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Impact of Social Institutions on Caribbean People:

Social Institutions are Sets of Important Ideas used to Organize People's Lives. They are
Prescriptive; they Inform about Routines. Social Institutions do Not Exist in the Tangible
Realm. People Place High Value on these Ideas. Some Social Institutions Evoke a High Level of
Sensitivity in People; as some Cling more Strongly to, for example, Religion. They Influence
how People go about their Lives.
For a Social Institution to Exist, a Consensus is Required. Everyone has to Agree on the Social
Institution, therefore, they are Socially Cohesive. Eg. Students from Different Religion
Backgrounds come together in Education.
A Social Institution depends on Socialisation, ie, the next Generation would be Taught certain
Information. A Social Institution Allows for a Value System.
Primary Socialisation Involves Infancy and Early Childhood. It is Associated with the
Indoctrination of Personal Values and these Allow the Individual to Interact with his
Immediate Society, ie, the Family. The Individual learns Religion, Love, Obedience and Sibling
Interaction. He will Learn the Values that Allow him to Understand Roles in the Family.
Secondary Socialisation Involves Formal Schooling (Eg. Pre School, Primary, Secondary,
Tertiary Education) where the Person is Taught Socially Relevant Values that are Important for
a Nation / Society and would make an Individual a Good Citizen. Eg. Patriotism.
These Values can be Taught and Caught the Importance of Sharing through the Hidden
Curriculum (The Lesson in the Lesson: The Moral of the Story). Values can be Caught when an
Individual Observes Behaviour. NOT all Values are Valuable. Eg. Racism.
Social Perspectives: Social Perspectives Produces Guidelines / Theories / Rules by which what
already Exists in Society can be Studied. Each Social Perspective begins with a Basic Outlook /
Theory. Social Perspectives do not Dictate what goes on in Society; it merely Helps to Explain
why Society is the Way it is. Two Social Perspectives are:
1. Functionalism: Created by Emile Durkheim. Functionalism sees all Social Institutions as
being Crafted by Society to Promote Cohesion, Harmony and High Levels of Productivity.
Functionalism sees all Social Institutions as Working towards the Greater Good of Society.
There is an Optimistic Outlook.

Functionalism Promotes the Idea of Roles in Society. Therefore, Functionalism depends on

Tradition, ie, Change in Society must Occur very Slowly else Society will Slip into Chaos with
Rapid Change. Functionality regards all Social Institutions as Enabling an Individual to lead a
Happy and Productive Life; helping an Individual to become what Society wants him to be.

2. Marxism / Conflict Perspective: Created by Karl Marx. Communism is Associated with Karl
Marx. He Created a Socio - Political and Socio - Economic Philosophy contained in the book
called "The Communist Manifesto." Marxism sees all Social Institutions as being Created by the
Bourgeoisie Class to Oppress the Proletariat Class / the Masses.

Therefore, Marxism sees all Social Institutions as being based upon Oppression, Conflict and
Control. Cuba Utilizes Communist Policies as part of their Structure. It Explains all Social
Institutions to Maintain their Power Position over another Group.
Social Institutions:
1. Family.
2. Religion.
3. Education.
4. Justice System.

Functionalist Perspective: Any Family Structure has a few Main Functions:
a. Reproductive.
b. Socialisation.
c. Economic.
d. Provision of Love, Security, Self Esteem.

The Family is a Major Institution in Society because this is where the Greatest Level of
Socialisation takes Place, ie, Family Teaches Children what it is to be a Member of Society. The
Family is the Basis of Social Cohesion and Harmony. However, this can only Occur if Every
Member of the Family Performs his Role. The Functionalists Recommends the Nuclear
Family; as there is a Tightly Knit, Compact, Efficient Family Structure.
Marxist Perspective: The Family is a Reflection of what Occurs in Society. They see the
Society as Filled with Social and Economic Exploitation. This same Exploitation in Society
also Occurs in Family. Marxists Theorists are Characterized by Dysfunctionality because there
would be Exploitation, Violence and Oppression in the Family.
Marxists see the Breadwinner (Man) as having Economic Power and he will Oppress the
Family. Thus, the Relationship between the Man and Woman is never a Good One. The Man
Oppresses his Family because of Oppression given to him in his Workplace. This is known as
Social Reproduction; where a Mentality continues from One Generation to the Next.
In the Family, there will be a Sexual Division of Labour / Sexual Stereotyping. Eg. Men as
Breadwinners, Women as Housewife (Women as having No Economic Basis). This Agenda
Continues the Economic Polarisation in Society.
Caribbean Reality: The Caribbean Illustrates a Diversity in Family Structure. Like all Social
Institutions, there would be Inputs of Family Structure from all Race Groups in the Caribbean.
Some Family Structures would have more Influence than Others.
All Social Institutions Display a Eurocentric and Ethnocentric Disposition, ie, all of our
Social Institutions have been Affected by the European Ideal. In Social Institutions, Cultural
Imperialism is Operational: We, as an Oppressed People, look towards the European Models
as being Superior to ours. In the Caribbean, the Concept of the Family has Inputs from Several
Race Groups:
1. Amerindian: There is a Tribal Society. They Lived in a Group; which was like One Large
Family. They used the Extended Family Structure; Implying that Persons who are Two or
Three Places Removed (Eg. 2nd and 3rd Cousins) may still Live Close Knit. Blood Relations
Bound them.

Tribal Society was Lost when Europeans Superimposed all their Social Institutions in 1492.
Everything that occurred after 1492 looked to the European Model as the Appropriate Model.
2. African: Slavery DID NOT Promote Family Structure. Instead, it Attempts to Separate
Men and Women. On the Plantation, Men and Women found Ways to become Intimate. A
Concept called the Visiting Union is Introduced. This leads to Matriarchal Family Structures
(The Women are the Economic and Social Heads of Families) and Male Stereotype →

The Caribbean Society Views Masculinity by how many Women / Children one Possesses. This
leads to Single Parent Homes. After Emancipation, a New Type of Family Structure is Created:
The Common Law Union.
The Common Law DID NOT need a Religious / Legal Framework and this Created a Problem
in Society. Many Children were Born without Proper Management. The Colonial Government
created a Concept called Bastardy to Counter the Common Law Union.
3. East Indian: They came from a Heritage of the Extended Family Structure; People Living in
Close Proximity. The East Indian Retains that Type of Family Structure today. Even though the
East Indian is still getting Married in his Religion, their Children are Considered Bastards
since there is No European Framework (There is Instead Hindus and Muslims).

There is Tremendous Diversity in Family Structure. In Recent Times, the Single Sex Family is
Becoming Accepted in Metropolitan Nations. It is a Matter of Time before Caribbean Nations
Adopt this. Sexual Orientation is being more Stigmatised. Any Discrimination takes away a
Person's Humanity.
Education is regarded as the Most Important Social Institution. Education is Linked with
Empowerment and Social Mobility. Education can be Considered as the Most Basic Aspect of
Socialisation and Values. Formal Education Associated with Schooling fulfills the Secondary
Socialisation Criteria.
Functionalist Perspective: They see Education as being Important for Social Perpetuation;
Every Next Generation will be Aware of what is Important in Society. The Functionalists
1. Education is Passing on Ideas, Values, Norms.
2. Education Makes an Individual More Productive in Society, ie, Ready for the World of
Work / Employment.
3. Education allows a Person to Enjoy a Better Quality of Life.
4. Education can Promote Unification of Society by Promoting Understanding and Tolerance of
5. Education is a Factor that Promotes Equity in Society because Everyone is Equally Able to
Access Education. Because it is Equally Accessible, the Only Limit an Individual in Education is
the Limit he Sets on Himself.
6. Education is a Meritocracy.
7. Education is a Social Mobility Agent. So, it Equally Empowers rather than Create
Polarization. Not Everyone will, for example, become a Scientist, but, Every Job is Equally
8. Every Individual can be Educated to his Own Desire.

Marxist Perspective: The Marxists say Education is a Form of Mental Control. They see
Education as a means by which there is a Perpetuation of the Status Quo called "Social
Reproduction." Education is seen as a means of Perpetuating Class Division. The Marxists
Assess Education from the Elements of Education.
The Curriculum Tends to Instil Inferiority in the Masses Class. Education tries to Replace a
Sense of Identity with an Understanding that "You are to be Ruled." Education is Designed to
Ensure the Masses Fail. Eg. Examinations are set to Make People Fail. After Repeated Failure,
They would not Persist.
Education is seen as a Psychological Weapon Created by the Bourgeoisie Class to Destroy a
Person's Will.
The Rich will always Prosper at Education since:
1. They have all the Requirements. Eg. Children have Necessary Stationery.
2. They can Spend all their Time Studying (No Chores).
3. They have the Right Nutrition to Eat, Study and Succeed.
4. They can Afford Extra Lessons; Maintaining a Competitive Edge.
5. If they Fail Examinations, they could always Use Corrupt Means to Advance.

The Children of the Rich will always be the Education Elite and the Poor will always be the
Caribbean Reality: Education went through Several Different Phases at Different Times:
1. The Plantation: With the Arrival of the Europeans, Christianity as the School Curriculum is
the First Emphasis. In this Early Context, the Marxists Paradigm of Brainwash and Control is
Fulfilled. Eg. Obedience and Acceptance of One's Suffering is Taught.

Christianity is thus Linked to Exploitation. While Africans are Brainwashed by Religious

Values, the Children of the Planter Class are Educated in the Curriculum for them to
Maintain their Riches.
The Church is Associated with the First Teachers. Eg. Priests, Monks. Hence, Christianity and
Education are Inseparable in the Caribbean. The Slaves are NOT Educated or Empowered.
Christianity is given to Learn; rather than Read.
There were a Few Coloured People (Mulatto, Free Men) who Accessed Education. They
became the Black Intelligentsia. They were Able to Send their Children to Education. This
also Created a Class Division. Education becomes Associated with Social Stratification.
On the Plantation, Education belongs to the Professional Class. They have more Power than the
Planter. Education is seen as Something Desirable as it is a Social Mobility and
Empowerment Agent. The Slaves Thought Education was Something Worthy.
2. 1838: Colonial Governments were Mandated to Give the Newly Emancipated Population
the Rudiments of Education and Literacy. Public Education in the BWI Caribbean was

The Institution of Colonial Education was Designed by a British Authority for an Oppressed
People, therefore, the Agenda of the Colonial Education System was to Perpetuate the Idea
among Oppressed People that they should be Ruled by the Imperial Power, ie, the Colonial
Education as a means of Brainwashing and Perpetuation of Class Division. Colonial Education
fulfills the Marxists Paradigm.
During the Initial Stages of Education in the Caribbean, Education is Associated with the
Church. The Church became a School. Normally, a Church is next to a School. Education is
Owned by the Church; the Priests and Nuns became the Teachers. This Stereotype lasts till this
day. The Christian Schools are seen as the Superior Schools.
Even during Initial Education, there were Secondary School Opportunities. But, Secondary
Schooling was NOT Free. Education was seen as an Elitist Commodity to be Sold (Only
Accessible by the Wealthy). Hence, Education is a Social Stratification Factor. These
Secondary Schools are the First Schools and are known as the Best Schools.
Different Churches Targeted Different Communities. Eg. The Roman Catholic / Anglican
Churches Targeted the Liberated Africans while the Presbyterian Church Targeted the East
Indians. The
Children of Both Races will have to Change Religion to Attend these Schools. Education was
used as a Force.
The Colonial Agenda was still there as Time Passed. People are Brainwashed into Seeing
Europeans as Superior. Colonial Education Dehumanises Society and takes away the
Identity of the Caribbean. The Focus was on a Person becoming Disconnected.
3. Federation (1958): One of the First Acts of the Federation was to Attempt to Make
Education more Relevant to a Caribbean Society. The Federation used Procedures to Create
the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC). These were Early Plans; it took a while before
CXC became a Reality.

Colonial Education was Damaging; CXC Addressed Cultural Imperialism. The Decision was
made in 1958 but in 1973, CXC is Inaugurated and the First Exams became a Replacement to
the GCE O' Level Examinations. Overtime, all the GCE Examinations were Replaced by a CXC
Equivalent. The Last GCE O' Level Exam was Written in 2013.
In 2000, CXC Initiated a Plan for an A' Level Equivalent: CAPE. By 2006, all Caribbean
Countries were Required to Offer CAPE as the A' Level Examinations. Education now
Promotes Caribbean Identity and Development. In the Caribbean, today, there is a Heavy
Emphasis on Education as an Empowerment Factor because the Importance is Emphasized
to Each New Generation.
Education Influences Routines; especially to the Young. Education has Allowed a Caribbean
People to be Liberated from Bondage to Labour. In each Passing Generation, Education is
more Important and Accessible.
While Education is a Mobility and Empowerment Agent, Ironically, Education becomes a
Stratification Factor. Education Adds to the Division that already Exists.
Religion: Religious Beliefs are as Old as Mankind Itself. It has always been part of Man's
Ways of Thinking. Religion is a Diverse Concept. Hence, it is Challenging to Define it. All
Religions have certain Common Features:
1. There is a Higher Spiritual Entity that Governs Mans' Lives.
2. Man, through certain Actions (Rites, Rituals, Ceremonies) may be Able to Gain Favour with
that Spiritual Entity.
3. Man uses Religion as a Means of Coping with and Tolerating the Challenges of his Reality.
Eg. Charity, Prayers.

Functionalist Perspective: They Place Extremely High Value on Religion due to its Purpose in
Society. They Value Religion because of its Congregational Nature, ie, it Brings People
Together and Promotes Consensus. Because it is based upon a Shared Values System, it
Promotes Interaction, Cohesion, Co-Operation, "Oneness" of Interaction.
Therefore, Religion can Promote Harmony and Stability of Society. Religion can also Promote
Morality (Knowledge and Understanding of Right and Wrong), and this Promotes Peace. The
Functionalists also say Religion is Based upon Established Ceremony and Practices, Rituals.
Eg. Sunday → Church. Tradition is Promoted; which Aids in Maintaining Stability in Society.
Marxists Perspective: Marxists Philosophers see Religion as the Most Sensitive Social
Institution because it deals with Mankind's Highest Psychological Need: Spiritual Needs.
Marx says that Religion was Created by the Bourgeoisie Class to Instil Fear and Servility.
In this way, Religion Continues the Mindset that keeps the Proletariat Class in Oppression,
therefore, Religion is Associated with Social Reproduction.
Marxists Philosophers say the Masses Class use Religion as an Escape from Oppression.
"Religion is the Opiate / Opium of the Masses." Religion is a Coping Mechanism that never
Helps the Situation because they always Escape the Reality.
Religion causes People to Accept Oppression and keeps People Controllable because it is
Predicated on the Fear of the Unknown. In this Perspective, Religion is an Apparatus of
Caribbean Reality: Religion is a Diverse Institution in the Caribbean because of the Number
of Inputs that have come into the Caribbean Overtime. Enculturation, Retention, Erasure,
Hybridization and Conversion have taken place in the Caribbean.
*Conversion is Associated with the Metropolitan Nation, ie, People Switch from their Original
Religion to Christianity. This Represents Eurocentrism and Ethnocentrism. Even though the
Caribbean has a Plural Religion Society, the Caribbean has an Ethnocentric View on Religion.
There is a Preference for the European Religion (Christianity). Over the 500+ Years in the
Caribbean, Christianity has Entrenched itself into the Ways of Thinking about Every Social
Institution. Christianity, then, has become an Important Social Mobility Factor, and therefore, a
Social Stratification Factor.
Amerindians: Religion Existed among the Amerindians. They had Anthropomorphic Worship
→ Divine / Human Characteristics are Endowed in Nature.
Formal European Religion comes into the Caribbean in 1492. Religion and Politics were
Inseparable in the Middle Ages. The Church and State are Interwoven. This has Influenced
Caribbean Evolution ever since.
Even though the Caribbean is a Plural Society, Christianity has Influenced Everyone's Lives.
With the Coming of Christianity, comes the Zeal to Convert. Religion and Sword Arrives in
1492. Policies began to be Enacted; using Christianity as a Base.
The Encomienda became an Abuse of Christianity when it was Introduced after Repartimiento.
The Encomienda was the 1st Effort to Convert and Gospelise in the Caribbean. The
Encomienda sets a Pattern by which Christianity will be seen in the Caribbean.
Christianity is a Justification of the Genocide and Capitalism. In this Early Stage, the
Marxists View is Fulfilled. Over the Years, there is Cultural and Religious Erasure of the
Eg. Amerindians Celebrate the Santa Rosa Festival in October in Trinidad and Tobago. This is
Clearly Signs of Erasure and Assimilation. Religion is part of the Superstructure of
Slavery is Pivoted upon Christianity. Justification of Enslavement of the Black Man is also
Found in Biblical Text. The African is the Exile Tribe of Israel and he is Supposed to be
Exploited; It is the Just Thing to Do. There is Abuse of Christianity to Advance a Capitalist
On the Plantation, the Africans were Prevented from Practicing their West African Religion for
one Purpose: The Europeans don't Understand it, therefore, they Cannot Control it; it is a
Security Risk. There is Cultural Erasure. At the same Time, the Europeans are Beginning to
Supplant Christian Values, Scriptures, and Elements of Biblical Teachings in the Africans.
The Values that are Supplanted are Meant to Promote Docility; to make People Accept their Fate
and Instil Fear. Man Abuses Religion because there is an Inherent Greed.
Edward Kamau Brathwaite Studied the Process of Creolization. He Noticed that Africans
made a Conscious Effort to Retain Elements of his Unique Identity while Enduring Pressure
to Change from the Europeans. Overtime, Elements that were Retained, were being Mixed with
the New Things Taught to them; resulting in Hybridization. Many Hybrids have been Formed:
Jamaica: Myaal, Pocomania, Rastafarianism.
Cuba: Santoria.
Grenada + Trinidad and Tobago: Orisha.
Trinidad and Tobago: Shouter Baptists.
Haiti: Voodoo.
Hybrid Religions are Allowed to Proliferate with Emancipation. Even though the Plantation
comes to an End, Different Kinds of Pressures are Applied to the Hybrid Groups in order for
them to Convert to Christianity and become Controlled, for example, Restriction to
Employment, School and Bastardy.
East Indians come in and Bring Eastern Religious Ideologies (Islam, Hinduism, Zen
Buddhism). There is no Effort to Control them since they are Wage Labour. Thus, East Indian
Religions Survive in the Caribbean. Just as the Hybrid Religions are seen as Inferior, so too are
the East Indian Religions. They are Held in a Very Contemptuous Mindset.
Today, the East Indian Community is Converting to Christianity. Christianity Impacts on our
Lives; even those who aren’t Christian. Eg. Name Choice: "Thomas" to Reflect an Ethnocentric
Ideal; showing European Cultural Imperialism is Succeeding.
Two Major Christian Events Punctuate the Calendar: Easter and Christmas. People Think
about these Events when Planning. In Trinidad and Tobago, the Trinity Cross didn’t Reflect the
Plural Society. Hence, the Nation's Highest Award, was Renamed to "The Order of Trinidad and
Rastafarianism is a Syncretic Religion that has Impacted outside of the Caribbean.
Rastafarianism is an Important Religious Identity because it has been Exported to the
Metropolitan Nations. Rastafarianism is Associated with Certain Characteristics:
1. Wearing of Dreads.
2. Colour Coding: Red, Green and Gold.
3. Reggae and Some of its Derivatives.
4. Unique Language and Meanings. Eg. Babylon → European Oppressors.
5. Copious Amount of Weed Use.
6. Vegetarianism.

Bob Marley is Perhaps the most Famous Rastafarian; Creating a Stereotype of what a Rasta
Rastafarianism has been Adopted by the Adolescent Population as a Basis for Intellectual and
Social Rebellion. Rastafarian Philosophy is Indeed Rebellious by Nature; They See all
Structures Crafted by the Europeans (Babylons) as a Construct meant to Oppress. This
Reflects Marxists Philosophy.
Rastafarianism has been Historically Stereotyped since the Europeans couldn't Control them.
Europeans thus Created a Stereotype and Allowed Society to Condemn them. There is a
Perception that Rastafarians should be Alienated (Eg. All are Bandits, Murderers). This
Perception Continues in Society. There is a Distrust for Rastafarians.
According to Edward Kamau Brathwaite, Rastafarianism was Regarded as a Rebellion Basis
against European Value Systems, Lifestyles and Social Institutions.

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