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1.What is a motivational speech?

- A motivational speech is a type of speech that is intended to inspire and encourage the audience. It
typically conveys a highly emotional message and is often used to motivate others in various contexts,
such as sports events or personal development.

2. What are some characteristics of a motivational speech?

 Defined purpose
 Clear goal
 Targeted to the audience
 Personal account
 Meaningful conclusion
 Stories from real life that inspire
 Fast-paced and energetic
 Focus on a very few themes during the session rather than many

3. What are some purposes of motivational speeches?

 Boosting morale and motivation in individuals or teams.

 Encouraging personal growth and self-improvement.

 Inspiring positive change and action.
 Empowering individuals to overcome challenges and adversities.
 Building confidence and self-belief.

4. What should you do to give speeches that are motivational?

 Understand your audience: Adapt your speech to resonate with the audience's interests, needs,
and values.

 Share personal stories and examples: Realism and openness can help create a deeper
connection with the audience.
 Use powerful language and imagery: Paint vivid pictures with your words to bring out
emotions and inspire action.
 Engage the audience: Encourage interaction, ask thought-provoking questions, and
maintain eye contact to keep the audience's attention.

5. What should you do to prepare for your speeches?

 Identify Purpose: for a speech to be effective, it must have a clear goal.

 Organize your speech in a logical sequence: opening, main points, summary.
 Practice and rehearse your speech frequently prior to delivering it.
 Become familiar with the stage or the setting where the speech will take place.
 Choose comfortable clothes to wear, but always maintain a professional appearance.

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