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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Structural Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:

1. Describe the structural frame

2. Apply the structural frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

Netflix. External consultant to analyze and provide strategic insights into the
organization’s response to the transformative shift in the streaming landscape. My role is
to bring an objective and fresh perspective to the challenges and opportunities Netflix
face in this dynamic environment.

2) Describe how the structure of the organization influenced the situation.

Netflix's organizational structure has been a driving force behind its ability to navigate
the transformative shift in the streaming landscape. The company's commitment to
decentralized decision-making allows for agility in responding to dynamic market
conditions. This is emphasized in the Netflix Culture Memo by Reed Hastings and Patty
McCord, highlighting the importance of freedom and responsibility in decision-making.
The culture of innovation at Netflix encourages employees to take risks and experiment,
as discussed in the Harvard Business Review's article on how Netflix reinvented HR.
This ethos has been pivotal in Netflix's transition from a traditional content distribution
model to a leader in original content production. The reliance on data-driven decision-
making, extensively covered in a Medium article on Netflix's big data pipeline, has
enabled the company to understand viewer preferences and shape content strategies
accordingly. The absence of a rigid hierarchy contributes to Netflix's flexibility, allowing
for rapid adaptation to market changes, as highlighted in a Forbes article on the
company's unique culture. Additionally, Netflix's global team collaboration, explored in a

Harvard Business Review piece on the company's international expansion, supports its
efforts in tailoring content for diverse markets and navigating regulatory challenges. In
essence, Netflix's organizational structure has played a pivotal role in shaping its strategic
responses, ensuring it remains at the forefront of the ever-evolving streaming industry.

3) Recommend how you would use structure for an alternative course of action
regarding your case

In looking at how Netflix can tackle the challenges in the streaming world, an alternative
approach could involve tweaking their organizational structure a bit. While Netflix is all about
that decentralized decision-making life, maybe there's room for a more centralized vibe in some
key areas. Picture this: setting up a central team, like a SWAT squad, solely focused on
international content strategy. This group could bring together experts from different corners of
Netflix to streamline decisions on things like how to adapt content for different cultures and
make sure it checks all the boxes with local rules. It's like creating a global game plan.

Also, thinking about data – Netflix is all about it. What if we set up a central hub for data
analytics? While local teams still handle the nitty-gritty of what's happening in their regions, this
central hub would be the big brain that spots global trends. It's the place where the big picture
comes together, helping Netflix fine-tune how they recommend shows and where they invest
their content moolah. This isn't about ditching the cool, flexible Netflix culture. It's just adding a
bit of central mojo where it makes sense. The goal is to keep the innovative spirit alive while
making sure Netflix can tackle the global scene with a bit more coordination. So, it's like keeping
the best of both worlds – Netflix's trademark innovation and a bit more teamwork where it can
amp up their game in the streaming world.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Thinking back on what I've picked up about Netflix's organizational structure and how it's
tackling the streaming scene, there are a few tweaks I'd make to my first suggestions.
First off, I'd be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Netflix's current
setup is all about being nimble and quick on their feet, and that's gold in the ever-
changing streaming game. So, instead of suggesting a full-on revamp, I'd lean more
towards a mix of the current setup and some targeted changes.

Knowing how Netflix thrives on data, I'd double down on the idea of centralizing their
data game. It's like making sure the left hand knows what the right hand is doing. Having
a central hub for data analytics could be the secret sauce for spotting global trends, fine-
tuning recommendations, and making smart content investments. It's about keeping the

data party going strong.And considering Netflix's worldwide hustle, I'd be more gung-ho
about setting up a central crew focused on international content strategy. This isn't about
raining on the parade of creativity; it's about making sure there's a solid game plan for
taking over the global stage. A bit like having a team that speaks the language of different
markets, making sure content hits the right notes globally.

Looking back, it's about tweaking, not tearing down. The cool, creative Netflix vibe stays
intact, but with a bit more strategy where it counts. It's like finding the sweet spot
between Netflix's innovation and some smart teamwork to stay on top in the streaming

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