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Thesis/Outline Meeting:

Phaedra Bhagoutie

Thesis Statement:

In this paper, ideas and stereotypes about female leaders do affect how they lead. However,
based on Rousseau’s ideas on the state of nature such as equality in the state of nature, absence
of gender roles, and individual autonomy, I will argue that his principles would support current
day arguments regarding gender equality in leadership.

Newspaper article: "A Woman's Way Forward." 2023.Sunday Age, Oct 08, 27.

I. Paragraph 1: Do expectations and stereotypes associated with female leaders
influence the leadership styles, and do these expectations affect their effectiveness as
a. What question I am answering in this paper? Or what topic am I addressing?
(Insert that question or topic here)

- Based on Rousseau's concept of the state of nature, assumptions on gender should not
have an influence on their ability and effectiveness as leaders.

b. Thesis statement (Insert your position X, and explain why you think this is the
correct position to take)

- Society's ideas and stereotypes about female leaders do affect how they lead however,
based on Rousseau's concept of the state of nature it claims that gender-based
assumptions should not determine anyone’s ability and effectiveness as leaders. Instead,
he acknowledges that it is solely based on qualifications and skills, rather than on gender-
related preconceptions. (IDK ABOUT IT YET)

Or this one

- In this paper, ideas and stereotypes about female leaders do affect how they lead.
However, based on Rousseau’s ideas on the state of nature like equality in the state of
nature, absence of gender roles, and individual autonomy, I will argue that his principles
would support current day arguments regarding gender equality in leadership. (maybe)
c. Give a short roadmap for your argument. How will you proceed in the paper?

- In this paper, I will argue that in the current era, stereotypes often influence the
perceptions of female leaders. By examining Rousseau’s ideas on the state of nature,
specifically looking at equality in the state of nature, absence of gender roles, and
individual autonomy, I will argue that his principles would support current day arguments
regarding gender equality in leadership.

Paragraph 2: Equality in the State of Nature supports current arguments regarding gender
equality in leadership.
a. In the text Rousseau mentions that all individuals are inherently equal when it
comes to their fundamental worth. Therefore, this idea can be used to support the
argument of gender equality when it comes to leadership. (Everyone is born equal
so therefore gender should not matter when it comes to leadership and politics).
(Go back to find page #)

b. Rousseau also talked about how in the state of nature access to resources are
based on their needs and abilities. Therefore, this can be used to argue about
gender equality since with this logic obtaining these resources and opportunities
including leadership role, should be equally accessible to everyone regardless of
gender. (In a sense it is based on qualifications and skills). (Go back to find page

IV. Paragraph 3: The absence of gender roles and individual autonomy supports
current arguments regarding gender equality in leadership.

a. Rousseau talked about the absence of social constructs and how due to this people
are not confined to specific gender roles. Meaning women and men have equal
freedom to pursue different opportunities. This aligns with gender equality since
everyone regardless of gender has an equal chance to participate in diverse
aspects of life, including leadership without being judged or criticized. (Find page

b. Rousseau talks about individual autonomy regarding the state of nature. He

emphasizes that’s people are free to act however they want according to their own
will. Therefore, if they want to pursue leadership roles they can regardless of their

V. Paragraph 4: Counterargument (stuck on this)

a. (Insert a good argument for the other side here)
b. (Explain how you would respond to that opposing argument)
VI. Paragraph 5: Concluding paragraph.
a. (Explain your verdict again) restate the thesis tie up loose ends of paper.

i. The idea of equality in the State of Nature supports current arguments

regarding gender equality in leadership. (conclude this part)

ii. The idea on absence of gender roles and individual autonomy supports
current arguments regarding gender equality in leadership. (conclude this

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