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Edutainment resource part 2

Part 1 : Lexico
1-The leaders are all hat and no_______, taking advantage of demagoguery,
saying flowery words but never getting anything done well.
A. cherry B. cattle C. fat D. scalp
2-The multipolar world wherein a stream of currencies like Euro or Ruble gain
in popularity has_______dollar’s value.
A. whittled away B. drubbed down
C. bilked down D. emended off
3-The whole_______I got during the exam suddenly disappeared the moment
I drank some water to calm down.
A. collywobbles B. enchilada C. caboodles D. shebang
4-The president used COVID-19 as the_______to excuse for economic
stagnation while his failure to roll out appropriate measures tipped the scales.
A. sore catacomb B. streak point
C. stump deer D. whipping boy
4-The doctrine of_______has to be kept in mind when shopping on any
A. carpe diem B. caveat emptor
C. warrant beware D. function glissade
5-Many people believe that India has become a(n)_______full of corruption
and bribery.
A. Kamikaze B. shaky Croesus
C. Augean stables D. indite Hades
6-Unfortunately, the results of the experiments don’t_______with initial
A. jade B. mallet C. squelch D. comport
7-Unable to complete full payments once and for all, they decided
to_______most of the business’s costs over a 5-year period.
A. amortize B. verilize C. baste D. abrade
8-It takes much time for students to_______what they have been taught at
A. orb B. quaff C. parse D. inter
9-Sorry, I have a bigger fish to fry, so I have to_______now.
A. tee away B. zoom off C. orb out D. levee off
10-He was about to turn down the job offer when the company_______by
suggesting an excellent pension plan.
A. sugar the cake B. reagent the mud
C. splice the ice D. sweeten the pot
Part 2 : Word Form
1-The government’s reforms include_______social problems that need more
time and effort to deal with. (AGE)
2-Going bungee jumping was the first_______experience she had ever got
when setting foot France. (WHITE)
3-Having done all the assignments given by the manager, Josh went for a
walk to blow the_______away. (WEB)
4-The fast food industry was accused of_______ through emails in a bid to
draw attention from the youth, which caused an increase in cases of obesity.
5-Fast fashion is at the forefront of encouraging_______in the fashion
industry, which, to the disdain of many, indirectly promotes a “throwaway”
culture. (TREND)
6-He has a(n)_______approach to telling a story instead of seizing upon only
one boring technique, which helped him become a world-famous comedian.
7-Christine was a woman with elegant and graceful_______, being a model
for others to follow. (PORT)
8-Constant interaction with AI devices and no human contact may lead
children to_______AI and learn to speak like them. (MORPH)
9-There has been a(n)_______debate as to whether to renew the involvement
in the Belt and Road Initiative. (FEVER)
10-Many people hold the view that all_______should end up in jail for the rest
of their life. (CREATE)

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