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Pertemuan 4

Tuesday, 13 September 2022 13:12

Checklist for Research Proposal:

- Background of the study
- Statement of problems
- Research objectives
- Hypothesis of the study
- Scope and limitation of the study
- Supporting literature
- Research methodology
- Strategies for data collection and analysis
- Research schedule

Background of the study:

- Area of research.
- Interest in the topic (attracting the reviews).
- Foundation for the problems to lead the topic.

Statement of the problem:

- A question to seek answer for
- Question leads to a problem that needs to solve

Research Objectives:
- Only one topic to research for

Hypotheses of the study:

- General answers of the research problems
- Leading the data analysis
- Proven the conclusion > not just yes or no.

Scope and limitation of the study:

- SPECIFY THE BOUNDARIES of your research. Bc too wide topic would lead to a new problems :(
- STATE WHAT IS NOT INCLUDED. Not possible to include all aspects of a particular.
- Terms or concepts should be defined and explained.
- Scope of the study is related to the study area
○ Specific administration area
○ Catchment area

Supporting literature:
- Aware to research area with your literature journals that you have citation for.
- Aware of other similar work which has been done
- Expose the methdologies that have been adopted and which you may use or adapt.
- Provide sources of information that you don't have yet

Research methodology:
- Research tools is not research methodology
- Interpretasi yang didapat dari paper sama penelitian yang dilakukan harus ada.
- Jenis data yang dikumpulkan dijelaskan apa saja.

Strategies for data collection and analysis:

- Tergantung dari analisis yag dilakukan
- Karakteristik data harus dispesifikasi dengan jelas
- Explain why the methodology is used by
- Also explain why to use and adapted methodology

Metodologi Penelitian Page 1

- Also explain why to use and adapted methodology

Research schedule:
- Control research activities
- Jangan hanya fokus ke satu atau dua specific work items

Maksud, Tujuan, dan Kegunaan Penelitian

- Maksud penelitian
○ "Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk … mendeskripsikan khusus tentang fenomena wujud,
proses, dan fungsi menuru bagian dimensinya melalui pengamatan unsur, ciri-ciri, dan
○ "Penelitian ini bermaksud … fenomena yang terjadi dengan cara menguji hipotesis atau
eksperimen yang dilakukan."
○ "Penelitianini bermaksuduntuk menguji metode yang teknik untuk mencapai suatu
tujuan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat bla vla bla"
- Tujuan penelitian
○ Konsekuensi logis maksud penelitian
○ "Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh deskripsi khusus untuk fenomena wujud,
proses, dan fungsi sesuai bagian/dimensi masing-masing"
○ Keywords: memperoleh
- Lingkup penelitian
○ Batas proyek penelitian yang dilakukan.
○ Mendefinisikan semua aspek yang akan dipertimbangkan dalam proyek penelitian.
○ Memperjelas aspek yang tidak akan dicakup.


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