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Potentials risks AI could have on women

AI…artificial intelligence…something we have been hearing quite a lot these days don’t you
think?….we have been having various lessons on how to use it properly, advantages and
disadvantages but there is actually more to uncover than you could ever imagine particularly if
you are a woman, since day by day AI continues to advance and maybe in the future we might
even lose sense of reality because of it if not careful enough. Which is why I want to talk about
the potential risks AI could have on women specifically because who knows how many victims
have already lost their jobs, dreams and even their minds due to lack of awareness on this

So I’m going to cover one of the 3 main factors which is AI bias, Ai replacing women in the
workplace and deepfake technology

Starting off with AI Bias:

As we all know AI systems are trained on data, and if that data contains biases, the AI will learn
and perpetuate those biase.For instance, AI used in hiring and recruitment processes may
unintentionally perpetuate gender-based discrimination, leading to fewer opportunities for
women in the workforce. Moreover, the use of biased AI systems in criminal justice, lending, and
healthcare can also have various effects on women's lives, by adding more fuel to fire as in
societal injustices and inequalities.

Followed by that AI could replace many jobs, however according to business insider, 2023
,around 8 percent of jobs held by women could be easily replaced in the future while as for
men only 3 percent in high income countries, which might not seem big but when taken into
account the fact that there are more than 7 billions of people around the world then we can
finally think of the bigger picture. And the main reason behind the high percent of AI job
replacement for women is because most of them work in the field of education, office
administration, health care and community services, which is already slowly getting replaced by
AI at the current moment. This issue could start a chain of more problems for instance low
financial stability and economic security and so on.However regardless of the gender no matter
what or when we would still need human expertise in any field cause even AI makes mistakes
just like us

Now one of the most interesting yet the worst aspects of AI usage is Deepfake technology
which we are at the current are completely vulnerable to..
But unfortunately not many of us do not even know what that is…
Deepfakes are digitally manipulated videos or images that appear convincingly real, often
utilized to generate false or defamatory content. Women are disproportionately impacted by
deepfake attacks, which can be used to spread non-consensual explicit images, fabricate false
statements, or damage reputations. The potential for widespread harm to women through
deepfakes is deeply concerning, as it not only violates individual privacy rights but also
undermines women's credibility and safety in public and private spheres. For example one of
the most popular rising instagram influencers in Azerbaijan who goes by the nickname
tenderlybae Amina was hiding her face for a long time then she did a face reveal like masha
ashamaykum girl and instantly people took her face and generated r rated content which lead
her losing a huge base of her followers and not only that but also respect from the people she
know. Anybody could be a victim to this sick minded play just like her and even myself like
anybody could take a picture of me right now and make up a video of me belly dancing
probably. But all jokes aside unfortunately there isn’t even a law regarding deepfakes in
Uzbekistan yet alone photoshop specifically but you can use the law 140 which is about
insulting for your own advantage to sue someone if u were to end up in a similar situation but
what done is done spans what’s seen is seen and there is no way of turning back time or
erasing someone’s memory.

You might be thinking, is there any way to go up against these risks or anything that you could
do right now to prevent these sorts of cases?

First thing for sure would be education and awareness

Providing proper rules,navigating people from a young age on how to properly use AI and letting
people know how to act when faced with potential risks. I’m addition, having more women get
involved with STEM sphere would be a great way to go too since most jobs in that sphere are
very unlikely to get replaced.

And secondly would advocate specific policies and regulations to build fear within sick minded
people and to promote fairness and equality in the development of AI.

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