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Janzen Jacob D.

Marasigan 11 TVL – ICT Alonzo

“The Future of Education is Now at PHCM SHS Department”

Back to school in blended learning modality on PHCM

Blended learning is a learning modality that combines face-to-face instruction with

online learning. It has been adopted by many schools in PHCM in response to the
COVID-19 pandemic. Blended learning offers several advantages for students in
PHCM, including flexibility, the opportunity to develop digital literacy skills, and
preparation for the future of work. Blended learning is flexible and a great way for
students to learn at their own time and in their own way. This is especially helpful for
students who need extra help or who learn differently. Also digital literacy skills in
Blended learning provides students with the opportunity to develop their digital
literacy skills. These skills are essential in today's world and will benefit students in
their future studies and careers.
And Preparation for the future of work in Blended learning helps students to develop
skills that are essential for success in the 21st century workplace, such as
independent work and time management skills.

Blended learning is flexible it also gives students more control over their own
learning. They can choose when and where they want to learn, and they can
customize their learning experience to meet their individual needs.
In blended learning environments, students use a variety of digital tools to learn, such
as learning management systems, online discussion forums, and video conferencing
platforms. By using these tools, students learn how to navigate the digital world and
to use technology effectively for learning.
Blended learning also prepares students for the future of work. The 21st century
workplace is increasingly demanding skills such as independent work, time
management, and digital literacy. Blended learning helps students to develop these
skills by giving them more control over their own learning and by requiring them to
use digital tools and collaborate with others online.

Blended learning is a good way for students in PHCM to learn. It's flexible, helps
develop digital skills, and prepares students for future jobs. But blended learning can
be challenging for students who need extra help or don't have access to technology.
Schools and teachers can help students by giving them the training and resources
they need to succeed in blended learning.

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