Lifeline Article1

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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (2002) 1199–1208

Lifelines earthquake vulnerability assessment: a systemic approach

S. Menonia,*, F. Pergalanib, M.P. Bonib, V. Petrinib
Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione, Politecnico di Milano, via Bonardi 9, 20133 Milano, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Politecnico di Milano, p.le Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy

This study aimed at developing a model to evaluate lifelines seismic vulnerability, considering physical, functional, and organizational
factors as deeply interconnected one to the other. The resulting assessment tool consists of a set of parameters measuring the response
capacity of lifelines exposed to earthquakes.
The notion of systemic vulnerability is the underlying frame of the proposed evaluation method: what can be measured is how prone is a
system to damage or failure not only as a consequence of some kind of physical damage occurring to one of its components, but also as the
indirect effect of some physical, functional, or organizational failure suffered by other systems.
The assessment tool has been applied in Regione Lombardia, Italy, providing as a final output recommendations for prioritizing and taking
actions to reduce the potential of magnified effects as a consequence of lifelines interruption in earthquakes aftermath.
q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Seismic vulnerability; Lifelines; Emergency planning; Reconstruction planning

1. Introduction resulted in new responsibilities loaded on local govern-

ments, some of which lack the technical and financial
Studies concerning lifelines response to earthquakes capabilities necessary to manage the entire cycle of
have noticeably developed in the 90s, especially in Japan activities needed for preventing severe damage and for
and in the United States. Analyses accuracy has certainly mitigating disasters’ effects on the population.
benefited from the large amount of data that have been In this fast evolving context, the Regione Lombardia
systematically gathered in recent disasters, which affected administration has promoted a study on lifelines vulner-
densely populated metropolitan areas [1 –6]. ability to earthquakes, wishing to draw upon more than 10
Besides more technical aspects referring to physical years of continuative research exchange with scientific
features of nodes and networks, a greater attention has been institutions in the field of seismic risk. This work has been
paid to mutual interactions among lifelines, recognizing divided in two parts: the first aiming at building a
their intra-dependent and inter-dependent character. Fur- conceptual framework and testing it in the most seismic
thermore, secondary and indirect consequences on the areas of the region, the second—still under way—attempt-
economy and on society in general due to services ing to produce complete earthquake scenarios involving
interruption have been investigated too [7,8]. lifelines disruption. The present paper will reflect the
In Europe and in Italy in particular, seismic studies have development and the results achieved in the first part.
been focusing much more on hazard assessment as well as
on the vulnerability of traditional housing, with fewer
attempts to analyze the consequences of natural disasters on 2. Methodology
utilities networks. In recent years something has changed,
not only within utilities managing companies, but also with Specific approaches are required to assess lifelines
local and regional governments. Italian institutions have seismic vulnerability, in order to account for some of their
undergone a quite radical decentralizing process, which particular features: utilities are made of multiple com-
ponents—linear pipes, substations, control centers, power
* Corresponding author. Address: Dipartimento di Scienze del Terrio,
Politecnico di Milano, via Bonardi 3, 20133 Milano, Italy. Tel.: þ 39-02-
generating systems—obeying to highly hierarchical func-
2399-5423; fax: þ 39-02-2399-5435. tions and it is therefore impossible to isolate single parts and
E-mail address: (S. Menoni). analyze them separately one from the other. They depend
0267-7261/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 6 7 - 7 2 6 1 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 4 8 - 3
1200 S. Menoni et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (2002) 1199–1208

from each other in such a manner that inter- and intra- Communication systems provide an enlightening example
dependency have been recognized as one of their most in this regard: the most frequent problem encountered in the
prominent characteristic. first hours following the impact of a disaster is lines
Finally lifelines are connected with the external environ- overloading. Another important organizational parameter to
ment: the latter can be viewed as a source of induced assess coordination among those involved in emergency
damage (as in the case of collapsing buildings or landslides), management is the number of companies managing lifelines
but also as end-user of utilities like water, electricity, gas, or even the same lifeline in a given area. A few big firms are
and communication. able to control interactions emerging among their lifelines
This research aimed at developing a model to assess and others and are therefore more likely to sign protocols
lifelines seismic vulnerability, considering physical, func- and mutual agreements for joining operations whenever
tional, and organizational factors as deeply interconnected needed. When the number of companies is large, this kind of
one to the other. The resulting assessment tool consists of a spontaneous protocols are much more difficult to reach, and
set of parameters measuring the performance of lifelines therefore coordination tasks become really demanding for
exposed to earthquakes in a given region. local and governmental authorities.
The notion of systemic vulnerability is the underlying Also with respect to physical vulnerability, lifelines are
frame of the proposed evaluation method: what can be highly intra- and inter-dependent systems: conducts and
measured is how prone is a system to damage or failure not lines can be damaged by collapsing houses or bridges or by
only as a consequence of some kind of physical damage landslides and riverbanks, the movement of which can be
occurring to one of its components, but also as the indirect triggered by earthquakes.
effect of some physical, functional, or organizational failure The rows in Table 1 are grouped in three main blocks: in
suffered by other systems. the first, factors related to lifelines performance are
In this regard, as lifelines are highly hierarchical, the considered, in the second siting situations are examined.
consequence of failure in crucial components or parts of the For example sewers can pollute water when conducts are
system has been devoted higher attention in the framework. broken and leaks or infiltration become more probable. The
The model accounts also for lifelines inter-dependency, last group of rows indicates how vulnerable urban and
which can be either physical (lines laid in the same corridor regional systems (other than lifelines) are to the interruption
running below roads) or functional (for example electrical of services like electricity, water, gas, and communication.
power is vital for many other utilities: communication The form to assess lifelines vulnerability during
networks, control devices, water pumping stations, etc.) reconstruction contains those elements that are more
[5,9]. relevant to recovery. Physical vulnerability is not con-
Urban and regional systems depend on lifelines at sidered any more, as ruptures are supposed to have already
different degrees, according to their specific needs as occurred once emergency is over, while functional and
service users and also depending upon the considered organizational aspects still remain important. This time,
disaster phase. This is the reason why distinct assessments however, the focus of the assessment concerns inter- and
matrices have been developed addressing separately the intra-dependency that may hamper quick recovery. In
emergency and the reconstruction periods. While in the first organizational terms for instance, coordination with public
minimal lifelines performance is crucial to guarantee administrations and with institutions in charge of financial
victims assistance and rescue activities, return to normalcy aid and support for reconstruction becomes as crucial as the
at acceptable costs becomes the new priority in the coordination among lifelines managing companies.
reconstruction stage. In each matrix, thresholds of good
and bad performance as well as weights expressing
parameters importance have been set according to the 3. Vulnerability analysis and evaluation procedure
different priorities identified in the two phases [10 –13].
The general framework to assess lifelines vulnerability in The vulnerability assessment procedure requires a
the emergency has been reported in Table 1: functional, number of steps to be followed in order to obtain the final
organizational and physical vulnerabilities are grouped, result, consisting of a normalized score assigned to each
respectively, in the first, second, and third columns. lifeline and of an evaluation of other urban systems
Functional factors explain lifelines malfunctioning due vulnerability to lifelines disruption. Both assessments
to a variety of reasons, many of which are not physical. Each should be carried out for the emergency and the reconstruc-
lifeline is a hierarchical system: if crucial nodes fail, the tion phases.
service they provide in normal time will inevitably cut many As an example, the water system forms are shown in
customers off. Those nodes are, for instance, stations Tables 2 and 3: they refer to the parameters to be analyzed to
transforming high into medium or into low gas pressures, understand the water system expected behavior during
energy power stations, water reservoirs, etc. emergency operations and in the reconstruction phase.
Organizational factors that are considered in Table 1 may In the first block factors related to water system
consistently hamper search and rescue activities. performance are shown. Reading the form by rows, in
S. Menoni et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (2002) 1199–1208 1201
Form to assess lifelines seismic vulnerability in emergency phase
Table 1
1202 S. Menoni et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (2002) 1199–1208
Table of seismic vulnerability analysis of water system in emergency phase
Table 2
Table 3
Table of seismic vulnerability analysis of water system in reconstruction phase

S. Menoni et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (2002) 1199–1208

1204 S. Menoni et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (2002) 1199–1208

Table 4
Table of seismic vulnerability evaluation for water system in emergency phase
S. Menoni et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (2002) 1199–1208 1205

the first line parameters such as the potential for water the same block, potential contamination due to infiltration
contamination due to nearby polluting plants (FUN P1), or from sewages (FUN S2) or the potential for explosions
the potential for pipes and conducts ruptures due to provoked by nearby gas conducts (PHY S2) is examined.
vulnerable elements (buildings [14], river banks, landslides The last block of rows refers to the regional vulnerability
(PHY P1)) are considered. to water service interruption, which may have rather severe
In the second row, water system vulnerability to the effects on hospitals and fire brigades (FUN R1), and can also
rupture of other services (for example electrical power) is induce accidents in dangerous plants, if the latter do not
represented (FUN P2), as well as organizational problems have enough storage in autonomous tanks (FUN R2).
related to the lack of coordination with other lifelines Communication skills to make people aware of existing
managing companies (ORG P2), or the physical vulner- risks and of efforts to bring the water service back are
ability induced by other connected systems, like bridges and among the most important organizational factors to be
viaducts (PHY P2). assessed in this block (ORG R1).
In the last row of the first block, other parameters are A very similar survey path has been developed in Table
analyzed: the number of springs or tanks is crucial to 3, related to the reconstruction phase. Most of the
determine how many alternative sources can be used to fill parameters in this case aim at forecasting the time needed
aqueducts (FUN P3), the availability of personnel and for temporary or final repairs and for establishing efficient
material is important to guarantee fast repairs (ORG P3), cooperation protocols among companies distributing water
while joints, pipes materials, tanks structure are among the locally and regionally, as well as with other lifelines
most important factors to assess the physical fragility of managing companies, public administration sectors, etc.
water utilities (PHY P3). For each parameter included in the matrices, at least two
Moving to the second block of rows, in the first line the or more classes of roughly good or bad present conditions
capacity to access potential broken pipes and plants is have been established, on the basis of literature and post-
considered (FUN S1) as well as organizational factors earthquakes reports [1 – 5], and the most critical class has
(ORG S1) like the coordination between civil protection been identified.
officers and companies in charge of roads maintenance and The evaluation step of the developed procedure consists
the availability of maps showing alternative roads to be used of a weighed sum of factors providing as a final result a
in case the main one is not practicable. In the second line of vulnerability score. In order to carry out this procedure,

Table 5
Table of regional seismic vulnerability evaluation in emergency phase

Parameter Classification Most critical Weight Lifelines vulnerability

class coefficient
General Specific

Presence of gas systems in Yes/no Yes 3 3 High; p2 medium; p1 low
Dependence of risk plants on Presence of pump stations Yes/no No 3 3 High; p2 medium; p1 low
water systems self-contained
Yes/no maintenance No
Dependence of risk plants on Presence of generators Yes/no No 3 3 High; p2 medium; p1 low
power systems self-contained
Yes/no anchored No
Yes/no fuel No
Dependence of strategic ser- Presence of tanks self- Yes/no No 2 3 High; p2 medium; p1 low
vices on water systems in contained
emergency phase Yes/no maintenance No
Dependence of strategic ser- Presence of generators Yes/no No 2 3 High; p2 medium; p1 low
vices on power systems in self-contained
emergency phase Yes/no anchored No
Yes/no fuel No
Dependence of strategic ser- Presence of risk plants Yes/no No 1 3 High; p2 medium; p1 low
vices on gas systems in self-contained
emergency phase Alternative for risk zones 1/2/ . 2 1 2 3 High; p2 medium; p1 low
Presence of heliport Yes/no No
Degree of effectiveness of Communication code Yes/no No 2 3 High; p2 medium; p1 low
communications among stra- Leased lines Yes/no No
tegic services Priority Yes/no No
Total points
1206 S. Menoni et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (2002) 1199–1208

Fig. 1. Seismic vulnerability index for the analyzed lifelines in emergency phase.
S. Menoni et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (2002) 1199–1208 1207

Fig. 2. Seismic vulnerability map of water system in emergency phase.

the elements surveyed in the analytical forms have been Urban and regional systems degree of dependence on
split in two parts, the first considering the performance lifelines in the emergency phase can be seen in Table 5.
and siting vulnerability of each lifeline, the second aimed The Eq. (2) provides the vulnerability score
at assessing the degree of other urban and regional
systems vulnerability to utilities interruption. Both forms Vt ¼ Xti Wti Cti ð2Þ
have been developed for the emergency and the i¼1
reconstruction phases.
The water system performance and siting vulnerability where the Cti coefficient represents urban and regional
evaluation matrix, in emergency phase, is shown in Table 4. systems degree of dependency on lifelines systems.
Each parameter is assigned to classes of vulnerability For the reconstruction phase the evaluation procedure
according to what has been surveyed using the analytical follows the same procedure.
form described earlier (Xi ; equal to 0 in non-critical The application of this procedure provides a vulnerability
situations, equal to 1 for the most critical class). Besides index to each lifeline. In order to compare lifelines, scores
the weight Wi translating how important is each parameter have to be normalized. The normalized scale has been then
in the final evaluation (3 is assigned to very important subdivided into intervals, ranging from low vulnerability
parameters), another coefficient ðCi Þ has been inserted in the intervals, 0 –0.2, to medium, 0.2– 0.4, 0.4 –0.6 medium –
Eq. (1) to calculate the vulnerability score of each lifeline high, 0.6 –0.8 high, to very high levels, 0.8 –1.0. Lifelines
part. This coefficient accounts for the hierarchical position with a final score comprised in the higher part of the scale,
of the lifeline part to be assessed are in a rather critical condition, while lifelines obtaining a
low score seem capable of resisting to earthquakes impact.
n It is then possible to carry out crossed comparisons
V¼ Xi Wi Ci ð1Þ among lifelines systems and among subareas within the
i¼1 region of interest.
1208 S. Menoni et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (2002) 1199–1208

4. Application autonomy/dependency of other systems on lifelines to

compare different areas within a larger region, identifying
The method that has been described insofar was tested, the most critical situations.
for the emergency phase, in the Brescia Province (Lombar- The model has been constructed in such a way to provide
dia Region, Italy), where most seismic municipalities of the largest number possible of outputs, in order to open a
Lombardia are located [15]. wide range of alternative options for preventive action
This large area has been subdivided in three zones, either to mitigate the disaster impact in the emergency stage
homogeneous as far as their geographical and urban features or to bring back the system to normalcy as quickly as
are concerned: the conurbation of Brescia and its immediate possible in the recovery phase.
surroundings, the municipalities in the northern part of the
lake coast (Salò), subject to the highest seismic intensities,
and the plain areas south to the Garda lake and to Brescia Acknowledgments
Following the procedure described in the previous The Regione Lombardia, Milano, Italy, funded this
paragraph, as a first step the characteristics of the research. The authors are grateful to lifelines service
lifelines systems in the area have been surveyed and the suppliers for the data and information.
analytical forms filled with the acquired information. Not
all the necessary data were available: anyway forms have
been filled, though more satisfactorily for water, power References
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