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1. Explain the mechanism of dehydration of ethanol to ethene.

Step 1 : Formation of protonated alcohol

Step 2 : Formation of carbocation due to lose of water molecule

Step 3 : Lose of proton to form an alkene (ethene)

2. Explain with equations :

i)Kolbe’s reaction ;
When sodium phenate is heated with carbon dioxide at 1400 C under 6– 7 atm
pressure,sodium salicylate is formed which on acidification by HCl gives salicylic a

ii) Williamson’s ether synthesis;

When sodium alkoxide is heated with alkyl halide in alcoholic medium, ether is formed.
RONa + X – R'  R – O – R' + NaX
Example : C2H5ONa + Br – C2H5 C2H5 – O – C2H5 + NaBr
3. How is phenol manufactured from cumene ?
Cumene is oxidised by air at 1300 C to get cumenehydroperoxide. Then it is heated with
dilute H2SO4 at 1000 C, phenol is formed.
4. Explain Reimer – Tiemann’s reaction :
When phenol is heated with chloroform in the presence of sodium hydroxide followed by
acidification, gives salicylaldehyde.


5. a) Explain esterification reaction between acetic acid and ethyl

alcohol as example.
When acetic acid is treated with ethyl acetate in the presense of conc sulphuric acid ethyl
acetate is formed

6. Write chemical equations for the conversion of

i) phenol to picric acid
Phenol is heated with a nitrating mixture, a yellow ppt of 2, 4, 6 - trinitrophenol
(picric acid) is formed.

ii) phenol to benzene;
When phenol is heated with zinc dust, benzene is formed.
C6H5OH + Zn  C6H6 + ZnO
iii) ethene to ethyl alcohol

7. How is salicylic acid converted into aspirin ? Give equation.

Acetylation of salicylic acid (salicylic acid to aspirin).
When salicylic acid is heated with aceticanhydride in the presence of Conc. H 2SO4
acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin) is formed.

8. Alcohols are less acidic than phenols. Give reason.
Alcohols are less acidic than phenol because less stability of alkoxide ion compared to
phenoxide ion
9. What is the effect of
i) electron withdrawing group on acidity of phenols.
Acidity increases due to increase in stability of phenoxide ion.
ii) electron donating group on acidity of alcohols
acidity decreases due to decrease in stability of phenoxide ion
iii) boiling point of alcohols on increasing number of carbon atoms ?
increases because as the number of carbon atoms increases molecular mass
increases as the molecular mass increases due to increase in intermolecular force
boiling point increases
10.Explain the Friedal – Crafts alkylation of anisole.
Anisole reacts with methyl chloride in the presence of anhyd. AlCl 3 to give a mixture
of ortho and para methoxy toluenes.

11.Explain the Friedal – Crafts acylation of anisole ;

Anisole reacts
with acetyl
chloride in the presence of anhyd. AlCl3 to give a mixture of ortho and para
12.Explain the Lucas reagent test for alcohols.
test to distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols
Test Tertiary (30) Secondary (20) Primary (10) alcohol
alcohol alcohol
Alcohol + Turbidity Turbidity appears Turbidity appears
Lucas appears after 5 min only on heating
reagent immediately

13. Explain hydroboration oxidation reaction .

Alkenes react with diborane to form trialkylboranes which on oxidation with alkaline
H2O2 give alcohols.

14. Explain the preparation of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols from
Grignord reagent
15.How do you prepare phenol from benzene diazonium chloride.
When aqueous solution of B.D.C. is warmed, phenol is formed due to hydrolysis.

16.How does phenol react with bromine water give equations.

Phenol reacts with bromine water to give a white ppt of 2, 4, 6 – tribromo phenol.

Note; Some important reactions of ethers;

 In case of mixed ether, the iodine attaches to the smaller alkyl group.
Example : CH3 – CH2 – O – CH3 + HI  CH3CH2OH + CH3I

 In the case of alkyl aryl ethers, iodine attaches to alkyl group.

Example : C6H5 – O – CH3 + HI  C6H5OH + CH3I

 In the case mixed ether, one alkyl group is tertiary in nature, iodine attaches to
tertiary alkyl group.
Ter. butyl methyl ether methanol ter. butyl iodide

a) When ethers are heated with excess of amount of hydrogen halide, only alkyl halides
are formed.
R – O – R + 2HX  2RX + H2O

Example: C2H5 – O – C2H5 + 2HI  2C2H5I + H2O

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