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Anatomical position: That of the body standing upright, with the feet at shoulder width and parallel, toes forward. The
upper limbs are held out to each side, and the palms of the hands face forward

Anatomy is the structure of the human body. The study of anatomy entails the dissection of muscles and organs.
Exercise science requires a fundamental understanding of the human body with less emphasis on the internal organs. It is
imperative for an exercise leader to have an elementary and basic understanding of the human anatomy.

Understanding the human body and its functions will enable the exercise leader to be more knowledgeable and effective
in their professional responsibilities of program design for group and individual exercises.

Plane: A: Sagittal / Median Plane B: Coronal / Frontal Plane C: Transverse / Horizontal Plane

Definition: Longitudinal line that divides Longitudinal line that divides Imaginary line that divides the
the body / any of its parts into the body into anterior and body or any of its parts into
right and left sections posterior parts superior and inferior

Movements of flexion and Movements of abduction and Movements of medial and lateral
Movement: extension take place in the adduction (lateral flexion) take rotation take place in the
sagittal plane. place in the coronal plane. transverse plane.
Directional Terms

• Anterior (or ventral) Describes the front or direction toward the front of the body. The toes are anterior
to the foot.
• Posterior (or dorsal) Describes the back or direction toward the back of the body. The popliteus is
posterior to the patella.
• Superior (or cranial) describes a position above or higher than another part of the body proper.
• Inferior (or caudal) describes a position below or lower than another part of the body proper; near or
toward the tail (in humans, the coccyx, or lowest part of the spinal column). The pelvis is inferior to the
• Lateral describes the side or direction toward the side of the body. The thumb (pollex) is lateral to the
• Medial describes the middle or direction toward the middle of the body. The hallux is the medial toe.
• Proximal describes a position in a limb that is nearer to the point of attachment or the trunk of the body.
The brachium is proximal to the antebrachium.
• Distal describes a position in a limb that is farther from the point of attachment or the trunk of the body.
• Superficial describes a position closer to the surface of the body. The skin is superficial to the bones.
• Deep describes a position farther from the surface of the body. The brain is deep to the skull.

• Flexion = ↓ angle between two bones

• Extension = ↑ angle between two bones
• Hyperextension = extension past anatomical position
• Abduction = movement away from midline
• Adduction = movement to the midline
• Supination = up- / outward rotation
• Pronation = down- / onward rotation
• Rotation = circular movement along the long
• Medial Rotation = rotational movement towards the midline
• Lateral Rotation = rotational movement away from the midline
• Circumduction = total circular movement
• Eversion = lift lateral side of foot
• Inversion = lift medial side of foot
• Dorsiflexion = toes up
• Plantarflexion = toes down
• Retraction = Backward movement of mandible / scapula
• Protraction = forward movement of mandible / scapula

Aditus An entrance or opening.

Ala A wing‐like process.
Alveolus A deep narrow pit, such as a tooth‐socket.
Ampulla Used to describe the dilated part of a duct.
Ansa A loop, usually referring to a nerve.
Antrum A cavity.
Aponeurosis A glistening sheet of fibrous connective tissue from which muscle fibers arise or into which they run.
Artery A blood vessel which conducts blood from the heart.
A special form of connective tissue in which calcium salts are deposited and which
Bone provides a framework, or skeleton, for the other tissues of the body.
A membranous sac containing a small amount of viscous fluid. A bursa is usually found in tissues
Bursa where friction develops, such as where a tendon crosses a bony prominence. A bursa may form
synovial sheaths to surround tendons as they cross other tendons or bone.
A tubular and relatively narrow channel, or tunnel, often through a bone. A canaliculus is a
Canal smaller canal.
A fibrous or membranous envelope surrounding an organ. An articular capsule surrounds each
Capsule synovial joint, being attached to the bones just beyond the limits of the joint cavity.
A firm white tissue, from which most parts of the bony skeleton are formed, and which
Cartilage persists to protect the surfaces of bones and joints.
Caruncle A small fleshy eminence.
Cauda Tail.
Cavity A hollow space (or potential space) within the body or its organs.
Cervix Means neck and is applied to the neck like portion of an organ (e.g. cervix of uterus).
Chiasma A crossing of fibers in the form of an X. Used primarily to describe nerve fibers.
Commissure A band of fibers which join corresponding right and left parts of a structure across the median.

Corpus Means body

Outer part, or rind, or some organs as distinguished from their inner part, or core usually
Cortex called a medulla.
Crest A projecting ridge or raised surface, especially on a bone
Crus Means a leg and is applied to a structure that resembles a leg or stalk
Decussation Same as a chiasma. A crossing of fibers in the form of an X.
Digitation A finger‐like process of a muscle
Disc A flat round structure usually applied to plates of cartilage in joints.
Duct A tube for the passage of fluid, especially secretions of glands. A ductile is a small duct.
A layer of cells which forms the external surface of the skin, or which lines the cavities of the
digestive, respiratory and urogenital organs, serous cavities, inner coats of blood and lymphatic
Epithelium vessels, gland and cavities within the brain. The epithelium of the skin is the epidermis. The
epithelium of the digestive, respiratory and urogenital organs is moistened by a film of mucus
and is known as the mucous coat. The epithelium lining bloods vessels is known as the
endothelium. Serous cavities are lined by epithelium called mesothelium.

Tissue which lies immediately deep to the skin known as subcutaneous tissue. It usually consists
of a layer of connective tissue which contains fat, and of a deep and more fibrous layer which
Fascia adheres to the surface of the underlying muscle and vessels. These layers are known as superficial
and deep fascia respectively. Fascia surrounds every muscle, organ, vessel and nerve in the body.

Fasciculus A small bundle. A term that is usually applied to collections of nerve fibers.
Literally means a “thread”. This name is given to several thread‐like structures such as the
Filum filum terminal, the lower extension of the pia mater of the spinal cord.
Fold A ridge formed where a membrane doubles back on itself
Folium Mean leaf. The plural “folia” is applied to the folds of the cortex of the cerebellum.
Foramen A hole, often in a bone or between adjacent bones.
Fossa A “ditch”, usually referring to a shallow depression or cavity.
Fovea A small pit or fossa
Frenulum A small fold of the mucous coat which limits the movement of the structure to which it is attached
Fundus Used to denote the widest part of a hollow organ
Ganglion A swelling on the course of a nerve. Usually corresponds to a collection of nerve cells.
Genu Means knee. Geniculum is sometimes applied to a bent part of a structure.
Gyrus A fold or convolution of the cerebral cortex.
Hilum A depression or notch where blood vessels enter or leave an organ.
Humor Applied to fluids of the eye.
Infundibulum A funnel‐shaped passage.
An interlocking of structures by finger‐like processes, as when the fingers of the two
Interdigitate hands are interposed.
A process when part of a wall of a structure is pushed inwards to that the structure which
Invaginate invaginates the membrane becomes partly unsheathed by it.
A narrow part of a duct or other passage, or a narrow strip of tissue connecting two wider parts
Isthmus of an organ.

Functions of the skeleton:

The skeleton is a mobile framework of bones providing a ridged support for the body. The bones also serve as levers for the
action of muscles.

The human skeleton consists of 206 bones. At birth bones are made up of cartilage, but, as the baby grows into a child,
calcium forms, hardening the cartilage to become bone. Bones that are developed have a compact outer layer and a
honeycomb – like inner structure. The bones are complex and remodel themselves according to the stress they are put under.
The skeleton renews itself every two to ten years.

Bone tissue consists of about two thirds mineral components (mostly calcium and salts) which give ridges, and one third
organic components which give elasticity. Both components are essential. Without ridges bones would not keep their shape,
and without elasticity, they would break and shatter.

Bones are the subject of many strains:

− Gravitational strain. Bones support the weight of the entire body
− They move against resistance (muscle contraction)
− They endure external pressure from objects, e.g. lifting boxes or suitcases

Functions of the bones:

− Provides attachments for muscles

− Protects soft body parts
− Stores calcium and other minerals
− Synthesis of blood cells
− Gives the body shape and form
− Joint/articulations and a basis for movement
Types of bones:
FLAT BONES ‐ are compressed and thin and have two compact bone surfaces such as the scapular, sternum and skull.

IRREGULAR BONES ‐ are bones that are not of regular shape characterized such as vertebrae bones and some hip and skull bones

SHORT BONES ‐ cube like bones that are comprised of mostly “spongy bone” such as wrists and ankles.

LONG BONES ‐ consists of a shaft and two extremities and are long as opposed to wide. Limb bones ‐ except the bones of the
wrist, knee (patella) and ankle ‐ are long bones. Such as the femur and humerus.

SESAMOID BONES ‐ can therefore be cartilage covered bone that develop in a tendon. They occur in areas where the tendon
is compressed against a body surface. The sesamoid bone can slide on the surface and prevent occlusion of the blood supply
during compression e.g. the patella (knee) or the ball of the big toe.
Structure of bones:

Cartilage covers articulating surfaces of bones (where the joint is found). It is the non‐ calcified tissue of the skeleton and
protects the underlying bone tissue. Joint cartilage (like all cartilage) does not contain blood vessels. It receives nutrients from
the synovial fluid and the bone that surrounds it.

Cartilage can get damaged by trauma or excessive wear. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are the two main diseases
involving damage to the joint cartilage. It causes pain and stiffness of the joint and surrounding muscles.

Bone marrow
The hollow part of the bone contains bone marrow. The marrow is red in children but becomes yellow in adults, as much is
replaced by fatty tissue.

It is the membrane which covers the external bone.
The Axial and Appendicular Skeleton:
Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton

− Cranium − Scapula
− Cervical vertebrae − Clavicle
− Thoracic vertebrae − Humerus
− Lumbar vertebrae − Ulna
− Sacral vertebrae − Radius
− Sternum − Carpals
− Ribs − Metacarpals
− Coccyx − Phalanges
− Ilium
− Ischium
− Pubis
− Femur
− Patella
− Tibia
− Fibula
− Tarsals
− Calcaneus
− Metatarsals
Joints are points of the body where two bones meet. There is often movement between them (but, sometimes not).
Joints have two main functions: to allow mobility of the skeletal system and to provide a protective enclosure for vital


These joints are also called “fixed” or “immovable” joints, because they do not
move. These joints have no joint cavity and are connected via fibrous connective
tissue. The skull bones are connected by fibrous joints.

These joints also have no joint cavity and the bones are connected
tightly to each other with cartilage. These joints only allow a small
amount of movement, so are also called “partly” or “slightly
moveable” joints. The vertebrae are examples of cartilaginous joints.


Most of the joints in the body are synovial joints. These joints are “freely movable”
and are 16 characterized by being surrounded by an articular capsule which contains
the synovial fluid. Synovial fluid lubricates the joints, supplies nutrients to the
cartilage and it contains cells that remove microbes and debris within the joint cavity.
Because of the larger range of
movements of these joints, there is an increased risk of injury e.g. dislocations. Synovial
joints are located predominantly in limbs.

Many synovial joints also have ligaments either inside or outside the capsule.

The range of movement provided by these joints is determined by:

• The closeness of the bones at the point of contact. Closer bones make stronger joints, but movements are more
restricted. The looser the fit, the greater the range of movement. However, looser joints are more prone to
• The flexibility of the connective tissue and the position of the ligaments, muscles and tendons.

 HINGE JOINTS: Allows a singular plane of motion, i.e. flexion and extension, such as the elbow and knee.

 BALL ANDSOCKET JOINTS: Allows a free range of movements i.e. flexion, extension, abduction, adduction
and circumduction, such as the shoulder and hip joints.

 PIVOT JOINTS: Allows uniaxial rotation. i.e. moving from side to side such as the neck.

 PLANEJOINT: Allows short gliding or slipping motions because surface of the bones is flat, such as the vertebral joints.

 CONDYLOID JOINT: Allows movement in two planes of motion i.e. flexion, extension, adduction or
abduction, such as the knuckle joints.

 SADDLE JOINTS: Allows movement in two directions such as the thumbs.



Movement = Flexion / Found in hips and

Extension / Adduction shoulders
Adduction / Internal and
External rotation
This joint allows for
freedom of rotation as
well as back and forth
movement in any
other joint

Some examples of the knowledge application of the Ball and Socket Joint can be demonstrated by doing the
Free rotation in all directions so we can swing our arms around and behind us to swim or throw a ball, raise our
arms over our heads to do exercises, or perform the fine back and forth movements to play a violin.
Knee stirs:
to perform knee stirs, bend one knee and place your hand against your shin. Then stabilize your supporting side and
make five clockwise and five counter‐clockwise circles with your bent leg. Switch sides and repeat. (Knee flexion and

Side‐lying leg circles:

strengthen the hip, outer thigh and gluteal muscles. To do them, place your legs at a 45‐degree angle. Then bend
your supporting leg and extend your top leg. Using your core muscles to stabilize your pelvis, perform five forward
and five backward leg circles on each leg.


Movement = Flexion Found in wrist and

/ Extension lower jaw
/ Abduction /

The bones can move about

one another in many
Except condyloid joints
does not rotate.

Some examples of the knowledge application of the Condyloid Joint can be demonstrated by doing the following
Wrist Flexion
Bend the fingers towards the forearm;
Straighten the wrist so that it is on the same plane as the forearm.
Bend the wrist as far back as possible towards the outer part of the forearm. Extend the norm of normal range of

Abduction (radial flexion)

With the hand supinated, bend the wrist htowards the thumb side; Adduction (Ulnar flexion) with the hand
supinated, bend the wrist towards the 5 finger side.


Intercarpal joints
Movement: Acromioclavicular joints,
These joins can move in Vertebral transverse and
many directions and they Spinous processes
can rotate and twist.
Ankle and wrist joints

Some examples of Knowledge application of the Plane and Gliding Joint can be demonstrated by doing the following
− Ankle movement
− Flex the wrist


Movement = flexion / Found in knees,

extension elbows, fingers
and toes
Offer ease of movement but Carpal and
only provide movement in one tarsal joints
plane (no twisting no side‐to‐

A good example of a hinge joint

is at your elbow, there are two
bones in your forearm that
interact at the elbow joint.

Only the Ulna makes a hinge


When you are in the anatomical

position and you bend your
elbow as if bringing your palm
to your shoulder that is the
movement of the hinge joint.

Some examples of the knowledge application of the Hinge Joint can be demonstrated by doing the following exercise:
Elbow, or arm, flexion is moving your forearm and hand toward your body by bending the elbow joint, while elbow
extension is moving in the opposite direction.
Push Up, Pull Ups These two exercises involve elbow flexion and extension.
For pushups, place your hands on the ground about shoulder‐width apart and your feet slightly apart on your toes.
Tighten your buttocks as you lower your body toward the ground until your chest and hips almost touch the
ground. Keep your elbows close to your body. Exhale and push yourself off the ground, keeping your head in
alignment with your spine and hip.
For pull‐ups, grab both hands on a pull‐up bar or similar apparatus about shoulder‐width apart. Exhale, and pull
yourself up until your chin clears over the bar. Lower yourself down until your arms are fully extended. For each
exercise, perform three sets of 10 to 12 reps

Single leg hamstring curls



Movement = This type of joint is in our

Rotation of one elbow (for twisting motion
bone around
another and between our first two
cervical vertebrae (shaking
This joint is one where one your head ‐ side to side
bone spins around on “NO”). Top of neck
another bone, although only
one direction of spin has Side to side rotation
been diagrammed ‐ the spin
can go in both directions
Some examples of the knowledge application of the Pivot Joint can be demonstrated by doing the following

Pivot joints use a twisting motion as the neck turning from side to side and the elbow’s ability to supinate, or turn
the hand up, or pronate, turning the hand down. The radius and ulna in the forearm are true pivot joints in that
there is no other action they perform. Although these two joints appear to move in other planes, those actions result
from proximal joints attached to these bones located closer to the body. The neck’s ability to bend forward and
back results from vertebral movement, and the elbow’s ability to move forward and back from the hinge joint in
the elbow.

Movement: Found In the thumb

Flexion / Extension
Adduction / Abduction
/ Circumduction

Both bones that meet

have odd shapes, but
they are totally
complementary to one
another. Each bone has
both concavities and

Some examples of knowledge application of the Saddle Joint can be demonstrated by doing the following exercise:
By moving the thumb in different directions
Thumb stretches
(fine motor movements/mobility)


A plane joint allows bones to A pivot joint allows rotation

slide past each other. around an axis. Pivot joints are
Midcarpal and mid-tarsal found in the neck and forearm.
joints are plain joints.


A hinge joint allows extension

A condyloid joint is similar to
and retraction of an
ball and socket but with less
appendage. Hinge joints are
movement. The wrist is a
found in the knees, elbows,
condyloid joint.
fingers, and toes.


A ball and socket joint allow

A saddle joint allows
for radial movement in
movement back and forth
almost any direction. Ball and
and up and down. The only
socket joints are found in the
saddle joint in a human body
shoulders and hips.
is the thumb.
The movements admissible in joints may be divided into four kinds: gliding movement, angular movement,
circumduction and rotation. These movements are often, however, combined in the various joints, to produce an infinite
variety, and it is seldom that only one kind of motion is found in any joint.

Gliding Movement:
Gliding movement is the simplest kind of motion that can take place in a joint, one surface gliding or moving over another
without any angular or rotatory movement. It is common to all movable joints; but in some, as in most of the
articulations of the carpus and tarsus, it is the only motion permitted. This movement is not confined to plane surfaces,
but may exist between any two contiguous surfaces, of whatever form.

Angular Movement:
Angular movement occurs only between the long bones, and by it the angle between the two bones is increased or
diminished. It may take place: (1) forward and backward, constituting flexion and extension; or (2) toward and from the
median plane of the body, or, in the case of the fingers or toes, from the middle line of the hand or foot, constituting
adduction and abduction. The strictly hinge‐joints exist of flexion and extension only. Abduction and adduction, combined
with flexion and extension, are met with in the more movable joints; as in the hip, the shoulder, the wrist, and the
carpometacarpal joint of the thumb.

Circumduction is that form of motion which takes place between the head of a bone and its articular cavity, when the
bone is made to circumscribe a conical space; the base of the cone is described by the distal end of the bone, the apex is
in the articular cavity; this kind of motion is best seen in the shoulder and hip‐joints.

Rotation is a form of movement in which a bone moves around a central axis without undergoing any displacement
from this axis; the axis of rotation may lie in a separate bone, as in the case of the pivot formed by the odontoid
process of the axis vertebrae around which the atlas turns; or a bone may rotate around its own longitudinal axis, as in
the rotation of the Humerus at the shoulder‐joint; or the axis of rotation may not be quite parallel to the long axis of the
bone, as in the movement of the radius on the ulna during pronation and supination of the hand, where it is
represented by a line connecting the center of the head of the radius above with the center of the head of the ulna
Ligaments are dense bundles of collagenous
fibres. Mostly they are derived from the outer
layer of the joint capsule, however they
sometimes do connect nearby a non‐
articulating bone. The primary function of
ligaments is to stabilize and strengthen the joint.
Most ligaments do not connect bone to bone or
connects to cartilages.

Ligaments have sensory nerve cells which can respond to the speeds, movement and position of a joint.
Excessive movement of the joint can lead to strengthening to a point of straining or tearing a ligament,
Ligaments however, viscoelastic, they gradually strain when under tension, and return to their original shape
when the tension is removed. If ligaments lengthen too much due to joint being dislocated for too long, this will
cause the joint to become weakened and thus one becomes more prone to dislocations in the future.

Capsular ligaments are part of the joint capsule that surrounds synovial joints. It is possible to lengthen
ligaments over a period through stretching, one must however keep in mind that this may eventually lead to
instability in extreme cases.

Ligaments are also membranes folds that can act to support an organ and keep it in place.

Ligaments are rich in nerve supply and thus serve as sensory organs, which is important for reflex mechanism
in monitoring the position and movements of the joints.

The vertebral column or spine forms a part of

the axil skeleton. It extends from the base of the
skull to the bottom of the pelvis and measures
between 70 ‐ 75cm in the average adult. It
consists of 33 irregular bones called vertebrae
which progressively increase in size. The smaller
being at the top and the larger being at the
bottom. There are 24 vertebrae which make up
the superior spine. They are individual bones
which make up the cervical, thoracic and lumbar
spine. The inferior (lower) nine vertebrae are
fused (before adult hood) and form the sacrum
and coccyx. The vertebral foramen is the
foramen (opening) formed by the anterior
segment (the body), and the posterior part, the
vertebral arch. The vertebral foramen begins at
cervical vertebrae #1 (atlas) and continues
inferior to lumbar vertebrae #5. Within this
foramen the spinal cord and associated
meninges are housed. The spinal cord is a long,
thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue and
support cells that extends from the brain (the
medulla oblongata specifically). The brain and
spinal cord together make up the central
nervous system. The spinal cord begins at the
Occipital bone and extends down to the space
between the first and second lumbar vertebrae;
it does not extend the entire length of the
vertebral column. It is around 45 cm (18 in) in
men and around 43 cm (17 in) long in women.
Also, the spinal cord has a varying width, ranging
from 1/2‐inch‐thick in the cervical and lumbar
regions to ¼ inch thick in the thoracic area. The
enclosing bony vertebral column protects the
relatively shorter spinal cord. The spinal cord
functions primarily in the transmission of neural
signals between the brain and the rest of the
body but also contains neural circuits that can
independently control numerous reflexes and
central pattern generators.
The spinal cord has three major functions:
A. Serve as a conduit for motor information, which travels down the spinal cord.
B. Serve as a conduit for sensory information, which travels up the spinal cord.
C. Serve as a center for coordinating certain reflexes.

In between each of the individual bones there are cartilage disks, known as a intervertebral disk. These intervertebral disks
give the spine it’s flexibility and movement. They also absorb some of the impact that is transmitted through the body.
There are changes in the disks that occur throughout the day and can account for a minor change in height. When the spine
is rested generally after sleeping, the disks are hydrated, and the individual may be taller. When the disks have been
carrying the body weight during the day, they are dehydrated, and the individual may appear shorter. This would have an
effect on postural analysis on the individual, so the assessment is done usually done at the same time of the day.


The spine has natural curvatures giving an “s” like shape appearance. The degree of the curvatures varies from person to
person. It is due to genetics, postural problems, muscle tone or imbalances of the muscles. The upper most part of the
vertebrae is called the CERVICAL vertebrae (7 in total). The vertebrae of the trunk (thorax) is called the Thoracic vertebrae
(12 in total). The lower part of the vertebra is called the LUMBAR vertebrae (5 in total). The vertebra that join to the iliac
bone to make up the pelvis are called the SACRAL vertebrae (5 in total). The vertebrae that forms the tail bone are called
the coccyx and are called the COCCGEAL vertebrae (4 in total) and they are fused together.


‐ Support the head
‐ Point of attachment for the ribcage
‐ Point of attachment for the muscles of the shoulder and pelvic girdle
‐ Attachment point for the spine extensors and flexors
‐ Protects the spinal cord
‐ Shock absorption
‐ Movement of the entire body

The cervical vertebrae (C1 – C7) are the smallest of the vertebrae. They are not designed to carry weight and can be injured
if moved too quickly. The cervical region is the most moveable region of the spine as it does not have ribs attached.
The thoracic vertebrae (T1 – T12) are larger and stronger than the cervical vertebrae, it allows flexion, extension, lateral
flexion, and slight rotation. The thoracic vertebrae are the second most moveable part of the spine, with the lumbar spine
being least moveable.

The lumbar vertebrae (L1 ‐ L5) are the largest and strongest of the vertebrae. Movement of the lumbar spine must be taken
and performed with much care. Flexion and extension can be done safely, but movements that attempt to rotate the spine
can cause severe damage to the facet joints. The lumbar spine copes with most of the stress that occurs during movement
activities involving running and jumping. So, correct alignment of the spine is absolutely essential.

The sacrum is the triangular‐shaped spine and is formed by the fusion of the 5 (five) sacral vertebrae (S1 ‐ S5). It provides
a strong
foundation for the pelvic girdle. And is joined laterally at each side.

The coccyx or tailbone is triangular in shape and is formed by joining the second and forth coccygeal vertebrae. The top or
superior part of the coccyx joins with the sacrum. The coccyx can be severely damaged when falling and landing directly on it.
The cervical vertebrae The thoracic vertebrae

Lateral view of a cervical vertebrae.

Spinous process

Transverse pro cess

Body of
Superior view of a cervical vertebrae.

Superior view of a thoracic verterbrae

The lumbar vertebrae (L1 ‐ L5) are the largest and strongest of the
vertebrae. Movement of the lumbar spine must be taken and performed
with much care. Flexion and extension can be done safely, but movements
that attempt to rotate the spine can cause severe damage to the facet
joints. The lumbar spine copes with most of the stress that occurs during
movement activities involving running and jumping. So, correct
alignment of the spine is absolutely essential.

The sacrum is the triangular‐shape spine and is formed by the

fusion of the 5 (five) sacral vertebrae (S1 ‐ S5). It provides a strong
foundation for the pelvic girdle. And is joined laterally at each side.

The coccyx or tailbone is triangular in shape and is formed by joining the

second and forth coccygeal vertebrae. The top or superior part of the
coccyx joins with the sacrum. The coccyx can be severely damaged when
falling and landing directly on it.MUSCLES SUPPORTING THE SPINE
‐ Closest to the body surface ‐ Extension of the spine
‐ Positioned posterior ‐ Lateral flexion of spine
‐ Runs down the length of
the vertebral column
‐ Closer to body’s
surface (superficial)

‐ Spinous processes of T9‐ ‐ Spinous processes of
T12 thoracic vertebrae T1 and T2 thoracic
‐ Medial slope of the vertebrae
dorsal segment of iliac ‐ Spinous processes
crest of cervical vertebrae

‐ Positioned posterior ‐ Assists with lateral
‐ Runs down the length of flexion of spine
the spine ‐ Assists with extension
of spine

‐ Lumbar ‐ C2 to L5 spinous processes
‐ Thoracic
‐ Articular processes of C4
to C7
‐ Sacral foramen (S1 to S4)
‐ Sacrospinalis
origin aponeurosis
‐ Deeper than erector spinae ‐ Together they
‐ Positioned at the side of depress ribs, flex
the lumbar spine between vertebral
floating ribs and iliac column, one side
acting along
produces lateral

‐ Iliac crest Last and transverse processes
of lumbar vertebrae


These muscles are vertically ‐ Depresses ribs, flexes
aligned with straight fibers. vertebral column
Each side divides into 4
sections with tendinous
inscription between each
section. This divides the “6‐
pack” look for lean
Superior surface of pubis ‐ Inferior surfaces of
around symphysis costal cartilage (ribs 5 –
7) and xiphoid process


Superficially broad band of ‐ Flexion of spine
muscles at each side of the ‐ Compression of abdomen
trunk with downwards and ‐ Rotation of spine
inwards slanted or oblique ‐ Lateral flexion of spine

Lower eight ribs ‐ Linea alba and iliac crest


Broad band of muscle ‐ Compression of abdomen
running underneath external ‐ Rotation of
oblique at both sides of the vertebral column
body with slanted or oblique ‐ Compress
fibers running upward and interval organs.

‐ Iliac crest and adjacent ‐ Lower ribs, xiphoid of
connective tissue sternum and linea alba
Deepest layer of muscle in the ‐ Compresses the
abdominal wall with fibres abdomen, abdominal
running horizontally around contents, and gives a
the trunk forming a “corset” flatter appearance
‐ Forces expiration; pulls
the abdominal wall
‐ Cartilages of lower ribs, iliac
crest and adjacent connective
Linea alba
Pubic crest
Shoulder Joint

The Shoulder joint

Type: synovial ball and socket.
Articulation: head of humerus
and glenoid cavity of scapula
Glenoid fossa deepened by
glenoid labrum, a rim of
Articular capsule: thin loose sac
that surrounds the joint –
extends from margin of
glenoid cavity to anatomical
neck of humerus.
The Glenohumeral Joint (shoulder ball and socket joint)
The Glenohumeral Joint is a ball and socket joint which provides a large proportion of the movement at the
shoulder girdle.
The head of the humerus articulates (moves) with the glenoid fossa of the scapula ‐ hence the name. The head
of the humerus is, however, quite large in comparison to the fossa, resulting in only one third to one half of the
head being in contact with the fossa at any one time. The humerus is further supported by the glenoid labrum ‐ a
ring of fibrous cartilage which extends the fossa slightly making it wider and deeper (almost like if you have a
deeper bowl, you can fit more in it!). Both articulating surfaces are covered with articular cartilage which is a hard,
shiny cartilage which protects the bone underneath.
The three bones which form the shoulder girdle are the clavicle, the scapula and the humerus. The most important
aspect of the shoulder is the large range of movement that it permits, which is central to many activities of daily
There are three main joints in the shoulder girdle, these are:
• Glenohumeral Joint (GHJ)
• Acromioclavicular Joint (ACJ)
• Sternoclavicular Joint (SCJ)

It is also important to consider another “joint” which is important in shoulder movement:

• Scapulothoracic Joint

The Scapula (or shoulder blade)

This bone is quite complex and is an attachment site for numerous muscles which support movement and
stabilisation of the shoulder. It overlies the 2nd – 7th ribs, is tilted forwards by an angle of 30°, and is encased by 17
muscles which provide control and stabilisation against the thoracic wall (the ribcage). This is sometimes referred to
as the “Scapulothoracic Joint” although it is not technically an actual joint.

Flat and triangular irregular bone

Situated on the dorsal surface of rib cage, between ribs 2 and 7
2 surfaces – anterior & posterior
3 borders – lateral, medial & superior
3 angles – superior, inferior & lateral
3 processes – acromion, coracoid & spine
The Clavicle (or collar bone)
The clavicle is an S‐shaped bone and is
the main connection between the
upper arm and the rest of the axial

Flattened acromial (lateral) end articulates with the

Cone‐shaped sternal (medial) end articulates with
the sternum
Act as braces to hold the scapulae and arms out


Largest, longest bone of upper limb

Articulates superiorly with glenoid cavity of
Articulates inferiorly with radius and ulna

The Acromioclavicular Joint

The Acromioclavicular Joint (ACJ) is formed by the lateral end of the clavicle articulating with the medial aspect of the anterior
acromion. The ACJ is important in transmitting forces through the upper limb and shoulder to the axial skeleton. The ACJ has
minimal mobility due to its supporting ligaments:
• Acromioclavicular Ligament which is composed of strong superior (top) and inferior (bottom) ligaments, and weak anterior
(front) and posterior (back) ligaments restricting anterior‐posterior (forwards and backwards) movement of the clavicle on
the acromion
• Coracoclavicular Ligament is composed of the Conoid and Trapezoid ligaments. It forms a strong heavy band to
prevent vertical movement.
• Trapezius
• Levator Scapulae
• Rhomboid Major and Minor
• Serratus Anterior
• Pectoralis minor
• Deltoid (anterior, lateral and posterior)
• Teres Major
• Rotator Cuff (active stabilisation and mobility of shoulder joint)
• Supraspinatus
• Infraspinatus
• Teres Minor
• Subscapularis
• Latissimus dorsi
• Pectoralis Major


Acromioclavicular Joint
• Acromioclavicular
• Coracoclavicular
• Conoid
• Trapezoid


Types of Movements
• Protraction ‐ scapula is retracted causing the sternal end to move forward
• Retraction ‐ scapula is protracted causing the sternal end to move backward
• Elevation ‐ scapula is depressed causing the sternal end to move upward
• Depression ‐ scapula is elevated causing the sternal end to move downward


Types of Movement
• Elevation ‐ moving the superior border of the scapula and the acromion in an upward direction.
• Depression ‐ moving the superior border of the scapula and the acromion in a downward direction.
• Upward Rotation ‐ Moving the scapula so that the glenoid cavity faces upward.
• Increased the ranges of motion during abduction and/or flexion of the shoulder.
• Downward Rotation ‐ moving the scapula so that the glenoid cavity faces inferiorly.
• Increases range of motion during extension and / or adduction of the shoulder.
• Protraction (Abduction) ‐ moving the scapula away from the midline
• Retraction (Adduction) ‐ moving the scapula toward the midline


Muscles suspend scapula from vertebral column and chest wall
• Trapezius ‐ retract and rotates upward
• Rhomboids ‐ retract and rotate downward
• Pectoralis minor ‐ depresses the shoulder girdle, draws the scapula inferior and medial towards thorax
• Serratus anterior ‐ protracts and rotates upward
• Trapezius ‐ Retract and rotates upward
• Flexion ‐ Extension
• Abduction/Adduction
• Rotation
Large kite‐shaped muscles ‐ Extends the neck and helps
that run from the back of keep the head upright
the skull down the back of ‐ Elevates the shoulder
the neck, across the upper ‐ Abducts and adducts the
back to shoulders as well shoulder
as between and below ‐ Retracts scapulae
Occipital bone and spinous ‐ Posterior border of the
processes of thoracic
lateral third of the clavicle
‐ Acromion process
‐ Spine of the scapula
‐ Nuchal ligament
‐ medial superior nuchal line


Strip of muscle that runs ‐ Elevates scapulae
vertically at the rear side of ‐ Tilts glenoid inferiorly
the neck between C1 and by rotating scapulae
C4 to the inner border of
the scapulae
Posterior tubercles of Vertebral border of the
transverse processes of scapula
C1 to C4


‐ A large flat muscular ‐ Protracts scapulae
sheet with fleshy ‐ Stabilises scapulae
digitations that curves ‐ Assists with
around the sides of the upward rotation of
thorax between theribs scapular
and the scapulae
‐ Covers the medial axillary
Anterior and superior Anterior surface of the
margins of ribs 1 ‐ 9 vertebral border of the
Large triangular muscle ‐ Extension of humerus
that spans the right and the ‐ Adduction of humerus
left sides of the back and ‐ Assists internal rotation of
runs up towards the arm humerus
pits ‐ Stabilises the lower
scapular against the ribcage

‐ Spinous processes of Medial intertubercular
vertebrae T7 to T12 groove of the humerus
‐ Iliac crest
‐ Thoracolumbar fascia
‐ Inferior angle of scapula


Short rectangular muscles Retracts and rotates
situated between scapular scapulae upwards

Nuchal ligaments and Medial border of scapula
spinous processes of C7 to superior to insertion of
T1 rhomboid major muscle


Short rectangular muscles Retracts and rotates
situated between scapulae scapulae upwards

Spinous processes of T2 to Medial border of scapula
T5 inferior to insertion of
rhomboid minor
Short muscle found ‐ Abduction of arm
superior to the spine of the ‐ Stabilisation of
scapula glenohumeral
Supraspinous fossa of Greater tubercle of
scapula humerus


Short muscle found inferior ‐ Lateral rotation
to the spine of the scapula of humerus
‐ Stabilisation of
Infraspinous fossa of the Greater tubercle of
scapula humerus


Short muscle found ‐ Lateral rotation
inferior to the of humerus
infraspinatus on the lateral ‐ Stabilisation of
border of scapula glenohumeral joint
Lateral border of scapula Greater tubercle of


Short flat muscle found ‐ Internal/medial
on the inner fossa of the rotation of humerus
scapula ‐ Stabilisation of
Subscapular fossa Lesser tubercle of humerus


Short thick muscle that makes up the Short thick muscle that makes up the Short thick muscle that makes up
anterior portion of the deltoids lateral portion of the deltoids the posterior portion of the
Flexion of glenohumeral joint Abduction of glenohumeral joint Extension of glenohumeral joint


The anterior border and upper Acromion Spine of the scapula
surface of the lateral third of the
Deltoid tuberocity of the humerus Deltoid tuberocity of the humerus Deltoid tuberocity of the humerus


Short muscle found inferior ‐ Adduction of
to the infraspinatus on the the humerus
medial border of scapula ‐ Assists with medial
rotation of the
‐ Helps extend the
Posterior aspect of inferior Medial lip of
angle of scapula intertubercular sulcus of
the humerus
Large broad band of ‐ Adduction of humerus
muscle running on right ‐ Medial rotation of
and left sides of sternum humerus
‐ Flexion of

‐ Anterior boarder of Lateral lip of bicipital
medial half of clavicle groove of the humerus
‐ Anterior surface of
‐ 1st to 6th costal cartilages
‐ Aponeurosis of external
oblique muscle
Muscle that lies ‐ Stabilises the scapula
underneath the pectoralis drawing it inferiorly and
major anteriorly against the
thoracic wall
‐ Helps raise ribs with
Ribs 3 to 5 near costal Medial border and
cartilages superior surface of
the coracoid process of
the scapula
The neck has a complex tubular region of muscles surrounding the cervical vertebrae. The muscles are arranged in
superficial and deep groups. Here we concentrate on the most commonly used muscles.



Extends from the back of ‐ Rotation of cervical spine
the ear all the way down ‐ Flexion of cervical spine
to the collar bone ‐ Raises sternum and
assists with forced

Manubrium and medial ‐ Mastoid process of
portion of the clavicle the temporal bone
‐ Superior nuchal line


Broad and thick above, Flexion of the cervical
narrow below spine

Anterior tubercles of Basilar part of occipital
the transverse bone
processes of the third,
fourth, fifth, and sixth
cervical vertebrae
Deep muscle at the back ‐ Extension of the head
of the neck and neck
‐ Lateral flexion of
cervical spine
‐ Rotation of cervical spine

Spinous processes of T3 to Transverse processes of
T6 C1 to C3


Muscle of the head and ‐ Extension of spine
neck forming part of the ‐ Rotation of cervical spine
floor of the posterior ‐ Lateral flexion ofhead
triangle of the neck

‐ Nuchal ligament Mastoid process of
‐ Spinous processes of occipital and temporal
C7 to T3 bone

The Knee Joint and Movement

Type: modified synovial hinge joint
Articulation: condyles of femur and condyles of tibia
Our knee is the most complicated and largest joint in our body. It’s also the most vulnerable because it bears enormous
weight and pressure loads while providing flexible movement. When we walk, our knees support 1.5 times our body
weight; climbing stairs is about 3‐4 times our body weight and squatting about 8 times. The knee joint connects the
femur, our thigh bone and longest bone in the body, to the tibia, the second longest bone. There are two joints in the
knee ‐ the tibiofemoral joint, which joins the tibia to the femur and the patellofemoral joint which joins the kneecap to
the femur.
These two joints work together to form a modified hinge joint that not only allows the knee to bend and straighten, but
also to rotate slightly and from side to side. The knee is part of a chain that includes the pelvis, hip, and upper leg above,
and the lower leg, ankle and foot below. All of those work together and depend on each other for function and movement.
The knee joint bears most of the weight of the body. When we’re sitting, the tibia and femur barely touch; standing they
lock together to form a stable unit. Let’s look at a normal knee joint to understand how the parts (anatomy) work
together (function) and how knee problems can occur. Anatomical terms allow us to describe the body clearly and
precisely using planes, areas and lines. Instead of your doctor saying, “his knee hurts” she can say “his knee hurts in the
anterolateral region” and another doctor will know exactly what is meant. Below are some anatomic terms surgeons use
as these terms apply to the knee:
• Anterior ‐ facing the knee, this is the front of the knee
• Posterior ‐ facing the knee, this is the back of the knee, also used to describe the back of the kneecap, that is the side of the kneecap
that is next to the femur
• Medial ‐ the side of the knee that is closest to the other knee, if you put your knees together, the media side of each knee would touch
• Lateral ‐ the side of the knee that is farthest from the other knee (opposite of the medial side)
Structures often have their anatomical reference as part of their name, such as the medial meniscus or anterior cruciate
Structures of the Knee
The main parts of the knee joint are bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilages and a joint capsule, all of which are made of
Collagen is a fibrous tissue present throughout our body. As we age, collagen breaks down. The adult skeleton is mainly
made of bone and a little cartilage in places. Bone and cartilage are both connective tissues, with specialized cells
called chondrocytes embedded in a gel‐like matrix of collagen and elastin fibers. Cartilage can be hyaline, fibrocartilage
and elastic and differ based on the proportions of collagen and elastin. Cartilage is a stiff but flexible tissue that is good
with weightbearing which is why it is found in our joints. Cartilage has almost no blood vessels and is very bad at repairing
itself. Bone is full of blood vessels and is very good at self‐repair. It is the high‐water content that makes cartilage flexible.
Patella (Kneecap)

The Bones of the Lower Leg Tibia and Fibula

The lower legs consist of the Tibia and the Fibula. These two bones run parallel and are connected by an Interosseous
Membrane. They also articulate with each other.
Tibia (Shin‐bone) ‐ The Tibia articulates with the Femur (upper leg) and the Talus (Ankle). This bone carries all the body’s
It is the main bone of the lower leg and can be found on the more medial side of the leg.
Fibula ‐ Although this bone runs parallel to the Tibia, it doesn’t carry much weight. Instead, it acts as a stabilizer. It
articulates with the Tibia and the Talus. It’s inferior end (Lateral Malleolus) is the bone that sticks out on the outside of the
ankle. The Fibula can be found on the lateral side (outside) of the lower leg


Type: synovial ball and socket

Articulation: head of femur and cup‐shaped acetabulum of
hip bone
Acetabular labrum deepens acetabulum

Flexion – iliopsoas

Extension – Hamstrings (semitendinosus, semimembranosus

& biceps femoris); gluteus maximus

Abduction – gluteus medius & gluteus minimus

Adduction – adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor

magnus, gracilis & pectineus

Medial Rotation – gluteus medius & gluteus minimus

Lateral Rotation – deep thigh muscles (gemelli, obturators,

quadratus femoris, piriformis, gluteus maximus


The pelvic girdle consists of paired hipbones. The pelvis is the section between the legs and the torso that connects the spine
(backbone) to the thigh bones. In adults, it is mainly constructed of two hip bones, one on the right and one on the left of the body.
The two hip bones are made up of 3 sections, the Ilium, Ischium and Pubis. These sections are fused together during puberty,
meaning in childhood they are separate bones. Along with the hip bones is the Sacrum, the upper‐middle part of the pelvis, which
connects the spine (backbone) to the pelvis. To make this possible, the hip bones are attached to the Sacrum. The gap enclosed by
the pelvis is the section of the body underneath the abdomen (stomach) and mainly consists of the reproductive organs (sex
organs) and the rectum. The sacrum; each is made up of three bones.

The pelvic girdle forms joints between the two pubic bones and between the ilium and sacrum. The interpubic joint is a symphysis
type of cartilaginous joint. This strong fibrocartilage structure binds the two os coxae and allows for a small range of motion. The
sacroiliac joint is a composite joint that has both a syndesmotic junction and a synovial capsule. The syndesmosis occurs where
strong anterior and posterior sacroiliac ligaments bind the os coxae to the sacrum. In addition to these sacroiliac ligaments,
iliolumbar, sacrospinous, and sacrotuberous ligaments also stabilize the os coxae on the sacrum. The synovial sacroiliac joint occurs
where the lateral alar surface of the sacrum articulates with the ear‐shaped auricular surface of the ilium. Originally synovial, with
age this joint often forms fibrous adhesions and becomes obliterated later in life, sometimes even ossifying. This joint allows for a
small degree of anterior‐posterior rotation that accompanies flexion and extension of the trunk.

Muscles of the Pelvic girdle

Gluteal muscles cover the lateral surfaces of the ilia. The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest and most posterior of the gluteal
muscles. Its origin includes parts of the ilium; the sacrum, coccyx, and associated ligaments; and the lumbodorsal fascia. Acting
alone, this massive muscle produces extension and lateral rotation at the hip joint. The gluteus maximus shares an insertion with
the tensor fascia latae muscle, which originates on the iliac crest and the anterior superior iliac spine. Together these muscles pull
on the iliotibial tract, a band of collagen fibers that extends along the lateral surface of the thigh and inserts on the tibia. This tract
provides a lateral brace for the knee that becomes particularly important when you balance on one foot. The gluteus medius and
gluteus minimus muscles originate anterior to the origin of the gluteus maximus muscle and insert on the greater trochanter of the
femur. The anterior gluteal line on the lateral surface of the ilium marks the boundary between these muscles. The lateral rotators
originate at or inferior to the horizontal axis of the acetabulum. There are six lateral rotator muscles in all, of which the piriformis
muscle and the obturator muscles are dominant. The adductors originate inferior to the horizontal axis of the acetabulum. This
muscle group includes the adductor magnus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, pectineus, and gracilis muscles. All but the adductor
magnus originate both anterior and inferior to the joint, so they perform hip flexion as well as adduction. The adductor magnus
muscle can produce either adduction and flexion or adduction and extension, depending on the region stimulated. The adductor
magnus muscle may also produce medial or lateral rotation at the hip. The other muscles produce medial rotation. These muscles
insert on low ridges along the posterior surface of the femur. When an athlete suffers a pulled groin, the problem is a strain‐‐a
muscle tear or break‐‐in one of these adductor muscles. The medial surface of the pelvis is dominated by a pair of muscles. The
large psoas major muscle originates alongside the inferior thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, and its insertion lies on the lesser
trochanter of the femur. Before reaching this insertion, its tendon merges with that of the iliacus muscle, which nestles within the
iliac fossa. These two muscles are powerful hip flexors and are often referred to collectively as the iliopsoas muscle.
Functions of the Pelvic Girdle
Its primary functions are to bear the weight of the upper body when sitting and standing; transfer that weight from the axial
skeleton to the lower appendicular skeleton when standing and walking; and provide attachments for and withstand the forces of
the powerful muscles of locomotion and posture. Compared to the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle is thus strong and rigid. Its
secondary functions are to contain and protect the pelvic and abdominopelvic viscera (inferior parts of the urinary tracts, internal
reproductive organs); provide attachment for external reproductive organs and associated muscles and membranes
Long fusiform muscle Flexion of the hip joint
located on the side of
the lumbar region, joins
iliacus muscle to form
iliopsoas (see below)
‐ Transverse processes Lesser trochanter of the
of T12 to L5 femur
‐ Lateral aspects of
discs between T12 to

Flat thick muscle on ‐ Flexion of hip joint
anterior side of iliac ‐ Lateral rotation of femur

Upper two thirds of the Base of the lesser
iliac fossa trochanter of the femur


Combination of ‐ Flexion of the hip joint
the psoas major and ‐ Lateral rotation of the
the iliacus at their femur

‐ Transverse processes of ‐ Lesser trochanter of the
T12 to L5 femur
‐ Lateral aspects of discs ‐ Base of the lesser
between T12 to L5 trochanter of the femur
‐ Upper two‐thirds of the
iliac fossa
‐ Short bank of ‐ Hip flexion
muscle running from ‐ Hip adduction
the pubis bone to the ‐ Internal rotation of the hip
top of the femur.
‐ Often grouped as a
hip flexor, is also group
as an
Pectineal line of the Pectineal line of the femur
pubic bone


Hip abductor muscle ‐ Hip flexion
‐ Hip rotation
‐ Hip abduction

Anterior iliac crest Lateral condyle of tibia via
iliotibial tract (ITB)


Large thick muscle on ‐ External rotation of
the posterior part of the ‐ Extension of the hip joint
pelvis forming the ‐ Supports the
“buttocks” extended knee through
iliotibial tract (ITB)
hip abduction

‐ Gluteal surface of ilium ‐ Gluteal tuberosity of
‐ Lumbar fascia femur
‐ Posterior surface of ‐ Iliotibial tract (ITB)
lower part of sacrum
‐ Sacrotuberous ligament
Large thick muscle on the ‐ Internal/medial
posterior part of the rotation of femur with
pelvis forming part of the Hip flexion
“buttocks” ‐ Extension of the hip joint

Gluteal surface of ilium, Greater trochanter of the
under gluteus maximus femur


Large thick muscle on the ‐ Anterior fibres
posterior part of the rotate thigh inwards
pelvis forming part of the ‐ Internal/medial
“buttocks” rotation of femur with
Hip flexion
Outer (external) surface Anterior surface of the
of ilium between anterior greater trochanter of the
and inferior gluteal lines femur


Short muscle to help Abducts & laterally
laterally rotate femur rotates the extended hip
with hip extension and and abducts the flexed
abduct femur with hip thigh at the hip, and
flexion, as well as to stabilises the hip during
steady the femoral head walking
in the acetabulum.

Ischiopubic ramus Medial aspect of
& obturator the greater trochanter
Short muscle to help Hip adduction
laterally rotate femur Assist with latera rotation
with hip extension and of the femur at the hip
abduct femur with hip joint
flexion, as well as to
steady the femoral head
in the acetabulum

Obturator Trochanteric
foramen and obturatory fossa of femur


‐ External rotator of hip External rotation of hip
‐ Accessory to Assist with lateral rotation
obturator internus

Spine of the ischium Obturator internus


‐ External rotator of hip External rotation of hip
‐ Accessory to
obturator internus

Ischial tuberosity Obturator internus
Helps form medial wall ‐ Adduction of the femur
of femoral triangle at the hip joint
‐ Flexion of hip joint

Pubic body just below Middle third of linea
the pubic crest aspera


‐ Large triangular ‐ Adduction of the femur
muscle situated on the at the hip joint
medial thigh ‐ Flexion of hip
‐ Helps form medial (adductor portion)
wall of femoral ‐ Extension of hip

‐ Pubis ‐ Linea aspera
‐ Tuberosity of ‐ Adductor tubercle of
the ischium the femur


Somewhat triangular in Adduction of the femur at
form, and arises by a the hip joint
narrow origin from the
outer surfaces of
the superior and inferior
rami of the pubis,
the gracilis and obturator
Anterior surface of the The lesser trochanter and
inferior ramus and body linea aspera of the femur
of the pubis
‐ Longest muscle in ‐ Flexion of the femur at
the human body the hip joint
‐ Runs down the ‐ Abduction of hip
entire length of the ‐ Lateral rotation of hip
body ‐ Flexion of the knee

Anterior superior spine Anteromedial surface of
of the iliac (ASIS) the upper tibia


Long muscle found at ‐ Assists Sartorius and
the front of the thigh iliopsoas with flexion at
(anterior compartment the hip
of the thigh) ‐ Knee extension

Anterior inferior iliac ‐ Quadriceps tendon
spine and the exterior on the tibial tuberosity
surface of the bony ridge via the patellar
which forms the groove ligament
on the iliac portion of
the acetabulum


Long muscle found ‐ Knee extension
laterally on the thigh ‐ Knee stabilisation
(anterior compartment of
the thigh)

‐ Greater trochanter Quadriceps
‐ Intertrochanteric line tendon on the
‐ Linea aspera of tibial tuberosity
the femur via the patellar
Long muscle found ‐ Knee extension
anterior compartment of ‐ Knee stabilisation
on the thigh

Anterolateral femur Quadriceps tendon on the
tibial tuberosity via the
patellar ligament


Long muscle found ‐ Knee extension
medially on the thigh ‐ Knee stabilisation
(medial compartment of
the thigh)

Medial side of femur Quadriceps tendon on the
tibial tuberosity via the
patellar ligament

Superficial muscle on ‐ Flexion of hip
medial side of the thigh ‐ Adduction of hip
‐ Medial and internal
rotation of hip

Ischiopubic ramus Tibia
It is often forgotten by personal trainers that the
hamstring muscle crosses two joint sections
namely hip and knee (this group can thus extend
the hip as well as flex the knee), one must
therefore take into account that full range of
this muscle must be exercised and stretched ‐
proximal as well as distal ends ‐ in order to
obtain peak performance with this specific


Found medially on the posterior Found medially on the Found laterally on the Found laterally on
thigh posterior thigh underneath posterior thigh the posterior thigh
the semitendinosus underneath the long
‐ Flexion of the knee ‐ Flexion of the knee ‐ Flexion of the knee Flexion of the knee
‐ Extension of the hip joint ‐ Extension of the hipjoint ‐ Extension of the hip joint


Tuberosity of the ischium Tuberosity of the ischium Tuberosity of the Linea aspera of the
ischium femur


Medial condyle of the tibia Medial condyle of the tibia Head of the fibula Head of the fibula

The elbow‐joint is a hinge‐joint. The trochlea of the humerus is received into the semilunar notch of the ulna, and the capitulum of the humerus
articulates with the fovea on the head of the radius. The articular surfaces are connected by a capsule, which is thickened medially
and laterally, and, to a less extent, in front and behind. These thickened portions are usually described as distinct ligaments under
the following names:
• The Anterior
• The Posterior
• The Ulnar Collateral
• The Radial Collateral

Type: synovial hinge joint

Articulation: trochlear and capitulum of humerus and trochlear notch of ulna and
head of radius

The elbow‐joint comprises of three different portions: the joint between the ulna and humerus, that between the head of the
radius and the humerus, and the proximal radioulnar articulation, described below. All these articular surfaces are enveloped by a
common synovial membrane, and the movements of the whole joint should be studied together. The combination of the
movements of flexion and extension of the forearm with those of pronation and supination of the hand, which is ensured by the
two being performed at the same joint, is essential to the accuracy of the various minute movements of the hand. The portion of
the joint between the ulna and humerus is a simple hinge‐joint and allows for movements of flexion and extension only. Owing to
the obliquity of the trochlea of the humerus, this movement does not take place in the antero‐posterior plane of the body of the
humerus. When the forearm is extended and supinated, the axes of the arm and forearm are not in the same line; the arm forms
an obtuse angle with the forearm, the hand and forearm being directed lateral‐ward. During flexion, however, the forearm and the
hand tend to approach the middle line of the body, and thus enable the hand to be easily carried to the face. The accurate
adaptation of the trochlea of the humerus, with its prominences and depressions, to the semilunar notch of the ulna, prevents any
lateral movement. Flexion is produced by the action of the Biceps brachii and Brachialis, assisted by the Brachioradialis and the
muscles arising from the medial condyle of the humerus; extension, by the Triceps brachii and Anconeus, assisted by the Extensors
of the wrist, the Extensor digitorum communis, and the Extensor digiti quinti proprius.
‐ Long muscle that ‐ Elbow flexion
runs superiorly along ‐ Flexion of
the humerus glenohumeral joint
‐ Has a long and ‐ Abduction of
short head glenohumeral
‐ Has two origins joint
‐ Supination of
radioulnar joint in
‐ Short head: coracoid Radial tuberosity and
process of the scapula bicipital aponeurosis into
‐ Long head: deep fascia on medial
supraglenoid tubercle part of forearm


Short muscle on Elbow flexion
anterior surface of
distal humerus

Distal anterior surface Coronoid process and the
of humerus tuberosity of the ulna


Long muscle that forms ‐ Elbow flexion
part of the forearm ‐ Supination of forearm
‐ Assist with pronation of
the forearm

Lateral supracondylar Distal radius (radial
ridge of elbow styloid process)
Large muscle of the ‐ Extends forearm,
back of the upper arm ‐ Long head extends
and adducts arm
‐ Extends shoulder

‐ Long Olecranon process of
head: infraglenoid ulna
tubercle of scapula
‐ Lateral head:
above the radial
‐ Medial head:
below the radial
‐ Small muscle on ‐ Assists in extension
the posterior aspect of the forearm
of the elbow joint ‐ Stabilises the
‐ Partially blended elbow during
in with triceps pronation and

Lateral epicondyle of Lateral surface of
the humerus, the olecranon process
proximally and the superior
proximal part of the
posterior ulna


Square‐shaped muscle Pronation of forearm
on the distal forearm

Anterior medial surface Anterior lateral surface of
of the ulna the ulna
Broad muscle in the Supination of forearm
posterior compartment
of the forearm

‐ Lateral Lateral proximal radial
epicondyle of humerus shaft
‐ Supinator crest ofulna
‐ Radial
‐ Annular ligament
A slender muscle on Wrist flexor
medial aspect of the

Medial epicondyle of Palmar aponeurosis
humerus (common
flexor tendon)


Considered to be the Flexor of fingers
deepest part of the (primarily at proximal
superficial layer interphalangeal joints)

Medial epicondyle of Anterior margins on the
the humerus (common bases of the middle
flexor tendon) as well phalanges of the four
as parts of fingers
the radius and ulna



Type: synovial hinge joint

Articulation: distal tibia and fibula with talus
Articular capsule: fibrous capsule, lax anteriorly and posteriorly; completely surrounds joint. Lined by synovial membrane and reinforced by
lateral and medial ligaments

Regions of the foot:

The foot is the region of the lower limb distal to the ankle
Subdivided into ankle, metatarsus & digits
The foot has a superior surface (dorsum) and an inferior surface (sole or plantar surface)
Hind‐foot – as the name suggests, the hindfoot is the portion of the foot closest to the center of the body. It begins at the ankle
joint and stops at the calcaneal‐cuboid joint.
Mid‐foot – The midfoot begins with the calcaneal‐cuboid joint and essentially ends where the metatarsals begin. While it has
several more joints than the hind‐foot, it still possesses little mobility.
Fore‐foot – the fore‐foot is composed of the metatarsals, and phalanges. The bones that comprise the fore‐foot are those that are
last to leave the ground during walking.

Mobile Joints of the foot and ankle:

• Ankle joint
• Subtalar joint
• Talonavicular joint
• Metatarso‐phalangeal (MTP) joints.

Joints that move a moderate amount:

• Calcaneal Cuboid joint
• Cuboid‐metatarsal joint for the fourth and fifth metatarsal.
• Naviculocuneiform joints
• Joints of midfoot a.k.a. tarso‐metatarsal (TMT) joints or cuneiform‐metatarsal joints

The talus is something of an odd bone because of its strange shape and the fact that 70% of this bone is covered with hyaline
cartilage (joint cartilage). The talus acts as a “ball joint” playing the critical roll of connecting the lower leg to the foot. The talus is
covered by so much cartilage because it connects so many different bones. The talus holds the ankle together by connecting to
the lower leg with a ball joint, connects to the calcaneus on the underside through the subtalar joint, and helps connect the back
part of the foot (hindfoot) to the midfoot via the talonavicular joint. These series of connections allow the foot to rotate smoothly
around the talus, as when you roll your ankle in a circle. Unfortunately, the talus has relatively poor blood supply, which means
that injuries to this bone take greater time to heal than might be the case with other bones.
Parts of the Talus
The talus is generally thought of as having three or four parts:
• The talar body including the “dome” of the talus
• The talar neck
• The talar head
The talar body is roughly square in shape and is topped by the dome, connects the talus to the lower leg at the ankle joint. The
talar head interacts with the navicular bone to form the talonavicular joint. The talar neck is located between the body and head
of the talus, and remarkable because it is one of the few areas of the talus not covered with cartilage and is one of the few places
that blood can flow to in the talus.

Calcaneus (The Heel Bone)

The calcaneus is commonly referred to as the heel bone. The calcaneus is the largest bone in the foot, and along with the talus, it
makes up the area of the foot known as the hind‐foot. The calcaneus is something like an oddly shaped egg; hard cortical bone on
the outside covers softer cancellous bone on the inside. There are three protrusions on the top surface of the calcaneus (the
posterior, middle, and anterior “facets”) that allow the talus to sit on top of the calcaneus, forming the subtalar joint. The
calcaneus also joins to another bone at the furthest end away from the lower leg toward the toes. At this end, the calcaneus
connects to the cuboid bone to form the calcaneocuboid joint.

Subtalar Joint
The talus rests above the calcaneus to form the subtalar joint. However, the talus does not sit directly on top of the calcaneus.
Instead, it rests slightly offset toward the outside of the foot (the side nearest the little toe). This positioning allows the foot to
cope with uneven terrain because it allows a little more flexibility from side to side. The subtalar joint doesn’t move independently,
it moves along with the talonavicular joint and the calcaneocuboid joint, two joints located near the front of the talus.

Bones of the Mid‐foot: Cuboid, Navicular, Cuneiform (3)

The cuboid bone is the main bone of the mid‐foot. It is a square‐shaped bone on the outside of the foot, and possesses several
places to connect with other bones. The main joint formed with the cuboid is the calcaneocuboid joint. Farther along its length,
the cuboid also connects with the base of the fourth and fifth metatarsals (the metatarsals of the last two toes). On the inner side,
it also connects with one of the lateral cuneiform bones.

Calcaneocuboid Joint
The calcaneal‐cuboid joint attaches the heel bone to the cuboid.

The navicular is located in front of the talus and connects with it through the talonavicular joint. The navicular is curved on the
surface nearest ankle. The side farthest from the ankle joint connects to each of the three cuneiform bones. Like the talus, the
navicular has a poor blood supply. On the inner side (closest to the middle of the foot), there is a piece of bone that juts out, which
is called the navicular tuberosity. This is the site where the posterior tibial tendon anchors into the bone. Talonavicular Joint As the
name suggests, the talonavicular joint connects the talus to the navicular. The curve of the is designed to connect smoothly with
the front surface of the talus. This joint allows for the potential to have significant motion between the hindfoot and the midfoot
depending on the position the hindfoot is in.

There are three different cuneiform bones present side‐by‐side in the midfoot. The one located on the inside of the midfoot is
called the medial cuneiform. The middle cuneiform is located centrally in the midfoot and to the outside is the lateral cuneiform.
All three cuneiforms line up in a row and articulate with the navicular forming the naviculocuneiform joint. The structure of the
cuneiforms is similar to a roman arch. Each cuneiform connected to the others in order to form a more stable unit. These bones,
along with the strong plantar and dorsal ligaments that connect to them, provide a good deal of stability for the midfoot.
Bones of the Fore‐foot: Metatarsals (5), Phalanges (14), Sesamoid Bones (2) Metatarsals
Each foot contains five metatarsals. These are the long bones that lead to the base of each toe. The metatarsals are numbered 1‐5
starting on the inside and leading outward (from big toe to smallest). Each metatarsal is a long bone that joins with the midfoot at
its base, a joint called the tarsal‐metatarsal joint, or Lisfranc joint. In general, the first three metatarsals are more rigidly held in
place than the last two, although in some individuals there is increased motion associated with the 1st metatarsal where it joins
the midfoot (at the 1st tarsometatarsal joint) and this increased motion may predispose them to develop a bunion. The long part
of the metatarsal bone is known as the metatarsal “shaft”, and the thick end of the bone nearest the toes is known as the
metatarsal “head” (the metatarsal neck lies between the shaft and head). The head serves two very important functions: First, the
metatarsal heads are the locations were weight bearing takes place. Second, the phalanges connect to the foot at the metatarsal
heads at a joint called the metatarsal‐phalangeal joint. These joints are very flexible, allowing the metatarsal heads to continuously
support the weight of the body as the foot moves from heel to toe.

First Metatarsal – The first metatarsal bone is the bone in the foot just behind the big toe. The first metatarsal bone is the shortest
of the metatarsal bones and by far the thickest and strongest of them.
Second Metatarsal – The fore‐foot is made extremely stable not only by the ligaments connecting the bones, but also because the
second metatarsal is recessed into the medial cuneiform in comparison to the others. The second metatarsal may be overly long in
some individuals predisposing to 2nd metatarsalgia.
Fourth and Fifth Metatarsal – The fourth and fifth metatarsal may have greater range of motion than the others do.

The phalanges make up the bones of the toes. They are connected to the rest of the foot by the metatarsophalangeal joint. The
first toe, also known as the great toe due to its relatively large size, is the only one to be comprised of only two phalanges. These
are known as the proximal phalanx (closest to the ankle) and the distal phalanx (farthest from the ankle). The four “lesser toes”
(toes 2‐5) all have three phalanges. The phalanx closest to the ankle is known as the proximal phalanx, this articulates with the
“middle” phalanx the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP joint). The middle phalanx meets the “distal” phalanx at the distal
interphalangeal joint. An imbalance in the tendons pulling across these small joints of the toes will lead to deformity of the toe
such as a claw toe. A list of the joints of the toes can be found below.
• Interphalangeal Joint (great toe only)
• Proximal Interphalangeal Joint (PIP joint – toes 2‐5)
• Distal Interphalangeal Joint (DIP joint ‐toes 2‐5)

Sesamoid Bones
A sesamoid bone is a bone that is also part of a tendon. An easy example of such a bone is the kneecap (patella). In the foot there
are two sesamoid bones, each of which is located directly underneath the first metatarsal head. These sesamoids are part of the
flexor hallucis brevis tendon.

Movement of the Foot

The Metatarsophalangeal Joints
• Bony Structures
• Formed by the heads of the metatarsals and the base of the proximal phalanges
• Movements
• Extension/flexion
• abduction/adduction of the toes

Movement of the ankle joint

• Type of Joint: a hinge joint
• Movements
‐ dorsiflexion
‐ plantar flexion
‐ Long muscle Dorsiflexion and
situated anterior to innervation of the foot
the tibia
‐ Its tendon passes to
the medial side of the
foot to act on the ankle
Upper half of lateral condyle Medial cuneiform and
of the tibia first metatarsal bones of
the foot


Long muscle running in ‐ Extension of toes
anterior portion of the leg ‐ Dorsiflexion of ankle

Anterior lateral condyle of Dorsal surface; middle
tibia, anterior shaft of fibula and distal phalanges of
and Superior 3⁄4 oflateral four digits


Long muscle running Extends the big toe and
deeper in anterior portion assists in dorsiflexion of
of the leg the foot at the ankle.
Also, is a weak evertor/
Arises from the middle Inserts on the dorsal side
portion of the fibula on the of the base of
anterior surface and the distal phalanx of the
the interosseous big toe
Muscle of the “Calf” ‐ Plantar flexes foot
‐ Assist with knee flexion

Superior to articular Tendo calcaneus
surfaces of lateral (Achilles tendon) into
condyle of femur and mid‐ posterior calcaneus
medial condyle of

Muscle running Plantar flexion
gastrocnemius that acts
on the ankle

Fibula, medial border Calcaneus
of tibia (soleal line)


‐ Muscle of the leg Inversion of the
‐ The tendon passes foot and plantar flexion of
into the sole of the the foot at the ankle
foot to act on the
ankle joint

Tibia and fibula Navicular and medial
cuneiform bone
Leg muscle that passes Flexes digits
into the plantar aspect

Posterior surface of the Plantar surface; base of
body of the tibia the distal phalanges of
the four lesser toes

Bone mineral density loss is one of the most common problems people face as they age. This may result in medical conditions
such as osteoporosis, a disease that causes a person’s bones to become so fragile they break easily. Bone mineral density can
be affected by several factors, such as pre‐existing medical conditions, a person’s overall physical health and diet.

Medical History
A history of medical problems may influence a person’s bone mineral density. According to Marcelle Pick, an OB/GYN nurse
practitioner, it is normal for a person to lose some bone density as he or she ages. However, doctors examine patients for
progressive bone density loss, which could signal other medical issues. According to a 2007 study funded by the National
Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases and the National Institute on Aging, older men who suffered from low
bone mineral density typically had suffered from other medical issues such as diabetes.
Other medical problems that could factor into a person’s bone density include osteoarthritis, prostate cancer, kidney stones and
chronic lung disease. The study also shows that there may be a connection between reduced bone mineral density and “a history
of maternal or paternal fracture.”

Physical Fitness
A person’s overall physical health, including levels and intensity of exercise, may influence bone mineral density as well.
According to the 2007 study referenced above, an increase in body weight may affect a person’s bone density. But this may, up
to a certain point, be a positive factor. Participants in the study who had a 22‐pound increase in weight also had bone mineral
density levels increase by four percent. The study, which looked at men older than the age of 65, also cited a lack of physical
activity as a factor in low bone density. A lack of exercise can reduce bone mineral density in everyone.
It is suggested exercising 30 minutes a day, at least three times a week. Bones are most positively affected by weight lifting or
incorporating weights in the exercise routine.

Diet may play a role in bone mineral density. A well‐rounded diet with the appropriate nutrients may help reduce the rate of
density loss. Studies show calcium is often associated with strong bones. However, a calcium supplement may not be everything
a person needs. Women need at least 20 nutrients that assist in building bone mass.
A well‐rounded diet, along with additional supplements, can supply this. It is also advised people to avoid certain foods that may
create acid, reversing the positive effects of a well‐rounded diet. Foods to avoid include sugar and meat.

Body fat
Body fat percentage can be a predictor of bone density or bone health. Individuals who have a sedentary lifestyle and poor
nutrition are at risk not only for higher body fat percentage, but also lower bone density. Conversely, extremely low levels of
body fat can also contribute to bone loss because of poor nutritional habits. Healthy body fat percentage ranges for women is 14
to 31 percent of total body weight. For men, it is between 6 and 24 percent of total body weight.



Muscle mass
Physiology is the functional basis of understanding human movement and the different functions of the human body.
Exercise physiology deals specifically with how the body functions under physical and mental stress.


The nervous system controls movement in the body. The nervous system is a collection of billions of cells forming nerves
that are designed as a communication network within the human body. It is a “central command centre” that enables the
body to gather information about the internal and external environment and appropriately respond to it.
There are three primary/main functions of the nervous system:
‐ Sensory function: The ability of the nervous system to sense changes in either the internal or external environment.
‐ Integrative function: The ability of the nervous system to analyse and interpret information.
‐ Motor function: The neuromuscular systems ability to have to appropriate response to sensory information.
It is important to remember that all movement is dictated by the nervous system, so it is important to train the nervous
system efficiently to ensure that the correct movement patterns are being developed and executed.


The Nervous System Types of Neuron

The functional unit of the nervous 1. DENDRITE
A slender, branched projection of a
system is known as the neuron. Billions neuron, which conducts the electrical
of neurons make up the complicated stimulation received from other cells to
structure of the nervous system. and from the cell body, or soma, of the
neuron from which it projects.

The merging of many neurons together

forms the nerves of the body. The bulbous end of a neuron, containing
the nucleus and is where most protein
Neurons are made up of three parts: synthesis occurs.

− Cell body
− Axon Controls chemical reactions within the
− Dendrites cytoplasm and stores information needed
for cellular division.

The Cell body or Soma contains a 4. AXON

nucleus and other organelles such as A long slender projection of a neuron which
lysosomes, mitochondria and golgi conducts electrical impulses away from the
neuron's cell body.
The Axon transmits nervous impulses An electrically insulating phospholipid
and other neurons or sites, e.g. muscles, MOTOR NEURON
layer that surrounds the axons of many
neurons, composed of about 80% lipid fat
organs, spinal cord and about 20% protein. It helps prevent
the electrical current from leaving the
axon and causing a short circuit in the
The Dendrites are responsible for brain.
gathering information from other 6. AXON TERMINAL
structures back to the neurons. A specialised structure at the end of the
axon that is used to release
neurotransmitters and communicate with
There are three main classifications of target neurons.

− Sensory neurons: Transmits nerve
impulses from the effector sites to the
brain or spinal cord.
− Interneuron: Transmits impulses from neuron
to neuron.
− Motor neurons: Transmits nerve impulses
from the brain and spinal cord to the
effector sites.

An example of the way different

neurons work synergistically together
is seen when a person touches a very
hot object.
Central and peripheral nervous system:
The central and peripheral nervous system is composed of 2 (two) separate divisions.
1. The central nervous system: The brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The
brain and the spinal cord interpret information.
2. The peripheral nervous system: The peripheral nervous system consists of 12 cranial nerves and 31
pairs of spinal nerves and sensory receptors. They serve two main functions:
i) They are the connection for the nervous system to activate and receive information to things such as the muscles.
ii) They send information from our muscles back to the brain. So, they are constantly updating information from the body.

Sensory receptors
Sensory receptors are structures that are found throughout the body. They transform environmental
information (sound, heat, taste, light) to the brain via the spinal cord to produce an appropriate response.
Sensory receptors can be divided into four main categories:
− Mechanoreceptors: Touch and pressure
− Nociceptors: Pain
− Chemoreceptors: Taste and smell
− Photoreceptors: Light and darkness

We as fitness professionals concentrate mainly on mechanoreceptors. They are responsible for sensing distortion
in the tissue. They are located in the muscles, tendons, joints, and ligaments. They sense stretch, compressions,
traction, or tension in the tissue, which is then transmitted to the Central Nervous System (CNS).


• Long , cylindric muscle cells = muscle fibre

• Many bundles muscle fibre = produces power
Bundles of muscle fibre are kept together with connective fibre
• Connective tissue = muscle returns to normal even after a 40 % stretch

The role and actions of muscles

• Muscles pull the bone, not push it.
• Muscle contracts = bones move to each other.
• Movements are not only caused by one muscle.
• Origin : Immovable point of the muscle
• Implanting: Movable point of the muscle
• Movement takes place through a group of muscles.
• Coordinated muscle group which causes movement = Muscle synergy.
• Muscles which are in synergy with one another have different rolls in movement.
Muscle Spindles
The muscle spindle is a peripheral receptor located in the muscle belly of skeletal muscles. Each spindle consists
of intrafusal fibers, sensory nerve endings, and gamma motor neuron endings. They are responsible for
conveying information to the central nervous system about the absolute muscle length and changes in muscle
length. Spindles play an important role in motor control and are used to help regulate muscle length during

Muscle spindles are the major sensory organs of the muscles. They sit parallel to the muscle fibers. The
muscle spindle is there to control change of length in the muscle, i.e. when the muscle is stretched, so is the
spindle. When the muscle is about to be “over‐stretched” the muscle spindle will send a message to the brain
and the spindle will then contract the muscle.
So, the muscle spindles prevent the muscles from being “over stretched” and injured.

Golgi Tendon Organs

Golgi Tendon Organs (GTO) are located at a point where the muscle and the tendon meet (musculotendinous
junction). They are sensitive to rate of change in the muscles. When activated, the GTOs will relax the muscle to
prevent the muscle from being placed under excessive stress and getting injured.
Joint Receptors
Joint receptors are found in and around the joint. They respond to pressure, acceleration, and deceleration of
the joint. The joint receptor’s job is to warn the joint against extreme and harmful positions to prevent injury.

The human nervous system includes three general types of neurons:

1. Sensory neurons
2. Interneurons
3. Motor neurons

 Sensory neurons have long axons and transmit nerve impulses from sensory receptors all over the body
to the CNS. Sensory neurons are specialised to detect stimuli from the environment, such as light, sound,
taste, or pressure. Millions of sensory receptors detect changes, called stimuli, which occur inside and
outside the body. They monitor such things as temperature, light, and sound from the external
environment. Inside the body, the internal environment, receptors detect variations in pressure, pH,
carbon dioxide concentration, and the levels of various electrolytes. All of this gathered information is
called sensory input. Sensory input is converted into electrical signals called nerve impulses that are
transmitted to the brain. There the signals are brought together to create sensations, to produce
thoughts, or to add to memory; decisions are made each moment based on the sensory input. This is

 Interneurons (also called connector neurons or relay neurons) are usually much smaller cells, with many
interconnections. Detection of a stimulus triggers the sensory neuron to transmit a message to the
central nervous system. There, the message is relayed to interneurons that integrate the information
and generate instructions about how to respond. Instructions are sent back to the peripheral nervous
system as messages along motor neurons.

 Motor neurons also have long axons and transmit nerve impulses from the CNS to effectors (muscles and
glands) all over the body. The motor neurons then stimulate muscles to contract or relax to make the
appropriate responses. They also stimulate glands to release hormones. Based on the sensory input and
integration, the nervous system responds by sending signals to muscles, causing them to contract, or to
glands, causing them to produce secretions. Muscles and glands are called effectors because they cause
an effect in response to directions from the nervous system. This is the motor output or motor function.

The three types of neurons are arranged in circuits and networks, the simplest of which is the Reflex Arc.
Explanation of the three main functions of the nervous system

Our nervous system is able to pass a message from a sensory neuron, through several interneurons, to a motor
neuron within several milliseconds. Though this seems very fast, some sensory inputs (such as pain) require an
even more rapid response.

 In a simple reflex arc, such as the knee jerk, a stimulus is detected by a receptor cell, which synapses with a
sensory neuron. The sensory neuron carries the impulse from site of the stimulus to the central nervous
system (the brain or spinal cord), where it synapses with an interneuron. The interneuron synapses with a
motor neuron, which carries the nerve impulse out to an effector, such as a muscle, which responds by

If we touch a hot stove, for instance, it is beneficial for us to pull back as quickly as possible. How does the
nervous system handle this reflex response? When responding to input that requires a very fast response, our
nervous system allows sensory neurons to relay information through only one interneuron, or to connect
directly to motor neurons. By reducing the number of interneurons required for signal processing, reflex
responses are able to occur more quickly than other responses.

The Organisation of the Human Nervous System

The human nervous system is far more complex than a simple reflex arc, although the same stages still apply.
The organisation of the human nervous system is shown in the diagram (see next page):

It is easy to forget that much of the human nervous system is concerned with routine, involuntary jobs, such
as homeostasis, digestion, posture, breathing, etc. This is the job of the autonomic nervous system, and its
motor functions are split into two divisions, with anatomically distinct neurons. Most body organs are
innervated by two separate sets of motor neurons; one from the sympathetic system and one from the
parasympathetic system.

These neurons have opposite (or antagonistic) effects. In general, the sympathetic system stimulates the “fight
or flight” responses to threatening situations, while the parasympathetic system relaxes the body. The details are
listed in this table:


Eyes Dilates pupils Constricts pupils

Tear glands No effect Stimulates tear secretion
Salivary glands Inhibits saliva production Stimulates saliva production
Lungs Dilates bronchi Constricts bronchi
Heart Speeds up heart rate Slows down heart rate
Gut Inhibits peristalsis Stimulates peristalsis
Liver Stimulates glucose production Stimulates bile production
Bladder Inhibits urination Stimulates urination
Another view and explanation of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System

Most of all movement of the human body come from a result of muscle contraction. It is made up of fibres. The
direction and composition determine the appearance and strength of the muscle. All muscles are held together by fibres
and connective tissue which is important to the characteristic of the muscle.

A moving muscle is attached to two different types of bones:

ORIGIN – bone is fixed in some way. Origin is often the proximal bone.
INSERTION – moves because of muscle contraction. Insertion is often the distal bone (there may be exceptions though).

Skeletal muscle is a collection of many individual muscle fibres that are wrapped around together by connective tissue
to form individual bundles.

The anatomy of skeletal muscle:

‐ Fascia: Connective tissue that covers the entire/whole muscle

‐ Epimysium: Inner layer of connective tissue surrounding the muscle

The facia and epimysium help form connective tissue between the muscle and the bone.
‐ Fascicle: Secondary muscle fibre inside the muscle
‐ Perimysium: connective tissue covering the fascicle
‐ Endomysium: connective tissue covering the inner most muscle fibres

All connective tissues in muscles play an important role in movement. They allow the forces that are generated by the
muscle to be transmitted from the contractile parts of the muscle to the bonds to create movement. Muscle tissue
covers the entire length of the muscle to form tendons.

Contractile elements of skeletal muscle fibres

A single muscle cell is known as a muscle fibre. Under microscope distinct series of light and dark banks can be seen.
Muscle fibres are enclosed by a membrane known as the sarcolemma. It contains typical cell components such as plasma called
sarcoplasm (which is composed of glycogen, fats, minerals and oxygen binding myoglobin) Nuclei and mitochondria (which
transforms energy to food). They are unlike other cells because they have structures made up of myofibrils. Myofibrils contain
myofilaments which are the contractile components of muscle tissue. Myofilaments are also known as actin and myosin which
are thin and thick filaments which form repeating sections within a myofibril. Each one of these sections are known as
sarcomere. A sarcomere is the functional unit of the muscle that produces muscular contraction and consists of repeating
sections of actin and myosin. Tropomyosin and troponin are two other protein structures that are important for the muscle
contraction. Tropomyosin is found in the actin filament and blocks the myosin binding sites located on the actin filament
prohibiting myosin from attaching to actin while the muscle is in a relaxed state. Troponin, also located on the actin filament,
plays a role in muscle contraction by providing binding sites for both calcium and tropomyosin when the muscle needs to

Generating muscle force

A muscle generates force in a variety of different methods such as, neural activation, sliding filament theory and
excitation contraction‐ coupling mechanism.

Neural activation
Neural activation is made possible by the communication between the nervous system and the muscular system. It
muscle contraction and stabilization possible. Where a connection is made with the motor neuron and the muscle fibres
is called the motor unit. The point where a single neuron meets a single fibre is called the neuromuscular junction.
Impulses travel down from the central nervous system into the axon on the neuron. When the impulses reach the end
of the axon, chemicals called neurotransmitters are released. Neurotransmitters send messages between the neurons,
nerves and muscle fibres. They fall into receptor sites on the muscle fibre. The neurotransmitter that is required by the
neuromuscular system is called acetylcholine (Ach). Ach stimulates the muscle fibres to go through the necessary steps
to produce a muscle contraction.

Sliding filament theory

The sliding filament theory is the process of how the contraction of the filaments take place within the sarcomere.
1. A sarcomere shortens because of the “Z” lines moving closer together.
2. The “Z” lines pull together because of myosin heads attaching to the actin filament and asynchronously pulling the
filament across the myosin, all resulting in a shortened muscle fibre.

Excitation‐contraction‐coupling is the combination of the neural stimulation and the sliding filament theory.
The Sliding filament theory:

CARDIAC MUSCLE – Referred to as the myocardium and is found in the wall of the heart. It has the same structural and
functional characteristics of skeletal and smooth muscle and moves completely involuntarily.

SKELETAL MUSCLE – 600 muscles in total attach to our skeleton. They are voluntary and can be controlled. Skeletal muscles
are striated because of the protein molecules in these muscles and are regularly rearranged giving them a banded

SMOOTH MUSCLE – These are smooth, involuntary muscles which are found in the walls of organs such as the stomach,
respiratory passages and the bladder.


• The main muscle which causes movement = Primary mover/Agonis

• Supportive muscles to the above action = synergists
• Some cancel out the unasked for movement of the synergists =
• Muscle which gives resitence (opposite movement ) = Antagonist
• If the antagonist does not relax but contracts = co‐contraction
• Muscles helps to stabilise the joints ‐ stabilisers


A single muscle cell, usually classified according to strength, speed of

Muscle Fiber contraction, and energy source.

Myofibrils Protein structures that make up muscle fibers

Hypertrophy An increase in the size of a muscle fiber, usually stimulated by muscular overload.

Atrophy A decrease in the size of muscle fibers.

Hyperplasia An increase in the number of muscle fibers.

Red muscle fibers that are fatigue‐resistant but have a slow contraction speed
Slow‐Twitch Fibers and a lower capacity for tension; usually recruited for endurance activities.

White muscle fibers that contract rapidly and forcefully but fatigue quickly;
Fast‐Twitch Fibers usually recruited for actions requiring strength and power

Power The ability to exert force rapidly

A motor nerve (one that initiates movement) connected to one or more

Motor Unit muscle fibers.
The improvement in the body’s ability to recruit motor units, brought about
Muscle Learning through strength training.
A tough band of fibrous tissue that connects a muscle to a bone or other body
Tendon part and transmits the force exerted by the muscle
A tough band of tissue that connects the ends of bones to other bones or
Ligament supports organs in place.
The principal male hormone, responsible for the development of secondary
Testosterone sex characteristics and important in increasing muscle size.
Repetition Maximum (Rm) The maximum amount of resistance that can be moved a specified number of
Repetitions The number of times an exercise is performed during one set.
Exercise involving a muscle contraction without a change in the length of
Static (Isometric) Exercise the muscle.
Dynamic (Isotonic)Exercise Exercise involving a muscle contraction with a change in the length of the muscle.
Concentric Muscle Contraction An isotonic contraction in which the muscle gets shorter as it contracts.
An isotonic contraction in which the muscle lengthens as it contracts; also
Eccentric Muscle Contraction called a plyometric contraction.
A type of dynamic exercise that uses a constant load throughout a joint’s
Constant Resistance Exercise entire range of motion
A type of dynamic exercise that uses a changing load, providing a maximum
Variable Resistance Exercise load throughout the joint’s entire range of motion
Eccentric (Plyometric) Loading Loading the muscle while it is lengthening; sometimes called negatives.
Rapid stretching of a muscle group that is undergoing eccentric stress (the
Plyometric muscle is exerting force while it lengthens), followed by a rapid concentric
Speed Loading Moving a load as rapidly as possible.
Isokinetic The application of force at a constant speed against an equal force.
Spotter A person who assists with a weight training exercise done with free weights.
Set A group of repetitions followed by a rest period
A muscle in a state of contraction, opposed by the action of another
Agonist muscle, its antagonist.
Antagonist A muscle that opposes the action of another muscle, its agonist.
To be able to apply knowledge of the muscles the following tests can be used to assess muscular strength and endurance. They
describe the basics of weight training and provide guidelines for establishing a weight training program.
A.Basic Muscle Physiology and the Effects of Strength Training
B.Muscles consist of individual muscle cells, or muscle fibers, connected in bundles.
1. Muscle fibers are made up of smaller units called myofibrils.
2. Strength training causes the size of individual muscle fibers to increase by increasing the number of myofibrils.
C. Muscle fibers are classified according to their strength, speed of contraction, and energy source.
1. Slow‐twitch fibers are relatively fatigue resistant and do not contract as rapidly or strongly as fast‐twitch fibers.
2. Fast‐twitch fibers contract more rapidly and forcefully than slow‐twitch fibers but fatigue more quickly.
D. To exert force, the body recruits one or more motor units to contract.
1. A motor unit is made up of a nerve connected to a number of muscle fibers.
2. When a motor nerve calls on its fibers to contract, all fibers contract to their full capacity.

E. Strength training improves the body’s ability to recruit motor units - muscle learning - which increases strength even
before muscle size increases.
I. Benefits of Muscular Strength and Endurance
Enhanced muscular strength and endurance can lead to improvements in the areas of performance, injury prevention,
body composition, self‐image, lifetime muscle and bone health, and chronic disease prevention.
A. Improved Performance of Physical Activities
Increased muscular strength and endurance helps with performance of everyday tasks and recreational activities and
leads to the enjoyment that accompanies higher levels of achievement.
B. Injury Prevention
Muscular strength and endurance help protect you from injury in two key ways:
• By enabling you to maintain good posture.
• By encouraging proper body mechanics during everyday activities such as walking and lifting.
C. Improved Body Composition
Muscular strength and endurance exercise increase fat‐free mass, which raises metabolism and depletes fat tissue.
D. Enhanced Self-Image and Quality of Life
Muscular exercise offers the benefit of readily recognizable results: Your body will become noticeably stronger and firmer,
and you can easily monitor your progress in terms of amount of weight lifted and number of repetitions.
E. Improved Muscle and Bone Health with Aging
Strength training can prevent muscle and nerve degeneration brought about by aging and inactivity.
1. After age 30, people begin to lose muscle mass (sarcopenia), which may reduce ability to perform simple tasks or
2. Aging and inactivity can cause motor nerves to disconnect from the portion of muscle they control and allow muscles to
become slower ‐ less able to perform quick, powerful movements.
3. Risk of bone loss, or osteoporosis, can be lessened with strength training, and increases in muscle strength can also help
prevent falls.
F. Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease
Regular strength training helps prevent and manage both CVD and diabetes by:
• Improving glucose metabolism.
• Increasing maximal oxygen consumption.
• Reducing blood pressure.
• Increasing HDL cholesterol and reducing LDL cholesterol (in some people).

II. Assessing Muscular Strength and Endurance

A. Muscular strength is usually assessed by measuring the maximum amount of weight a person can lift one time. This single
maximum effort is called a repetition maximum (RM). You can measure 1 RM directly or estimate it by doing multiple
repetitions with a submaximal (lighter) weight.
B. Muscular endurance is usually assessed by counting the maximum number of repetitions of a muscular contraction a person
can do (as in a push‐up or sit‐up test) or the maximum time a muscle contraction can be held (as in a flexed‐arm hang).
III. Creating a Successful Strength Training Program
When muscles are stressed by a greater load than they are used to, they adapt and improve their function.
A. Static Versus Dynamic Strength Training Exercises
Weight training exercises are generally classified as static or dynamic.
Static Exercise (Isometric)
In this exercise, the length of the muscle does not change nor does the angle in the joint on which the muscle acts (e.g.,
pushing against a wall).
 These exercises can be performed with an immobile object (such as a wall) for resistance or simply by tightening a muscle.
The contraction should be held for 6 seconds, and 5–10 repetitions should be done.
 They develop strength only at a specific point in the joint range of motion.
1. Dynamic Exercise (Isotonic)
In this exercise, the length of the muscle changes (e.g., with weight machines or free weights). Dynamic exercise involves
applying force with movement, using either weights or a person’s own body weight (as in push‐ups).
There are two types of Dynamic muscle contractions:
(1) A concentric contraction occurs when the muscle applies enough force to overcome resistance and shortens as it
(2) An eccentric contraction occurs when the resistance is greater than the force applied by the muscle and the muscle
lengthens as it contracts.
 The two most common isotonic techniques are constant resistance exercise, which uses a constant load (weight)
throughout a joint’s entire range of motion, and variable resistance exercise, in which the load is changed to provide
maximum load throughout the range of motion.
 A problem with constant resistance exercise with free weights is that, because of differences in leverage, some points in a
joint’s range of motion are weaker than others. Variable resistance exercise uses machines that place more stress on muscles
at the end of the range of motion, where a person has better leverage and can exert more force.
 Other kinds of isotonic techniques include:
(1) Eccentric loading, placing a load on a muscle as it lengthens.
(2) Plyometrics, the sudden eccentric loading and stretching of muscles followed by a forceful concentric contraction. This
type of exercise is used to develop explosive strength; it also helps build and maintain bone density.
(3) Speed loading involves moving a weight as rapidly as possible in an attempt to approach the speeds used in
movements like throwing a softball or sprinting.
(4) Isokinetic exercise, exerting force at a constant speed against an equal force exerted by a special strength training
2. Comparison Static and Dynamic Exercise
 Static exercises require no equipment, build strength rapidly, and are useful for rehabilitating joints. However, they
have a short, specific range of motion, and so they have to be performed at several different angles for each joint.
 Dynamic exercises can be performed with or without equipment. They are excellent at building endurance and strength
throughout a joint’s range of motion.

B. Weight Machines versus Free Weights

o Muscles will get stronger if you make them work against a resistance.
o Weight machines are preferred by some because they are safe, convenient, and easy to use. They make it easy to
isolate and work a specific muscle, and a spotter isn’t always necessary.
o Free weights require more care, balance, and coordination, but they strengthen the body in ways that are more
adaptable to real life and sports.
C. Other Training Methods and Types of Equipment
This includes resistance bands, exercise (stability) balls, Pilates, and no‐equipment calisthenics.
IV.Applying the FITT Principle: Selecting Exercises and Putting Together a Program

Design your program to maximize the fitness benefits but minimize the risk of injury.
A. Frequency of Exercise
 For general fitness the ACSM recommends 2 ‐ 3 nonconsecutive days per week for weight training
 Allow muscles at least 1 day of rest between workouts.
B. The amount of weight lifted determines the way the body will adapt and how quickly it will adapt.

 To build strength rapidly, lift weights as heavy as 80% of your maximum capacity. For endurance, choose 40–60% of your
 Rather than continually assessing maximum capacity, base weight on the number of repetitions you can perform with a
given resistance.
C. Time of Exercise: Repetitions and Sets

1. To improve fitness, you must perform enough repetitions to fatigue your muscles.

 A heavy weight and a low number of repetitions (1 ‐ 5) builds strength.

 A light weight and a high number of repetitions (15 ‐ 20) builds endurance.

 For general fitness, do 8 ‐ 12 repetitions of each exercise. For older and more frail people (50 ‐ 60 years of age and
above), 10 ‐ 15 repetitions with a lighter weight is appropriate.
2. A set is a group of repetitions of an exercise followed by a rest period.

 Exercise scientists have not identified the optimal number of sets for increasing strength.

 For general fitness, 1 set is sufficient. Most serious weight trainers perform 3 or more sets of each exercise.
 The rest period allows the muscles to work at high enough intensity in the next set to increase fitness.

 The length of your rest interval depends on the amount of resistance: If you are training to develop strength and
endurance for wellness rest 1 ‐3 minutes between sets. If you are training to develop maximum strength (and are lifting
heavier loads), rest 3 – 5 minutes between sets.
D. Type or Mode of Exercise

1. A complete weight training program works all the major muscle groups, including neck, upper back, shoulders, arms,
chest, abdomen, lower back, thighs, buttocks, and calves.
2. Usually, 8 ‐ 10 different exercises are required in order to work all major muscle groups.
3. A balanced program includes exercises for both agonist and antagonist muscle groups.
4. Exercise the large‐muscle groups first and then small‐muscle groups.
E. The Warm-Up and Cool-Down
1. You should do both a general warm‐up (such as walking) and a specific warm‐up for the exercises you will perform. For
cool‐down, relax for 5–10 minutes after exercising.
F. Making Progress
1. To begin training, choose a weight you can easily move through 8–12 repetitions for 1 set.
2. Gradually add weight and (if you want) sets until you can perform 1–3 sets of 8–12 repetitions for each exercise.
3. As you progress, add weight according to the “two‐for‐two” rule: When you can perform two additional repetitions with a
given weight on two consecutive training sessions, increase the load.
4. You can expect to improve rapidly during the first 6–10 weeks of training; after that, gains come more slowly.
5. After you have achieved the strength and muscularity you want, you can maintain your gains by training 2–3 times per
G. More Advanced Strength Training Programs
1. If you desire to achieve greater increases in strength, increase the load and the number of sets and decrease the number
of reps.
2. Periodization or cycle training, in which the sets, reps, and intensity of exercise are varied, may be useful for making
greater gains in strength.
Effects of exercise on muscles:
Short Term:
• Capillary dilation
• Increased pliability
Long Term:
• Hypertrophy
• Increased metabolic activity
• Increased capillarization
• Increase in number of mitochondria
• Increase in muscular strength
• Increase in muscular endurance
The primary functions of the heart are to:
− Regulate blood supply
− Generate blood pressure
− Rooting of the blood
− Ensure one‐way blood flow
Your heart has 4 chambers. The upper chambers are called the left and right atria, and the lower chambers are
called the left and right ventricles. A wall of muscle called the septum separates the left and right atria and the
left and right ventricles. The left ventricle is the largest and strongest chamber in your heart. The left ventricle's
chamber walls are only about a half‐inch thick, but they have enough force to push blood through the aortic
valve and into your body.

• Atria
• Thin‐walled
• Expandable outer auricle
• Separated internally by the interatrial septum
• Coronary sulcus (atrioventricular groove) encircles the junction of the atria and

• Ventricles
• Separated by the interventricular septum
• Anterior and posterior interventricular grooves (sulci) mark the position of the
septum externally
• Coronary sulcus and interventricular grooves contain blood vessels
Right atrium
 Superior vena cava – receives blood from head, neck, upper limbs and chest
 Inferior vena cava – receives blood from trunk, viscera and lower limbs
 Coronary sinus – receives blood from cardiac veins
 Fossa ovalis – before birth this is an opening through interatrial septum (foramen ovale), connects the
atria and bypasses the lungs; foramen seals off at birth forming the fossa ovalis
 Pectinate muscles – prominent muscular ridges on anterior wall and auricle

Right ventricle
 Right atrioventricular valve – opening from right atrium to right ventricle

 Also called the tricuspid valve (has 3 cusps)

 Prevents backflow

 Chordae tendineae – tendinous cords attached to papillary muscles

 Trabeculae carneae – muscular ridges on internal surface of both ventricles
 Contain part of the conducting system (moderator band)
• Left atrium
• Receives blood from the lungs through the left and right pulmonary veins
• Blood from left atrium passes to left ventricle through the left atrioventricular valve
• also called bicuspid or mitral valve

• Left ventricle
• Holds same volume as right ventricle
• Is larger; muscle thicker and more powerful
• Papillary muscles and chordae tendineae like right ventricle, but no moderator band


The wall of the heart consists of 3 (three) distinct layers: inner endocardium, middle myocardium, outer
epicardium. The heart is composed of 4 hollow chambers. The chambers are delineated into two
interdependent (but separate) pumps on either side. These two pumps are separated by the interatrial
septum and interventricular septum. Each side of the heart has two chambers, an atrium and a ventricle.

1. The Atria: smaller chambers that are superiorly located on either side of the heart. The right
atrium gathers deoxygenated blood returning from the upper and lower extremities to the heart
and the left atrium gathers reoxygenated blood coming to the heart from the lungs.

2. Ventricles: The inferior chamber of the heart that receives blood from its corresponding atrium and in turn
forces the blood into the arteries. The right ventricle receives deoxygenated blood from the right atrium and
pumps to the lungs to be saturated with incoming oxygen. The left ventricle receives reoxygenated blood
from the left atrium and pumps it to the entire body via the aorta.

The chambers of the heart are all separate from each other. Major veins and arteries via valves prevent a back
flow or spillage of blood back into the chambers. These valves include the atrioventricular valves and
semilunar valves. The tricuspid valve separates the atrium and ventricle on the right side and the bicuspid on
the left side.

3. Septa: Between the right side and the left side of the heart are septa dividing the heart into two
functional pumps (interventricular septum).


Ventricle contraction pushes the blood from the heart to the body. The amount of blood that is pumped out with each contraction
is called the stroke volume (SV). The average adult SV is 75 ‐ 80ml per beat. The heart rate (HR) refers to the rate the heart pumps
blood into the body. The average person’s heart rate is 70 ‐ 80 beats per minute (BPM). The stroke volume and heart rate
combined (SV and BPM) is collectively termed as cardio output. It is almost impossible to gauge a client’s SV but it is possible to
gauge BPM. In cardio activity, it is recommended to monitor the client’s heart rate.


Stroke Volume The amount of blood that is pumped out with For an adult approximately
each contraction of the ventricle 75 ‐
80ml per beat
Heart Rate The rate the heart pumps For an adult
approximately 70 ‐
80 BPM
Cardiac Output The combination of how many times the
heart beats per minute and how much
blood is being pumped out with each

A cardiac system that is functioning correctly transports and delivers blood efficiently throughout the body. Blood acts as a
medium to deliver and collect essential products to and from the tissues of the body. Blood constitutes to about 8% of total body
weight and is much heavier and thicker than water. The average person holds 5 liters of blood in their body at any given time.
Blood is a vital support mechanism as it provides protection, transportation and regulation of the kinetic chain.

Transportation, regulation and protection

Blood transports oxygen and exports all waste products from the tissues. It is also a transporter of hormones, which are essential
for various organs and tissues of the body. Nutrients from our food are transported throughout our body through blood. Blood
regulates body temperature as a result of its water content and its path to flow. Blood travels close to the skin so it can give off
heat or cool the body depending on the environment. Blood is also essential for the regulation of PH levels and water content of
the body’s cells.

Through its ability to clot, blood protects us from blood loss when we are hurt or in an accident. Foreign toxins that can harm the
body are also fought against with the protection of blood. Ironically blood can also spread disease or sickness through the same


TRANSPORTATION Transports oxygen and nutrients to
tissues Transports waste products
from tissues Transports hormones
to organs and tissues carries heat
throughout the body
REGULATION Regulates body temperature and acid balance of the body
PROTECTION Protects the body from excessive bleeding by clotting
Contains specialised immune cells to help fight disease and sickness
The period from the end of one contraction to the end of the next is called the cardiac cycle. The cycle has two phases:
 Systole (period of contraction)
 Diastole (relaxation)

Each cycle is initiated by the spontaneous generation of an action potential in the SA‐node (sinoatrial node). This action
potential is carried throughout the atria to the AV‐node; then spread to the purkinje fibres. These fibres move up to the AV
bundle and into the ventricles. At the apex the blood travels into the purkinje fibres.

During an average lifetime the heart beats approximately 2, 5 billion times and pumps out about 300 million
liters of blood. The heart is very sensitive to the changing needs of the body and cardiac output can vary from
as little as 5041ml (during rest) per minute to as much as 35 liters of blood per minute during peak exercise.


Blood vessels consist of arteries, capillaries and veins.

Arteries: Carry blood away from the heart at a very high pressure. Most carry oxygenated blood. The aorta of
the heart is the largest artery.

Capillaries: Microscopic tubes, which form a network through the arterioles and discharge blood into the smallest
tributaries of veins.

Veins: Brings blood towards the heart under low pressure. The blood flow is aided by:

 Pressure from the contracting muscles

 Fall in pressure in the thorax during inspiration
 Drawing venous blood into the thorax as air
 Valves in the veins that prevent back flow

Lymph vessels are fine tubes containing a clear fluid called lymph. Lymph provides the mechanism for the
exchange of substances between the tissue and the blood. Lymph nodes are firm gland‐like structures which act
as filters for lymph and phagocytes carried in it.

Human Heart Facts

 The heart is one of the most important

organs in the human body,
continuously pumping blood around
our body through blood vessels.

 Your heart is located in your chest and

is well protected by your ribcage.

 The study of the human heart and its

various disorders is known as

 The heart is made up of four

chambers, the left atrium, right
atrium, left ventricle and right

 There are four valves in the human

heart, they ensure that blood only
goes one way, either in or out.

 Blood that leaves the heart is carried

through arteries. The main artery leaving the left ventricle is the aorta while the main artery leaving the
right ventricle is the pulmonary artery.

 Blood going towards the heart is carried through veins. Blood coming from the lungs to the left atrium is
carried through the pulmonary veins while blood coming from the body to the right atrium is carried through
the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava.

 You might have felt your own heart beating, this is known as the cardiac cycle. When your heart contracts it
makes the chambers smaller and pushes blood into the blood vessels. After your heart relaxes again the
chambers get bigger and are filled with blood coming back into the heart.
 Impulses going through your heart makes the muscle cells contract.

 You might have watched television shows or movies where a patient in a hospital is attached to an
electrocardiogram (ECG). You might recognise it as the machine with a line moving across a screen that
occasionally spikes (or remains flat when a patient is dying). This machine can measure the electricity going
through a patient’s heart. A doctor can use the information to know when a patient is having heart rhythm
problems or even a heart attack.

 Heart attacks cause scar tissue to form among normal heart tissue, which can lead to further heart problems or
even heart failure.
The Heart Valves
The left and right coronary arteries can be called epicardial coronary arteries as they run on the surface of the heart. In
healthy hearts, the coronary arteries are capable of autoregulation to maintain coronary blood flow at levels
appropriate to the needs of the heart muscle. These vessels are commonly affected by atherosclerosis and can
become blocked, causing angina or a heart attack.

The left coronary artery supplies blood to the left side of the heart, the left atrium and ventricle, and the interventricular
septum. The circumflex artery arises from the left coronary artery and follows the coronary sulcus to the left. Eventually, it will
fuse with the small branches of the right coronary artery. The larger anterior, also known as the left anterior descending
artery (LAD), is the second major branch arising from the left coronary artery. It follows the anterior interventricular sulcus
around the pulmonary trunk. Along the way it gives rise to numerous smaller branches that interconnect with the branches of
the posterior interventricular artery, forming anastomoses. An anastomosis is an area where vessels unite to form
interconnections that normally allow blood to circulate to a region even if there may be partial blockage in another branch.
The anastomoses in the heart are very small. Therefore, this ability is somewhat restricted in the heart, so a coronary artery
blockage often results in myocardial infarction causing death of the cells supplied by the particular vessel.

The right coronary artery proceeds along the coronary sulcus and distributes blood to the right atrium, portions of both
ventricles, and the heart conduction system. Normally, one or more marginal arteries arise from the right coronary artery
inferior to the right atrium. The marginal arteries supply blood to the superficial portions of the right ventricle. On the posterior
surface of the heart, the right coronary artery gives rise to the posterior interventricular artery, also known as the posterior
descending artery. It runs along the posterior portion of the interventricular sulcus toward the apex of the heart, giving rise to
branches that supply the interventricular septum and portions of both ventricles.

There respiratory system is often referred to as the pulmonary system. The fore most importance of this system
is to provide and ensure proper and correct cellular function. It collects oxygen from the external environment
and transports it to the blood stream. It works hand‐in‐hand with the cardiovascular system. The respiratory
pump and the respiratory passageway have to work harmoniously together for all of the above to be


Breathing is the process of moving air in and out of the lungs:

 Inhalation: The process of actively contracting inspiratory muscles to move the air into the lungs
 Expiration: The process of actively or passively relaxing the inspiratory muscles to move the air out of the lungs

Inspiration occurs in two forms:

 Normal/resting state breathing: uses primary respiratory muscles, i.e. diaphragm and external intercostals
 Heavy breathing ‐ uses secondary respiratory muscles i.e. scalene and pectoralis minor

Expiration occurs in two forms:

 Active/passive: the result of relaxing of inspiratory muscles
 Heavy/forced: Expiratory muscles compress the thoracic activity and force the air out of the lungs

The respiratory pump is located in the thoracic cavity (chest and abdomen). It is composed of skeletal
structures and soft tissue (bones, muscles and pleural membranes). These systems work together with the
nervous system for proper breathing/ respiratory mechanics to occur. The skeleton provides attachments and
protection for the muscles of the thorax. They are also flexible enough to allow for proper inspiration and
expiration to occur.

BONES Sternum, Ribs, Vertebrae

MUSCLES Diaphragm, External Intercostals, Scalene, Sternocleidomastoid, Pectoralis
INSPIRATION Diaphragm, External Intercostals, Scalene, Sternocleidomastoid, Pectoralis
EXPIRATION Intercostals, Abdominals


Air must have passageways to move in and out of the lungs correctly. These passageways are divided up into two
The conductive passageways:
Consist of the structures that oxygen travels through before it enters the respiratory passageway. The
structures enable the oxygen to be:
− Purified, humidified and warmed or cooled to meet the body’s temperature. They consist of a nasal
cavity; oral cavity; pharynx; larynx; trachea; right and left pulmonary bronchi; bronchioles.

The respiratory passageways:

Gathers the channeled air coming from the conductive passageways. At the bottom of the bronchioles sit
the alveoli, which consist of clusters of alveolar sacs. This is where the oxygen and carbon dioxide are
transported in and out of the blood stream (diffusion). At birth humans possess and estimated 24 million
alveoli. It can increase to approximately 300 million at the age of 8 and remains constant though to the age
of 30 where it gradually declines.


Combined the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system makeup the cardiorespiratory system. Together
they forma vital support system to provide the system with oxygen and then removing waste products so that the
body can function correctly. Oxygen is inhaled through the nose and mouth where it is conducted through the
trachea and then down through the bronchi where it eventually meets the lungs and alveolar sacs.
Deoxygenated blood is then pumped from the right ventricle of the heart through to the pulmonary arteries.
Capillaries surround the alveolar sacs and as oxygen fills the sacs, it spreads across the capillary membranes into
the blood. Oxygenated blood then returns to the left atrium of the heart through the pulmonary veins where it
is pumped into the left ventricle and then pumped through the aorta to the rest of the body. When the cells of
the body are using oxygen, they also produce an oxygen waste product called carbon dioxide. It is transported
from the tissue back to the cardiovascular system and back to the lungs in deoxygenated blood. The
pulmonary capillaries transport the carbon dioxide into the alveolar sacs and releases it out of the body
through exhalation.


The cardiovascular and respiratory systems work harmoniously to spread oxygen throughout the body and to
remove CO2 (Carbon Dioxide). The body’s ability to use oxygen effectively is solely dependent on the
respiratory system’s ability to collect oxygen and, the cardiovascular system to transport the oxygen. The utilization of
oxygen in the body is called oxygen consumption or oxygen uptake.

 Tidal volume (TV): The volume of air inspired or expired during normal breathing (men: 4600ml and
women: 3600ml)
 Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV): Additional air that can be forcibly inhaled after normal
inspiration (about 3100ml)
 Expiratory reserve volume (ERV): Additional air that can be forcibly exhaled after normal
exhalation (about 1200ml)
 Residual volume (RV): Amount of air remaining in the lungs after expiratory reserve
volumes have been expired (about 1200ml)
 Total lung capacity (TLC): about 6000ml
 Vital Capacity (VC): Total amount of air that can be expired after fully inhaling (about 4800ml)
 Inspiratory Capacity (IC): Maximum amount of air that can be inspired (about 3600ml)
 Functional Residual Capacity (FRC): Amount of air remaining in the lungs after normal
expiration (about 2400ml)


The action of breathing in and out is due to changes of pressure within the thorax, in comparison
with the outside. This action is also known as external respiration. When we inhale the intercostal
muscles (between the ribs) and diaphragm contract to expand the chest cavity.

The diaphragm flattens and moves downwards, and the intercostal muscles move the rib cage
upwards and out. This increase in size decreases the internal air pressure and so air from the outside (at
a now higher pressure that inside the thorax) rushes into the lungs to equalise the pressures.

When we exhale the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax and return to their resting positions.
This reduces the size of the thoracic cavity, thereby increasing the pressure and forcing air out of
the lungs.

 The primary functions of your lungs are to transport oxygen from the air you breathe into your
bloodstream while taking away carbon dioxide, which is released into the air when you breathe

 Most vertebrate animals (animals with spines) have two lungs.

 Your left and right lungs aren’t exactly the same. The lung on the left side of your body is divided
into two lobes while the lung on your right side is divided into three. The left lung is also slightly
smaller, allowing room for your heart.
 Can you live without one lung? Yes you can, it limits your physical ability but doesn’t stop you from
living a relatively normal life. Many people around the world live with just one lung.

 People who have a large lung capacity can send oxygen around their body faster. You can increase
your lung capacity with regular exercise.

 When resting, the average adult breathes around 12 ‐ 20 times a minute.

 An average person breathes in around 11000 liters of air every day.

 The study of lung diseases is known as pulmonology.

 As well as other parts of your body and your general health, smoking is bad for your lungs.
Smoking can cause lung cancer among other lung‐affecting diseases.

 Asthma is a common disease that affects the lungs. Asthma attacks happen when your airways
narrow after being irritated. The narrow airways make it hard for you to breathe in air.

 Pneumonia is a dangerous disease that makes it harder for your lungs to absorb oxygen from the air you

 Other lung diseases include emphysema, tuberculosis and bronchitis.

 Estimates of the total surface area of lungs vary from 50 ‐ 75 square meters; roughly the same
area as one side of a tennis court


• Light, soft, spongy

• Conical in shape, apex, base, costal surface, medial surface, and hilum
• Various impressions on lungs
• Right lung
• Three lobes; superior, middle and inferior
• Oblique and horizontal fissure

• Left Lung
• Two lobes; superior and inferior, also lingula and cardiac notch, oblique fissure


• Thin, double‐layered serous membrane

• Parietal pleura on thoracic wall and superior face of diaphragm
• Visceral pleura on
external lung surface
• Pleural fluid fills the
slit‐like pleural cavity
• Provides lubrication and
surface tension

Cellular respiration produces energy by breaking down carbohydrates, fat, and protein to synthesise
energy phosphates. Phosphate bonds are where energy is stored and then released when the bonds are
broken. Muscle cells use it to power the myofilaments, which interact in the sliding filament mechanism.

Aerobic energy system (oxygen dependent)

Aerobic refers to the production of energy with the presence of oxygen. One of the main
characteristics of the aerobic energy system is the ability to use carbohydrate, fat, and protein to
produce ATP (Adenosine triphosphate). ATP is acellular structure that supplies energy for many
biomechanical processes by undergoing enzymatic hydrolysis.

ATP is the most common of these high‐energy phosphates and is the energy currency of the myofilaments.
ATP is synthesised from ADP (Adenosine di‐phosphate) which is continually recycled within the muscle cells.
Only a small amount of ATP can be stored in the muscle cells.

ATP can be produced both by the aerobic (oxygen dependent) and anaerobic (oxygen independent) systems.
Exercise intensity and duration with power/energy system is used for example, low and moderate
intensity exercise utilizes large muscle groups over an extended time use oxygen to produce ATP
such as, long distance running or cycling. To utilize the aerobic energy system, the working muscle,
heart, and lungs have to be harmoniously working together.

The following physiological responses occur when muscles demand oxygen:

 Breathing rate increases
 Breathing depth increases
 Heart rate increases
 There becomes an increased oxygen capacity in the blood
 Increased amount of SV of blood pumped into the blood
Anaerobic energy systems (oxygen independent)

Anaerobic energy does not require oxygen. Anaerobic ATP production in the absence of oxygen as follows:
− The lactate system supplies immediate energy by breaking down fuel
− The phosphagen system relies on the energy reserves in the muscles for instant energy

This energy system provides power for primary high intensity, short duration bouts of exercise. E.g.
short sprinting events or power lifting. This system is activated at the onset of the activity because of
its ability to produce energy rapidly compared to other energy systems.

The Aerobic System: Utilises a process known as glycolysis to produce less ATP than is produced in the
aerobic system. Muscle glycogen is rapidly broken down into pyruvate during high intensity activities.
Without adequate oxygen in the muscles, working pyruvate is converted into lactate. Lactate is NOT a
waste product but rather a metabolite in anaerobic metabolism. Lactic acid is produced when there is an
excess of lactate in the muscles. It eventually spills into the blood and combines with proton,which is
produced under excessive conditions. Lactic acid does NOT cause DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) but
rather temporary and localized fatigue. In summary ‐ the lactate system provides intense and rapid supply of
ATP in anaerobic activity.
The Lactate/Glycolytic system: Utilises a process known as glycolysis to produce less ATP than is produced
in the aerobic system. Muscle glycogen is rapidly broken down into pyruvate during high intensity
activities. Without adequate oxygen in the muscles, working pyruvate is converted into lactate. Lactate
is NOT a waste product but rather a metabolite in anaerobic metabolism.

The Phosphate System: The phosphagen system is an alternative to the anaerobic system, which
utilises the immediately available stores of ATP in the body for intense and dynamic bursts of energy
such as power lifting. ATP is stored as phosphate creatine (PC) and can produce enormous amounts of
energy for approximately 10 seconds. (For activity lasting longer than 10 seconds, the lactate system
takes over).


If there is a dysfunction in the cardiorespiratory system, it can impact negatively on the kinetic chain.
Alterations in breathing patterns could ultimately disturb this process. Dysfunctional breathing is very
much associated with stress or anxiety. The following scenarios could occur through dysfunctional

 Breathing becomes shallower, thus overuse of the secondary respiratory muscles such as the
the upper trapezius, levator scapula and scalenes more than the diaphragm. These muscles
are connected to the cervical and cranial portions of the body and increased, or overuse could
cause headaches, light‐headedness dizziness and in some cases shortness of breath.
 Can lead to altered carbon dioxide and oxygen blood content that stimulates various sensors
 Inadequate oxygen and carbon dioxide retention can create fatigue and sore muscles
 Inadequate joint motion of the spine and ribcage
 Increased blood pressure


(TYPE 1) SLOW‐TWITCH FIBRES ‐ are used during endurance activities as they tire slowly. Slow
twitch fibres generate low tension for extended periods of time such as the abdominals and
calves. They have a higher number of capillaries, mitochondria (which transform energy into food
and then into ATP) which allows for improved delivery of oxygen. Type I muscles are often
referred to as “red fibres” as they contain myoglobin which is similar to red pigment found in

(TYPE 2) FAST‐TWITCH FIBRES ‐ generate fast action for short time periods. They fatigue quickly.
Examples of sports where fast‐twitch fibres are recruited arethe100m sprint and long jump. They
generally contain fewer capillaries, mitochondria, and myoglobin. They have a lower oxidative
capacity and are often referred to as “white fibres”.
INTERMEDIATE FIBRES ‐ have potential function to be either slow twitch or fast twitch. It is
determined by the type of activity as these types of fibres are highly adaptable.


Muscles provide the body with a variety of functions. The muscle movements are categorised as

Prime mover causing movement of a joint

Muscle working against the prime mover as a force couple to
ANTAGONIST produce movement
Helps perform the same set of joint motion as the agonists
A muscle that contracts with no significant movement to
STABILIZER maintain a posture or fixate a joint


Although we rarely think about them, the glands of the endocrine system and the hormones they
release influence almost every cell, organ, and function of our bodies. The endocrine system is
instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, tissue function, and metabolism, as well as
sexual function and reproductive processes. In general, the endocrine system is in charge of body
processes that happen slowly, such as cell growth. Faster processes like breathing and body
movement are controlled by the nervous system. But even though the nervous system and
endocrine system are separate systems, they often work together to help the body
function properly.

About the Endocrine System

The foundations of the endocrine system are the hormones and glands. As the body's chemical
messengers, hormones transfer information and instructions from one set of cells to another. Although
many different hormones circulate throughout the bloodstream, each one affects only the cells that
are genetically programmed to receive and respond to its message. Hormone levels can be influenced
by factors such as stress, infection, and changes in the balance of fluid and minerals in blood. A gland
is a group of cells that produces and secretes, or gives off, chemicals. A gland selects and removes
materials from the blood, processes them, and secretes the finished chemical product for use some
wherein the body. Some types of glands release their secretions in specific areas. For instance,
exocrine glands, such as the sweat and salivary glands, release secretions in
the skin or inside of the mouth. Endocrine glands, on the other hand, release more than 20 major
hormones directly into the bloodstream where they can be transported to cells in other parts of the

Parts of the Endocrine System

The major glands that make up the human endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid,
parathyroids, adrenals, pineal body, and the reproductive glands, which include the ovaries and testes.
The pancreas is also part of this hormone‐ secreting system, even though it is also associated with the
digestive system because it also produces and secretes digestive enzymes. Although the endocrine
glands are the body's main hormone producers, some non‐endocrine organs‐such as the brain,
heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, thymus, skin, and placenta ‐ also produce and release hormones.

The Hypothalamus
The hypothalamus, a collection of specialised cells that is located in the lower central part of the brain,
is the primary link between the endocrine and nervous systems. Nerve cells in the hypothalamus
control the pituitary gland by producing chemicals that either stimulate or suppress hormone
secretions from the pituitary.

Although it is no bigger than a pea, the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain just beneath the
hypothalamus, is considered the most important part of the endocrine system. It's often called the
“mastergland” because it makes hormones that control several other endocrine glands. The production
and secretion of pituitary hormones can be influenced by factors such as emotions and seasonal changes.
To accomplish this, the hypothalamus relays information sensed by the brain (such as environmental
temperature, light exposure patterns, and feelings) to the pituitary gland.

The Pituitary Gland

The tiny pituitary gland is divided into two parts: the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe. The
anterior lobe regulates the activity of the thyroid, adrenals, and reproductive glands. Among the
hormones it produces are:

Growth hormone ‐ which stimulates the growth of bone and other body tissues and plays a role in the
body’s handling of nutrients and minerals
Prolactin ‐ which activates milk production in women who are
breastfeeding Thyrotropin ‐ which stimulates the thyroid gland to
produce thyroid hormones Corticotropin ‐ which stimulates the
adrenal gland to produce certain hormones

The pituitary also secretes endorphins, chemicals that act on the nervous system to reduce sensitivity
to pain. In addition, the pituitary secretes hormones that signal the ovaries and testes to make sex
hormones. The pituitary gland also controls ovulation and the menstrual cycle in women. The
posterior lobe of the pituitary release’s antidiuretic hormone, which helps control body water balance
through its effect on the kidneys and urine output; and oxytocin, which triggers the contractions of
the uterus that occur during labor.

The Thyroid and Parathyroid

The thyroid, located in the front part of the lower neck, is shaped like a bow tie or butterfly and
produces the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones control the rate at
which cells burn fuels from food to produce energy. As the level of thyroid hormones increases in the
bloodstream, so does the speed at which chemical reactions occur in the body.
Thyroid hormones also play a key role in bone growth and the development of the brain and
nervous system in children. The production and release of thyroid hormones is controlled by
thyrotropin, which is secreted by the pituitary gland.
Attached to the thyroid are four tiny glands that function together called the parathyroid. They
release parathyroid hormone, which regulates the level of calcium in the blood with the help of
calcitonin, which is produced in the thyroid.

The Adrenal Glands

The body has two triangular adrenal glands, one on top of each kidney. The adrenal glands
have two parts, each of which produces a set of hormones and has a different function. The outer
part, the adrenal cortex, produces hormones called corticosteroids that influence or regulate salt and
water balance in the body, the body’s response to stress, metabolism, the immune system, and
sexual development and function.
The inner part, the adrenal medulla, produces catecholamines, such as epinephrine. Also called
adrenaline, epinephrine increases blood pressure and heart rate when the body experiences stress.
(Epinephrine injections are often used to counteract a severe allergic reaction).

The Pineal Gland and Gonads

The pineal body, also called the pineal gland, is located in the middle of the brain. It secretes
melatonin, a hormone that may help regulate the wake‐sleep cycle. The gonads are the main source
of sex hormones. In males, they are located in the scrotum. Male gonads, or testes, secrete
hormones called androgens, the most important of which is testosterone. These hormones regulate
body changes associated with sexual development, including enlargement of the penis, the growth
spurt that occurs during puberty, and the appearance of other male secondary sex characteristics such
as deepening of the voice, growth of facial and pubic hair, and the increase in muscle growth and
strength. Working with hormones from the pituitary gland, testosterone also supports the production
of sperm by the testes.

The female gonads, the ovaries, are located in the pelvis. They produce eggs and secrete the female
hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is involved in the development of female sexual
features such as breast growth, the accumulation of bodyfat around the hips and thighs, and the
growth spurt that occurs during puberty. Both estrogen and progesterone are also involved in
pregnancy and the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

The Pancreas
The pancreas produces (in addition to others) two important hormones, insulin and glucagon. They
work together to maintain a steady level of glucose, or sugar, in the blood and to keep the body
supplied with fuel to produce and maintain stores of energy.

What does the Endocrine System Do?

Once a hormone is secreted, it travels from the endocrine gland through the bloodstream to target
cells designed to receive its message. Along the way to the target cells, special proteins bind to some of
the hormones. The special proteins act as carriers that control the amount of hormone that is available
to interact with and affect the target cells.

Also, the target cells have receptors that latch onto only specific hormones, and each hormone has its
own receptor, so that each hormone will communicate only with specific target cells that possess
receptors for that hormone. When the hormone reaches its target cell, it locks onto the cell's specific
receptors and these hormone‐receptor combinations transmit chemical instructions to the inner
workings of the cell.

When hormone levels reach a certain normal or necessary amount, further secretion is controlled
by important body mechanisms to maintain that level of hormone in the blood. This regulation of
hormone secretion may involve the hormone itself or another substance in the blood related to
the hormone.

For example, if the thyroid gland has secreted adequate amounts of thyroid hormones into the blood,
the pituitary gland senses the normal levels of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream and adjusts its
release of thyrotropin, the pituitary hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid
hormones. Another example is parathyroid hormone, which increases the level of calcium in the blood.
When the blood calcium level rises, the
Parathyroid glands sense the change and decrease their secretion of parathyroid hormone. This
turnoff process is called a negative feedback system.

Problems with the Endocrine System

Too much or too little of any hormone can be harmful to the body. For example, if the pituitary gland
produces too much growth hormone, a child may grow excessively tall. If it produces too little, a child
may be abnormally short. Controlling the production of or replacing specific hormones can treat
many endocrine disorders in children and adolescents, some of which include:

Adrenal Insufficiency
This condition is characterized by decreased function of the adrenal cortex and the consequent
under production of adrenal corticosteroid hormones. The symptoms of adrenal insufficiency may
include weakness, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, dehydration, and skin changes. Doctors treat
adrenal insufficiency by giving replacement corticosteroid hormones.

Cushing Syndrome
Excessive amounts of glucocorticoid hormones in the body can lead to Cushing syndrome. In
children, it most often results when a child takes large doses of synthetic corticosteroid drugs (such as
prednisone) to treat autoimmune diseases such as lupus. If the condition is due to a tumor in the
pituitary gland that produces excessive amounts of corticotropin and stimulates the adrenals to
overproduce corticosteroids, it's known as Cushing disease. Symptoms may take years to develop and
include obesity, growth failure, muscle weakness, easy bruising of the skin, acne, high blood pressure,
and psychological changes. Depending on the specific cause, doctors may treat this condition with
surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or drugs that block the production of hormones.

Type 1 Diabetes
When the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin, type 1 diabetes (previously known as juvenile
diabetes) occurs. Symptoms include excessive thirst, hunger, urination, and weight loss. In children and
teens, the condition is usually an autoimmune disorder in which specific immune system cells and
antibodies produced by the immune system attack and destroy the cells of the pancreas that
produce insulin. The disease can cause long‐term complications including kidney problems, nerve
damage, blindness, and early coronary heart disease and stroke. To control their blood sugar levels
and reduce the risk of developing diabetes complications, kids with this condition need regular
injections of insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes
Unlike type 1 diabetes, in which the body can't produce normal amounts of insulin, in type 2 diabetes
the body is unable to respond to insulin normally. Children and teens with the condition tend to be
overweight, and it is believed that excess body fat plays a role in the insulin resistance that
characterises the disease. In fact, the rising prevalence of this type of diabetes in kids has paralleled the
dramatically increasing rates of obesity among kids in recent years. The symptoms and possible
complications of type 2 diabetes are basically the same as those of type 1. Some kids and teens can
control their blood sugar level with dietary changes, exercise, and oral medications, but many will
need to take insulin injections like patients with type 1 diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes
‐ Due to an increase in body mass when pregnant (fast increase in body mass) or due to the baby being big.
Gestational diabetes is not type 3 diabetes. Gestational diabetes usually occurs during pregnancy.

Growth Hormone Problems

Too much growth hormone in children who are still growing will make their bones and other body parts grow
excessively, resulting in gigantism. This rare condition is usually caused by a pituitary tumor and can be treated by
removing the tumor. In contrast, when the pituitary gland fails to produce adequate amounts of growth hormone, a
child's growth in height is impaired. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) may also occur in kids with growth hormone
deficiency, particularly in infants and young children with the condition.

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the levels of thyroid hormones in the blood are excessively
high. Symptoms may include weight loss, nervousness, tremors, excessive sweating, increased heart
rate and blood pressure, protruding eyes, and a swelling in the neck from an enlarged thyroid gland
(goiter). In kids the condition is usually caused by Graves' disease, an autoimmune disorder in which
specific antibodies produced by the immune system stimulate the thyroid gland to become
overactive. The disease may be controlled with medications or by removal or destruction of the
thyroid gland through surgery or radiation treatments.

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the levels of thyroid hormones in the blood are abnormally
low. Thyroid hormone deficiency slows body processes and may lead to fatigue, a slow heart rate,
dry skin, weight gain, constipation, and, in kids, slowing of growth and delayed puberty. Hashimoto's
thyroiditis, which results from an autoimmune process that damages the thyroid and blocks thyroid
hormone production, is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in kids. Infants can also be born
with an absent or underdeveloped thyroid gland, resulting in hypothyroidism. It can be treated with
oral thyroid hormone replacement.

Your endocrine system consists of glands that release hormones that control physiological functions
in your body. Exercise boosts the number of hormones circulating in your body and strengthens
receptor sites on target organ cells. Your endocrine response to exercise can improve organ function,
physical appearance and your state of mind. Vigorous exercise, in particular, might improve endocrine

Metabolic Rate
Exercise, particularly heavy weightlifting, stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone from your
anterior pituitary gland, and the luteinizing hormone triggers testosterone production. Exercise
that involves intense bursts of energy also stimulates the release of thyroxine from your thyroid
gland. Exercise can help you control or reduce your weight because testosterone and thyroxine speed
up your metabolism.

Blood Sugar/ Blood Glucose levels

Insulin is a hormone that regulates your glucose, or blood sugar, by transporting it to muscles and
tissues that use glucose for energy. Excessive insulin in your blood reduces your sensitivity to insulin
and can lead to diabetes. More glucose stays in the blood when insulin sensitivity goes down, and
high blood glucose can cause nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, organ failure, and circulation
problems and can lead to coma if left untreated.
Exercise might increase your insulin sensitivity by reducing blood concentrations of insulin. Blood
insulin levels begin decreasing after 10 minutes of aerobic exercise, and weight training might increase
your sensitivity to insulin at rest.
Blood Flow
The adrenal medulla releases epinephrine during exercise and increases epinephrine levels at higher
exercise intensities. Epinephrine increases the amount of blood that your heart pumps.
Epinephrine also enhances your ability to use muscles during exercise by widening blood vessels,
which lets your muscles get more oxygen‐rich blood. Thyroxine secretions during exercise increase
the amount of blood in your body by about 30%, and these secretions might remain elevated for
around five hours.

Psychological Effects
The effects of exercise on your endocrine system might positively affect your mental state. Exercise‐
induced testosterone might increase confidence and libido. Conversely, low testosterone levels might
inhibit your motivation, self‐confidence, concentration and memory. Your pituitary gland might produce
a five‐fold increase in blood endorphin levels after 30 minutes of exercise.
Endorphins block your sensitivity to pain and can reduce tension or anxiety by inducing a sense of
Biomechanics is the study that uses principles of physics to show how forces interact with a human body. This includes
muscle actions, anatomical locations, anatomical terminology, description of joint movement, planes of motion, force
couples, leverage forces, the force‐velocity relationship.

Biomechanics uses the principles of mechanics for solving problems related to the structure and function of
living organisms.

Biomechanics – Science involving the study of biological systems from a mechanical perspective.
- Application of mechanical principles in the study of living organisms.

Mechanics – the branch of physics involving analysis of the actions of forces, to study the anatomical and
functional aspects of living organisms.

Statics and Dynamics are two major subbranches of mechanics.

Statics is the study of systems that are in a state of constant motion, that is either at rest (with no motion) or
moving with a constant velocity.
Dynamics is the study of systems in which acceleration is present.

Kinematics and Kinetics are further subdivisions of biomechanical study. Kinetics is the description of motion,
including the pattern and speed of movement sequencing by the body segments that often translates to the
degree of coordination and individual displays.
Kinematics describes the appearance of motion.
Kinetics is the study of forces associated with motion.



Linear motion – Involves uniform motion of the system of interest, with all system parts moving in the same
direction at the same speed. Linear motion is also referred to translation.

Angular motion – Angular motion is rotation around a central imaginary line known as the axis of rotation.,
which is oriented perpendicular to the plane in which the rotation occurs.

General motion – Most human movement activities are categorized as general motion. When translation and
rotation are combined, the resulting movement is general motion.

Mechanical systems – Before determining the nature of a movement, the mechanical system of interest must
be defined. In many circumstances, the entire human body is chosen as the system to be analysed.


- Video
- Film
- Reflecting joint markers
- Goniometer
- Electro-goniometer
- Accelerometer
1. Inertia – Resistance to action or to change
2. Mass (m) – quantity of matter composing a body
3. Force (F) – Push or pull acting on a body
F = ma
Force = mass x distance
Force = Newton
4. Center of Gravity – Or Center of mass. Is the point around which the body’s weight is equally balanced, no
matter how the body is positioned
5. Weight – The amount of gravitational force exerted on a body
6. Pressure (p) – forced distributed over a given area
7. Volume – Amount of space that is occupied
8. Density – Mass per unit of volume
9. Torque – The rotary effect created by an eccentric force


Compression – Pressing or squeezing force
Tension – Pulling or stretching
Shear – Force directed parallel to a surface


Muscle exerts force, shortens and overcomes resistance (positive contraction). A concentric muscle contraction is a type
of muscle activation that increases tension on a muscle as it shortens. Concentric contractions are the most common
types of muscle activation athletes perform in a gym when lifting weights.

Exercises That Cause Concentric Contractions

Common exercises that causes concentric contractions include the lifting phase of a bicep curl, a squat or a pull up.
Running up hill or climbing stairs also causes the quadriceps to contract concentrically. Concentric contractions are
common to many sports in which you need to generate a lot of power or explosive force.

Also Known As: Muscle shortening


Muscle exerts force, lengthens and is overcome with resistance. An eccentric muscle contraction is a type of muscle
activation that increases tension on a muscle as it lengthens. Eccentric contractions typically occur when a muscle opposes
a stronger force, which causes the muscle to lengthen as it contracts.

Exercises That Cause Eccentric Contractions

Common exercises that cause an eccentric contraction include going down stairs, running downhill, lowering weights and
the downward motion of squats, push‐ups or pull ups. Eccentric contractions are common to many sports in which you
need controlled or resisted types of movements. Eccentric contractions are associated with the onset of delayed muscle
soreness. Eccentric muscle contractions also appear to be associated with greater muscle strengthening than when using
concentric contractions

Muscle exerts force, but does not lengthen, i.e. the tension developed by the muscle is equal to the load against which it is

For optimal muscle function, muscles need to develop moving and holding strength. Isometric action is mainly a function of
tonic stabilisers. Muscle action that produces movement occurs in phasic mobilises. Isometric exercise is a type of muscle
workout in which you perform isometric muscle contraction. An isometric muscle contraction occurs when your muscle
exerts force without changing its length. In other words, when you do an isometric muscle contraction, your joint doesn't
Unlike concentric (when the muscle shortens as it works) and eccentric (when the muscle lengthens when it works) types of
contractions, isometric muscle contraction neither lengthens nor shortens the muscle fibers.

Pros and Cons of Isometric Muscle Contraction

There are pros and cons to doing isometric exercise. On the one hand, it is convenient. Isometric exercise requires no
special equipment and very little time. But because the muscle fibers don't move during an isometric contraction, you
won't get strong all the way throughout the muscle's range of motion. Strength gains are limited to specific spots related to
the position you're in when you do the exercise.

Perhaps most important is that for people with high blood pressure (hypertension), isometric exercise is not a good idea.
Isometric exercise tends to increase your blood pressure.

Isometric muscle contraction may be useful when you're immobilized and/or healing, and you need to reduce your level
of activity. If moving a part of your body would damage your joint in some way, your physical therapist or doctor may start
you with isometrics. Isometrics are also used to help people who have been very inactive to get their muscle groups firing

It's possible to strengthen the muscles at the back of your neck with isometric exercise: Start with your head and neck in
vertical alignment with your trunk. Interlace your fingers and place your clasped hands behind your head. They should be
placed at the bottom of your skull where it starts to curve down. With your hands, pull your head forward, but resist that
force by pulling back with your head. NOTE: If you have neck pain or an injury, be sure to talk to your health care provider
before doing this isometric exercise.

The central nervous system (CNS) constantly processes sensory information processed by movement. The information comes
from special sensors:
Movements are explained and described in relation to a standard anatomical position in which the body is standing upright,
feet parallel, arms hanging to the side and palms facing forward.

A. Sagittal plane: Movements of flexion and extension take

place in the sagittal plane.

B. Coronal plane: Movements of abduction and adduction

(lateral flexion) take place in the coronal plane.

C. Transverse plane: Movements of medial and lateral

rotation take place in the transverse plane.

Anatomical Reference Axes

1. Mediolateral Axis – Imaginary line around which the sagittal plane rotation occurs
2. Anteroposterior Axis – Imaginary line around which frontal plane rotation occurs
3. Longitudinal Axis
Anatomical Reference Planes
 Cardinal Plane – Three imaginary perpendicular reference planes that divide the body in half by mass

 Sagittal – Also known as anteroposterior (AP) plane, that divide the body into medial and lateral
Movements: Flexion, Extension, Hyperextension, Dorsiflexion, Plantarflexion
 Frontal – Also known as Coronal plane, that divide the body in anterior and posterior segments
Movements: Abduction, Adduction, Lateral flexion (Left and Right), Elevation, Depression, Ulnar
deviation, Radial deviation, Eversion, Inversion, Medial and Lateral Rotation
 Transverse – Divide the body into superior and inferior segments
Movements: Pronation, Supination, Horizontal Abduction and Adduction, Circumduction
Medial plane Towards the midline of the body
Sagittal plane Any plane parallel to the medial plane. (Movements can be seen from the side)
Anterior Facing forward or located at the front
Posterior Behind or towards the back
Proximal Towards the center of the body
Distal Away from the center of the body
Superior of cephalic Above or towards the head
Inferior or Caudal Below or towards the feet
Prone Lying face down on chest
Transverse plane Divides the body into superior and inferior (upper and lower) parts. Movements can be seen
from the top or bottom













FLEXION Decreasing the angle between 2 bones in the sagital plane, e.g. flexion of the hip

EXTENTION Movements in a sagittal plane that take part of the body backwards from the anatomical
Position e.g. Extension of the Neck

HYPEREXTENTION Extension beyond the normal range of movements, e.g. Lumbar spine extension.

ABDUCTION Moving the body away from the medial plane, e.g. abduction of hip or side splits on the

ADDUCTION Bringing the body part back towards or beyond the midline, e.g. hip adduction or crossover
press on electric chair.

LATERAL FLEXION Movements of the trunk or neck in the frontal plane away from the medial plane, e.g. the

LATERAL ROTATION A movement in a transverse plane which takes a body part outward, e.g. lateral rotation of
the hips (original PILATES stance).

MEDIAL ROTATION A movement in the transverse plane which takes a body part inward, e.g. medial rotation of
the shoulder.

SUPINATION Refers to the forearm when the palms face forward. It can also refer to the arch of the foot
turning outwards.

PRONATION Refers to the forearm when the palms of the hand face downwards/backwards. It can also
refer to the arch of the foot being flush with the ground (flat footed)

EVERSION Turning the sole of the foot outwards.

INVERSION Turning the sole of the foot inwards.

DORSIFLEXION Bringing the toes upwards towards the chin.

PLANTERFLEXION Pointing of the toes

ANKLE SPINATION A combination of inversion, plantarflexion and forefoot adduction

CIRCUMDUCTION A sequential movement describing a cone

ROTATION Circular motion of the body. A sequential movement describing a cone.

RETRACTION Backwards movement of the mandible or scapula.

PROTRACTION Forward movement of the scapula.

ELEVATION Raising a body part.

DEPRESSION Lowering of a body part.

Muscular force
Muscular force can be described as a force that results in an acceleration or deceleration of a second object. They are characterised
by magnitude (how much) and direction (which way they are moving)
Length‐tension relationship
Length‐tension relationship can be described as the length at which the muscles can produce the greatest force. There is an optimal
muscle length at which actin and myosin filaments in the sarcomere have the greatest degree of overlap. This results in the muscle
producing maximum force out of the muscle at length. However, if the muscle lengths are altered as a result of misaligned joints or
poor posture, they will not be able to produce sufficient force to allow for optimal movement.
Force‐velocity curve
The force‐velocity curve can be described as the ability of the muscles to produce force with increased velocity. As the muscle
contracts concentrically, the ability to produce force decreases. The opposite theory is applied to eccentric muscle action, as the
velocity of the muscle increases, the ability of the force increases.
Force‐coupled relationship
The forced‐couple relationship can be described as the muscle groups moving together to produce movement around a joint.
Muscles in a forced‐couple produce force and pull on the bone/bones that they are connected to. This is because each muscle has
a different attachment site that pulls at different angles and as a result creates different forces on the joint. All muscle movement
produced must involve all muscle actions and functions to ensure correct joint movement. So, all muscles working together for the
production of correct movement are described as to be working in a forced‐coupled‐relationship.
Muscular leverage
The amount of force that the kinetic muscle can produce is not solely dependent on motor recruitment or muscle size, but also, on
the leverage of the muscles and the bones. The joints of the body are our levers which are moved and manipulated by force of the
muscles. The movement around the joint axes are described as rotary motion. The turning effect around a joint referred to as

The neuromuscular system is responsible for manipulating force. The amount of leverage of the kinetic chain will depend on the
leverage of the muscle in relation to the resistance. The difference between the distance that the weight is from the centre of the
joint and the muscle attachment and the direction the muscle pulls will determine the muscle efficiency that will be able to
manipulate the movement. The muscle attachment sites or the line of pull of the muscles generates cannot be altered. The
simplest way to alter the amount of force that a joint generates is to move the resistance. I.e. the closer the weight is to the joint
the less force (torque) it creates and, the further the weight is from the joint, the more force it creates.
Range of motion refers to the distance and direction a joint can move to its full potential. Each specific joint has a
normal range of motion that is expressed in degrees after being measured with a goniometer (i.e., an instrument that
measures angles from axis of the joint).

Limited range of motion refers to a joint that has a reduction in its ability to move. The reduced motion may be a
mechanical problem with the specific joint or it may be caused by diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or
other types of arthritis. Pain, swelling, and stiffness associated with arthritis can limit the range of motion of a joint and
impair function and the ability to perform usual daily activities.

Range‐of‐Motion Exercises
Physical therapy can help to improve joint function by focusing on range‐of‐motion exercises. The goal of these exercises is to gently
increase range of motion while decreasing pain, swelling, and stiffness. There are three types of range‐of‐motion exercises:
• Active range‐of‐motion ‐ patient exercises without any assistance
• Active assistive range‐of‐motion ‐ patient requires some help from therapist to do the exercises
• Passive range‐of‐motion ‐ therapist or equipment moves patient through range of motion (no effort from patient)

Normal Range of Motion for Each Joint

It's important to know the normal range of motion for each joint. After physical examination, if it is determined that you have
limited or abnormal range of motion in one or more joints, you can put together a treatment plan with your doctor. You can
be reassessed for range of motion to determine if the treatment is effective. Patients who have joint surgery must also go
through extensive rehabilitation to get back to normal range of motion in the affected joint.
Components affecting range of motion (ROM)
 Sex
 Age
 Race
 Shape of the bone and cartilage
 Muscle power and tone
 Muscle bulk
 Ligaments and joint capsule laxity
 Extensibility of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

Stationary arm:
Placed parallel with the longitudinal axis of the fixed part
Movable arm:
Along the longitudinal axis of the movable segment
Axis of rotation(pin):
At the intersection of the stationary & movable arms

Range of motion values

Shoulder flexion 0 ‐180° Shoulder extension 0 ‐ 60°

Hip flexion 0 ‐ 120° Hip extension 0 – 30°

Knee Extension 135 – 0 Knee Flexion 0 ‐ 135°

Examples of prime mover exercises ‐ AGONIST

Examples of prime mover exercises


Quadriceps Hamstrings
‐ Vastus lateralis, Rectus femoris, Vastus medialis, Sartorius ‐ Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus
Knee Joint Knee Joint


Pectorals Back muscles
‐Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor ‐Trapezius, Rhomboids, Latissimus Dorsi, Posterior deltoid
Deltoids Biceps
‐Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Subscapularis Minor ‐Brachialis, Biceps Brachii, Brachioradialis
Triceps Shoulder & Elbow Joint
‐Triceps Brachii
Elbow joint


Deltoids Quadriceps
‐Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Subscapularis ‐Vastus Lateralis, Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis
Triceps Hamstrings
‐Triceps Brachii ‐Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus
Shoulder & Elbow Joint Hip & Knee Joint


Calves ‐Triceps Brachii
‐Brachialis, Biceps brachii, Brachioradialis Elbow joint
Elbow joint


Biceps Abdominals
‐Brachialis, biceps Brachii, Brachioradialis ‐Rectus abdominis, Transversus abdominis, External
Elbow joint oblique, Internal oblique
The below are examples of biomechanical analysis of the following movements.
The leg action in running is one that takes place in a sagittal plane The leg action in running is one that takes place in a sagittal
about a transverse axis. The actions are concerned with three plane about a transverse axis. The actions are concerned with
joints the hip, knee and ankle. During the time the foot is in three joints lower limb the hip, knee and ankle. During the
contact with the floor, the drive of the leg is achieved through time the foot is in contact with the floor, the drive of the leg is
contractions of muscles causing movement at all three joints. achieved through contractions of muscles causing movement
at all three joints.
At the hip, a ball and socket joint are formed by the femur and
pelvic girdle, (asetabelum of the os coxa), there is a
powerful extension and hyperextension, brought about by the
action of the muscles of the hamstrings group (biceps femoris,
semitendinosus and semimembranosus) and the gluteal
muscles (gluteus maximus and minimus). At the knee, a hinge
joint formed from the tibia and femur, there is extension,
mainly as a result of the action of the quadriceps group of
muscles (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and
vastus inter‐medialis). At the ankle, a hinge joint formed by the
tibia and calcaneus, there is plantar flexion, brought about
principally by the action of the gastrocnemius. During the
recovery Phase; at the hip, the hip flexors, which in this
movement include the iliopsoas, cause flexion. At the knee,
the hamstring group produces flexion. At the ankle, the tibialis
anterior causes dorsiflexion
In overarm throwing, there are two phases, the
preparatory phase, and the throwing phase, both
involving actions at the shoulder, and the elbow, Taking
the arm back in preparation involves extension at the
elbow. The elbow is a hinge joint formed by the
humerus and olecranon process of the ulna. Extension
is produced by the actions of the triceps brachii muscle.
At the ball and socket joint formed between the
humerus and the scapula, there is horizontal
hyperextension of the shoulder caused by the action of
the posterior deltoid, assisted by the latissimus dorsi.
The throwing phase involves flexion of the elbow due to
the action of the biceps brachii and horizontal flexion at
the shoulder, caused by the action of the pectoralis
major and the anterior deltoids.
Racket strokes The preparatory phase is similar to that of throwing.
Taking the arm back in preparation involves supination
of the forearm and extension at the elbow. The forearm
involves a pivot joint formed between the radius and
ulna. The elbow is a hinge joint formed by the humerus
and ulna.
Supination is produced by the action of the supinator
muscle. Extension is produced by the actions of the
triceps brachii muscle. At the ball and socket joint
formed between the humerus and the scapula, there
is horizontal
hyperextension of the shoulder caused by the action of
the posterior deltoid muscle, assisted by the latissimus
dorsi. These actions are mainly occurring in the
transverse plane around a longitudinal axis. The striking
phase is based on movements that occur at the wrist,
elbow, shoulder and trunk rotation. At the wrist there is
rotation (pronation) caused by the action of the pronator
oblique muscles.


Gravity demands that muscles work by both shortening during

Thus, in the upward phase of a squat, there is extension at the


group (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and vastus & sartorius

In the downward phase, the same muscles groups work, but this

Press up/Push up
The press up also involves control of
descent against gravity and hence

the prime movers. The main two joints

involved in the movement are the elbow

and extension in the upward movement.

The main agonist is the triceps brachii

concentrically during extension. These

around a transverse axis.

a wide‐arm push up ‐ is that of horizontal

around a longitudinal axis.

Example of how to conduct an anatomical analysis of movement
Muscles and joints involved in a pushup
Pushups are a body‐weight exercise that works the chest, shoulder, triceps and abdominal muscles. Pushups can enhance any
fitness program, whether your goals are to build muscular strength or endurance. There are many variations on this classic
exercise, with or without additional equipment, that are used to either change the difficulty or challenge the muscles in a
different way. The basic mechanics require a series of movement at multiple joints to raise and lower the body.

A standard pushup begins in plank position: In a prone position (face down) on a mat, supporting yourself on your toes and
with your hands out slightly wider than your shoulders. You should maintain a straight line through your shoulders, hips and
back, making sure you do not dip or arch the lower back. Steadying yourself in this position requires isometric muscle action
from the deltoid muscle group in your shoulders and abdominals throughout the exercise. Isometric muscle action occurs
when no movement is associated with a contraction. (Isometric muscle contraction – muscle length stays the same)

Descending Phase
The pushup motion begins with an inhale as you bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor. Bending your elbow
is known as elbow flexion. In prone position, you are working with gravity as the elbow flexes in order to control yourself on
the way down. This motion requires an eccentric contraction from the triceps. Once your elbows are flexed at 90 degrees, you
begin to horizontally adduct the shoulder blades, squeezing them together, to finish the move.

Ascending Phase
From the "down" position, concentric muscle action is required to lift yourself back up against gravity. Your pectoralis major
is the main mover in this phase of a pushup as you abduct your shoulder blades. Elbow extension is caused by the triceps to
push you back to starting position. A 2005 study from the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" found that the
pectoralis major and triceps brachii were responsible for lifting 40 percent of the body's total weight in a normal pushup.

According to a 1990 study in the journal "Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation," the distance between your hands, the
positioning of your hands relative to your shoulders, your relation to gravity, the positioning of your feet and your speed
all affect the load on all muscles involved in a pushup, including the main movers and the static supporters. For example,
modifying a pushup by performing it on your knees reduces the amount of weight being lowered and lifted, which reduces
the total load on the muscles.

What muscles do the pushup work?

The muscles of your upper torso. The muscles of your upper torso include the following:
• Pectoral muscles (pectoralis major and pectoralis minor)
• Deltoid (anterior, lateral and posterior) muscles (the muscles in the shoulder)
• Muscles of the upper arm (biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles)
• Muscles of the upper back (latissimus dorsi, rhomboids (major and minor) and trapezius).
Each of these muscle groups are responsible for either flexion, extension, pushing or pulling.

The following muscle groups are trained when doing push‐ups:

• Pectoral muscles
• Triceps brachii (back of the arm)
• Biceps brachii (front of the arm)
• Front and rear heads of the deltoids
• Rhomboids (major and minor) and trapezius
• Latissimus dorsi
• Serratus anterior

Sports biomechanics is the science that deals with an athlete’s movement while also considering the internal and
external forces that are in effect while performing any desired movement.

Sport biomechanics studies the effects of forces on sport performance. Using laws and principles grounded in physics that
apply to human movement, athletes and coaches can make sound decisions to develop efficient sport techniques.

When coaches understand how forces work in sports and how athletes can leverage these forces, they have a clear
advantage over those who lack these tools. Coaches with a command of both mental training tools and sports training
principles can make amazing things happen on the field.


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