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Persuasive Text

February 1, 2022
Paired Work
1. Read LB page 151.
2. Answer 1(a to h), pg. 151-152 and 2(a to c), 153.
3. Write the answers only in your notebook.
4. Take note of the following:
• 1b: literal- direct meaning; figurative- symbolic, suggestive meaning
• 1e: sentinels- guards/soldiers; alien- foreign; guano- bird poop
• 1h: Session 5.2(LB pg. 133-36); Session 5.6 LB pg. 145
• 2a: example( tuxedoed seabirds)
• 2b: sample(partners- allies)
• 2c: falling prey
Seat work
A. Individual
1. Annotate and label the parts of the persuasive text on page 151. Use pg. 145 as reference. Identify:
- Introduction/ statement of the issue/topic
-Points and topic sentences in each paragraph
-Conclusion/Summary/Call to Action/Challenge
2. Identify other persuasive techniques used
-question -quotes from experts
-varied sentence structures -connectives
-varied punctuations. -facts and opinions
-specific/scientific vocabulary -strong verbs
-descriptive /figurative language -emotive language

B. Paired
1. Discuss your answers in A.
2. Do 1a, LB pg. 154 on an. A4 paper. -strong verbs
WB Pg. 126 to 128 Answers
Model Answer, AB pg. 127-128, #3
Topic Human activity is responsible for climate change

Introduction -Are we guilty of causing climate change? (Question as persuasive technique)

First Point -We throw so much trash

-Example: paper, food
Second Point -We have a wasteful attitude
-We don’t recycle
-We don’t segregate our trash

Third Point -We cause so much pollution

-We use cars, ride on planes with fumes and smoke that increase C02
Conclusion -We are the culprit; we are to be blame but we are also the solution
-Practical ways to help solve climate change

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