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1. Read the description of an experiment and answer the questions about ft ‘als of pure line rabbits, one with short ears and. generatic Eee ion presented only long ears, and when irst generation, the many long-eared rabbits and afew short-eared rabbit eration resented 3. Does the pattern of heredity observed follow the laws proposed by Mendel? b. Which trait is dominant and which is recessive? ¢. Based on the experiment, can we conclude that this inheritance pattern also meets Mendel’s second law? Justify. ea (ali Mendel studied seven characteristics in pea plants: pea shape (round or wrinkled), pea color (green or yellow), flower color (white or purple), pod shape (inflated or constricted), pod color (green or yellow}, position of flowers (axial or terminal), and plant size (tall or dwarf). Based on what you have learned, choose two of these traits, define which one is dominant and which one is recessive, and explain the result of crossing the parental individuals, the individuals of the first generation, and the individuals of the second generation. Science » Year 9

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