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Chapter Three

Los Angeles August 21, 2001

Youre sure its tonight? Cordelia asked, scanning a length of coastline with powerful binoculars. Positive, Angel groused, sniffing the wind. Nothing yet. So where is this Craggy guy? I thought you said he was gonna show by midnight. Cordelia sighed and handed Angel the binoculars. First of all, he muttered, its Kragan, not Craggy. Second of all... Angel trailed off raising the glasses, hell be here. Hes a creature of habit -- all the Old Ones are -- and hell show. I know it. You used to hang with this guy? Cordelia wondered. Long time ago, Angel replied, checking the beach slowly. When I wasnt such a nice guy, and I didnt have a soul. So was this good Angel or bad Angel were talking about? Cordelia asked. This would be bad Angel, he told her quietly. Cordelia nodded. In the two years she had been in Los Angeles, shed learned far more about Angels past than she had ever really wanted to know. And about a great myriad of creatures and demons and icky things that acted in all sorts of hideous ways. Thought I would leave this whole weirdo party when I booked from Sunnydale, she mused. Im more on the front line now then I ever was back then. So Im guessing youre not gonna take him to Starbucks for a latte, Cordelia ventured. Angel nodded in agreement. Im gonna make sure he doesnt get any ideas about getting too comfortable here. Cordelia glanced at the darkly handsome vampire. You guys are way territorial, you know that? Angel lowered the binoculars. Part of the package deal. Blood, no sunlight, no reflection, touchy about personal space. He handed the glasses back to Cordelia. What time is it? Eleven-forty, she replied, checking her watch. Youre running out of time. Hell be here, Angel repeated distantly. In his mind he could see the towering vampire, a great bald-headed mountain of a creature, with arms as thick as Cordelias legs and hardly any neck at all. He and Angelus had spread terror across eastern Europe for the better part of twenty years, until the gypsies had captured Angel and Kragan had vanished into the night after a botched rescue attempt. After that, Angel had been given a soul, and he wanted no part of anything to do with the big vampire. Youre sure hes coming on a boat, Cordelia half-asked, half-stated, squinting at the line of docks poorly illuminated by dingy old light fixtures. Several boats had been moored there, but nothing had moved since theyd arrived here just after sunset. Cordelia scoped out the area briefly, checking just to be sure. Nothing stirred. This is pretty dull, she thought, frowning. Hes definitely coming on a boat, Angel replied. He cant fly. Its too risky.

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And youre sure its here? she tossed out. Angel nodded. Pretty sure. Cordelia glanced at him again. Pretty sure? she echoed. Angel tapped her lightly on the shoulder. Binoculars, he muttered. Cordelia surrendered them quickly. Angel focused them on a dark shadow on the water. Barely more than a deep stain on the murky surface of the waves, Angel knew at once that what he saw was no trick of the light but rather a boat, one that moved silently toward shore. He handed the binoculars back to Cordelia. Show time, he announced. Where do you want me? Cordelia asked. Angel regarded her a moment. Cordelia could still be self-centered and difficult when she wanted, but when it came time for action, she became all business. He wondered briefly how he had never noticed that when they had lived in Sunnydale, and he realized that he hadnt had much contact with her. That, and I didnt have two years to train her. Just like we planned, he reminded her. Find someplace close to hide with the supplies. Make sure he doesnt have anyone else meeting him. And make sure you have a way back to the car. Angel paused a moment. This guys a killer, Cordelia. If things go bad, I want you out of here, understood? Cordelia raised an eyebrow. Dont have to tell me twice, she assured him. Angel nodded and the two of them rose up from the scrubby grass that had concealed them. Angel headed straight for the spot where he estimated Kragans boat would reach shore; Cordelia moved quickly toward an outcropping of rock conveniently located, for her purposes, near the walkway to the parking lot. She crouched behind it and opened the backpack, withdrawing a stake and a super-soaker filled with holy water. She made herself comfortable and raised the binoculars again, watching Angel; with her free hand she withdrew a tiny cell phone from her vest pocket and thumbed an autodial button. Go ahead, a voice on the other end spoke. Im in position. Angels ready. Ill page you if things get gross. Gotcha, the voice confirmed. Cordelia terminated the connection and watched through the spy glasses as the boat washed ashore, its dark prow creating a long furrow in the sand. Two figures jumped off and looked around; they seemed to spot Angel at once, and both drew pistols. Angel held his hands up, and one figure approached him. I know you dont know me, Angel told the goon. I used to run with Kragan before you were born. Hell be happy to see an old friend. Ill be the judge of that, the goon responded, showing his hunting face. Angel smiled evilly. I can play that game too, he said, his features distorting quickly into the wrinkled face of a vampire. And trust me, kids, you do not want to mess with Angelus. Angelus? the other goon spoke, lowering his weapon. Youre Angelus? Angel spread his hands. You callin me a liar? No, no! the second good replied hastily. Its just.... word has it you were killed by the Slayer. Angel chuckled. Do I look dead to you? The goon nodded no. Well then, Angel spoke. Wheres the big guy?

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Ill go get him, the second goon told Angel, hopping back up on the boat. In a moment he had vanished inside. Telly may buy your crap, the first goon said, but I dont. I never heard of ya. Angel shrugged. Your loss. He looked over the goons shoulder in the direction of the boat and waved. The goon turned to see the object of Angels attention. At that very second Angel drew a stake tucked in his belt near the small of his back and plunged it into the goons back. The vampire disintegrated, and Angel caught his gun before it hit the ground. He slipped the gun where he had hidden the stake and tossed the wood away. With one foot he casually mixed the goons ashes into the sand. Very smooth, Cordelia commented from her hiding place, still watching him through powerful lenses. Telly stopped momentarily when he reappeared on the boats deck. Wheres Fievel? he called out to Angel. Angel shrugged. I thought he was with you. Tellys yellow eyes narrowed, glancing around. Move, a voice behind Telly bellowed. Or Ill have you for dinner. The guard hopped off the boat on to the sand and moved in Angels general direction. Angel nodded at him and looked up at the deck of the boat. Christ, Id forgotten how big he was. Kragan stood there, hands on the rail of the boat, staring down at him. The big vampires face split in a grin, and he hopped over the side easily and landed on the sand. His shoulders looked as wide as a barn door, and Angel could almost feel himself shrink as the man-mountain approached him. Been a while, Angelus, Kragan growled. His basso voice sounded like thunder even when he spoke softly, and it still retained a touch of his Russian accent. Angel shrugged, eye level with Kragans chest. I had other things to do. Kragans dead yellow eyes narrowed. I wonder how you escaped those gypsies, yes? They had powerful enough magic to stop me. He stroked his goatee, and inhaled, wide nostrils quivering. You have the stink of life about you. Its from living in this city, Angel told him. You hang around so many humans, their smell gets everywhere. You cant get rid of it. Kragan nodded, eyeing Angel skeptically. What did you do to Fievel? Angel met the big vampires eyes. I didnt like him. Telly blanched. Kragan frowned. He came here with me all the way from Japan! All that time and you couldnt teach him how to respect his betters? Angel snapped. Getting soft, Kragan? Of course not, the tall vampire rumbled. Since when did you start caring about your twerps? Angel accused him. I reward loyalty, Kragan argued back. You should know that. Like the way you left me stuck with the gypsies? Angel hissed. Thats friendship for ya. I tried to free you, Kragan growled. The Kalderash had some powerful wizards. Dont I know it, Angel mused briefly. Gave me a soul. That never stopped you before. Kragan folded his massive arms and glowered down at Angel. Youre saying, what, I left you there on purpose? That I didnt care about you? Angel flinched inside. Here it comes. Thats exactly what Im saying, he barked at Kragan.

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Im sorry that you feel that way, Kragan spoke. Here I was hoping we could work together again. This is my town, Kragan, Angel warned him. I like it just the way it is. I dont need some eight foot loser sticking out like a sore thumb calling all kinds of attention to me here. Not with a Slayer nearby. A Slayer? Kragan boomed. All the more reason we should be allies, my Irish friend. Kragan, Angel told him, leave now. While you still can. The big Russian gazed down at Angel thoughtfully for a moment, gauging him; then he began to laugh, throwing his arms wide. You cur! he exclaimed. This is all for show, I see, isnt it? You dont want me on your turf. You have a nice little place here and you want all the eating for yourself! Something like that, Angel said dryly. Come now, Angelus, Kragan spoke. Dont be greedy. There are millions of humans here. More than enough for both of us. Last chance, Angel seethed. Get back on the boat and leave. Or what? Kragan asked. Or youll do what? Dammit, Angel thought. Vampires never listen to reason. Dont go there, Kragan. A fist the size of a frying pan backhanded Angel and sent him flying across the sand. I do what I want when I want! the Russian boomed. Not even the King speaks to me that way, Angelus. He moved toward Angel. You presume too much on friendship. Kragan grabbed Angel; the smaller vampire quickly drew the gun from his back and pointed up at his bald enemy. Let go, Kragan. This doesnt have to get ugly. Faster than even Angel could react, Kragans massive hand closed around the gun. A friend points a human weapon at me. This is already ugly. He closed his fist; Angel was forced to release the gun or risk having his fingers broken. Kragan tossed the gun aside. Now I teach you a lesson about manners, he boomed, throwing Angel away like a rag doll. Cordelia thumbed the autodial for a pager on her cell phone and snapped it shut. She grabbed the stake and the super-soaker and headed off across the beach in Angels direction. Would you look at the size of that guy? she thought as she circled around behind the bodyguard, her long braid flapping against her back as she ran across the sand. I hope Angel knows what hes doing. Cordelia closed in on the smaller vampire guard; as she neared him, the wind shifted, and he got a good whiff of a humans scent. He turned, raising his pistol. Thats far enough, Telly ordered her. Cordelia splashed him with the super-soaker and threw herself to the ground. Owww! Telly howled. Jesus, that hurts! He started to tear off his shirt, his fingers sizzling as they touched the garment doused with holy water, when an arrow materialized in his chest. He looked up in shock at Cordelia, who watched with wide eyes as he disintegrated. Nice shot, Cordelia said silently as she sprung up and headed toward Angel. Kragan lifted his former friend from the sand and threw him away once more; Angel landed hard and rolled with the blow, trying to come to a defensive crouch. Kragan kicked him and he tumbled end over end once more. This has gotta stop, Angel realized. Im not big into getting my ass kicked. Angel managed to get to his feet and slipped into a defensive position. You should have stayed friends with me, Angelus, Kragan admonished him. We could have run this city together. Now I have no choice but to make you a pile of ash. Not so fast! Cordelia called out, and Kragan turned. An evil smile lit up his features.

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Ew, you are ugly, Cordelia told him. You bring little human lap dog, eh, Angelus? Kragan taunted him. You always did have a thing for the ladies. Make with the arrows, Cordelia silently willed as Angel shifted his stance to get a better angle on Kragan. I kill her first. Didnt you say that some wounds are worse than death? Dont, Kragan, Angel spoke. We can still avoid this. I dont think so, the huge Russian rumbled as he moved toward Cordelia. The whistling of an arrow cut the night air, and the wooden shaft found its mark; aimed true, it slammed into Kragans chest, right over his heart. And fell away uselessly. The big vampire laughed. Idiot girl! I wear armor underneath. No one will stake me! Oh, shit, Cordelia thought. Run! Angel cried out to her. Go! Now! Cordelia took off as fast as she could over the sand, Kragans massive form moving to follow her. Angel gave pursuit; he knew he was faster than Kragan, but he was skeptical of his ability to slow the big man down. So much for Hell listen to me, Angel chided himself. I should have known better. Kragan had nearly caught Cordelia when an arrow thunked home through his thigh. He cried out and stumbled to the ground. Cordelia kept running until she reached the walkway to the parking lot. She took the turn so quickly that she barely had time to skid to a stop to avoid plowing into the archer who had saved her life. Jesus, Shelley, Cordelia breathed. Little faster next time, okay? Shelleys brown eyes narrowed. Hes wearing armor, isnt he? she asked. Cordelia nodded. Shelley handed her the bow. Here, she said. Let me. Hey, Cordelia responded. Hes all yours. Shelley moved stealthily from her hiding spot and headed toward Kragan. Angel had already reached the big vampire, who had risen to his knees; they were on eye level. Surrender now, and you can still go, Angel said. Ill hold them off. You work with humans? Kragan asked. Against your own people? What kind of a monster are you? At least he has a soul, Shelley hissed, coming up next to Angel. Hes a damn sight better than you. Stay out of this, Shelley, Angel warned. He tried to kill you. Hes a king, Angel. We cant just let him go. Kragan looked over at Shelleys slim form, dwarfed by Angel the way Angel had been dwarfed by him. He gazed at her a moment before recognition, and then fear, overcame his features. Boizhe moi, he breathed. She didnt kill you. You work with the Slayer! He stared at Angel. Youre a beast. A traitor to your kind. A whore. Thats it, Shelley spat. She moved nearer to Kragan. Time for the ashes to ashes bit for you, she told him. Shelley, Angel growled.

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Kragans arm shot up and grabbed her by the throat. Ill make you a deal, he smiled at her. I kill you first, then I kill Angelus, then I turn your stinking city into a refuge for vampires. No thanks, Shelley wheezed as he tightened his fist. Let her go, Angel said, moving behind Kragan. What? Kragan growled, squeezing tighter. You know you cant stake me. Angel gave him a slight smile. Theres always beheading, he reminded the big vampire. Shelley drew the machete on her back and tossed it to Angel. He caught it and slashed quickly, cutting the big mans head off cleanly. The body sagged to the ground, headless, and Shelley freed herself from his grip. Then the corpse burst into dust. Shelley inhaled deeply. You okay? Angel asked her. She nodded yes. I told you to wait and give me a chance to reason with him. It looked like you were doing such a great job, Shelley shot back. Easy, easy, a new voice interrupted. Everybodys okay and the bad guys are dead, right? Relax. Pike put his arm around Shelley. Mission accomplished. Angel gave Pike a long look. This time, okay. But you and I have to have a little talk. He looked over at Shelley. Youre not a Slayer, Shelley. Dont forget that. I know who I am, she told him. And who Im not. Angel waved it off. Never mind, for now. Im gonna take Cordelia home. Well talk in the morning, Pike. He moved off. Rachel came up to Shelley and Pike. You get him? she asked. Pike nodded. Man, I miss everything, Rachel pouted.

I dont see why you need me on these little kill the bad guy missions when you have miss slayer wannabe to help you out, Cordelia said, turning her little car away from the beach and toward the highway. Why anyone would want to be Buffy Summers is beyond me. Easy, Angel said, his voice tight. Cordelia knew from experience that Angel remained touchy on the subject of his true love, and he allowed absolutely no one to say anything bad about her. Shelleys talented. But shes not you. I need you. Cordelia slowed down for a stop sign, looked, and continued on. Why? Because you listen. You help me out. You do what I ask you to. You accept that Im 240 years old and I know what the hell Im talking about. Angel frowned, looking out the window. And what I am doesnt bother you. Im not crazy about it, Cordelia admitted, shifting into third as she accelerated on to the on ramp. But you have saved my life a couple of times, so I owe you for that. Its not just that, Angel said. Youre a big help to me. Cordelia chuckled. Yeah. I can ran your errands during the day. Angel gave her a half smile. And the paychecks are nice, he added. Cordelia thumped him on the arm. Yeah, the few that you actually ever gave me, she snapped, but her face wore a smile.

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Angel closed his eyes and let the wind blow through his hair as Cordelia hopped on the freeway, taking the little car into fifth gear and giving it some gas. So where will I be driving you now? she queried. I think we can call it a night, Angel decided, rubbing his shoulder. Kragan was a lot stronger than I remembered. Of course, I never fought with him before. Why would you hang around Mr. Creepoid? Cordelia asked. What, there were no normal people back in the middle ages? She glanced at him. Oh no, wait, I know. You killed all the normal people, right? Angel gave her a look as if to say Are you finished? He spoke, It was easy traveling with him. He wasnt really all that bad to be around, and he was loyal to his friends. He was mean, but so was I. Angel scratched his chin. Mostly I think it was because no one even thought about messing with him. You saw how big he was, and that counted for a lot more a hundred years ago. You liked him, Cordelia stated. Angel reflected for a moment, remembering a time when he and Kragan had sat around a fire in the wilderness after having fed off some gypsies, and how they had gotten roaring drunk on vodka. I guess, he admitted, willing the memory away. Six hundred years old, all gone now in a pile of ash. You have the weirdest taste in friends, Cordelia announced. I know, Angel agreed, looking at her pointedly. What? she asked, and then she caught on. Oh no, she rebutted, I was not talking about me. Angel just smiled in response as Cordelia swerved to the right two lanes in preparation to exit the freeway. You want a coffee or something? he asked. My treat. She mulled it over as she coasted up to the light. Okay. But drive through. I have to get everything together for tomorrow. Angel nodded. Registration, he remarked. You were the one who said I should continue my education, Cordelia reminded him. Witness me continuing. Just dont take any night courses, Angel teased her. She looked over at him sharply, but smiled when she saw his grin. Never know when I might need my Gal Friday. Grrr, Cordelia growled playfully. Would you not call me that? Angel remained silent as Cordelia drove up to the side window. She ordered herself a flavored coffee; Angel demurred when she asked for his order and handed her a five. She gave him the change and drove off toward his place. So what are you studying this semester? he asked. Communications, Cordelia replied, taking a sip of the hazel nut brew. Angel threw his head back and laughed. What?

Dispatch, the officer said, glancing around the beach, theres an abandoned boat two miles south of the Pier. Inform the Coast Guard, and tell someone to get down here and try and get some prints off this thing. Roger, the radio buzzed as her partner came up.

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Youre not gonna get any prints, Victor told her. And how do you know that? she asked. Suddenly gone psychic, have we? Victor shook his head. Nope. He handed her a wooden stake and an arrow hed found on the beach. Vampires dont have fingerprints. She regarded him with dark eyes. Victor, I know you help your little friends sometimes, but that doesnt mean that every unexplained phenomenon is caused by the undead. Victor regarded her. Remember the robberies at the blood bank? She pursed her lips. The five pizza delivery guys that went missing in the same night? She folded her arms. How about the guy who burst into flames at sunrise on the beach? he asked. She frowned at him. Come on, Cory, youve seen them. You know there are vampires out there. Youve even killed a few, on occasion. Cory squirmed uncomfortably. So? So? Victor echoed. So you know damn well when you find a stake lying around a pile of ashes that someone was out hunting vampires. Cory nodded. I know your friends are taking the law into their own hands. Victor shook his head. What would you suggest? That we start a special anti-vampire unit? That we train officers how to fight the undead? Victor sighed. Cory, the lieutenant thinks were crazy now. You know we cant tell him about any vampires, or about the people who fight them. Its wrong to just let them go on killing these things, though, Victor, and you know it. You cant just take the law into your own hands like that. Dont these things have rights? No, Victor responded. Theyre not alive, theyre completely evil, and they feed off us to survive. He retrieved the stake from her and tossed it out onto the sand. You cant think of them as human, Cory. Theyre monsters. Demons. Theyre incapable of good. Cory arched an eyebrow. Except that one you met who works with them. Victor sighed. I know it sounds crazy. It sounds nuts to me too, and Ive met the guy. He is a vampire, and yet he kills other vampires, and he doesnt feed off humans. Victor scratched his ear. I dont know how to explain it, Cory. I still say you should come meet him. Cory nodded her head adamantly. I dont want to get involved in your crusade, Victor. Or in his. Or anyones. The real world is strange enough for me without asking for that kind of weirdness. She met his eyes. If you were smart, youd stay away too. Angels helped us solve two cases. Victor argued. Okay, hes shadowy and prefers his anonymity. But hes helped us, Cory. He helped us nail that guy who was giving crack samples to kids to get them hooked. And he helped us nail that gang of teenage robbers with the shotguns. He scratched absently at his hand. The guys on our side. Im convinced of that. Cory sighed, watching the dark waves crash against the beach for a few moments. So what do you want to tell the lieutenant about this one? We found a deserted boat, no records on board, no logs, no prints. Put it up for sale in the next Sheriffs auction. Victor looked at Cory. Its not like the previous owners are going to come and claim it. Cory looked doubtful. Why dont you call and make sure your little gang was in the area tonight, okay? Just to be on the safe side. If they were, will you drop it and admit Im right?

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Cory held up her hands. Whatever. Just call. Victor flipped open his cell phone and entered his code, then tapped an autodial code. The phone rang four times, and Victor smiled as someone answered it. Ola, Rachel, he grinned. Vic, baby, Rachel replied. Tell me something good. Victor answered, This ones all business, but hopefully you can fill me in on something. He paused, looking out over the beach, examining the boat once more. Were you and yours down here by the water tonight, half mile south of the pier, meeting someone on a boat? Thatd be a yes, Rachel confirmed. How many? Victor asked. Three of them. Any get away? he queried. From us? Rachel chuckled. I doubt it, amigo. Jus checkin, Victor assured her. Thats what I thought. He glanced at Cory and told Rachel, Ill call you tomorrow afternoon for the full story. Talk to ya then, Rachel spoke, thumbing REL and hanging up the phone. Victor flipped his phone close and slipped it back on his belt. It was them. Cory gave him a long look. I dont know how much more of this covering up we can do. Victor nodded. I know. But do you really think people are ready for the truth? Cory hugged herself and stared out at the waves.

Who was that? Shelley asked, stripping off her tank top and tossing it in the hamper. Victor, Rachel replied, placing the cell phone on the sink. He wanted to know if we knew anything about the boat. Shelley glanced at Rachel in the mirror; the brunette sat on the closed toilet, removing her socks. Thats all he wanted? she asked, checking her face. He said hed call tomorrow for more details. Rachel shrugged. I think he just wanted to know about the boat for now. We must have left something behind, Shelley spoke, turning on the water. I guess, Rachel agreed distantly. Shelley rinsed her hands in the water and picked up the soap, lathering up. Might have been a stake, she murmured, scrubbing her cheeks. Course to most people that would look like driftwood on a beach, but Victor might make a connection. Coulda been an arrow, Rachel ventured. Shelley stopped for a moment, glancing up at Rachel; in the mirror. Shit, she whispered. Youre right. I only retrieved one. I shot two. Shell, Rachel said, theres still no evidence. No dead bodies, no blood on the arrow -the one that bounced off his armor, anyway -- and even if there was anything, Vicd take care of it. Shelley splashed water on her face, wiping off the soap. You like him, dont you? she wondered.

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Whats not to like? Rachel inquired. Hes smart, hes nice, hes cute, and he has a nice ass. She smiled. Yeah, I like him, I guess. She gave Shelley a half-smile. Not like I got guys beatin the door down to get at me. Has Victor made any moves? Rachel shook her head no. I think he thinks hes too old. Hes 28. Shelley chuckled. Cradle robber, she teased Rachel, wiping her face dry with a washcloth. Rachel tossed a bundled-up sock at Shelley. I turn 21 in December, she shot back. Im only a year younger than you. Were not exactly talkin Lolita here, Shell. Shelley hung the washcloth on a rack and reached up behind her head, undoing her ponytail. Golden hair fell about her shoulders halfway down her back, and she grabbed a brush and began combing it. Maybe you need to make the first move, she offered, frowning as the brush hit a tangle. Maybe, Rachel agreed, standing up and removing her t-shirt. She dumped it in the hamper and yawned. Thats how I got Pike, Shelley told her. You mean after he saved your life from a pack of vampires and made sure you werent an emotional vegetable, Rachel added. Shelley turned and gave Rachel a look. Yes, after he made sure I recovered, yes. She returned to her hair. I could see that he was interested, but he was reluctant to start anything with me, because of what I had been through. She put the comb down and ran her fingers through her mane. So I made the first move on him one night when nobody was around. Rachel undid her own ponytail and shook her hair out, then slid her hands up and slipped her long dark hair behind her ears. But Im not sure I like Vic that way. Hes nice and all, but I dunno. She bit her bottom lip. I dont wanna start something and not follow through. Shelley considered this. If you liked him, you wouldnt have to wonder, she told Rachel. I know, Rachel sighed. Thats what I tell myself. And I mean, I like him, but Im just not sure that I like him like him. Then let him move first, Shelley advised. At least until you know how you feel. I guess, Rachel shrugged. Rachel, Shelley spoke, turning to face her friend, if you dont know, then dont act. But if you do know, or when you do know, dont wait. She put a hand on Rachels shoulder. Loves too important to just sit there and let it stroll on by. Rachel nodded. And dont forget that someone to love right here is a whole lot better than pining for someone you cant have. Rachel frowned. Whats that supposed to mean? Shelley raised an eyebrow. You tell me. Shell, please, Rachel said, moving in front of the sink and turning the tap on. Its late. No riddles, okay? She yawned again as she turned on the water and splashed her face. Shelley nodded. Im just saying the love you have right in front of you can count for more than the love thats really distant. Rachel turned to face the towel rack and grabbed blindly at a towel, wiping the water off her face. So youre saying I should go for Vic?

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Shelley folded her arms. Im saying you should go for Vic if you want him. But dont let him go thinking that someone better might come by, because they might not. Rachels dark eyes narrowed. Can we change the subject? Im only telling you because I care about you, Rachel. I want to see you happy. You deserve to have what Pike and I have -- someone who loves you, someone who cares about you, someone who will put you first -- above themselves -- all the time. Shelley brushed the younger womans cheek. I dont want to see you lonely, Rachel. Im not, Rachel murmured. Shelley paused for a moment, but decided not to push the issue further. Im gonna get some ice cream, she spoke. You want any? No thanks, Rachel replied. Still full from dinner. She stifled a yawn and added, I think Im gonna call it a night. See ya in the morning. Shelley ruffled her hair. Night, Rachel. Sleep tight. Mmm-hmm.

Angel sat alone in the pre-dawn haze, peering at the line of uneasy grey that sat atop the horizon. In another fifteen or twenty minutes hed have to shut the blinds and curtain and pull the drapes. Direct sunlight only hit this room for about three hours in the morning at this time of year, less in the winter when the sun hung further south in the sky. Angel had lived underground a long time and had decided, only recently, to forego that. He knew if he were ever found out it could be dangerous to have a lair that sunlight could penetrate. But his bedroom occupied one of the completely interior rooms, and that could be barricaded to withstand a small army. He didnt worry about that too much in any event; he used caution and made himself hard to locate. That he had practice with. He wasnt sure what to do today. He supposed he could sleep for a few hours, but as he grew older he felt less need for sleep and rest. He had no idea if that was the case with all older vampires or not. Most of them arent very social anyway, he told himself. Sleeping had become in any case something he did by choice most of the time, rather than through need. Hed gone for days on end without rest when the situation had demanded it. He dozed more in the summer, because the days took so long to end; sixteen, seventeen hours, sometimes, giving him and his type precious few hours to sustain themselves and commit whatever plans they had dreamed up when the world was bathed in the hateful, destructive sunlight. He didnt mind the sun; Angel still felt it looked sort of pretty. He respected what it could do to him and took pains to avoid it, but on occasion he wished that wasnt necessary. Buffy had occasionally spoken to him of picnics, of sunset walks along the beach, and his heart had ached that these things were forever denied him. Even now Cordelia would once in a while tell him of an outing that she and the others had gone on, or describe something to him that had happened during the day, and all he could usually manage to picture was the sort of smoky non-light that hovered over the world at dawn and dusk. He found he could hardly envision sunlight any more, it had been so long since hed seen more than a glimpse of it, save for the single day his brief possession of the Gem of Amara had given him. Hed seen it since then on television, of course, and in the movies when he managed to go, which wasnt often. But it wasnt the same, and he knew it. Fitting, he thought, grinning sadly, that we the undead are unable even to look upon the giver of life.

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When hed come to Los Angeles it had been suggested by certain parties that if Angel were to take on a vampiric paramour that at least two birds would be felled by that particular stone; hed take the sting out of missing Buffy, and hed no longer have to worry about all of the things he couldnt do with a mortal lover. Show me a vampire woman with a soul, and Ill consider it, he had rasped in reply, but none had ever been forthcoming. Besides, he didnt want to stop missing Buffy. Or he hadnt, at first. Buffy to him was the closest thing to the sun, a flame that burned constantly, the only thing in his cold dark world that gave him warmth. His body heated up when she touched him, and the soul that Willow had forced inside him sang when his lips kissed Buffys. He closed his dark eyes and let himself remember, for a few moments, her sweet scent, the sound of her laugh, the feel of her head on his shoulder, the soft silken warmth of her skin. Once, he mused bitterly. I knew the bliss of her just once. And never, ever again. Denied for the rest of eternity, or until I die. He shrugged. Same thing. Hed been in L.A. for just over two years, and he still waited for the sharp tang of missing her to lose its edge. Two years for him was nothing; hed walked the Earth twenty times longer than Buffy. Two years was the blink of an eye. Likely it was enough time for Buffy to move on with her life and find someone new. Occasionally Cordelia, or Rachel, would volunteer information about Buffy; hed stopped asking after a while in the thinking that if he was making an effort to get over her, asking for updates on her life was a piss poor way to do it. Damn Whistler, Angel thought, not for the first time. You dragged me up out of the gutter, you made me see that I had a choice, that I didnt have to be some sort of animal feeding off rats and mice... you showed me her. You showed me Buffy, and you knew, you knew, that once I saw her I could never slink back to the shadows and waste away any more. You put me on this path. Yeah, but you continue to walk it, Whistler had reminded him. I cant take those steps for ya, Angelus. Thats your job. Your shoes gotta walk that road. Angel curled his lip. Demons, he spoke aloud, banishing the memory of Whistler and his rumpled brown coat and hat. His last few days had been consumed with searching out leads on Kragan; with that unpleasantness dealt with, Angel found himself idle. Hed tried launching a sort of private detective agency for a while when hed first come to town, in the hopes that dealing with other peoples problems would help him to forget his own, but that hadnt gone as well as hed wished. Too many things had needed doing during the day, and the pay was never good enough to justify Cordelias salary in helping him. He was more than half surprised that all the auditions she had gone on when shed first arrived, soon after him, had led to nothing. She must have opened her mouth, he thought, grinning, and stood up, watching the grey along the horizon lighten up considerably. Ten minutes, maybe, he whispered, putting his hands on his hips. Lately he was glad he didnt feel the heat any more. Cordelia bitched on a daily basis that August was always too hot in southern California; Angel never noticed the temperature unless it dipped below freezing. Then he wore a jacket, more to avoid standing out in public than for any real need for protection. Cordelia had mentioned it to him a few times, envying him the ability not to get chilly on patrol some nights. He shook his head. Hed had his doubts about Cordelia when shed first arrived, having mostly Buffys opinions of the young woman to go on. And in the beginning, Buffy had been proven out. Cordelia spoke too freely and too often, she was obsessed with looking good, and

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she could hurt others unthinkingly. But Angel also saw that she hurt others unintentionally, and that behind the facade of fashion queen lurked an intelligent young woman who was at the core in pain. Maybe all his years of dealing with his own guilt and frustration had enabled him to see past Cordelias veneer, or maybe she had grown ready to show someone a deeper part of herself. Or likely some combination of the two. But wary though she had been at first, Cordelia had turned out to be a loyal and good friend who seemed to care about him in her own way. Neither of them felt even an iota of emotion for the other past friendship, which Angel deemed good. One mortal woman stealing his heart was enough for this existence. And as helpful as Cordelia could be, she was -- in many ways -- no Buffy. Shed surprised him when she had asked to be trained so she could help him on patrol. Hed explained to her that it would be too dangerous and that he didnt want her getting involved, but Cordelia had reminded him that he couldnt guard the city all by himself, and that the P.I. work would get done faster if he could trust her to do more than type letters and collect the very occasional check. Angel had remained firm for a while, but Cordelia had worn him down and hed begun teaching her tai chi. At first that felt very strange, because he had trained with Buffy, and their work outs had invariably led to a far more satisfying type of cardiovascular activity. Those had been the times when it drove him half crazy that he could not have Buffy the way he desired her, or the way he knew she desired him. Her eyes would glow with lust, and she would kiss him up and down the chest, her hands... Angel shook his head. Cordelia wasnt the only person who pitched in on his crusade. Buffys old friend Pike had staked out -- ha, ha, Angel told himself at the unintentional pun -- his territory in L.A. as well. Buffy had told Angel about Pike one evening when they had sat out under the stars talking. Pike had been the first non-Watcher person to believe in Buffy, and hed helped her defeat the vampire king Lothos before shed left town and moved to Sunnydale. Three years ago when Buffy had vanished over the summer after sending Angel to hell she had ended up with Pike quite by accident. As she had told him, Angel briefly wondered what type of relationship she had shared with the young man. But Pike had a girlfriend, a woman named Shelley whose family had been killed by vampires. He had saved her life, and the two of them had fallen passionately in love. Buffy had warned him that Shelley could be a little intense, but her heart was in the right place. Angels own experiences with the slender blonde confirmed that, but hed been glad to see her and Pike so happy together. And it also meant that there was nothing between Pike and Buffy, which Angel had to admit he was grateful for. Pike was nearly as good a researcher as Giles, and he was a huge help to Angel on some occasions. Shelley also seemed to know her stuff. They had a third partner, Rachel, whom they had saved from a vampire king named Herzog. Shed ended up staying with pike until she could find someplace better, but she never had. Like the three musketeers, Angel mused. The three of them always worked as a team, and Angel had to admit for people with no special powers like Buffy, or himself, that they did pretty good. They didnt always embrace Cordelias I could be doing something useful attitude on the occasions she accompanied them on a hunt or a mission like tonights, but Pike accepted that not everyone loved the vampire-fighting lifestyle. The one time Angel had asked the young man why he did it, Pike had responded, Cant turn my back on it, man. Angel shook his head, grinning at the memory. A line of crimson had joined the grey outside, and the sky hinted at becoming pink in a moment. Angel sighed and closed the blinds, pulled the curtains together and shut the drapes. Maybe I could have Cordelia tape it for me, sometime, the view from this window, so I could see what sunrise would look like from here.

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Angel chuckled. Like Cordelia could get up that early. He laughed again and moved into his bedroom, safely out of the reach of the new day.

Que pasa? Victor called out, coming around the side of the house. Rachel waved from underneath the wide beach umbrella on the back porch. Hey Vic! she called out. Pike looked up from his reading and managed a smile and a wave. Wheres Shelley? Victor asked, coming up on the porch and shaking hands with Pike. Pike inclined his head. In the pool. Where we would be if we had an ounce of sense. He smiled his lopsided grin. Can I get you anything? Victor shook his head. Im on duty in an hour. No thanks. Pike shrugged and sat back down. Rachel glanced up at Victor; the policeman wore white shorts and a Tommy Hilfiger tank top that hugged his muscular torso. Victor smiled at her and set his book bag down on the table. Dyou bike over? Rachel asked. Nope, he answered her. Get enough of that on the job. Victor took one of the two unoccupied chairs and asked, So, what happened at the boat last night? Dont beat around the bush, Victor, Pike responded without looking up from his reading, just come out and tell us whats on your mind. Victor chuckled. Come on, guys, it could be important. Rachel glanced over at Pike, who motioned for her to tell the story. Rachel explained to Victor about Kragan, that Angel had given them the tip, and that they had played back-up. She relayed to him how things worked out. So no one actually went on the boat? Victor pressed. Pike glanced up. Not that Im aware of. Why? Victor reached for his book bag. Im surprised. You guys are usually pretty thorough. Rachel frowned behind her sunglasses. Angel didnt tell us anything other than this guy was trouble. Our own research confirmed that. One less undead asshole walkin around. Victor held up his free hand. Hey, I dont have a problem with how things went down last night. He opened the book bag. Lets just all be thankful that Cory is a sergeant, and that she listens to me. He thought about that and added, Occasionally. What did Officer Hard-ass do for us now? Rachel asked. Rache, Pike scolded her. What? Rachel snapped in response. She gives us nothing but shit. Not this time, Victor replied. He withdrew an old book, slightly mildewed, with gold script on the cover. This time, she let me borrow this from evidence for as long as you need it. Victor set the book down on the table. I didnt look at it or anything. I know enough to know I dont know anything. Smart move, Pike agreed. He picked up the book gingerly, using both hands, and ran a hand gently over the gold script. Thats not English, Rachel pronounced. Not by a long shot, Pike agreed. Rache, could you go get Shelley? Rachel frowned. I can help too, she complained. And you will, Pike answered her. But Shelleys better with languages than we are, and Id rather not make a mistake and summon a demon or something.

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Rachel exhaled, grabbing a towel and covering her shoulders and arms before heading off toward the pool. You have any idea what that is? Victor asked. Its a book, Pike responded. Victor raised an eyebrow. I know its a book, Pike. What book is it? Cant judge from the cover, he responded. I cant read whatever language this is. It almost looks like Armenian, but the script is too rough. He glanced up at Victor. Unless this scribe had really awful handwriting. Rachel returned and shed the towel. Shes coming, she announced, resuming her seat. Rachel, how come youre not out in the sun? Victor asked. Look at you, youre the whitest white girl on the beach. He smiled at her. Rachel told him, I dont tan. I just turn really, really red, like some sort of giant lobster. She tapped Pike on the shoulder. He tans. Benefit of growing up in So Cal, Rache, Pike replied distantly, engrossed in the book. Shelley tans too. Thats an understatement, Rachel sulked. A few moments later Shelley appeared, hopping up the stairs to the deck, a towel around her shoulders. She wore a black bikini that still dripped. Victor, she greeted the policeman. Good to see you. Sorry to interrupt your swim, he apologized. Shelley waved him off. Dont worry about it. Something to drink? No thanks, Victor responded. He looked at Shelley a moment, noting that indeed, as Rachel said, the blonde did tan. While Shelley lacked the deep bronze color that usually betokens tanning booth abusers, she had turned a healthy light brown, setting off her golden hair and brown eyes. Victor also noticed that Shelley seemed thinner than the last time he had seen her; shed obviously been working out, judging by her muscle tone, but her body had shifted from what he would have called shapely to slender. Victor shook his head and turned his attention back to Pike. Victor brought us a present, Pike told her. Shelley leaned over and kissed him on the back of the neck, her wet hair dripping on his shoulder. She gathered it up with one hand as she stood straight. A book? she glanced at Victor. He nodded. From the boat last night. We were really sloppy, Rachel blurted. Shelley frowned. Ill say. She looked back at Pike. What is it? Pike handed the book up over his shoulder to her. I was hopin you could tell me. Shelleys face took on a look of deep concentration as she ran her fingers over the script. Looks like Armenian, she announced. Crappy handwriting though, like whoever wrote this was in a hurry. On the cover? Rachel wondered. Hmm, Shelley agreed. Good point. She set the book down so they all could see it and cracked it open. Even outside, on a sunny beach, the smell of another place and time came to them as dust motes rose up from the old battered pages. Scratchy handwriting covered the first page in shaky lines; Shelley nearly squinted trying to make it out. Her lips moved as she read, and about halfway down the page she stopped and pointed out a word to Pike.

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He stared at it a moment and offered, Legion? Army? Of vampires? Shelley responded. Pike shrugged. Youre the expert. You tell me. Shelley rubbed her hair with the towel as she read on. Its pretty creepy stuff, she told them all after shed finished the page. So, what is it? Rachel asked. Shelley took a deep breath and spoke. Its the journal of a wizard -- or at least a selfproclaimed wizard -- hailing from some place called Angekhakot. She glanced at Pike. Any idea where that is? Middle-east? he guessed. Mongolia? Well check later, Shelley spoke. So whats the creepy part? Rachel queried. It says that this book was the private journal of one Alaric of Angekhakot, and that he stood with an army of vampires and helped destroy an army of the light that swept through the holy land. Shelley pointed to a line toward the bottom of the page. Alaric proposes to give himself to the vampires so he can attain immortality; in return they will share their teachings with him. She flipped the next few pages carefully, studying them with a keen eye as she looked over the ugly scrawl, punctuated with diagrams and illustrations occasionally. This is gonna take a while to get through, she announced. So I was right to bring this to you guys? Victor asked. You were very right, Pike assured him. Thanks. Cant thank you enough, Victor, Shelley added. We owe you. Victor smiled. No problem. Shelley closed the book and handed it to Pike. Im going to leave this with you, she spoke. Because? Because Im going to go finish my swim, she told him. Victor, feel free to stop by any time. Thanks, Shelley, I will, he replied. He glanced at his watch. And if you guys dont mind, I really have to get going. Gotta get home and change and head on in to the station. Tell Hard-Ass we said thanks, Rachel teased him. Victor smiled. Rachel, Shelley spoke, placing a hand on her shoulder. Why dont you walk Victor to his car? Rachel shot Shelley a glance, but the older woman had already padded off toward the pool. Sure, she said, standing. To Victor she added, Lets go. They walked to his car, which hed parked on the street, in silence. Thanks for bringin us that book, Rachel managed as Victor opened the door to his Sunfire. No sweat, Victor told her. You guys know Im lookin out for ya. Yeah, well, you know Pike and Shelley. Theyll bury their noses in that thing for a week without coming up for air. Victor nodded. Theyre dedicated, Ill give them that. Rachel shook her head in agreement. That they are. So, Victor asked, what will you be doing while the two lovebirds pore over that musty old book?

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I dunno, Rachel said. Not soaking up the rays? Not hanging on the beach? Not getting a tan? Victor smiled. I think you look just fine without a tan. Rachel gave him a grin. Easy for you to say. You have one. Victor chuckled. No, no, no, chiquita, thats 100% Momma Lopez Mexican complexion, courtesy of years of the finest breeding. She smiled. Youre still lucky, she told him. Listen, he said, if you wanna do anything with all that free time youre gonna have, give me a call, okay? Rachel slid her sunglasses halfway down her nose. Are you asking me out on a date? What? Victor asked. I cant spend some time hangin with a friend? You have to consider it a date? So it wouldnt be a date? Rachel asked. It could be, Victor ventured. Rachel slid her sunglasses back up her nose. Ill call ya, Vic. You better, he smiled as he slid into his car. I will, she assured him, giving him a little wave as he hit the ignition and started up the Geo. Victor honked twice and zipped off down the street. Rachel watched as he turned the corner, and then she made her way back to the rear deck, flip-flops flapping against the concrete walkway.

Cordelia slung her purse on the passengers seat of the CRX and slid into the low seat, grateful, due both to the heat and her shorts, that she had blue cloth seats. She started the car and backed out of the space, heading toward the exit. Shed arrived late, but still in time to pick up her registration materials. Shed glanced at her classes and had been pleased to see shed been assigned all four shed signed up for. Naggingly she knew she should take a heavier course load, but with her part time job and the work she did with Angel and Pike, she could accept only thirteen credit hours. Likely it would mean a course next summer to catch up, and the fall catalogs liked to shoot in the late spring or early summer. But Cordelia didnt have a choice. She didnt want to go to school forever, but shed need some kind of degree if she didnt want to model for Sears the rest of her life. She flashed her badge to the attendant and zoomed out on to the street. Another rip off, she groused silently, slipping the plastic parking badge under her sun visor. $125 to park part time for one semester. Why not just take a gun and rob me? Cordelia could only park on certain days, for certain hours, and even, pettily enough, only in certain spaces. A freakin gyp, she thought, turning off the winding road to the parking lot into the traffic of late-afternoon rush hour. Cordelia waited a moment, then sped across three lanes to sit in line for a left hand turn signal. She sighed, slipped on her sun glasses, and picked up her cell phone. YOU HAVE ONE MESSAGE, the unit told her, and she thumbed in her access code and checked the mail. Cordelia, its me, Angels voice told her. Give me a call when you get a chance. He paused, then added, Hope you get your classes. Cradling the phone in one hand, Cordelia steered the car with the other as the light turned green and the line in front of her slowly began to unravel. Cordelia rounded the corner on a

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yellow, but three drivers followed her, the last two flagrantly cutting through a red light. She thumbed Angels number while keeping an eye on traffic. The phone rang twice before he picked it up. Its me, she announced. Whats up? I hate to do this, Angel responded, but I have a big favor to ask you. Cordelia exhaled upward, pushing a few stray tendrils of hair out of her eyes. What is it this time? Bring a skeleton back to your place? An ancient sword? Some gross old book? Angel groaned, Its worse than that. But I wouldnt ask if it werent important. Cordelia sighed. What? she asked, drawing the word out into at least two syllables. I need you to pick up something for me, he informed her. That much you got right. I knew it, she gloated. So what dead thing do you want me to-- Just stop at Antonios, he cut her off. The butchers? Cordelia inquired. But what would you...? She made the connection and held the phone away from her mouth. Ewww! she called out. You want me to pick up your blood for you? They close at six, Angel explained. I meant to go last night, but we were a little preoccupied, remember? You couldnt have gone last night , Cordelia corrected him. It was still light out at six. Theyre open late on Mondays, Angel reminded her. Thats right, she agreed. Anyway, ew, blood. Why me? Couldnt you have one of the little Bufferinas go get it? They like all that gross blood and death stuff. Cordelia, Angel spoke patiently. I need you to do it. Antonios is on your way home, and its across town for them. With traffic, they might not make it before he closes. From the college, you can get there faster. Silence drifted from the other end of the phone, and then Angel repeated, I really wouldnt ask you if there was another choice. Cordelia frowned and wrinkled up her face. Ewwwww. Okay, listen Ill go. But could you call them up and tell them to like triple bag it? And then wrap it in plastic? Something dark, so I can pretend Im bringing you like a roast of something? I dont want to have to think about it while its sitting there congealing on the seat next to me. Angel failed to suppress his grin at Cordelias revulsion. He wouldnt have asked her if there were another alternative, but he also knew Cordelia would overcome her squeamishness and get him the blood. He was already hungry. I tell you what, he spoke into the phone, to show my gratitude, Ill treat you to dinner. Dinner? Cordelia asked. Like what, blood soup? Groooosssss, she told herself. I cannot believe I just said that. Angel chuckled. Not what I eat, what you eat. Oh, Cordelia responded. I dont know if I can wait until eight-thirty to go out for dinner. No problem, Angel told her. Ill cook. You cook? Cordelia blurted, passing a slow moving Buick. Since when? Ive known how to cook for more than two hundred years, he informed her. Cordelia checked her rearview mirror and shot over two lanes to the right. Just make sure you make something from this century, okay? You got it, Angel assured her. A beep notified him that he had another call. Cordelia, I--

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I heard it, she said. Go ahead. This conversation was getting way weird anyway. She clicked the phone off. What the hell could he possibly cook? Hes from Ireland. Oh, great, she grimaced. Hell make me that stuff where the put the brains and meat in a cows stomach. Thats Irish, right? Yeccch.... She stuck out her tongue. And I get to pick up his blood first. Cordelia glanced at herself in the mirror as she slowed the car down to head off the highway. Super. Blood and Irish cow guts. My ideal way to spend an evening.

What is that smell? Cordelia asked as Angel let her in. That is chicken parmagiana, he answered. Cordelias eyes widened. You do Italian? Angel nodded, grinning. I dabble, he said, pleased by Cordelias reaction. Oh, thank God, she exhaled. With you being Irish and all, I just thought... Potato stew? he asked. That was a best case scenario, she admitted. Cordelia, he spoke, Ive been living in America for over a century. Im no epicurean, but even I have picked up a few things here and there. Cordelia nodded. Oooh, she exclaimed, heres your blood. She held the bag in two fingers and handed it to him as if it were nitro-glycerin. Thank you, he said, taking the bag and storing it in the refrigerator. Cordelia made a face. Cold? she asked. Angel raised an eyebrow. You really wanna know? Good point, Cordelia responded. They stood silently for a moment and Cordelia asked, So, will you be joining me? Ive seen you eat with Buffy in the past, and... Angel shook his head. I can eat. I dont often, but I can. If it would make you more comfortable, I can. As Angel looked at Cordelia, he could smell her scent; he could see the vein on her neck pulse gently, and he could almost hear her heart thump in her chest. Must be hungrier than I thought, he caught himself. You dont have to on my account, she told him, but... She closed her eyes and inhaled. Mmmmm, how can you resist that? How indeed? something inside him spoke, awakened by his hunger. Down, boy, he told it. Youre not going near her, so forget it. I havent had chicken in years, he said, pleased for her sake she wouldnt make the leap that Buffy would. I dont really miss it. He gestured to the table. Besides, I only made enough for one. You could have a beer or something, she suggested. He nodded. I think I will. He glanced at the pulse of life on her neck and said, Why dont you sit down? Its almost ready. Ill bring it in to you. You dont have to do that, Cordelia spoke, setting her hand on his shoulder. Youve done so much already. Her hand felt warm, and he could feel the blood surge through it. You brought my blood, he hinted. Dinners the least I could do. He smiled. Please, have a seat. I insist.

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Cordelia blinked. Okay. Well, if you insist. She smiled and sat down at the table. Angel sighed, glad she had moved away, and went to the fridge. Can I get you something to drink? he asked, ripping open the bag with the container of blood. What have you got, besides beer? she queried. Angel tore the top off the plastic container and raised it to his lips. Water, he answered her. And orange juice. With tomato sauce? she called out. Hello, Maalox moment. Angel exhaled as the blood hit his lips, sliding over his fangs and washing his tongue in its thick, salty taste. He drank deeply, knowing that if his body had reacted that way toward Cordelia he must be very hungry. He forced himself to stop when he had half emptied the container; any more and he might get sluggish, and he didnt want that with Cordelia around. Hed done it once with Buffy, and shed teased him for a week about being drunk. Im kidding, he said, licking the blood off his lips. What would I do with orange juice? Havent a clue, Cordelia responded. Maybe it goes good with blood? Angel made a face. Yech. Cordelia made a face. Ew. Did I really just say that? I dont think so, Angel told her. Wait a minute, he said. He wiped his mouth thoroughly with a paper towel and tossed it in the trash. How old are you? he asked. Cordelia raised an eyebrow. Twenty. You know that. Angel opened a bottle in the fridge and poured slowly. A moment later he appeared in the doorway with a glass of wine. I wont tell anyone if you dont. Cordelia beamed up at him. If I didnt know better, Id think you were trying to seduce me. Angel blinked. But you do know better, he told her, surprised. Of course I do, she spoke, sipping on the wine. Mmm, thats good. Good. Yeah, Angel murmured. A moment passed, then two. So, Cordelia said, I got the classes I signed up for. Relief flooded Angels features. Thank you, he thought. Great, he said enthusiastically. Im glad you took my advice. I just hope I can balance my schedule, Cordelia told him. Between school and work and helping you out, I just hope-- The phone rang, cutting her off. Hello, Angel answered. Silence for a minute, then, Sure, Ill be here. Bring it over. He hung up the phone with a thoughtful look on his face. Who was that? Cordelia asked. Pike, he told her. They found something on Kragans boat they want me to see. On his boat? Cordelia asked. Like what? Angel bit his lip in thought. A book. Cordelia rolled her eyes. Again with the books! You old guys, you know, you have this fixation with books. You, Giles, Crater... Kragan, he corrected her. Whatever. What is it with you guys and books? It was all we had, Angel told her. Cordelia had no reply for that.

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At that moment, the timer dinged.

Angel, Pike greeted him as he entered. Shelley and Rachel said hello as they followed him in. Something smells great in here, Shelley spoke. Italian? Chicken parmagiana, Angel supplied. You cook? Shelley inquired. Occasionally, Angel shrugged. You eat? Rachel asked from behind Shelley. Occasionally, Angel shrugged again. Usually I cook for guests. Guests, Rachel echoed. Angel nodded. Yeah. I was having Cordelia over for... He stopped. You know what, never mind. He looked at Shelley. Whats with this book? Shelley arched an eyebrow and smiled. Pike has it. Angel gave her a look. What? Nothing, she replied, holding up her hands. Its none of my business what you do with your private life. Its not private, Angel told Shelley. Were just friends. Rachel leaned over and murmured in Shelleys ear for a moment. Shelley nodded. What? Angel asked again, looking from one woman to the other. Buffy told Rachel about the nature of your curse. And Rachel told me. Angel looked vaguely uncomfortable. Oh. Relax, Angel, Shelley told him. I trust you. Buffy spoke well of you. Theres no higher recommendation in my book. She patted his shoulder and moved to join Pike in the living room. Speaking of Buffy, Rachel added quietly, she says hello. Angel touched Rachels elbow. You talked to Buffy recently? he asked. Rachel smiled at the emotion in his voice. Hes still got it bad, she realized. Just the other night, Rachel told him softly. She said she tried to talk Xander into coming up to visit Cordelia, but he saw through her. For just a moment Rachel saw a flame blaze up in Angels dark eyes, but it soon extinguished. Thanks, he muttered thickly, moving besides her as she entered the living room. See? Cordelia said to Angel as he took a seat on the other chair by the table, musty old books. Your specialty. Youll have to forgive Cordelia, Angel told the others. Shes had three sips of wine. Cordelias mouth formed an o, and her eyebrows shot up. And youll have to forgive Angel. Hes a few pints of blood low, and its making him crabby. Is this how you and Shelley started out? Rachel asked Pike. Bitching at each other? We are not bitching at each other, Cordelia remarked. Are we? she asked Angel. He grinned and nodded yes. No, Rache, Pike said, every day with Shelley from the get go was sunshine and lollipops, rainbows and roses. Shelley thumped his knee. Thats enough outta you if you know whats good for you. Yes, maam, he smiled, and they kissed briefly.

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PDA, Rachel teased them. Come on, guys, lets get down to business. Angel nodded in agreement. Whats in that book? Its the journal of a wizard named Alaric, Shelley explained. Ever hear of him? Angel shook his head no. Its old, handwritten, in Armenian. Pike handed the book to Angel. A jolt passed through Angel the second he took the book in his hands. Kragan had this? he asked quietly. Pike nodded. Angel ran a finger down the edge of the binding. I didnt know he had an interest in this sort of stuff, he mused aloud as he opened the book. Again he felt a jolt rip through him, as if the book carried some kind of current in its pages. His eyes moved back and forth quickly as he skimmed the first page. You can read that stuff? Rachel asked, slipping her hair behind her ear. Angel nodded. I lived in Armenia for a while, he told them. Long time ago. I picked up some of the language. He blinked. This guy really should have taken a penmanship course. Pike and Shelley shared an amused look. So whats it say? Cordelia asked, twirling some pasta on her fork. Is that any good? Rachel queried, gesturing to her plate. Cordelia closed her eyes and nodded, Oh, yes it is. It talks about an army of vampires killing a bunch of crusaders, and Alaric pledging himself to the vampires to help them. Angel turned the page, frowning in concentration. Then he becomes a vampire so that he can continue his studies and lead the fight against the light. Angel skimmed some more and turned a few more pages. Lots of stuff about his building a coalition and a war against someone called Haza of Djermuk, some kind of local warlord. Angel hmphed. Made him a vampire too. Angel flipped the next few pages and the script changed radically, obviously written by a different hand. He looked up at Pike and Shelley. This is where we had to stop, Shelley told him. Weve never seen that before. No idea what language that is. I hope not, Angel murmured. The rest of the group looked at him with interest. This is the language of the demons, he explained. No one can read this but a vampire or a demon. He glanced down at the red ink and closed his eyes. Its not very pleasant, either. What does it say? Cordelia asked, finishing off the pasta. It says that Alarics forces were turned back by the Avatar of Ashtarak, who wielded a flaming sword and at whose side rode a girl who shone so brightly we could scarcely stand to gaze upon her. A Slayer, Shelley guessed. Good bet, Pike agreed. This girl drove... Angel squinted, Baalphamas from us, and wounded me severely. I escaped only by making a pact with the demon Focalor, who spirited me away from the battlefield. My host was lost. You go girl, Cordelia spoke. Way to kick demon ass. Theres obviously more to this story, Shelley stated. Angel nodded, reading on. From that moment I knew that it was my... need, want, hunger.. He trailed off, thinking. Mission, he supplied. My mission to discover a way to

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deliver unto my immortal kind a weapon to defeat the Holy One-- Angel glanced up. The Slayer, he continued, so that she could never lay waste to us again. He obviously didnt get that job done, Rachel announced. I wouldnt bet on that, Angel corrected her. There are a lot of pages left here. So? Pike wondered. So, Angel sighed. We read. May be slow going, though. You guys may wanna take a ride or something. he gestured to the book. Reading this stuff is a strain. Well wait, Pike said, slipping his arm around Shelley. Guys? I could go for some ice cream, Cordelia piped up. Rachel, wanna take a ride? Rachel nodded. You betcha. Well leave the research to the people who can actually do it. Rachel, Shelley frowned at her. What? Rachel responded. He said only he can read it. Does Angel really need another spectator watching him intently for the next hour and a half? At their silence, Rachel said, See? Well be back in a little bit. Meet us at Pikes, Angel said without looking up. Okay, Cordelia replied, pulling out her keys. Ill bite. Why? Because he has some books I think Im gonna need. Angel gave them all a look, frowning. This guys sorta vague. But if hes saying what I think hes saying, its not good. For instance? Pike asked. Angel hesitated. I have to do some more research first. Just to be sure. Soon as the sun sets, well head over there, Pike assured him. He turned to Cordelia and Rachel. See you there. Should we get you anything? Rachel asked. Cherry Garcia, Shelley mouthed. Pike shook his head no. See you in a bit, Cordelia said, leading Rachel out the door and to the elevator. I dont like it when he gets that creepy, Cordelia murmured as the elevator stopped at their floor. Hes a vampire, Rachel whispered as the doors closed. Hes always a little creepy. I know, Cordelia agreed, but the only time he gets like that is when Buffys in danger. The two women shared a long look.

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