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Question 1

(a) How would Aristotle and Epicurus each answer the question, “what is the good life

for human beings”?

According to Aristotle, a good life for human beings entails the exercise of virtue and

perfection of human nature. He would further indicate that what’s good for us corresponds to the

natural need that is similar for all of us. Hence, the origin of nature and development of virtues is

critical for the achievement of the ultimate goal which is happiness. On the other hand, Epicurus

would answer that a good life for human beings entails happiness, this occurs as a result of lack

of physical torment and absence of mental disturbances. Therefore, happiness according to

Epicurus would mean hedonism which is the fulfillment of delight as a point of human action.

(b) Explain one point of agreement between Aristotle’s and Epicurus’s ideas of the good


The one point that Aristotle and Epicurus agree in terms of happiness, is that happiness is

the ultimate purpose of human existence. They both believed in the crucial significance of


(c) Explain one point of disagreement between Aristotle’s and Epicurus ideas of good


The point of disagreement between these two philosophers is that Aristotle named man a

political animal and stated that the highest type of fellowship is found in the state. On the other

hand, Epicurus would disagree that happiness entails peace of mind and precluded any such

Question 2

a) How would Bentham and Kant each answer the question, “what makes a right

action right, and a wrong action wrong?”

According to Kant, what makes actions right and wrong depends on the intention of a

particular action. He believed that life if valuable and since humans are bearers of rational life.

They are free to make rational behavior which shouldn’t be purely used for the happiness of

another. On the other hand, Bentham who believed in the utilitarian’s would argue that our

actions should be judged based on the ability to produce the greatest amount of happiness.

(b) Explain how each philosopher would answer the question, “is lying wrong?”

Kant in this scenario would answer that lying is wrong. This would be based on his

principles that as human beings, we should treat each other as an end in itself. Hence, lying

would act as a way to get away with what we want. On the other hand, Bethan who believed in

the Utilitarian would assert that lying is okay, if by telling the lie would produce a good thing or

if by lying produces a more regrettable outcome than not telling it, in this way telling it would

turn into an awful activity.

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