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The Summary

From English 101 Live Session

Week 1

Students will learn how to takes note effectively, write summaries with their own words,
identify and correct grammatical error in their writing. So students can write notes and improve
their grammar while reading.
To make a good notes, students must know how to make a good and proper study
environment, so they can enjoy their study time. Note taking is essential for succes in class, as
teacher may ask spesific questions that are not found in the text book.
Taking notes helps to extend students attention span, keep students focused on the subject
area and remember what they have heard or read, it also helps to use multiple senses and activities
so that can make the students as an active learner. Good notes should arrange topics into easy to
review chunks of information that are clear and well referenced. Write down relevant facts,
opinions, and examples to help jog memory, and use shortcuts such as abbreviations, symbol and
drawings to draw attention to important points.
The most details are to survey, read, recall, review, and write down the main points of
reading, organize and store notes in well labeled folders and file them according to week, topic or
Indented outlining method is best for science classes, as it eliminates the need for numbers,
letters, or roman numerals or decimals to indicate major or minor points. Outlining records content
and relationships, reduce editing, as is easy to review, however it requires more thought in class
and may not show relationships by sequences. But this system cannot used if the lecture is too fast.

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