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Dosen Pengampu :
Maisa Wetry, M. Pd.




Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillahi Robbil Aalamiin, Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT
for the abundance of His grace and grace that we were able to complete this paper
entitled "Taharah" on time. This paper was compiled to fulfill one of the Reading
text course assignments.
For the completion of this paper, we would like to thank Mrs. Maisa Wetry,
M.Pd. As a lecturer in the Text Reading course who has guided and educated us to
become knowledgeable people. In preparing this paper, we realize that it is still far
from perfect.
Therefore, we do not close ourselves off from readers from suggestions and
constructive criticism in order to improve and increase the quality of the preparation
of papers in the future. We hope that this paper can provide benefits for readers.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Palembang, 22 February 2024

Club 1


A. Background of the Problem

Thaharah is very important material that must be taught to future

generations, especially in school education. Thaharah is one of the small
scopes of fiqh material, where tharah is material that contains Islamic rules
in everyday life, especially matters cleanliness and purity of body, clothing,
or place. Even though it is often underestimated, it has a big influence on
life, because thaharah is related to worship.1
Thaharah from all hadats, both small hadats and large hadats. In the
Islamic view, people who junub or bathe after having sexual relations with
their husband's wife or whose semen is impure and want to pray must bathe
first. Likewise with people who fart, in the Islamic view, if they want to
pray, they must perform ablution first. 2Thaharah is basically an act of
worship that includes all other acts of worship. Without thaharah, it is
impossible to carry out valid worship because the worship performed by a
servant must be in a clean and holy condition to achieve perfection of
Thaharah is purification from hadas and uncleanness. This thaharah
is not limited. clean the body. Being pure from hadas means doing it by
performing ablution, tayammum, and bathing, while being pure from
uncleanness means removing dirt from the body, clothes and places. Tharah
is a religious command to purify oneself from hadas and uncleanness.

Fivie Kustiani dan Basuki, “Studi Analisis Materi Thaharah Dalam Kitab Maba>
Di’alFiqhiyyah Karya Umar Abdul Jabbar Dan Kontribusinya Sebagai Sumber Belajar Dalam Buku
Ajar Mata Pelajaran Fikih Kelas Vii Madrasah Tsanawiyah Edisi 2019,” Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Aktual 2, no. 1 (2023).
amaluddin, “Fiqh Al-Bi’ah Ramah Lingkungan: Konsep Thaharah Dan Nadhafah Dalam
Membangun Budaya Bersih,” Pemikiran Keislaman 29, no. 2 (2018).

B. Problem Formulation
The problem formulation that will be discussed in this paper is as follows:
1. What is meant by thaharah?
2. What is the meaning of major hadast and minor hadast?
3. What are the various types of thaharah and how are they done?
4. What is the meaning of najis and various types of najis?
C. Goals
The purpose of writing this paper is as follows:
1. To know about thaharah.
2. To find out big hadast and small hadast
3. To know the various types of thaharah and how to do them
4. To know the feces and various types of feces


A. Understanding Thaharah
Thaharah (purification) according to the language means being clean
and cleansing oneself from hissiy (sensory) dirt such as impurity and
ma'nawi dirt such as physical and non-physical defects (disgrace).
Meanwhile, according to sharia', thaharah is something that is mandatory
for performing prayers such as ablution, bathing, tayammum and removing
other unclean things. There are several types of thaharah, namely ablution
to remove small hadats, bathing to remove large hadats and tayamum to
replace ablution in certain circumstances. 3
The definition of Thaharah according to the term is to purify oneself
from uncleanness and hadas that hinder prayer and similar acts of worship
with water, earth, dust and stones. Purifying oneself is not limited to the
body but also includes clothes and places. Taharah is an important part of
Islam which means cleanliness or purity of a Muslim both physically and
mentally. Holy is wrong. One condition for the validity of prayer is that if
one's thoharoh is perfectly pure then charity will be accepted. Being moved
is basically not heavy material, it's just that the consequences are fatal if a
Muslim doesn't understand and implement it correctly, because it can affect
the quality of worship.4
As for the arguments concerning taharah in surah al-Baqarah verse
222. That is, which reads:
‫ إن هللا يُحِ ب الت َّ َّوابِين ويُحِ ب ا ْل ُمتط ِه ِرين‬Latin: Innallāha yuhibbut-tawwābīna wa
yuhibbul-mutatahhirin. Meaning: Indeed, Allah loves those who repent and
loves those who purify themselves.

Daryanto et al., “Pengabdian Masyarakat: Implementasi Thaharah (Bersuci) Dalam
Kehidupan Sehari-hari Di Pondok Pesantren Lailatul Qodar,” Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat 4, no. 1

Apart from that, in a hadith narrated by Muslim, Rasulullah SAW,
"Allah does not accept prayers that are not accompanied by purification."
Thaharah is an important part of Islam, meaning clean or holy as a Muslim,
both physically and mentally. Purity is one of the conditions for the validity
of prayer, so that if you are perfectly pure (thaharah) then your deeds will
be accepted. Thaharah is basically not heavy material, it's just that the
consequences are fatal if it is. a Muslim does not understand and implement
it correctly, because it can affect the quality of worship. 5
Among the acts of worship that have conditions include prayer,
which has conditions, namely Islam, puberty, reason, and so on. And
another example, if we are going to perform prayer, the condition for
performing this prayer is that we must be free from all uncleanness and from
hadats, both large hadats and small hadats. The quality of the reward of
worship is also problematic if a person's personal cleanliness and purity
from hadats or uncleanness is not yet perfect. Then this worship will not be
accepted. This means that cleanliness and purity from uncleanness and
hadats is a must for every human being who will perform worship,
especially prayer, reading the Koran, going on the Hajj, and so on. 6
From the explanation above, the presenter concludes that the
meaning of thaharah is to purify and sanctify, whether in the form of body
parts, clothing, and the place that will be used, especially in terms of
worship. This thaharah is also very important in Islam because in order to
purify, for Muslims before performing worship they must be obliged to
purify themselves from hadast, be it their body, clothes or place. worship.
Muslims are very conscientious and pay great attention to cleanliness when
performing their worship.

Puti Yasmin, “Pengertian Thaharah dalam Islam dan Macam-macamnya,” detikcom,
Imran Mashadi, “Pendidikan dan Pengetahuan Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Dalam Perspektif
Islam,” Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Keislaman 2, no. 1 (2022).

B. Big Hadast and Small Hadast
Hadast is In Islam, purification is called thaharah. According to the
term figh, thaharah is purifying with tools and methods that have been
determined by the syara' to remove all impurity and hadas, 7 everything that
causes the ablution to be invalid and thus making the prayer invalid, hadast
is divided into two, namely:
1) Hadast Asghar (Little Hadas)
In (Arabic: ‫ ( الحدة األصغر‬is something that cancels ablution or a
situation that happens to a person due to the invalidity of ablution that
causes him to be prevented from performing practices that are required
by ablution. Fukaha (a jurist) has divided hadas into Hadas Akbar and
Hadas Asghar. What they mean by hadas asghar (small hadas) is
something that cancels ablution. These things include: Passing urine,
stool, passing gas, sleeping with which the eyes do not see and the ears
do not hear, things which removes the mind (such as madness,
2) Hadast is big
It is the hadast that must be purified by bathing while the small hadas
is the hadast that can be purified by ablution or tayammum only.
Tayamum can be chosen to purify oneself with notes when one is
prevented from drinking water. Examples of major hadas are
menstruation, junub, childbirth and ejaculation. Taking a bath to clean
yourself from hadas is called a mandatory bath or a large bath. A
mandatory bath or a large bath is done in a way distribute all the water
to all parts of the body. Examples of minor hadas are urination,
defecation, or air coming out of the anus.9
Apart from the definition above, Nasaruddin Razak also expressed
the opinion that Thaharah is a non-negotiable necessity, it must be

Patmawati, “Peningkatan Hasil Belajar PAI Materi Bersuci Dari Hadas Kecil Melalui
Metode Demonstrasi Pada Peserta Didik,” Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 1, no. 1 (2021).
“Hadas,” Wikipedia, 2023,
Syiah Wiki, “Hadas Kecil,” 2023,

carried out according to the pillars and conditions. In this sense not
only. The focus of purification is on worship alone, but purification is
also an activity that is rational in nature. From the understanding and
opinions of these experts, there are different points of view, but in
principle the goal is the same, namely purification from hadas and

C. Types of Thaharah and How to do it

There are three types of thaharah from hadast, namely bathing,
ablution, and. tayammum. The tool used for bathing and ablution is water,
while soil (dust) is used for tayammum. In this case, the water must be pure
and purifying or is called pure water, while the soil/dust must meet several
specified conditions. The matter of purification includes several matters as
1) Purification tools such as water, soil, etc.
2) Kaifiat (way) to purify.
3) Kinds and types of feces that need to be purified.
4) Things that must be purified.
5) Reasons or circumstances that make it obligatory to purify.11
a. The procedures for performing ablution or pillars of ablution are as
1. Intention
2. Wash the face
3. Ash both hands up to the elbows
4. Wipe part of the head or hair
5. ash both feet up to the ankles in an orderly and

Raisha Husna Siregar dan Dedy Surya, “Peningkatan Pemahaman Mensucikan Najis di
Lantai dan Pakaian pada Ibu Rumah Tangga,” Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat 7,
no. 1 (2023).

6. sequential manner. 12
Ablution is a direct order from Allah SWT written in the Koran
as a way to purify before carrying out it. pray. However, if examined
from the dimension of the Shari'a, the ablution procedures taught by
Rasulullah Saw apparently contain wisdom and secrets hidden in
them. Previous studies have proven that performing ablution in
accordance with the guidelines taught by the Prophet Muhammad
can actually provide physical and psychological benefits to humans.
Wudhu itself contains two aspects of cleanliness; namely birth
hygiene in the form of washing human body parts, and cleanliness.
The mental impact of ablution on humans is in the form of cleansing
from mistakes and sins committed by body members. 13
b. Junub bath
The definition of bathing according to language is pouring water
on something. Meanwhile, the term obligatory bathing (al-Ghuslu)
means pouring water over the entire body evenly and in a
predetermined manner.14 Here are some things you need to know
about mandatory bathing after menstruation or wet dreams.
The procedure for bathing Junub involves certain steps, including
the intention to bathe obligatory either because of semen discharge,
sexual intercourse or after menstruation, reciting bismillah at the
beginning of bathing, cleaning dirt that is still attached to the body,
performing ablution before bathing, rubbing the whole body with
hands, running water all over the body and giving priority to the right
over the left and in sequence. Junub bathing should be done with full

Eti Robiatul Adawiah, Ima Muslimatul Amanah, dan Yurna Yurna, “Implementasi
Thaharah Dalam Mengelola Hidup Bersih Dan Berbudaya,” Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter 1, no. 4
Diah Kusumawardani, “Makna Wudhu dalam Kehidupan Menurut Al-Qur’an dan
Hadits,” Jurnal Riset Agama 1, no. 1 (2021).
Afiyah et al., “Evaluasi Pengenalan Tata Cara Berwudhu Dalam Pengembangan
Pendidikan Agama Islam Melalui Media Gambar pada Kelompok B Di Era Asiah Kota Pekanbaru,”
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini 2, no. 1 (2019).

sincerity and reverence.15 and wet all parts of the body without
exception with water.
c. Tayammum
Tayamum is a form of purifying oneself without using water if
there is no water around us. The Islamic religion relieves its people
by using sand or dust. Linguistically, tayamum means al-Qashd Wa
Altawajjuh which means and directs. Apart from that, the purpose
of tayammum is to eliminate small hadas in the body.16 Tayamum
is a way to purify yourself when there is no water. From this we can
learn the lesson that in whatever circumstances we must always
maintain our personal cleanliness and purity.17
Performing ablution and tayammum is not only done by normal
people, but for sick people who are not allowed to be exposed to
water, they can do tayammum, as well as blind children, the
obligation to pray cannot be abandoned, and must still be carried
out and carried out according to the time specified when it starts
prayer time.18 The procedure for bertayamum is enough by blowing
dust, using clean sand or dust, facing the Qibla, the intention, then
wiping the dust on the face and the entire ladder starting from the
sole of the ladder to the elbow is complete.19

Dedy Novriadi dan Nilda Susilawati, “Pedampingan Praktik Ibadah Thaharah Bagi Guru
Dan Tenaga Kependidikan,” Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 3, no. 1 (2021).
Ni’mah Wahyuni et al., “Pentingnya Pembelajaran Tata Cara Shalat Dan Thaharah
Meliputi Wudhu, Tayamum Dan Mandi Wajib,” Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademik 1, no. 4
Andrianto, “Penggunaan Tayamum Untuk Melaksanakan Shalat Fardhu Di Tempat
Pemberhentian Bus Dalam Perjalanan Lampung Ke Medan Menurut Hukum Islam,” Jurnal Syariah
dan Hukum Islam 2, no. 2 (2023).
Anifatul Latifah, Sigit Tri Utomo, dan Faizah, “Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Materi
Tayamum Dengan Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Picture And Picture,” Jurnal
Kependidikan Islam dan Keagamaan 4, no. 1(2022).
Kholis Firmansyah, Rina Dian Rahmawati, dan Ema Siti Nur Azizah, “Pedampingan
Pembelajaran Praktek Tayamum Dan Wudhu di TPQ,” Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 3, no. 1

D. Definition of uncleanness and its various types
Definition of Najis according to the Language Najis or najasah is
something that is considered dirty. While according to syar'a it is something
that is considered dirty that can prevent the validity of prayer.20 According
to Sayyid Sabiq, impurity is dirt that every Muslim must purify himself from
and purify what he touches.. While according to Iman Maliki. Impurity is
something that according to syar'i is forbidden to pray and wear clothes that
are affected by impurity or where there is impurity.21
Types of Uncleanness and Procedures for Washing Objects that are
Unclean Rasjid explains the procedures for washing objects that are unclean
as follows:
1) Najis Berat
Namely dog feces. The procedure for washing it must be washed
seven times. One of them must be washed with water mixed with soil.
This is according to the words of the Messenger of God, as narrated by
Abu Hurairah in Sahih Muslim Number 420.
2) Light feces (mukhaffafah)
Like the urine of a boy whose food is other than his mother's milk
(ASI). The method must be washed with a splash of water on things that
have been touched by faeces earlier. Even if the water does not flow.
For a girl's urine, the procedure for washing it is similar to washing the
urine of an adult. It must be washed until the water flows and the
appearance of feces and its nature disappear. This is according to the
words of the Messenger of God, as narrated by Umm Qais in Sahih
Bukhari Number 216 and Sunan Abu Daud Number 321.
3) Moderate feces (mutawassitah)
That is, apart from thick stools and light stools. This intermediate
impurity is divided into: First, the impurity of judgment. Still believe

Ibnu Asrori Najib dan Siti Sulaikho, Muro’atul Ibadah Fi At-Thoharoh Wa Sholat
(Jombang, Indonesia, 2021)
Alfisah et al., “Pandangan Mahasiswa Jpok Terhadap Najis Setelah Berolahraga,” Jurnal
Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya 1, no. 3 (2023).

there is. However, there does not appear to be any color, taste and
aroma, like urine that has been dry for a long time. So, the impurity has
disappeared in the form of color, taste and aroma. The procedure for
washing it on things that are affected by this faeces must be flowing
with enough water; and Second, Najis 'ainiyah. The color, taste and
aroma still appear to exist, except that it is too difficult to remove the
color or aroma. The impure nature of ainiyah is forgiven. The method
must be washed, until it loses its form, color, taste and aroma.22
Islam recommends always maintaining cleanliness both physically
and spiritually. Outward cleanliness is reflected in how Muslims always
purify themselves before they perform worship before Allah SWT. In
essence, the purpose of purification is so that Muslims avoid dirt or dust
that sticks to the body, thereby consciously or unintentionally canceling
our series of worship to Allah SWT.23 Uncleanness is what prevents a
person from worshiping Allah, such as being exposed to dog licks,
blood, feces/feces, and urine/urine. Unclean is definitely dirty. Dirty
does not necessarily mean unclean, for example: exposed to soil, ink,
paint and saliva. Clean or holy is divided into two, namely clean and
pure from hadas and clean and pure from unclean.24

Pani Akhiruddin Siregar, Wastika Ningrum, dan Suryani, “Ketentuan Hukum
Memperjualbelikan Kopi Luwak,” Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Islam 8, no. 1 (2023).
Mashadi, op. cit.
Patmawati, op. cit.


A. Conclusion
Tharah is holy or can be interpreted as purifying one's own tharah in
Islam. It plays a very important role in matters of worship because Muslims
really care for and pay attention to cleanliness, both body, clothing and
places of worship. Thaharah has tools or objects that humans use to purify
themselves, including water. Water is something that is mandatory for
Muslims to clean themselves. Apart from water, we can also use clean earth,
dust or sand to purify ourselves.
As for Uncleanness in this discussion of tharah, Uncleanness is dirt that
can be seen by the human senses, such as urine, blood, etc., which is
different from hadast. This uncleanness is classified into three, namely light
uncleanness, moderate uncleanness, and heavy uncleanness. The things that
must be done to remove this hadast are by purifying with water or clean dust
or sand. If the hadast is small then it can be cleaned using dust or water,
whereas if the hadast is large then it is preferable to use water.

B. Suggestion
Our advice is that we hope this paper is useful for all of us and
hopefully the lessons discussed can add insight to all of us and can be put
into practice in our daily lives. We realize that this paper is far from perfect,
therefore we apologize for any errors in this paper.


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