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Name: Anchie R. Bauyon Dr.

Carolina Duka

1st year – BEED GE1


The message about “Connected, but alone?” by Sherry Turkle amazes me. Because what
she said is true about people, technology, and this generation's situations. The technology in
this generation has improved so much that we can talk to AI like a real human being.
Technology helps us in many ways, and I am grateful for that. I agree with what Mrs. Turkle
says that devices in our pockets are powerful because these devices help us to make phone
calls, research for our studies and businesses, and watch entertaining videos when we are
bored. But what Mrs. Turkle said also made me sad. We do not want to be alone but when we
are with our family or our friends, we don't enjoy the time we have. We are only focusing on our

I also think it's heartbreaking because we do not know how to comfort ourselves without
reaching out for these devices. We are using devices to fill the void inside us. We are reaching
out for connections in robots, like Mrs. Turkle said, because we feel like no one is listening to
us. That is why we prefer talking to robots who seem to care about us than to real people who
make us feel unheard. That is reality and what saddens me. Technology is gaining control over
our lives, particularly the people of our generation. It has the power to have a big influence on
us. Even children are getting exposed to gadgets. As children grow older, they will rely on
technology for companionship instead of being embraced and loved by their parents.
Technology is indeed taking our humanity.

That is why, in my opinion, what Mrs. Turkle said feels right because I can see what she
meant by her message. I was delighted when she said, “I don't suggest we turn away our
devices. We just need to develop more self-aware relationships with each other, especially with
ourselves.” We grew up with technology, and its already part of our lives, and we can't remove
that. So, in my perspective, let's be wise not to let technology control our lives and be
responsible for how we use it.

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