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Kannada poet


influence by alvars rejected social and

gender discrimination
TN IN 11th C
rejected superstition
famous work is bhrama and rituals and idol
sutra bhashya worship

main contribution of
book - vachana sahitya

12 CE

PM of kalchuri king
also known as
akka mahadevi
associated with it

seeds of sarvodaya and

total revolution sown
by him

estb kalyan Raj,

welfare state

he tried to change the

concept of temples,
real God within us

sthavara static
15-16CE two concepts
jangama dynamic
devoted to vishnu final goal is a
radha is not democratic society
raised voice against
composed poems and untouchability
plays in assamese
brought women to
began the practise of basavanna forefront
setting of namghars
to discuss all problems
credited with devising
new forms of music - first and foremost
borgeet anubhavamamtapa-
parliament of india
common forum for all
shankardeva of assam
theatrical performance- where sharnas sat
ankianat, baona together
dance - sattriya
equated with kailash
language - brajavali
kayaka - divine work
equal income for equal
started ekasarana work
dharma, also called neo
vaishnavite dasoha - equal
creation of vrindavani
vastra means every individual
two concept of a society should take
authored kirtan ghosh up a job and do it with
full sincerity
gunmala on Krishna life harischandra, gunmala
bhakti all are labores even
Bengal 16th ce guru and jangma

selfless devotion to dynamic concept

Krishna radha
Shiva is a formless
vaishnava school of infinite god
bhakti yoga based on
bhagvat purana and money by worker
utilise surplus money
gita should be for today, no
chaitanyamahaprabhu for society
saving for tomorrow
composed sikastakam
in sanskrit his vachana are
highlighted in present
also referred to as IPC
gaurang or gaura,
nimai first Kannada in whose
honor commemorative
sankeertan coins were minted

synthesis of
also influenced sikhism ramanujacharaya and
poetry of her is 14th ce poet, vaishnava
included in sikhism
also known as
Akbar became his jagadguru
patron ramnandacharya

devoted to krishna in north India near

surdas varanasi
disciple of
vallabhacharya devoted to ram

15 CE kabir
ravidas Mira bai iski thi


verse in adi granth

gyan Lila and yog

chintamani , works

inspired by ramanuja nathpanthis also

from gujju

dadudayal 1544-1600

formed dadupanth

adi granth 15-16 C

bijak work included in verses. were called as
sakhis and pads
rejected major
religious traditions
opposed caste and
caste system

only path to salvation

was through bhakti and

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