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Unit 12- Services in Health and Sami Haque

Social Care

P1- Describe 3 creative and therapeutic activities in the residential care home.

1) Chair activities

Chair activities in a residential care home are simple and enjoyable activities designed for residents who
may have limited mobility or find it difficult to move around easily. These activities are done while
sitting in a chair and are aimed at providing entertainment, social interaction, and cognitive stimulation.
They can include things like playing card games, doing puzzles, listening to music and watching movies.
Chair activities help residents stay engaged, have fun, and maintain their mental and emotional well-
being without the need for strenuous physical activity.

Spring bulb planting

Spring bulb planting at a residential care home is a fun and colorful gardening activity. It
involves planting flower bulbs, like tulips or daffodils, in the ground during the fall season.
These bulbs stay in the ground through the winter, and when spring comes, they grow into
beautiful flowers.

Biscuit decorating

Biscuit decorating at a residential care home is a fun and creative activity where residents
are given plain biscuits to decorate with various toppings. These toppings can include
Unit 12- Services in Health and Sami Haque
Social Care

colorful icing, sprinkles, chocolate chips, and more. Residents can use their imaginations to
make the biscuits look beautiful and delicious.


Chair Activities

Physical Intellectual Emotional Social

These activities help Chair activities These activities are Chair activities
residents stay stimulate residents' designed to make encourage residents
physically active, minds. They involve residents feel happy to socialize. They
even while sitting. games, puzzles, and and relaxed. They involve group games,
They include gentle conversations that might include art chats, and story-
exercises and challenge their and music sessions sharing to help
movements to keep thinking and that bring joy and residents connect
their bodies in good memory. reduce stress. with each other and
shape. prevent loneliness.

Spring bulb planting

Physical Intellectual Emotional Social

Unit 12- Services in Health and Sami Haque
Social Care

Residents get a bit Planting bulbs Watching the bulbs Planting bulbs can be a
of exercise by involves learning they planted bloom group activity, allowing
planting bulbs, even about gardening and into colorful flowers residents to chat, share
gardening tips, and bond
if they can't move how plants grow. in the spring brings with each other. It's a
around much. They Residents can enjoy joy and a sense of great way to promote
use their hands and the mental accomplishment. It's social interaction and
tools to dig and stimulation of emotionally reduce isolation.
plant, which is good understanding the uplifting.
for their bodies. process.

Biscuit decorating

Physical Intellectual Emotional Social

Residents use their Biscuit decorating is It's an emotionally Biscuit decorating is
hands to decorate a creative activity satisfying activity as often done in a group
biscuits, which can that challenges residents take pride setting, which
be a gentle exercise residents' minds. in their creative provides an
for their fingers and They can use their biscuit designs. Plus, opportunity for
hands. It's a hands- imagination to come enjoying the tasty residents to socialize,
on activity that up with designs and biscuits they've chat, and have fun
keeps them decide how to decorated can boost together. It's a great
physically engaged. decorate the their spirits and way to promote
biscuits, which make them feel social interaction and
keeps their brains happy. reduce feelings of
active. loneliness.

M1- Assess the suitability of three activities for Wayne in his care home.

1) A quiz from the 1940’s-50’s

For Wayne, who has osteoarthritis and dementia, quizzes from the 1940s-50s can be a
good activity. Here's why:
• Intellectual: These quizzes can help Wayne remember things from his past, which
is easier for him. It's like a fun memory exercise.
• Emotional: They can make Wayne feel happy and comfortable by talking about
things he knows well. It's like talking about old friends.
• Social: If Wayne does the quizzes with others, he can chat and be with people, which
is good for him.
Unit 12- Services in Health and Sami Haque
Social Care

• Physical: Doing quizzes can also involve small movements, like holding a pen or
pressing buttons, which can be good exercise for Wayne's hands despite his

There are some challenges to look out for, which is making the questions simple as
dementia will affect his thinking and memory.


Painting is a good activity for Wayne. Here is why:

Physical :
• Good: Painting is a gentle activity that won't strain his body.
• Problem: Osteoarthritis can make it a bit uncomfortable, so we should make sure
he's sitting comfortably.
• Good: Painting is fun and helps Wayne be creative, even with dementia.
• Problem: Dementia might make things confusing, so we keep it simple.
• Good: Painting can make Wayne feel happy and accomplished.
• Problem: Dementia might cause frustration, so we should be patient and
• Good: Painting with others can be nice, but in a small, understanding group.
• Problem: Dementia can make conversations hard, so it's more about enjoying the
activity together.

Yoga is a suitable activity for Wayne, especially given his conditions of osteoarthritis and
dementia. This is why:
Physical: Yoga involves gentle movements and stretches, which can help Wayne's muscles
become stronger and his body more flexible. This is important because Wayne has
osteoarthritis, which can cause joint pain. Yoga can be adapted to avoid putting too much
pressure on his joints, making it a suitable physical activity.
Intellectual: Yoga encourages mindfulness and concentration. For Wayne, who has
dementia, this can be particularly helpful. Practicing mindfulness during yoga can improve
Unit 12- Services in Health and Sami Haque
Social Care

his ability to focus and may enhance his memory. This mental aspect of yoga complements
his cognitive needs.
Emotional: Dementia can often lead to increased stress and anxiety. Yoga promotes
relaxation and stress reduction, which can help Wayne manage his emotional well-being.
When he's less stressed, it can have a positive impact on his memory and overall mood.
Social: Participating in group yoga classes provides Wayne with the opportunity for social
interaction. This can help him feel connected and less isolated, which is important for his
emotional health.
However, Wayne should be cautious due to his osteoarthritis. Some yoga poses may need
to be avoided to prevent joint pain. Additionally, because of his memory issues, he might
have trouble remembering all the yoga positions and sequences. It's essential that he works
with an instructor who understands his needs and can provide support for him.



• Pre-Cut Shapes: Give Wayne shapes like circles or stars that he can paint inside.
This way, he doesn't need to cut anything himself.
• Larger Brushes: Provide brushes with big handles. These are easier for Wayne to
hold, making painting more comfortable.
• Alternative Tools: Use sponges, finger paints, or a potato stamp. These are easier
for Wayne to grip and use for painting.
• Help with Paper: Assist Wayne in holding the paper steady, so it doesn't move
while he paints.
• Pre-Printed Pictures: Give him pictures to paint over. This helps him know where
to paint and makes it simpler.
• Simple Instructions: Keep instructions clear and easy to understand. Show him
how to paint if needed.
• Supportive Environment: Create a calm and friendly painting space with soft
music or a familiar person to help Wayne feel comfortable.

Quizzes from 1940-50:

• Interactive Quizzes: Make the quizzes about things Wayne knows well, like his
family or hobbies. This will test his memory and engage his brain.
• Music Section: Include a part where Wayne has to name the song or artist of short
music clips. This is fun and helps with memory.
Unit 12- Services in Health and Sami Haque
Social Care

• Music Bingo: Play a music bingo game where Wayne marks songs on a card as he
hears them. Keep it short and engaging to avoid concentration issues.
• Short Sessions: Keep the activities short, so Wayne doesn't get tired or lose
• Assistance with Writing: Offer help in writing down Wayne's answers if he has
trouble writing.
• Visual Aids: Use pictures or images to help Wayne understand the questions better.
• Personalized Quizzes: Make the quizzes about things Wayne likes or remembers,
so he stays interested and involved.


• Seated Exercises: Change the activity to sitting in a chair and doing arm and leg
movements. This keeps Wayne safe and helps with exercise.
• Clear Instructions: Give Wayne simple and clear instructions for each movement.
Show him how to do it.
• Music: Play music to make it fun and rhythmic. It can help Wayne follow along.
• Short Sessions: Keep the exercise sessions short so Wayne doesn't get too tired.
• Gentle Stretches: Include gentle stretches that won't hurt Wayne's joints.
• Comfortable Chair: Ensure Wayne sits in a comfy and sturdy chair for support.
• Encouragement: Praise and motivate Wayne during the exercise.
• Change it Up: Make the exercises different each time to keep it interesting.

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