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University of Cagayan Valley

Tuguegarao City
First Semester, School Year 2023-2024

Part 1: For Social Issues:

1. What are some key challenges that young people face today?
2. How can students contribute to raising awareness about mental health issues among their
3. What role does social media play in shaping the perceptions and behaviors of students?
4. How can students promote inclusivity and diversity within their educational institutions?
5. What are the benefits of volunteering for social causes while studying?
6. How can students effectively balance their academic responsibilities with maintaining a
healthy social life?
7. What are some strategies to combat cyberbullying and online harassment among
8. Discuss the importance of practicing responsible digital citizenship among students.
9. How can students help address environmental issues within their communities?
10. Share your thoughts on the impact of peer pressure on student decision-making.
Part 2: For Professional Issues:
1. What skills and qualities should students develop to enhance their employability in a
competitive job market?
2. Discuss the pros and cons of pursuing internships or part-time jobs while studying.
3. How can students build a strong professional network that will benefit them in their
future careers?
4. What are the ethical considerations students should be aware of when participating in
unpaid internships or volunteer work?
5. Share your perspective on the importance of continuous learning and professional
development for students.
6. How can students leverage social media platforms to create a positive online professional
7. What are the potential challenges of transitioning from a student lifestyle to a
professional work environment?
8. Discuss the significance of effective time management for students preparing to enter the
9. How can students navigate the process of negotiating salaries and benefits when offered a
10. What role does personal branding play in a student's ability to secure job opportunities?

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