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Geographically, the USA is among the largest world countries, it is also a

varied country containing rivers (the misicipy river), Mountain (rocky and
Appalachian mountains), in the midland we have desert.

Culturally speaking the US is the most diverse (melting pot or salad

bowl?). US contains a diversity of races and ethnicities. Ethnicity is an umbrella
cover term. White, Afro-American, Hispanics from Latin Americans, Asian
(Chinese, corean, Indian, Pakistanis). Red Indians, Jewish, Arab comminities.
The US has always been a super power in economy, Scientific research.
Military, technology and the media. The US is the third largest country with
approximately 324M. The US is located in North America with the Atlantic
Ocean on the East and the Pacific Ocean on the west.

The US is a democracy, a federal republic,made up of 50 states. The US is

a constitution-based nation, Washington D.C.(district of columbia) is the federal

Federalism is a political system consisting of a federal government. Each

state has its own local government or state government. Culturally and socially,
the US is the most diverse/varied: there is a plurality/multiplicity of races ,
ethnicities, cultures, religions. The white are the most dominant, they control
government or politics, out of 46 presidents one is non-white (Bark Obama) ,
they control politics, Economy, Business...

American white culture is the most dominant not only in the US, but all
over the world: brands such as Coca cola, MacDonald, Microsoft, Apple are the
most consumed world wild. American cultural products are the most
disseminated universally.

After the white, we have large minorities namely Hispanics who

originates from latin America. Afro-American, followed by small minorities: the
first is chinese minority, Asian, Arabs, and Jewish, without neglecting Natives/
Indigenous (red Indian).

The new land was supposedly discover by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

The declaration of independence in July 4, 1776 is the most powerful political
document in US history; It was drafted by Thomas Jefferson as the declaration
of independence from the British Crown, the core of the US was founded by 13
colonies/states in the eastern part of the Newland with George Washington as
the first president. The first American colonies: Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland,
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, these are the states which
declared independence, paving the way to a powerful big Nation. Another
significant but tragic event in US history was the civil war (1861-1865), this is
the first and last civil war in the US history, the north was based on Industry,
Banking, Business.

The south on the other hand, was mostly based on agriculture which was
vital for their economy. The south economy depends on big fields which were
called plantations of tobacco and cotton, these agricultural system needed labour
force which was scarse or limited, the scarcity of labour force paved the way to
slavery: Americans started to bring labour from Africa who will become slaves
by the white Man, at that time between 17th and 19th century there was an
active slave trade between Africa and the New land.

Slaves were bought and sold, kidnapped (taken by force), they were
transported in dehumanasing conditions on what was called Slave ships to the
New land; consequently, slavery was rooted in the southern economic and social
system. The more slaves you have, the more economic and social prestige you
have. It is assumed that the civil war was caused by slavery: the north was
strongly opposes to slavery this is why the war ended by the defeat of the south
and the abolition of slavery by the famous American president Abraham Lincoln
in 1865. Slaves became free individuals. The became free citizens, but they were
intangled in another turmoil/turmult of racism, discrimination and segregation.

These are the most powerful historical catalystic events which

transformed, we must also underline the post war period (the second world war),
in which the US became a super power, facing the USSR in what was called the
cold war since that time the US hegemony or dominance has never faded /wane.
Ethnic and racial diversity in USA:
The USA is a length of emigration par excellence , it has always been
hosting many races and cultures from all over the globe. All Americans
originate from immigration except Afro-Americans, who were brought by force
to the new land to work in plantation as slaves. The US has been receiving
multiple waves of emigrants from Asia, Europe, Africa and South America, and
the middle east. Immigrants to the USA have been motivated by economic,
social, educational and political reasons. Most emigrants seek better
opportunities, which the US offers. Some seek political asylum/refuge or
freedom, for example palestenian, Iraqi, syrian , cuban, who flee political and
social instability in their countries. For example, between 1870 and 1930, more
than 30M emigrants poured in the USA. Immigration did metamorphose the
social and cultural fabric of the USA.

The USA is indeed mostly refer to as a melting pot or salad bowl. These
two metaphors connote ethnic racial and cultural pluralism/ diversity in the
USA; however, we must take into consideration the Nuance between the two
terms. Melting pot: the verb to melt means total dissolution or harmony. Salade
bowl means multiple ingredients in one bowl, but each one keeps identity.

The US is a land if immigration, all US citizens have an immigration

stock(origine), except for Afro-Americans and a Red- Indians, this concept of
immigration has yielded/generated multiculturalism, ethnic,and racial diversity.
America has been hosting all the worlds, cultures, races, religions...Which
means that the USA is the most culturally and racially diversed... Racial
diversity is plainly/obviously noticeable or visible in US social fabric
(communities, states, public space, business and work places).

At the beginning of immigration, most settlers were white of English,

Irish and German origine or descent (Anglo-Saxons) mostly in the East. Starting
from the eighteenth century Africans were compelled/coerced to immigrate as
slaves to work on white Man's plantation. In the 19th century the USA
experienced an industrial revolution which lead to an economic
prosperity/boom. This economic rise attracted Europeans who were seeking for
better opportunities in the New land, some immigrants were motivated by
economy for example Irish escaped famine or starvation in their land others had
religious motives, such as German protestant they were also called puritans
whose aim was to purify the English church. By the 20th century emigrants were
stimulated by the search for political freedom and the escape from the 1st and
2nd World Wars(polish, Jewish). Chinese began to pour in the new land in mid
19th century to work as labour force. Most immigrants conceive the USA a land
of dream, a land of freedom and above all a land of economic opportunities(El
Dorado). "The American dream" has been a culture for both American and new
immigrants. Nowadays, some sceptics have announced the end of American

In 1776, a new nation was created made up by emigrants the new culture
started to take a shape. American culture was determined by white middle class
people who came mainly from Britain and were Protestant "The WASP"(White
Anglo Saxon Protestant s) , they are the dominant race and culture in the During
the process of immigration politicians attempted to assimilate a new
immigration in jobs , houses, education ,so as to maintain social stability and
respond to the need/requirements of this cultural and racial plurality; however,
social assimilation has not always been success: mainly because of racism,
discrimination and segregation that have been inflicted on minorities namely
Afro-Americans, Asian and recently Muslims (Islamophobia).

The US has always been boiling concerning question of race and faith, for
example Hollywood movies have been entangled in the race issue:the white
Man is represented as a hero showing moral and physical power, against the
native or Afro-American other who are represented as evil, savage and
primitives. There has been a systematic evolution of immigration and
assimilation in the USA. Immigrans have gained more rights , more social status
(for example barak Obama the first Afro-American President).

There is a debate Vis-à-vis the concepts melting pot and salad bowl, there
is a tendency to prefer salad bowl not melting pot. The US is the land or nation
that host multiple cultures and races, but each one of these keeps its own
differences and identity, this the meaning of salad bowl metaphor. The concept
melting pot is no more convenient/appropriate to describe cultural differences
existing in American society, for example Afro-Americans have combatted to
keep their own distinct culture and identity that originate from their African
roots, Jazz and blues are Afro-American style par excellence. Native Indians
represent a small minority, most of which live in tribes called reservations.
American Chinese are represent through China town which is scattered in most
American states.
American political system
Political, the USA is a federal republic by constitution, there is a clear cut
seperation between federal government and state government.

Some principals of American politics:

1- Popular sovereignty: the government works according to people's

consent/approval through vote or election which is the practice of democracy.

2-Limited government: the government functions are restricted and

codefied by the Constitution to avoid abuse of of power, this called check and
balance, check refers to the control of the government works and balance refers
to the equilibrium between the three branches of power, the executive, the
legislative and judiciary.

Executive: president and government (the president lives in the

white house)
The legislative: the parliament or the congress(house of
representatives and the senate).
Judiciary : we have supreme court and federal court.

NB :checks and balances: every Branch has the power or authority

(prerogative) to check and control other branches to make sure that all branches
are equal in powers. This is the work of democracy.

 Federalism: in federal system power is devided between national

and state government local or state affairs are managed by state
government such as transportation, education, hospitals, public
spaces. On the other hand, military, treasury, foreign Policy are
managed by the federal government.
 The American parliament is called the congress, it's bicomeral
composed of the senate and House of representatives, in the senate
we have 100 senators which means w for each state; however,
representativeness in the house of representatives depends on the
size of each state, the more population the more members.
 The white house: it's the symbol of the American power.
 Democracy: the president prerogatives or authorities is restricted by
the constitution and the supreme constitution which is the higher
law in the USA.
 Election are held every r years.
 The president can stay in office for two terms which means 8 years
 the president works in collaboration with his government or his
cabinet. His powers concerning national issues are restricted by the
constitutions. In the USA there is secretary of state, almost all
president were white except Barack Obama. American politics has
always been a white-dominant issue with few exceptions such as
condaliisa Rice and colon powel, who were non white American
politician .

American cultural values are based on equality, human right, life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness , these principles were set up by the founding fathers
such as thomas Jefferson and Jorge Washington, these common values are
shared by American citizens, they hold the nation to gather .

1- Individual freedom and self-reliance: is the most basic cultural value

that unifies Americans. Individualism is the right to act freely, to control one's
destiny without external interference. In the usa citizens have the right to decide
for their life, education, their work, and faith. The spirit of free interprise is very
dominant in American business and economy for example: Google, amazon,
Apple, Microsoft, Facebook. These values have shaped American culture and
society. Immigrants must adapt to these values for their survival. Failure is not
accepted in the USA.

2-Self-reliance: Americans are all together conscious of self-reliance or

self dependent, your life, destiny, social promotion, all depend on your had work
and productivity. Americans believe in pragmatism, optimism, "American

3-Equality of opportunity and competition: in the usa every individual

has the opportunity to succeed whatever his race/origine or religion. Social
success is endowed on the individual, it is the person's duty to succeed.
4-Material wealth and hard work: American people believe in material
wealth or success, they work hard to achieve a better life(this is pragmatism).

5-Hard work is one of the most American powerful values, the concept
of hard work has been inculcated by the founding fathers by writers and
philosophers, hard work is conceived as worship or religious duty, the person's
social status depends on their hardwork.

Higher education in the USA:

The core principle in the USA:

1-Independence/autonomy: Universities and colleges are not controlled by

the government, they have their each own system and board, staff or
administration, they are degree awarding.

2- Competitiveness: higher education in the USA is very competitive, it is

not always easy to access highly reputed universities, you need skills, charisma,
community spirit or service,cost.

3- All private and state universities, the cheapest are called community
colleges: 2 year study. American Universities vie for highly competitive
students. American universities are de-centralised, they are not based on the
central government. American universities offer opportunities/diversity/

Opportunities: courses allow students to integrate in the job market.

Diversity in courses/ choises/ curriculars activities.

Social mobility: students have the chance or the freedom to change their
institutions, they are approximately 6500 institutions, with 16M students.

1st year students: freshman

2nd year students: sophomore

Degree awarding institutions are divided into three groups.

1-community colleges: they are public two-year institutions, they are

supposed to prepare students for four year institutions or to integrate job market.

2- Public four-year colleges and universities.

3- Private universities which are the most expensive as they offer quality

☺ Finance:

One of the major challenges facing higher education in the USA is cost.
Cost is covered by parents, next students by part time job,then scholarship paid
by state and federal government, donation by non-profit organisations or by
companies, another sort of cost is loan from banks, Obama was paying his loan
till he become a president. These are the major university incomes or revenues.
One of the perennial questions in American higher education finance is how
much of the cost of education should be borne by government, and how much
by students and families.

☺ The curriculum and degrees:

The bachelor degree (B.A) is the most common in higher education, it's
prepare students for job market or post graduate study. Master(M.A) degree is
another type, it's offer professional or vocational/ theoretical studies such as
humanities. Professional degree such as low , medecine, engineering.

Last is doctoral degree (Phd) is the highest degree, it is mostly based on

conducting independent research.

☺ Curriculum/syllabus:

In the USA students study common courses in the first and second year
(such as mathematics,arts, humanities :are common courses) . In the third and
fourth year students choose a major field of study which is called: Major.

Assessment: in America assessment based on credit, for example to get

your B.A you need 160 credits.

American higher education is the most reputed and prestigious all over the
world, scientific research in the USA is sponsored by federal government, state
government, religious communities, companies and banks.

Most reputed American Universities are research based. Scientific

Research is the vital value of these universities. Most compuses are huge, you
can find between 100 to 200 buildings, space for study/sport/entertainment. The
most popular sports are: soccer/ American football/swimming. Theatre for arts,
painting, all those activities are called creative skills.
Most universities have a partnership with companies and interprise.

« American believe in doing not being. »

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