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Bethany Watson

Name 

What do I want to accomplish?
 Why do I want to accomplish this? I want to improve my music theory so I can recognize the
 What are the requirements? notes in a shorter time. And to accomplish this so that I
 What are the constraints? can play notes on the flute more fluently. I must at least
be able to recognize notes in less than 10 seconds. I will
try to accomplish this before the end of term 2. I will not
my goal has been accomplished when I can name notes
on the treble clef comfortably. I will accomplish this by
doing time limited tests and trying to get faster each time.
This is important to me because I want to get faster at
playing the flute and I can’t get faster until I can read
notes fluently.

How will I measure my progress?
 How will I know when my goals I want to be able to say basic French phrases I want to
are accomplished? accomplish this because it is one of the languages that is
good to know when travelling overseas. I must be able to
say “hello, goodbye, how are you, I am lost my name is
Bethany, where is the Eiffel tower, do you know where I
can find a taxi, can I buy a croissant” in French. I will know
I have completed my goal when I can say all these phrases aim is to be able to say all these things by the
end of term 3. I will accomplish this goal by listening in
French class and going on Duolingo. This is important to
me because I want to be able to understand what people
say when I go to France when I am an adult.

How will I accomplish my goals?
 What steps will I take? I want to be able to do my multiplication tables up to 12 I
want to do this because it’s basically the framework of
maths. I must be able to do my 3,4,6,7,8,9,12 times
tables. I must do this by the end of the year I will do this
by going on programs like “hit the button” and listening in
math class. This is important to me because I want to be
good at answering math questions quicker. I will work on
my goal during my own free time.

Why is this important to me?
 Do I have what I need to be I want to keep all my new friends that I have made so far.
successful? This is important to me because they’re the best ones I’ve
ever had. I will Know I have completed my goal when I
have kept my friends until at least the end of this year. I
will accomplish this goal by engaging in conversation with
them and being friendly. I can work on my goal when
there in my classes and at recess and lunch.

When can I work on my goal?
 How long will it take me to I want to try to be nice to everyone 4 fifty days I want to
achieve my goal? do this because sometimes I’m kind of nasty. I will Know I
have accomplished this when it has been fifty days, and I
haven’t been nasty to anyone. I will accomplish this by
self-regulating my attitude and not caring what ppl say
and just being kind. This is important to me because when
I’m nice it makes me feel way happier. It will take me fifty
days to achieve this goal

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