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This ancient method is based on movement and breathing. Corrcct

regular brcathing hclps to oxygenate the blood, and so both the
physical body and the mind bcnefit from it. The W2Y of brcathing
differs according to the position the body assumes, thercfore each
particular position corrcsponds to a typc ofbrcathing.
Therc are two kcy points: to lcarn to brcathe and to coordinate
movements with the breathing. lnhalation should bc deep and
complete, acting on the diaphragm, the lungs should bc completcly
filled from the bo11om to the top, like filling a borde with water.
Exhalation is in the reverse dircction until you are complctcly empty.
To coordinate brcathingwith movement ir is important to always
make the bcginning of the brcathing coincide with the bcginning
of the movement, and the end of the movement with the end ofthe
brcathing, without hurry and without forcing. What counts for
cxample, is not the lengrh of the holding ofa brcath, but the W2Y in
which it is done. For the physical positions as well it is important to
aim for pcrfection, but thc fundamental point is prcsence in the
movement and having an aW2rencss of your own capacity.
ln ali the movements, men and women start with opposite sidcs,
for example women may raise the right arm and men raisc the left
arm. If women cross with the left leg, men cross with the right.
The Eight Movements are related to the cight aspccts ofbrcathing
listed bclow.

The Four Ways of Breathing

Slow Inhalation
Slow Exhalation
Fast Inhalation
Fast Exhalation
Ali brcathing should bc dircct, the air passing frccly in and out
of the lungs.
The Four Ways of Holding
Opm. After inhaling, the air is hdd without forcing it downwards
and without closing the windpipc.
Holá withpmsurr. A hold in which the air is pushed in a ccrtain
direction: to the right or thc left side of one's body or downwards.
The downwards hold, in which the air is pushed down the
diaphragm, is the necessary passage bctween the opcn hold and the
closed hold.
ClosuJ. After the downward pushing of the air, the air is held
"closed", kccping the diaphragm pushed down. lt is important that
the abdominal muscles and sides are kept wdl controlled.
Ho/á with contraction. A hold in which the muscles of the ab-
domen are pulled towards the spine.
11 is advisable to practice in a quiet open space, far from pollution,
to wear dothes that allow frccdom ofmovement and do not rcstrict
any part ofthe body. lt is also good to have an empty stomach. The
bcst rime for the practice is the late afternoon. lf your body is a bit
sriff and your muscles are cold, you can, if you likc, start with a
series ofloosening-up excrcises.
Thcse movements should bc practiced only after having carefully
W2tched the accompanying vidcotapc and having understood their
propcr forrns or having had dircct explanations from a qualified
instructor authorized by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.

a b e d

e f g h

The Coordlnatlon º' Brealhlng and Movements for HOLD WITH PRESSURE
Fast lnhalc Hold with
Opcn Hold Prcssurc
Fast Exhalc

Starting 2 - - 2
Main Movcmcnt 2 2 2 2
Finishing 2 - - 2

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