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Group Secretary’s Report

Welcome, again, everyone. My name is ________________. I’m an addict

and our group’s secretary.

This is an open meeting of NA, anyone may attend, but we ask that only
addicts share during the meeting. If you are a visitor, please stay and listen,
and get together with one of our home group members during the break or
after the meeting. Can we have a show of hands of home group members?
These members are available should you need any help.

If you haven’t already, please silence your cell phone. If you smoke, do so
away from the doors and use the receptacles provided. Please don’t leave
cigarette butts on the ground. Please do not bring drugs or drug
paraphernalia to this meeting. The restroom is past the kitchen, down the

Our group has its monthly business meeting the Thursday before our Area
Service Committee meeting, which is usually held the fourth Sunday of the
month. At our business meeting, we discuss a variety of issues of
importance to the group. Please consider attending.

It has been our experience that having a home group raises our recovery to
a higher level. It gives us an opportunity to become a part of, to be of
service, and to develop relationships with other recovering addicts so that
we may share in the therapeutic value of “one addict helping another”. If
you do not have a home group or are looking for one, we would love to
have you be a part of our family here at “Courage to Change”.

May we have a GSR report? A literature report? A treasurer’s report?

Are there any NA related announcements?

I want to take this moment to thank _______________ for leading

(speaking at) our meeting tonight.

We will take a ten minute break; help yourself to refreshments on the table,
and please return from the break at __________.

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