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9/14/23, 7:08 AM Assignment

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Organizational Risk Assessment

Assignment Introduction and Learning Goals

The purpose of this assignment is for teams of students to identify, assess, and respond to risks experienced by a Canadian organization in the industry provided to you by your Professor.

Course Learning Outcomes Addressed

1.) Apply risk management concepts to the major categories of risk within an organization.
2.) Contrast enterprise risk management with the traditional risk management approach.
3.) Categorize and identify the loss prevention techniques that can be used by an organization.
4.) Apply loss prevention techniques to operational and/or supply chain risk.
5.) Explain other key concepts of risk management that need to be understood.

Assignment Value
The value of this group assignment is 60%. This group assignment has four parts; Part A is the proposal and is worth 10%, Part B is the Risk Assessment and is worth 15%, Part C is the Risk Management
Plan and is worth 15%, and Part D is the Presentation worth 20%. Please note: The content is marked as a group (10%) and the delivery is marked as an individual student (10%).

Please note: Cognitive offloading tools (like Artificial Intelligence) are not allowed for this assignment. If they are used to complete this assignment, the Academic Integrity policy will apply.

Assignment Instructions
A group of four to six students will begin by selecting an organization in the Canadian industry provided by your Professor. It is required that groups receive their Professor's approval via email before
proceeding with the assignment.
Each group is required to choose an organization that is different from the organizations that the other groups have selected. In other words, two groups may not select the same organization. If two groups
have selected the same organization then the issue will be decided on a first come first serve basis by the Professor.
It is also an option that your Professor may select the team members forming the groups and assign a company to the team, please check with your Professor before confirming.
The assignment needs to be completed with use of the course and textbook content but other sources are also required. Remember that all sources of information must have in-text citations and
references according to APA 7th Edition Guide (posted in the ‘Student Resources’ folder FOL course site). Both the report and presentation slides must indicate all sources of information that are not original
to the group or it will result in an academic offence.
The FOL Group page contains, members, company, discussions and locker for group files. Each group member will work with and use the FOL tools on the group page. Each and every student will
participate and post their individual work and files in the locker and communicate questions and schedules in the discussion tab. The team R&R matrix and group contract will also be posted in the locker for
all group members to have access and read. The leader of the group will also monitor and and use this medium to produce the and post the single group submission.
Project Scenario:
After graduating from Fanshawe College the members of your group have obtained employment with an established Risk Management Consulting firm with expertise in modelling Enterprise Risk
Management Frameworks and Processes for a wide assortment of organizations.
The enterprise-wide risk assessment requires business units to review supply chain and/or operations risks. This approach to identification, analysis and assessment of risks ensures they are managed,
controlled, and monitored. This process considers a broad spectrum of risks, including those relating to compliance, hazard, control & opportunity. The causes and the consequences of each risk are
considered and, where appropriate, linked to strategic and tactical objectives.
Management controls to monitor and mitigate risks are documented. Risk owners are assigned to each risk. The risk response is based upon the assessment of potential risk (loss) exposure and the level
of acceptable tolerance. The response reflects whether the organization accepts the risk based on its assessed level of exposure and mitigating controls currently in place, where possible, or reduce the risk
through additional mitigation to bring it in line with required levels of tolerance.
As with any business, the chosen organization faces risks and uncertainties daily. It is the effective management of these that places them in a better position to be able to achieve their strategic objectives
and to embrace opportunities as they arise.

Your task as a Consultant is advising the organization on an overall risk appetite, tolerance, and strategy.
Your primary task is to use the Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Process and apply it to the organization that your group has selected.
Part A - Organizational Risk Proposal (10% of course grade)
Each group needs to submit following:
• Proposal - single-spaced, 12-point font, and maximum 8 ~ 10 pages in length including the cover page, table of contents, Questions, R&R Matrix, Group Contract / Charter and Bibliography.
Part B - Organizational Risk Assessment (15% of course grade)
Each group needs to submit the following:
• Report – single-spaced, 12-point font, and at least 8 ~ 10 pages in length including the Updated cover page, table of contents, R&R Matrix, Group Contract, Risk Register and Map, References and

Part C - Organizational Risk Management Plan (15% of course grade)

Each group needs to submit the following:

Report – single-spaced, 12-point font, and at least 8 ~ 10 pages in length including the Updated cover page, table of contents, R&R Matrix, Group Contract, Risk Register and Map, References and

Part D - Organizational Risk Presentation (20% of course grade) ( The grading is in two forms group content and Individual participation)
• Presentation - create and deliver an 8-10 minute presentation summarizing your report. (Please note: The date and time will be determined by the Professor and the group.) Groups will be asked to
respond to questions. The entire group should know about the whole project, not just in the area that they wrote.

Due Date
Refer to the course calendar for the due dates for the 4 parts of this assignment.

How to Submit your Assignment

Submit the part of the assignment to the appropriate folder.

Grading Criteria
The late policy in the course outline will be applied to any late submissions.
Part A marking guideline

1. Cover page & table of contents (including student names and student IDs) (5 marks)
2. Identification and introduction to the organization selected for the assignment (5 marks)
3. The reason(s) your group selected that organization for the assignment (5 marks)
4. In-text citations & references in APA 7th edition format (5 marks) 1/2
9/14/23, 7:08 AM Assignment
5. Team Contract / Charter and Responsibility matrix – included and updated in each submission document using the template (MGMT-6083%20Responsibility%20Matrix%20Template.xlsx?
isCourseFile=true&_&d2lSessionVal=hEkDkhzS1YSx2EtNgfm9pHGHa&ou=1500833) (5 marks)
Part B marking guideline

Continue adding to your Part A

Each group needs to submit the following:

The Risk Assessment shall be based on at least two supply chain and or operations risks from each of the four risk categories (page 17 of your textbook). The following components will each be worth
5 marks for a total of 60 marks.
1. Cover page & table of contents (5 marks)
2. Update Introduction of the organization, including risk categories (5 marks)
3. Compliance Risks (5 marks)
4. Hazard Risks (5 marks)
5. Control Risks (5 marks)
6. Opportunity Risks (5 marks)
7. Conclusion (5 marks)
8. Risk Register and a Risk Map (see MGMT-6083 Risk Register & Risk Map Templates (/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou=1500833&type=content&rcode=FANSHAWE-
5536916)) using the eight risks identified in Part B (5 marks)
9. Updated Team Contract / Charter and Risk Roles & Responsibilities Matrix template (MGMT-6083 Responsibility Matrix Template (/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?
ou=1500833&type=content&rcode=FANSHAWE-5537819)) (5 marks)
10. APA 7th edition (in-text citations & references) (5 marks)
11. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization (5 marks)
12. Layout (5 marks)

Part C marking guideline

Continue adding to your Part A & Part B.

The Risk Management Plan shall be based on the following steps and the group’s content will be laid as per the following order. Each component will be worth 5 marks for a total of 60 marks.
1. Cover page & table of contents (5 marks)
2. Executive Summary (5 marks)
3. Introduction (5 marks)
4. Compliance Risks - responses and treatments (5 marks)
5. Hazard Risks - responses and treatments (5 marks)
6. Control Risks - responses and treatments (5 marks)
7. Opportunity Risks - responses and treatments (5 marks)
8. Risk Register and a Risk Map (see MGMT-6083 Risk Register & Risk Map Templates (/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou=1500833&type=content&rcode=FANSHAWE-
5536916)) using the eight risks identified in Part B (5 marks)
9. Updated Team Contract / Charter and Responsibility matrix – see MGMT-6083 Responsibility Matrix Template (/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?
ou=1500833&type=content&rcode=FANSHAWE-5537819) (5 marks)
10. APA 7th edition (in-text citations & references) (5 marks)
11. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization (5 marks)
12. Layout (5 marks)

Part D marking guideline

Your Presentation is a summary of your Report in Part C

Presentation content will be evaluated out of 70 marks as per the following distribution:

Please note: The content of the presentation will be marked as a group.

1. Opening content - including cover, agenda, executive summary and introduction to the organization (10 marks)
2. Risk identification and analysis relevant to Supply Chain & Operations - Students identified risks, assessed risks, and proposed responses to these risks, and evaluating effectiveness of these
responses offered. (10 marks)
3. Risk register and matrix (10 marks)
4. Risk treatment and responses relevant to Supply Chain & Operations - Students stated how the risks were identified, assessed and the proposed responses can address and improve supply chain &
operations of the organization. (10 marks)
5. Application of course and textbook content (10 marks)
6. In-text citations and references (APA 7th edition) (10 marks)
7. Format including layout, font, graphics, spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization (10 marks)

Presentation delivery will be evaluated out of 20 marks as per the following distribution:

Please note: The delivery of the presentation will be marked as an individual student.

1. Professional appearance (5 marks)

2. Pace, tone, clarity (5 marks)
3. Social intelligence while presenting (eye contact, listening, etc.) (5 marks)
4. Social intelligence when teammates are presenting (eye contact, listening, etc.) (5 marks)

Assignment Resources and Links

Resource help from Owl Writing Lab: APA Style ( (
Explore Fanshawe's library. Use the Research Guides, Databases, and eJournal to start your research. Fanshawe Library and Media Services ( 2/2

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