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The given line graph illustrates amounts of waste produced by three

companies across a span of 15 years.

As an overall statement, prior to 2012, company A held the lead in waste
production, but it was overtaken by company C, which then became the top
contributor. Meanwhile, company B consistently had the lowest waste output.
Additionally, companies A and B experienced declining trends, while company
C showed an upward trend.
Company A, a pioneer in waste management practices, began the
millennium by producing 12 tonnes of waste. However, their commitment to
sustainability led to a gradual reduction. By 2005, their waste output had
decreased to 11 tonnes, and by 2015, it reached an impressive low of just 9
tonnes. This consistent downward trend showcases the effectiveness of their
waste reduction strategies. For company B, has faced fluctuations in waste
production. In 2000, they generated 8 tonnes of waste. Over the next five years,
this increased slightly to 10 tonnes. However, commendable efforts between
2005 and 2015 resulted in a significant reduction to a mere 3 tonnes. Their
ability to strike a balance between growth and environmental responsibility
deserves recognition.
Company C’s journey took a different trajectory. Starting with 4 tonnes of
waste in 2000, they experienced moderate growth, reaching 6 tonnes by 2005.
Unfortunately, from 2005 to 2015, their waste production surged dramatically,
hitting 10 tonnes. This consistent upward trend raises concerns and highlights
the need for urgent corrective measures.

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