्य भाग ---

8) बडे भाई सा ब

9) डायरी का एक पन्ना

10) ततााँरा र्ामीरो कथा

11) तीसरी कसम के शर्ल्पकार र्ैलेंद्र

12) अब क ााँ दस
ू रों के दुःु ख से दख
ु ी ोने र्ाले

13) पतझर में टूटी पत्तियााँ

14) कारतूस

सिंचयन – 1) रर र काका

2) सपनों के -से हदन

3) टोपी र्ुक्ला

व्याकरण – अपहित गद्यािंर्, पदबिंध, रचना के आधार पर र्ाक्य भेद , समास, मु ार्रे , पत्र
(औपचाररक), अनुच्छे द लेखन, सूचना -लेखन, त्तर्ज्ञापन लेखन, लघु कथा लेखन, ई – मेल लेखन


READING: Discursive passage and Case-based passage

WRITING: Formal letters (Order Placement, Inquiry Letter, Editorial Letter, Complaint
Letter, Order Cancellation) and Analytical Paragraph Writing

GRAMMAR: Tenses, Modals, Subject-Verb Concord, Determiners, Reported speech,

Editing and Gap-filling

LITERATURE: First Flight

Prose :A letter to God, Nelson Mandela -Long Walk to Freedom, Two Stories About
Flying, From the Diary of Anne Frank, Glimpses of India, Mijbil the Otter, Madam Rides
the Bus, The Sermon at Benares, The Proposal

Poems: Dust of Snow, Fire and Ice, A tiger in the Zoo, How to Tell Wild Animals, The Ball
Poem, Amanda!, Fog, The Tale of Custard the Dragon, The Trees, For Anne Gregory

Footprints without Feet

A triumph of Surgery, The Thief’s Story, The Midnight Visitor, A Question of Trust,
Footprints Without Feet, The Making of a Scientist, The Necklace, Bholi, The Book that
Saved the Earth



1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe *

2. Nationalism In India *

3. The Making of a Global World

(To be evaluated in the Board Examination - Subtopics:1 to 1.3 Pre Modern World to
Conquest, Disease and Trade)

4. Print Culture and the Modern World


1. Resources and Development *

2. Forest and Wildlife Resources

3. Water Resources *

4. Agriculture *

5. Minerals and Energy Resources *

6. Manufacturing Industries*

7. Lifelines of Indian Economy* (Only Map Work)

Political Science :

1. Power - sharing

2. Federalism

3. Gender, Religion and Caste

4. Political Parties

5. Outcomes of Democracy

1. Development

2. Sectors of the Indian Economy

3. Money and Credit

4. Globalisation and The Indian Economy (To be evaluated in the Board Examination:

What is Globalization?

Factors that have enabled Globalisation)

* :Map Work Included


1. Real Numbers

2. Polynomials

3. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

4. Quadratic Equations

5. Arithmetic Progressions

6. Triangles

7. Coordinate Geometry

8. Introduction to Trigonometry

9. Some Applications of Trigonometry

10. Circles

11. Areas Related to Circles

12. Surface Areas and Volumes

13. Statistics

14. Probability

Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations

Chapter 2: Acid, Bases and Salts

Chapter 3: Metals and Non-Metals

Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compound

Chapter 6: Life Processes

Chapter 7: Control and Coordination

Chapter 8: How Do Organism Reproduce?

Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution

Chapter 10: Light: Reflection and Refraction

Chapter 11: The Eye and the Colourful World

Chapter 12: Electricity

Chapter 13: Heating Effects of Electric Current

Chapter 15: Our Environment

Computer Science

➢ Introduction of Internet
➢ Networking & Internet Services
➢ Basic Tags in HTML
➢ Images, Links, Tables & forms in HTML
➢ Cascading Stylesheet
➢ Cyber Ethics

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