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Capsule Networks and Attention

Mechanisms for Multiclass Alzheimer's

Disease Classification: A Firefly
Algorithm optimization
Capsule Networks with Attention Mechanisms:

Capsule networks are a type of neural network architecture designed to better capture hierarchical
relationships and spatial hierarchies in data. When combined with attention mechanisms, these
networks become more adept at focusing on specific parts or features of the input data, improving
interpretability, and enhancing the model's ability to understand complex patterns. In the context of
medical image analysis, this hybrid model aims to provide more insightful and interpretable
predictions, particularly in identifying relevant features or regions of interest in medical images.

Optimization: Firefly Algorithm for optimizing capsule

network hyperparameters:
The Firefly Algorithm is a metaheuristic optimization algorithm inspired by the flashing patterns of
fireflies. It is particularly useful for optimizing complex, non-linear, and high-dimensional spaces. In
the context of Capsule Networks with Attention Mechanisms, the Firefly Algorithm is employed to
fine-tune hyperparameters of the model. This includes adjusting parameters related to the architecture,
learning rates, and other settings to enhance the performance and convergence of the capsule network.
The optimization process aims to find an optimal set of hyperparameters that allows the model to
effectively capture and utilize hierarchical information with attention mechanisms, ultimately
improving its performance on medical image analysis tasks.

This hybrid model not only benefits from the inherent strengths of capsule networks in capturing
spatial hierarchies but also leverages attention mechanisms for improved focus on important features.
The use of the Firefly Algorithm in optimization enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the
model by fine-tuning its hyperparameters, leading to a more robust and interpretable solution in the
domain of medical image analysis.

Our approach leverages Capsule Networks with Attention Mechanisms, optimized
by the Firefly Algorithm, to pioneer multiclass classification in Alzheimer's
disease. Uniting interpretability and precision, our model distinguishes between
disease stages with enhanced focus, utilizing cutting-edge optimization techniques
for tailored hyperparameter tuning. This novel methodology holds promise for
advancing Alzheimer's diagnostics through nuanced insights and improved
FRCNN with Self-attention Mod CNN with Self-attention (NTO)

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