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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Southern Leyte
Liloan District ll

LS2 Scientific & Critical Thinking Skills

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Date: _________________
CLC: ______________________________________ Level: ________________

Lesson: Friction & Gravity

Learning Competency:
Infer how friction and gravity affect movements of different objects.

In our daily activities, we most often come across two types of forces: contact and
noncontact forces. For example, when you walk, a contact force acts on you. When you go up
a hill, a noncontact force pulls you down making it difficult for you to climb. In this lesson,
you will learn about these two types of forces, that brings great impact on our daily lives

After reading this module, you should be able to:

♦ define what is force, contact and noncontact force,
♦ define what friction and gravitational force,
♦ state the universal law of gravitation (Newtons Law);
♦ solve problems on friction and gravitational force

Let’s think about this

Direction: • Tell if the following objects moves by friction or gravity.

Write your answers in the blank.

1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________

4. _______________ 5. ______________ 6. ______________

7. ________________ 8. __________________ 9. ______________

10. ______________

Direction: A. Match the definitions/descriptions in Column A with the terms in Column B
by drawing connecting lines.

B. Answer the following questions below. Choose your answer inside the box.
1. A push or a pull is called a(n) ____________________ .
2. A(n)_____________ is a push or a pull on an object by another object that is touching it.
3. A force that one object can apply to another object without touching it is a(n) __________.
4. Forces are measured in units called _______________ .
5. _________is the force resisting the motion when a body rolls on a surface.

Friction Non-Contact Force Contact Force

Force N (Newton) Rolling Friction

Let’s see what you already know

Direction: • Look at the picture below and answer the questions that follows.

 What can you tell on the picture shown?


 What pictures shows gravity and which is friction?


Let’s learn

- is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object.
Whenever there is an interaction between two objects, there is a force upon each of the

Type of Forces
Contact Force- is any force that requires contact to occur. It produced when two objects
actually touch each other. For example, when you push a box, there is actual contact between
your hands and the box. Therefore, we say that a contact force acts on the box.

Noncontact Force- is a force which acts on an object without coming physically in contact
with it. It produced when two objects separated by a given distance exert force on each other.

Contact Force Noncontact Force

Frictional Force
-is a force between two surfaces that are sliding, or trying to
slide, across each other. For example, when you try to push a
book along the floor, friction makes this difficult. Friction
always works in the direction opposite to the direction in
which the object is moving, or trying to move.

Look at the two situations below. In which situation is friction greater?

Friction is greater in Situation B. This is because you have two boxes instead of one.
The greater weight of the boxes pushes more on the floor, so you can say that friction is
greater here. Friction is actually caused by the interlocking of tiny projections on the rubbing
surfaces. The greater weight of the two boxes causes the tiny projections on the bottom of the
box below to interlock more with the floor.

It is more difficult to move the box when it is at rest. This is due to static friction.
Static friction is the kind of friction present when an object is at rest on a surface. Sliding
friction or kinetic friction, on the other hand, is the kind of friction present when an object is
moving on a surface.

-is a force of attraction that exists between any two masses, any two bodies, any two
particles. Gravity is not just the attraction between objects and the Earth. It is an attraction
that exists between all objects, everywhere in the universe.

Gravitational Force
-is a force that attracts any two objects with mass. We call the gravitational force attractive
because it always tries to pull masses together, it never pushes them apart. In fact, every
object, including you, is pulling on every other object in the entire universe

Difference Between Gravity & Friction
- Gravity always pulls objects such as a desk, book or person down. Thus, when you jump,
gravity causes you to land on the ground. Friction, however, doesn’t pull objects down.
Friction, however, doesn’t pull objects down. In fact, unlike gravity, friction doesn’t rely on a
natural force. Instead friction occurs when something like a machine or individual pulls a
sliding object in the opposite direction of another object.

Example of Gravity & Friction in Community:

(used friction in
driving a pedicab)

(floor crane used to

pull a car)

Activity 1
Direction: A. Decide whether each picture/statement below indicates more friction or less

1. 2.

3. 4.

B. Label the object as a PUSH or PULL. Write your answer in the blank.

1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________

Activity 2
Direction: A. Look at the picture and circle the word that best describe the pictures. Choose your
answer in the word highlighted below.

Direction: A. Write whether each statement is ‘True’ ,’False’ or ‘Partly true’.

B. Read and answer the following questions below. Circle the letter of your correct answer.

1. In jumping from a plane, a parachute is used in order to _______________.

a. shorten time
b. lengthen time
c. increase force
d. quadruple force

2. Gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of two objects and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them according to the ________.
a. law of inertia
b. law of circular motion
c. universal law of gravitation
d. law of conservation of momentum

3. The force that acts between rubbing surfaces is called ___________.

a. impulse b. friction c. momentum d. gravitational force

4. If you need to jump from a very high place, what kind of surface will you choose to land on?
a. cement b. wood c. marble d. compact soil

5. A force is which one of this _______________.

a. push b. pull c. a push or pull d. none of these

Learner’s Reflection:
 What is force and types of force?

 How do friction and gravity differ from each other?


 Why it is important to know friction and gravity in our daily interactions in our life
whether in community or inside our home?


More on Forces 4-13

Prepared by:

ALS Mobile Teacher

Note: “Always follow the safety protocol in all times.”

Key answers:
Let’s Think About This
1. gravity 2. friction 3. gravity 4. gravity 5. friction
6. friction 7. friction 8. gravity 9. gravity 10. gravity

1. b. friction 2. e. sliding or kinetic friction 3. a. gravitational force

4. d. static friction 5. c. Newton’s universal law of gravitation

Let’s See What You Already Know

1. Pictures shows friction and gravity.
2. moving slides is friction and boy doing skateboard,
sky diving is a gravity.

Activity 1
A. 1. less friction 2. more friction
3. more friction 4. less friction
B. 1. Push 2. push 3. Pull

Activity 2


1. (b) lengthen time. 2. (c) universal law of gravitation
3. b. friction 4. d. compact soil

5. c. a push or pull


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