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Used of ICT in teaching and learning for Teachers

(Elementary Teachers Survey)

Araño, Ronsky James

Bagnol, Elizabeth Joy
Balani, Gina Mae
Biwang, Elaisa

Maria Ivora C. Lapore

EDUC 4 – Technology for Teaching and Learning

September 11, 2023


This survey presents the findings, analysis, and interpretation of data collected
with the main objective of finding out the use of ICT in teaching and learning, specifically
for elementary teachers.

Table 1.
The table below shows the results in vote counts and percentage answered by
Elementary Teachers respondents in the survey.

QUESTION 20 0 100% 0% 100%
QUESTION 19 1 95% 5% 100%
QUESTION 20 0 100% 0% 100%
QUESTION 17 3 85% 15% 100%
QUESTION 19 1 95% 5% 100%
QUESTION 13 7 65% 35% 100%
QUESTION 16 4 80% 20% 100%
QUESTION 18 2 90% 10% 100%
QUESTION 18 2 90% 10% 100%
QUESTION 19 1 95% 5% 100%

The table above presented the results of every questions answered by the
respondents from various elementary schools all over the province of Bohol. In Q1 and
Q3 ,all of the 20 respondents answered Yes that was equivalent into 100% Yes and 0%
No, while in Q2, Q5 and Q10, there are 19 respondents who answered Yes and 1
respondent who answered No that was equivalent to 95% Yes and 5% No, in Q4 out of
20 respondents only 17 answered Yes and 3 respondents answered No that was
equivalent to 85% Yes and 15% No, in Q6 there are 13 respondents answered Yes and
7 respondents answered No that was equivalent to 65% Yes and 35% No, in Q7 there
are 16 respondents who answered Yes and 4 respondents who answered No that was
equivalent to 80% Yes and 20% No, in Q8 and Q9 there are 18 respondents who
answered Yes and 2 respondents who answered No that was equivalent to 90% Yes
and 10% No. On the contrary, item/question no. 1 and 3 has the most Yes results which
had a total of 100% yes and 0% of No. And ranking all the items with more Yes answers
in descending order it would be item 1,3,2,5,10,8,9,4,7, and 6. Subsequently, ranking all
the items with more No answers in descending order also, it would be item
6,7,4,8,9,2,5,10,1 and 3.
In our overall conclusion, we concluded that all of the elementary teachers are
equipped to use technology and non-digital learning resources for teaching and
learning. With that, most teachers and students are enjoying and learning better while
coping with 21st-century modernization. On the other hand, not all of them are experts in
terms of using the technologies in the proper way. Also, we have found that some
elementary teachers don’t have enough facilities to use the technology tools in their
classes. But despite that, most of them are aware of the ethical and legal
responsibilities of using ICT tools, resulting in a more efficient manner of exchanging
knowledge and learning with their students.
Our class are tasked with conducting a survey on how the use of ICT
helps in the teaching and learning of elementary teachers. Hence, our
group is assigned to conduct an online survey through Google Forms to
gather responses quickly and less expensively because our respondents
are located all around the province of Bohol.
Upon collecting the responses of every respondent, we are tasked
with consolidating the gathered data in Excel. After that, we are given
questions to be answered by our instructor. So, the following questions and
answers are stated below based on the data collected in our survey.
Question & Answer:
1. How many answered Yes or No for each item? What percentage
is Yes? No?
Answer: Based on the data we’ve collected;
• In Q1 there are 20 respondents who answered yes and none
answered no that was equivalent to 100% yes and 0% no.
• In Q2 there are 19 respondents who answered yes and 1
respondent who answered no that was equivalent to 95% yes and 5%
• In Q3 there are 20 respondents who answered yes and none
answered no that was equivalent to 100% yes and 0% no.
• In Q4 there are 17 respondents who answered yes and 3
respondents who answered no that was equivalent to 85% and 15%
• In Q5 there are 19 respondents who answered yes and 1
respondent who answered no that was equivalent to 95% and 5% no.
• In Q6 there are 13 respondents who answered yes and 7
respondents who answered no that was equivalent to 65% yes and
35% no.
• In Q7 there are 16 respondents who answered yes and 4
respondents who answered no that was equivalent to 80% yes and
20% no.
• In Q8 there are 18 respondents who answered yes and 2
respondents who answered no that was equivalent to 90% yes and
10% no.
• In Q9 there are 18 respondents who answered yes and 2
respondents who answered no that was equivalent to 90% yes and
10% no.
• In Q10 there are 19 respondents who answered yes and 1
respondent who answered no that was equivalent to 95% yes and 5%

2. Which of the 10 item/s has more YES than NO answers?

Answer: According to the survey we conducted, items/questions 1
and 3 has the most number of yes answered which had a100% of yes
response and 0% of no answer. Question No. No Response
1.Q6 7 = 35%
3. Rank the items with more YES 2.Q7 4 = 20%
and rank the items with more 3.Q4 3 = 15%
NO. 4.Q8 2 = 10%
4.Q9 2 = 10%
Question No. Yes 5.Q2 1 = 5%
Response 5.Q5 1 = 5%
1.Q1 20 =100% 5.Q10 1 = 5%
1.Q3 20 = 100% 6.Q1 0 = 0%
2.Q2 19 = 95% 6.Q3 0 = 0%
2.Q5 19 = 95%
2.Q10 19 = 95%
3.Q8 18 = 90%
3.Q9 18 = 90%
4.Q4 17 = 85%
5.Q7 16 = 80%
6.Q6 13 65%
Answer :
“ Rank of items with Yes response” “Rank of items with No response”
4. What meaning can you derived from your results?
Based on the survey and right after the consolidation of the data, we
have concluded that the use of ICT tools is being equipped in the teaching
and learning of teachers in today’s generation. Also, the use of non-digital
learning resources still exists in the 21st century, despite modernization. On
the other hand, the result of the survey conducted shows that using ICT
tools helps students and teachers in teaching and learning while enjoying
and having a much better setting. But not all of them have the expertise to
use such technologies; nevertheless, the existence of technology plays a
vital role In enhancing and helping students develop their capabilities and
making their studies much better than before.

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