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Honored members of the board, distinguished delegates, and observers. We gather at a critical
moment for our nations. The illegal trafficking of cultural heritage pieces and artifacts on the Deep
Web is not a distant challenge but rather an alarming reality we face today. As a representative
from Ukraine, I am here to express profound concern from the Ukrainian delegation and
commitment towards implementing strategies against the illegal trafficking of cultural heritage
pieces and artifacts on the Deep Web.

Ukraine has felt the devastating effects of the illegal trafficking of cultural heritage pieces and
artifacts on the Deep Web: Destruction of archaeological sites and depletion of cultural heritage
resources. These events not only threaten our culture but also our economy, historical, and
scientific importance all around the globe. The Ukrainian delegation has taken significant measures
to end the illegal trafficking of cultural heritage pieces and artifacts on the Deep Web, including
legislation and enforcement, emergency red list, among others. However, individual action is not
sufficient. The Ukrainian delegation needs a coordinated global effort to address this issue.

In conclusion, Ukraine calls on all nations to unite in the fight against the illegal trafficking of
cultural heritage pieces and artifacts on the Deep Web. We must transcend our differences and
work together to protect our heritage pieces and artifacts. The urgency to act has never been
greater. Let us make this conference the starting point towards a future without the illegal
trafficking of cultural heritage pieces and artifacts on the Deep Web for all.

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