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A Thesis

Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain strata one (S1) degree on

English Education Department





Loli Safitri, M.Pd

NIP: 198805282015032003




2021/1442 H

Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama/NIM : Erin Hayfitma / 2316125

Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Bangkinang, 10 Juli 1995

Fakultas/Jurusan : FTIK/ PBI

Judul Skripsi : An Analysis of Studens’ Difficulties in Writing Recount

Text at 8th Grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol.

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa karya ilmiah (skripsi) saya dengan judul

diatas adalah benar asli karya penulis. Apabila dikemukakan hari ini terbukti bahwa skripsi

ini bukan karya saya sendiri, maka penulis bersedia diproses sesuai hukum yang berlaku

dan gelar keserjanaan penulis dicopot sampai batas waktu yang tidak ditentukan.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya untuk diperguanakan

sebagaimana mestinya.

Bukittinggi, Juli 2021

Saya yang


Erin Hayfitma


Thesis entitled “ An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Writing Recount Text at 8th

grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol Academic Years 2020/2021” written by Erin Hayfitma NIM

2316125 has fullfilled the requirements to be tested and has been approved to be presented and

retained in Thesis Examination.

Bukittinggi, Juli 2021


NIP : 198805282015032003


Erin Hayfitma, 2316125. “An Analysis of students’Difficulties in Writing Recount

Text at 8th Grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol, Academic Years 2020/2021”. English Education
Study Program. IAIN Bukittinggi, 2021.

The background of the research was the difficulties faced by students in writing a recount
text at 8th grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol. There were some difficulties that researcher found. The first,
some students had limited vocabulary. The second, some students were confused in using tenses.
The last, some students could not develop ideas when writing. The purpose of the research were
to find out the students’ difficulties in writing recount text at 8th grade of SMP N 1 bonjol.

In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The informants of this
research were the students of VIII 2 class, which is consisted of 25 students in SMP N 1 Bonjol.
The data were got through documentation and interview. Documentation was used to get
students difficulties in writing recount text and interview was used to get the causes of students
difficulties in writing recount text. The researcher asked the students’ writing task from the
teacher as a documentation. The interview was done directly.

In this research, researcher found five forms of students difficulties in writing recount
text. The difficulties are layout and punctuation, organize and sequence ideas, select of
vocabulary, checked for grammatical correctness, and linguistic problem. Then, the researcher
found three causes of students difficulties in writing recount text. The causes are psycholical
problem, linguistic problem, and cognitive problem.

Keywords : students’ difficulties, writing.


Erin Hayfitma , 2316125. “Analisa Kesulitan Siswa dalam Menulis sebuah Teks
Recount Pada Siswa Kelas 8 SMP N 1 Bonjol”. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.
IAIN Bukittinggi.

Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa dalam
menulis teks recount pada siswa kelas 8 SMP N 1 Bonjol. Pertama, beberapa siswa yang
memiliki kosa kata yang terbatas. Kedua, beberapa siswa salah dalam pemilihan kata. Terakhir,
beberapa siswa tidak dapat mengembangkan ide-ide mereka ketika menulis. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menemukan kesulitan-kesulitan dan penyebab-penyebab kesulitan dalam
menulis teks recount di kelas 8 SMP N 1 Bonjol.

Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Informan dalam
penelitian ini adalah kelas 8 2 di SMP N 1 Bonjol. Data didapatkan melalui dokumentasi dan
wawancara. Dokumentasi digunakan untuk mendapatkan kesulitan-kesulitan siswa dalam
menulis teks recount dan wawancara digunakan untuk mendapatkan penyebab-penyebab
kesulitan siswa dalam menulis teks recount. Peneliti meminta hasil tulisan siswa dari guru.
Wawancara dilakukan secara langsung.

Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan lima bentuk kesulitan-kesulitan siswa dalam
menulis teks recount. Kesulitan-kesultannya adalah tata letak dan tanda baca, mengatur dan
merangkai ide, memilih kosa kata, memeriksa kebenaran tata bahasa, dan masalah bahasa. Lau,
peneliti menemukan tiga penyebab kesulitan-kesulitan siswa dalam menulis teks recount.
Penyebab-penyebabnya adalah masalah psikologi, masalah dalam linguistik, dan masalah

Kata Kunci : kesulitan siswa, menulis


Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all the pries to Allah SWT the Lord of all creatures, for His

blessing during my study and opportunity to accomplish this thesis. Sholawat and salam re

delivered to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW. Hopefull we will get his syafa’at at the last


This thesis was impossible to be completed without helps, guidence, and supports from

many person. Therefore, the researcher would like to express her sincere gratitude and graet

thanks to following persons:

1. Dr. Ridha Ahida, M.Hum as the Rector of IAIN Bukittinggi and her kindness who always

show the most exhauting struggle for the development of eduacation in our campus.

2. Dr. Zulfani Sesmiami, M.Pd as the Dean of the faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN Bukittinggi who

always helps students in everything related to academic purpose.

3. Loli Safitri, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Department of IAIN Bukittinggi and as

Advisor was highly appreciated for the care, time, attention, guidence, valuable advices, and

patience in accomplishing this thesis.

4. Reflinda, SS, M.Pd and Hilma Pami Putri as examiners who have given critics and

suggestions to the thesis.

5. All the lecturers of IAIN Bukittinggi who have given their knowledge , ideas, and helps.

6. The librarians of IAIN Bukittinggi who have sincerely helped and allowed the researcher in

collecting the references.

7. Imbalo S.Pd, M.M.Pd as a head Master of SMP N 1 Bonjol who has accepted her to do the

research at school also Yesra Sefnida, S.Pd as a English teacher when doing research in

SMP N 1 Bonjol who has helped the researcher to get the data for this thesis.

8. Lots of thanks must be delivered to my beloved family who always give me prayers and

motivations, my parent Nuratini. My sister Ezya Rezky and Eza Rezky Amelila and my

brother Erik Syahdian.

9. The writer also shows thanks to my beloved friend, Mutia Rahmi Arnelia, Melia Sasnita,

Fitrah Nurjannah, Resti Ramadani, Rinola Absari Putri, and all members of PBI D. thanks

for their support, motivate, and gives suggestions to finish their study.

10. All of her friends at English Education Department for their helps, supports, and inspiration

that have encauraged me to have good spirit in studying and in accomplishing this thesis.

The researcher hopes Allah SWT always blesses all of the people who have helped her

whether the researcher who have been mentioned or not. Hence, the suggestions, valuables,

critics and the meaningfull advices from the reader are highly appreciated to make this thesis

become more meaningfull.

Bukittinggi, Juli 2021

The Researcher

Erin Hayfitma






A. Background of The Problem....................................................................................1

B. Problem and Focus The Research............................................................................3

C. Research Question....................................................................................................3

D. Purpose of The Research..........................................................................................3

E. Significance of The Problem....................................................................................3

F. Definition of the Key Term......................................................................................4


A. Review of Related Theory........................................................................................5

1. The Nature of Writing......................................................................................5

a. Definition of writing..................................................................................5

b. The Process of Writing..............................................................................6

c. Concept of Writing....................................................................................7

d. The Characteristic of Good writing...........................................................9

e. The Purposes of Writing...........................................................................10

2. Concepts of Writing Recount Text....................................................................11

a. Generic Structure of Recount Text.............................................................11

b. Language Feature of Recount Text............................................................12

3. Difficulties in writing.........................................................................................13

B. Review of Related Studies........................................................................................17

C. Conceptual Framework.............................................................................................18


A. Setting of the Research...........................................................................................20

B. Source of Data.........................................................................................................20

C. Instrumentation of the Research..............................................................................22

D. Technique of the Data Collection............................................................................23

E. Technique of Data Analysis....................................................................................23

F. Triangulation...........................................................................................................25


A. Findings...................................................................................................................26

B. Discussion................................................................................................................40


A. Conclussions..............................................................................................................44

B. Suggestion..................................................................................................................45




Table 1 The Total Number of Second Grade Students (VIII Classes) SMP N 1.................21

Table 1.2 Students Difficulties in Grammar.........................................................................31


Appendix I Research Guideline............................................................................................48

Appendix II Interview..........................................................................................................49

Appendix III Data of Students’ Difficulties.........................................................................64

Appendix IV Surat Penunjukan Pembimbing......................................................................67

Appendix V SK Pembimbing...............................................................................................68

Appendix VI Surat Izin Penelitian........................................................................................69

Appendix VII Surat Telah Melakukan Penelitian................................................................70

Appendix VIII Surat Izin Validasi........................................................................................71




In learning English, there are four skills that should be mastered by students. One of

them is writing. Writing is skill that produced a pruduct. It needs process to transfer ideas by

written. The writer explored the message and mind to gives information to the readers

trhough writer thinking. When the writers start writing, they do not only write all ideas but

the writers also filter ideas. The writers need to convey and organized ideas into a meaningful

text that has some meanings. Thus, the writers should have good ideas and make ideas can be

understood easily to the readers. By writing, students can write what they feel and think

then they can reveal it in a paper.

In writing, the students should focus on grammar, vocabulary, content, organization,

and so on. All of them are essential aspects that students know when producing a good

writing. These devices do not come naturally. Therefore, students should improve their

writing and practice a lot to make a meaningful writing. Then students should be comprehend

the structure and materials in writing, because it is the key to make a good writing.

Based on the syllabus for junior high school, there are some types that students be

learned by the students such as descripticve text, recount text, narrative text, so on. In this

research, researcher chose recount text among these text because it helps students are able to

retelling their experience. According to Gerot and Wignel “ recount is retelling past events in

order to enteirtain or to inform what have already happend". 1 It means that recount text is text

that retells past events in order in which they happend.

There are generic structure such as, orientation, events, and re-orientation. First,

orientation is background information needed to understand the text, such as who was

involved, where it happaned, and when it happend. Second events are series of events,

ordered in a chronological sequence. Then, re-orientation is a personal comment about the

event or what happened in the end. All of them are essential aspects in producing recount text.

Based on the preliminary research on 7 March 2020 with the teacher of second grade of

SMP N 1 Bonjol, researcher found that writing recount text were difficult. Because it not only

focus on writing it self but also focuses on how to arrange ideas, make sentence with correct

grammatical structure, and how to develop ideas when writing. Besides, vocabulary is

importing thing for students when writing. The first phenomenon that researcher found by

interview with the teacher of SMP N 1 Bonjol were some students had lack of vocabulary.

When teacher asked the students to write, they often asked the teacher about the words in

English. The second, students made grammatical error in writing recount text. It can be seen

when the students made sentences. They often confuse with tenses. The last, students cauld

not develop ideas when writing recount text. It can be seen by their sentences was not


Based on explanation above and seen the students’ assignment about writing recount

text the researcher conducted this research on tittle “An Analysis of Students Difficulties in

Writing Recount Text at Eighth Grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol”

Gerot, Wignell.1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Fydney:Gerdstabler, Sntipodean Educational

B. Problem and Focus of the Research

Based on the background above, the researcher can identify the problem of students

difficulties in writing recount text cause of:

1. Some students have lack of vocabulary in writing.

2. Some students make grammatical errors in writing.

3. Some students could not develop ideas when writing.

C. Research Question

Referring of the problem and focus on the research above, the researcher formulated

the problems as follows:

1. What were the students difficulties in writing recount text?

2. What were causes of students difficulties in writing recount text?

D. Purpose of the Research

Based on formulation of the problem the purpose of this research are:

1. To find out the students difficulties in writing recount text.

2. To find out the causes of students difficulties in writing recount text.

E. Significance of the Research

1. For students, this research can improve students writing to become a good writer

especially in recount text.

2. For English Teacher, this research will give contribute to the educators and motivate

the teacher to use various methods when teaching writing especially recount text.

3. For SMP N 1 Bonjol, this research will contribute to the educators and motivate the

teacher to use various methods in learning especialli in writing recount text.

F. Definition of the Key Term

1. Writing is students’ ability in communicating their ideas in written form.

2. Difficulties is anything that gives a hard or difficult time for students in writing

recount text.

3. Recount text is a text that retells past events, in order in which they happend.



A. Review of Related Theory

1. The Nature of Writing

a. The Definition of Writing

Writing is one of the important skills that have to be mastered by the

students. From writing students can explores their mind and gives information

to the readers. According to Brown, he states that “writing is a thiking

process”.2 It means that, writing is writer produces in written product based on

their thinking after through the thinking process. This idea is supported by

Nunan which also explains that “writing is the process of thinking to invent

ideas, thinking about how to express ideas into statement and paragraph

clearly”.3 It means that, writing is a process of putting ideas in students mind

indicates that students are expected to explore their ideas and arrange them

into good sentences and paragraph that have meaning. Therefore, writing is

not only the activity of producing language in written form, but also a mean to

deliver ideas. When writers start writing, they not only write all ideas but the

writers also filter ideas. The writers need to convey and organize ideas into a

meaningful text that has some meanings. Thus, the writers should can

explores ideas and know how to make ideas can be understood easily.

Meanwhile, Byrne stated that, writing is encoding message of some kind

Brown, H.D. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language pedagogy (2nd ed). New York :
Addison Wesley Longman.p.335.
Nunan, David.2003. Practical English language Teaching. Suingapore: MC Graw Hill Company

where the writer reveal thought into language.4 It means that, writing is a

process encode writer message in written.

It can be concluded that writing is a written productive language skill.

The purpose of writing skill is to share information from spoken language into

written language. Therefore, in writing recount text the writers should retalls

their thinking in written form that has some meaning.

b. The Process of Writing

According to Harmer, the writing process divided into four stages. 5 All

the stages of writing process are explained below:

1) Planning is the first stage of writing process when the writers

plan, try, and decide what they are going to write. Usually some

writers making detailed notes before starting to write.

2) Drafting is a piece of writing when the writers arrange their planning

before it be produce on the final version, as the writing process

proceeds into editing.

3) Editing (reflecting and revising) is a process where the writers have

produced a draft, then revise what they written to see where the

mistake in writing. Usually the writer asks to other reader to get

their adivices then make appropriate revisions.

4) Final Draft is the last stage of the writing process when the written

text is ready to send to its intended audience. In brief, writing process

Byrne, Donn. (1993). Teaching Writing Skill, Singapore : Longman Singapore Publishers Pte Ltd.p.1.

Harmer, J. (2004). How to Teach Writing. Pearson Education Limited.p.4.

is a series activities that helps the writer to make planning with writer

ideas, expressing them on the paper, make the change of draft, and

send its intended audience. Meanwhile, Oshima and Hogue stated that

there are several steps in writing process:

1) Prewriting is a way to get idea when writing. In tis step, the writer

chooses the topic and collects ideas to explain the topic. Then, the

writers write the topic and make list of words and pharases in

their mind quickly until the ideas stops.

2) Organize is process where the writers organize their ideas into a

simple outline.

3) Writing is when the writer writes a rough draft quicly, using outline

as a guide then without think about spelling, grammar, and


4) Polishing: revising and editing are the last step. Revising is attact the

big issues of content and organization. Then, editing is attact issues

of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

It can be concluded that there are some process in writing that

should follow by the writers. Its help the writer to produce good

writing in the begin until finish.

c. Component of Writing

According to Harris, writing has five general components6:

1) Content

David P. Harris, 1996. Testing English as a Second Language .New York: Me.Graw Hill. P68-69

The ideas of the writer are described. Content refers to the sentence

that flow easily and not too hard to be understood by the readers

although a simple writing.

2) Form organization

The organization of the content is arranged his systematically in

order be cohesive. It contains reasonable sentences that support the

topic of the writing. The ideas of the writers are well organized and

can be understood to the reader.

3) Grammar

The grammatical from and syntactic patterns. Grammar is

connecting with how the words are arranged into good sentences

should be. Good means correct in the tenses and has meaning. It means

that the writers used the appropriate grammatical features to send her

message or information to the readers.

4) Vocabulary

To construct a good paragraph, vocabulary has importand role. By

choosing appropriate words, the writer was able to invent their ideas

smoothly. They can deliver the ideas to the readers by selecting


5) Mechanics

The use of conventions of the language. It means that, clear

information can be helped the readers by using appropriate

punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and etc. In writing, the writer

should understand how the way and mechanics in writing.

It can be concluded that, there are components in writing. Its must be

remember by the writer to produce good writing.

d. The Characteristics of Good Writing

According to Boardman and Frydenberg, there are three characteristics of

good writing7:

1) Coherence

Coherence in writing is the logical bridge between words,

sentences, and parapharase. Coherence in writing uses device to

connect ideas within each sentence and paragraph. It means that, each

paragraph should have the appropriate supporting sentence to support

the main and make each paragraphs has meaning realated by the topic.

2) Cohesion

Cohesion in writing really important because cohesion means that,

among words, pharaphase, sentences, and paragraphs should has

relationship to make clear and logical writing.

3) Unity

Unity in writing means that each paragraph has only one main idea

and all the sentences and details in paragraph revolve around that main

idea. It means that, all of the supporting sentences should relate to the

Chintya Boardman and Jia Frydenberg, 2008, Writing to Communicate 2: Paragraphs and Essays 3rd edition, New
York : Pearson. P 18, 23, & 25

topic sentence. Thus, every sentences should be part of the description

of the topic sentence in paragraph.

It can be concluded that, the writer should produce a writing that

include of coherence, cohesion, and unity. Because a good writing is

have some charactherisctic.

e. The Purposes of Writing

Writing has some purpose for the learner they are: communication,

critical thinking and solve problem, and self-actualization.

1) Writing is for communication

Through writing express writer feeling, arguments, and ideas.

Writer explaint to readers what enything in writing to get readers

feedback. For students, writing is primary and medium though which

they demonstrate their understanding and interpretation of concepts

and theories studies.

2) Writing is for critical thinking and solve problem

Through writing can explore writer deepest though and feelings.

Writing can helps writer discover gaps in understanding and flows in

thinking. It can tells readers when she need information, rethink

question. Writing is the way of defining problems, clarifying writer

knowledge and ideas.

3) Writing is for self-actualization

Writing is the way of discovering and developing writers idea, it is

mean that, writing is for self-actualization by writer. Writing is

contemplative, ever-developing skill to explore different aspecs in

writerselve as unique individuals.

It can be concluded that, writing is a tool communication by the

writer. By writing the writer can explore their mind and solve their


2. Concepts of Writing Recount Text

Anderson and Anderson stated that the recount text is a piece of text that

retells past event, usually in the order in which they accoured. It purpose is to

improve the audience with a description of what accouredand when it accourred. 8

It means that, recount text gives description to the audience about past event. The

purpose of literary story recount is to tell a sequence of events, so that it can

entertain and inform the readers.

Moroever, Hyland stated that recount text is reconstruct past experience by

retelling events in original sequences.9

In writing, the text retells about the real context that happened in the past

based on original sequences, so it must be arranged systematically of events that


a. Generic Stucture of Recount Text

1) Orientation

Recount text is begins by telling the reader who was involved, what

happened, where this event take place and when it happened.

2) Events
Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra: MC Millan, Educational PTYLTD,
1998) p.24.
Ken Hyland, Second language Writing (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003,p.20

The main important activities or events that occured in that story.

The function is to give more explanation of the orientation.

3) Re-orientation

A conclusion of the story. In other words this is a kind of the text

that saying about how a thing in the past happens in chronologically and

also saying about a feeling of that things. Some recount have an

evaluative comment or conclusion which may constitute the writers

comment on event described previously, but this is just optional. The

conclusion is written in the last paragraph, and because this part is

optional, some recount may not have this conclusion paragraph.

b. Language Feature of Recount Text

1) Use of specific participant : a younger brother,

sister, mother, or the

writer him/herself : I,

my brother, my mother.

2) Use of the past tense : (last school holiday I

decided to spend my


3) Use of temporal and conjuction : after, when, then,

before, during, or

conjunction such as

“first, next, then”.

4) Personal comments : (the holiday was cool, I

was happy because I

has a great vocation In

Bukittinggi, etc).

5) Topic : embrassing moment,

scary memory, last

holiday, unforgetable


3. Difficulties in writing

a. Kinds of Difficulties in Writing

Writing skills are very important skill in life. It is not only important in the

educational life, but also very important in people’s lives but it difficult for

students. According to Harris, there are main difficulties apprear in at leas five

areas. There are difficulties in content, form organize, grammar, style, and


1) Content

The ideas of the writer are described. Content refers to the sentence

that flow easily and not too hard to be understood by the readers

although a simple writing.

2) Form organization

The organization of the content is arranged his systematically in

order be cohesive. It contains reasonable sentences that support the

topic of the writing. The ideas of the writers are well organized and

can be understood to the reader.

3) Grammar

The grammatical from and syntactic patterns. Grammar is

connecting with how the words are arranged into good sentences

should be. Good means correct in the tenses and has meaning. It means

that the writers used the appropriate grammatical features to send her

message or information to the readers.

4) Vocabulary

To construct a good paragraph, vocabulary has importand role. By

choosing appropriate words, the writer was able to invent their ideas

smoothly. They can deliver the ideas to the readers by selecting


5) Mechanics

The use of conventions of the language. It means that, clear

information can be helped the readers by using appropriate

punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and etc. In writing, the writer

should understand how the way and mechanics in writing.

In addition, the difficulties come from any side. Harmer stated that

there are three difficulties in writing10:

1. Handwriting

Jeremy Harmer, the Practical of English Language Teaching, 2003. P.255

The students difficult to understand handwriting because each

person has different style to write, it is become a problem in

writing by the students.

2. Spelling

The students are weak to identifying component sounds in the

words that they try to spell. The students are poor in linking sounds

and syllables to correct groups of letters.

3. Layout and punctuation

Layout is the way when the parts of something are arranged. It is

convention when writing is designed to make comprehention easier

for reader. Punctuation is the way to use comma, full stop and

others in a sentence.

In addition, Jill Hadfield and Charles Hadfield stated that there are

four difficulties in writing skill, such as11 :

1. The Mother Tongue

Mother tongue makes students difficult in writing because they are

difficult to convey their ideas into formal situation.

2. Absent of Audience

Writing is different from speaking. When we speak, we are interacting

with someone and have instant feedback and we know informant

express. While writing we cannot consult with the reader. It is difficult

to know absent of the reader. The different absent of writer and reader

makes different mean.

Jill and Hadfield, Introduction to Teaching English, (Oxford: University Press.2008).p.116

3. The Linguistic Difficulties

The writer has to know how to put a sentence together accurately. The

writer should know appropriate langauge for different types of


4. Organize and Sequence Ideas

When writing, the writer should involves more than putting sentences

together in langauge that is grammatically correct and appropriate.

The ideas are make be sentences and need to be organize in logical


In addition, students not only difficult in processing of writing to transfer

ideas but also in structuring grammatical rule to make good sentences or good

paragraps clearly.

b. The Causes of Difficulties

Byrne stated that there are three aspects that causes in writing

difficulties, such as12:

1. Psychological problems are related to there is no feedback of reader

towords what the writer write.

2. Linguistic problems are related with the writer which are unnotice to the

sentences that are uncomplete or ungrammatical.

3. Coqnitive problems are related to the custom or habit in learning English.

In addition, students difficulties in writing not only because students

has lack vocabulary and grammatical error but also students feel difficult

Byrne, Don. Teaching Writing Skills, (New York: Herever Collin Publisher,1980),p.4

because of three aspecs such as psychological problems, linguistic

problems, and cognitive problems.

B. Review of Related Studies

To supporting this research, there are some previous studies are relevent with this

research. The first relevan research was conducted by Diana Liza, (2017), entitled “

An Investigation of Students Problem In Writing Recount Text at the First Semester

of the Eigth Grade of SMP N 4 Bandar lampung in the Academic year of 2016/2017”.

She found that students got problem in writing recount text such as, grammatical

weakness, knowledge and understanding, less practice, and educational background.

The second previous study was done by Masrianti Berlin, (2009) who graduated

from IAIN Bukittinggi which thw tittlw “ An Analysis of Students Difficulties in

Writing Narrative Text at the Second Grade of SMA N 1 Banuhampu”. She found

that some difficulties that students got in writing narrative text such as, problem in

grammar, lack of vocabulary, difficulty to arrange the word became a good sentence

or paragraph, and transfering the meaning from Indonesian to English.

The similarity with this research is same reseach about students difficulties in

writing. the purposes of this research is to know what forms of difficulties and the

causes of difficulties in writing.

C. Conceptual Framework

Writing is the process of thinking to invent ideas, thinking how to express ideas into statement and paragraph clearly
(Nunan, David.2003. Practical English Language Teaching, Singapore:MC Graw Hill.p88.)

Students Difficulties in Writing

Recount Text

Personal Recount Imaginative

Factual Recount

Generic Srtuctures:

1. Orientation students difficulties:

2. Event
3. Re-Orientation 1. Content
2. Organization
3. Grammar
4. Vocabulary
5. Mechanics

Language Features:

1. Specific Participant
2. Past Tense
3. Temporal and
4. Personal Causes in writing
Comments difficulties:
5. Topic
1. Psychological problem
2. Linguistic problem
3. Cognitive problem


Based in the conceptual framework above, the researcher explains about some

students difficulties in writing recount text. There are three generic structures in

recount text, such as orientation, events, and re-orientation. Also there are five

language features in recount text such as, specific participant, past tense, temporal

and conjunction, personal comments, and topic. In writing there are forms of students

difficulties in writing recount text such as, there are inquiring and using self, limited

working capacity, exhibit weakness in planning, and they lack any efectives

strategies. Moroever, the causes of difficulties in writing recount text such as, there

are psycholinguistic problems, linguistic problems, and cognitif problems.



A. Setting of The Research

In this research, researcher used descriptive qualitative. Gay stated that,

qualitative research used to gain insights into a particular phenomenon by collect,

analyze, and interpret the comprehensive narrative and visual data.13 It means that,

qualitative research was design to get information about the phenomenon and explain that

in the form of data. In this research the researcher will be able to describe the difficulties

and the causes of those difficulties faced by students in writing recount text.

B. Source of Data

1. Population

Population is the totally of subject research. Gay stated that, population is group

of interest to the research, the group consits of males and females would like the

results of the study to be generalizable.14 It means that, population is total of items

about which information desire.

The population in this research is all of students at the second grade of SMP N 1

Bonjol. There are four classes as pretend in the table below:

Gay, L.R. 2012. Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Applications. Tenth Edition, Pearson. Upper
Saddle River, p. 7

L,R.Gay, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application, third edition, (Merrill: Macmillan
Publishing Company,1990),p.102

Table 1: The Total Number of Second Grade Students (VIII Classes) SMP

N Bonjol

No Class Students Totally

1 VIII 1 25

2 VIII 2 25

3 VIII 3 26

4 VIII 4 25

Total 101

(Source: the document of SMP N 1 Bonjol)

From the tabel above, the population in this research is 101 students total at the

second grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol.

2. Sample

Sample is small unit of the population.margono stated that, sample is a part of

population as the sample which is taken by using certain ways.15 It means that,

sample is a number of individuals selected from population to be research. Researcher

would use purposive sampling technique. Sugiyono stated that random sampling is

the way of taking samples from members of population by using random method

without regard to the strata in population.16 It means that, the sample that used

researcher was taken by random without carry out with strata. Researcher only chose

one class as sample.

In this research, researcher chose VIII 2 class as research sample because this

class is suitable for criterion needed in this research. Another reason is the researcher
Margono, metotologi Penelitian Pendidikan,Komponen MKDK, (Jakarta : Rineke Cipta, 2007),p.121
Sugiyono. (2007). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta,CV

got suggestion from the teacher, she said that VIII 2 class can be invited to work


C. Instrumentation of the Research

Instrumentation is a tool that useful to get the data which is needed by the researcher.

The researcher will get the data from documentation and interview.

1. Documentation

Documentation is official paper that gives information based on evidence. Sarwono

said that, documentation is a tool to help researcher to collect the data and

information by reading the letters, announcements, meeting summery, the written

statements, and the other writing.17 It means that, the researcher can collect the data

and get information by reading something. The researcher would collect students’

assignment in writing recount text to answer the questions about what forms of

students difficulties in writing recount text at the 8th grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol.

2. Interview

Interview is conversation between interviewer and interviewee to get information

throught some question and responses. The interview use by researcher to get

information about causes of students difficulties in writing recount text. In this

research, researcher use semi structure interview. Sugiyono said that, semi structure

interview is interview which flexible and fluid structure, rather than structure

interview.18 It means that, to get information the researcher did interview until

researcher get information by informant without use certain structure. It to answer

Jonathan Sarwono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif, (Yogyakarta:Graha Ilmu<2006).p.225
Sugiyuono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif dan R7D (Bandung: Alfa Beta Bandung,2009).p.197

the questions about what causes of students difficulties in writing recount text at

eighth grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol.

D. Technique of Data Collection

1. Documentation

Researcher will use the documentation from the result of student’s assignment in

writing recount text. This documentation will use to collecting the data to answer

the questions about what of students difficulties in writing recount text at the 8 th

grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol.

2. Interview

Researcher would used interview until researcher get information with some of

students to collec the data to answer the question about what causes of students

difficulties in writing recount text at the 8th grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol.s

E. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Documentation

After the researcher collect the data, it will be analyze to achieve the intend

purposes. In analyzing the data, the researcher use descriptive qualitative analysis

technique to see the forms of difficulties in writing. there are procedures of analyzing

the data such as:

a. Collecting the Data

The researcher collecting students assignment of writing recount text.

b. Describing

The researcher will describe students difficulties in writing recount text.

c. Analyzing the Data

The researcher will analyze students difficulties in writing recount text.

d. Making Conclusion

The researcher will conclude the analyzing of students writing to look the

difficulties in writing recount text.

2. Interview

The researcher also use interview to see the causes of students difficult in

writing. There are several procedures to analyze the data with interview as

proposed by:19

a. Data Collection

The researcher collected the data throught interview.

b. Data Reduction

After collected the data, the researcher resumed the data and focus on the

research aspecs and uncessary aspecs were reducted by researcher.

c. Data Display

Then, the researcher made the result of the research about the causes of the


d. Conclusion

The last, the researcher concluded the finding.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif dan R7D (Bandung: Alfa Beta bandung,2009).p.247

F. Triangulation of the data

Researcher used triangulation of the data to enhance the validity and accuracy of

the data. Creswell said that qualitative research is a process of collecting and analyze

data, it need to be able finding and interpretations are accurate. Triangulation is the

process of corroborating evidance from different individuals, types of data or methods of

data collection in descriptive qualitative research. 20 It means that, qualitative research is

use to collect data analysis to make sure a finding and interpret accurate data.

In this research, researcher used triangulation of method. In triangulation of

method, researcher used two data collecting technique, they are: documents and

interview. Documens in this research was the students’ assigment in writing recount text

to investigate their difficulties in writing recount text. While, interview was given to find

out students causes of students difficulties in writing recount text

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif dan R7D (Bandung: Alfa Beta Bandung,2009).p.259




The researcher would to show the data were found by the researcher. It would be

separated by two sub chapter such as description of the data and analysis of the data. The

researcher used documentation and interview as instruments. In description of the data,

the researcher would to describe the data that researcher found. In analysis of the data,

the researcher would to analysis all of the data.

1. Description of the Data

a. Documentation

The data taken by researcher from the teacher, they were 25 students’

written task about writing recount text. From the data were collected by

researcher, researcher found data about five aspecs such as content, organization,

grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. The first difficult was content. Most of

students made paragraph hard to understand by the reader. Its caused several

students wrote minimum ideas in a paragraph which their main ideas were not

clear. The idea of paragraph was still ambigous. Researcher found that some

paragraphs were written in one sentence only.

Second was organization. Most of students had difficult of structuring the

paragraph. They also could not arrange their ideas. There were many sentences

was disorganized. Some students got difficulties to write coherent paragraph.

They made supporting sentence that did not connect with the topic sentence.

Then, there were many jumping ideas.

Third difficult was grammar. Most of students had difficult to write

sentences in the correct structure. Some students had difficult with the verb and

tenses. Moreover, the students had difficult in using pronoun and possesive

pronoun, for instance “uncle’s house” became “house uncle”, “his name” became

“he name”. The students also had difficult in word order.

Next difficult was vocabulary. Some students difficult to chose appropriate

vocabulary. For instance, “my grandmother was sick” became “my sick

grandmother”. The students were doubt with choosing the correct words while

composing recount text. Last problem was mechanics. Some students had

difficult with spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. When write recount text

there was omission such as, “only” became “oly”. Then, there was addition such

as, “mango” becaome “manggo”. Some of students still use the wrong

capitalization. For instance in the first of sentence, the name of someone, the

name of tourist attraction, and so on.

b. Interview

The researcher interviewed students on June, 2 nd 2021. The interview aims to

know the causes of students’ difficulties in writing recoun text. There were 10

questions that were asked to the students. The researcher did interview with 25

students. There were some indicators that become causes of students’ difficulties in

writing recount text, such as psychological problem, linguistic problem, and

cognitive problem. First problem was psychological problem. Many difficult were

made by students due to lack motivation to write, it caused by feeling of anxiety and

not confident. Students’ difficulties when writing recount text influenced by worry of

making mistakes, incomprehensible, or stupidity.

Second was linguistic problem. In writing, the students’ difficulties were

caused by lack of vocabulary, incomplete sentence and grammatical forms which are

unnotice by the students when writing recount text. The last was cognitive problem.

In writing, the students’ difficulties were caused by custom or related to learning in

English. There are conceptual mastery, formulation, and sentence srtucture.

2. Analysis of Data

a. Documentation

The documentation analysis in this research was 25 students’ written task in

recount text. In analyzing data, rrsearcher analyzed students’ task based on five

aspects of difficulties in writing. There were content, organization, grammar,

vocabulary, and mechanics. The documentation was taken by the teacher. After the

researcher collected students’ documentation, the researcher got the students’ data

to be analyzed to know the difficulties of students in writing recount text. The

researcher used initial students’ name to make identification easier. The researcher

described the five difficulties that were found as the follow:

1) Content.

There were some indicators in this aspect. They were whether the

paragraph understandable or not and paragraph unity. Paragraph unity itself

had sub indicators consists of main idea clearly, change opinion clearly, topic

sentence. The result of document students’ written showed that the students

have problem in making good content. Based on the data from GS, researcher

found he wrote recount text just in a one paragraph. He wrote a paragraph

very short. His idea was still ambiguous. Researcher was unable understand

the paragraph. It was caused due to the main ideas were not at all clear. The

information of this recount text could be understood by reader.

The same thing was done by HYR, he wrote recount text in one

paragraph. From his written task, researcher found that he could not express

his idea. Each sentence could not be understood. He was unable to develop

his ideas. Each sentence was not described the topic sentence. The

information of this recount text could be understood by the reader.

Moreover, based on N’s a recount text, researcher found that he wrote

descriptive text, he didn’t tell about his or something which the recount text

should be like. It can be seen that he didn’t understand what teacher means.

Instruction of teacher was wrote a recount text, but in fact, he wrote

descriptive text

On the other hand, researcher found a recount text that had average

category, it was made by MS. Her recount text was able to understand. She

wrote a recount text in two paragraphs. Although, each paragraph consist of

minim sentence, then the last paragraph only consist of one line. The content

of this recount text was quite clear. The information of this recount text can

be understant by the reader. Furthermore, MR’s recount text was quite

difficult to understand because of his content was ambigous then there was

grammatical and spelling error.

2) Organization

The indicator of organization was coherence. It has sub indicators consists

structuring the paragraph, topic development of a paragraph. Researcher found

some students got difficulties in organizing idea. It can be seen from the AH’s

task. Researcher found that he made mistake in organizing recount text. AH

had the difficult to make a good paragraph. He wrote jumping ideas. For

example, it was quoted by AH task, “we see loking tiger sleeping and we the

picture with a siamang”. In this sentence, he could not arrange the sentence.

He looked for sleeping tiger, he took picture with a gibbon. Moreover,

researcher found that DC’s recount text. He didn’t understand how to make a

good writing well. He could not arrange his idea. But, it was quite to be

understood. Her sentence was not too jump.

On the other hand, researcher had analyzed AN’s writing. Researcher

found that AN able to arrange the paragraph. Each sentence supported the topic

idea so that she could write a good paragraph.

3) Grammar

Researcher found the problem in grammar. Problem in grammar is going

to influence certain patterns of how words are put together to form the correct

sentences. Some students still confused in using verb tense, to be, pronoun,

auxiliary, word order. They were not able to select correct verb based on the

tenses they use when writing. It happened because the students did not

understand well yet about it. Researcher found that most of students got

difficult in grammar. For examples :

Table 1.2
Students’ Difficulties in Grammar

No Grammatical error Correct sentence

1 There chicken is much (to be) There are many chicken

2 My uncle cat have beutiful My uncle had a beautiful cat

(word order)

3 We don’t can out in the car. We could not out of the car

4 Rice fried(word order) Fried rice

5 Saturday night I am and go to Saturday night I and my friend

Wisata Kuliner (tenses) went to Wisata Kuliner

6 Home Fauzi (possessive Fauzi’s home


7 Furtunately the dong not die Furtunately the dog was not die

8 I wake her and she is waking I wake him and he was wake

up (pronoun) up.

9 I go to Sasak beach I went to Sasak beach

10 I am buy egg I bought a egg

11 Last night I go to Equator with Last night I went to Equator

Ardi (tenses) with Ardi

12 I just take selfie I just took selfie

4) Vocabulary

Besides some problems above, vocabulary is another problem that students

faced in writing recount text. Researcher found some difficulties in diction. The

problem explained as follows:

a. Incorrect : He have a cow (GS)

Correct : He had a cow

b. Incorrect : I see much people (N)

Correct : I saw many people

c. Incorrect : we eaten rice fried (FF)

Correct : we ate fried rice

d. Incorrect : the dong (MR)

Correct : the dog

e. Incorrect : Suci order juice alpokado (ZH)

Correct : Suci ordered juice avocado

f. Incorrect : Fishing in there so biges (AA)

Correct : the size of fish at there really big

g. Incorrect : take picture with siamang ( AH)

Correct : took picture with gibbon

h. Incorrect : I am go to Sasak beach oly to having fun (DJ)

Correct : I went to Sasak beach only to having fun

i. Incorrect : fish bakar (DJ)

Correct : grilled fish

j. Incorrect : I thing a siamang take peanut to me (AH)

Correct : I think a gibbon take peanut to me

From the explanation above, researcher found if the students still

had difficulty in diction. Researcher found that some students were lack of

vocabularies. It was showed by their writing.

5) Mechanics

The indicators of mechanics were capitalization, punctuation, and

spelling. Based on documents result of students’ written task, most of

students did not pay attention about capitalization, punctuation, and

spelling when they write recount text.

For examples:

1. Oly to having fun (spelling error)

The correct sentence:

Only to having fun

2. I thing a siamang take peanut (spelling

error) The correct sentence:

I think a gibbon take peanut

3. Fishing in there so biges (spelling error)

The correct sentence :

Fist at there so big

4. We want picture in the Rumah gadang ( capitalization)

The correct sentence:

We want picture in the Rumah Gadang

5. After lunc I ran to the beach (spelling error)

The correct sentence :

After lunch I ran to the beach

6. I am go to rao Panti (capitalization)

The correct sentence:

I went to Rao Panti

7. My mother carries rive from home every much ( spelling error)

The correct sentence:

My mother carries rive from home very much

8. taman makam pahlawam (capitalization)

The correct sentence:

Taman Makan Pahlawan

9. aia manih beach (capitalization)

The correct sentence:

Aia Manih Beach

Based on the data above, researcher found that most of students got

mechanics difficulties in writing recount text. They were error or mistake

spelling. Then, some students also got difficult in capitalization and


b. Interview

There were three causes of students’ difficulties in writing recount text. There

were psycholinguistic problem, linguistic problem, and cognitive problem. The

description would be analyzed below:

1. Psycholinguistic Problem

The causes of students’ difficulties in writing recount text were by

student intelligence and comprehent. It was also related they are not confident

and enxiety. It had been related by ZH:

“Saya takut apa yang saya buat salah karena saya tidak terlalu yakin apa

yang saya buat benar. Dan saya takut nilai saya rendah.”21

It means, she was worry when write recount text. She afraid would

make mistake and anxiety causes students difficulties when write recount

text. When student worry when write recount text, it will be burden and

student fell writing recount text was difficult.

It almost also same with MS where she got difficult in writing recount

text because she worry and afraid to make mistake. She said that:

“Ketika menulis recount text, saya takut apa yang saya buat salah dan saya

malu ditertawakan teman saya”22

The same causes also did by J. where she feel worry when making

mistake in writing recount text. She said that:

“Ketika menulis text recount saya merasa takut dan saya tidak yakin apa

yang saya buat benar atau salah. Jika yang saya buat salah maka akan

ditertawakan teman yang lain”23

Different with MS where MS was difficult in writing recount text

caused by not confident. While J was difficult in writing recount text caused

by feeling worry and afraid with her writing would be laugh by her friends.

Then, the student RH also was worry he would make mistake. He said that:
Zalika. H. Personal Interview, The second grade of students of SMP N 1 Bonjol, June 2 2021.
Maharani. S. Personal Interview, The second grade of students SMP N 1 Bonjol, June 2 2021.
Jenia. Personal Interview, The second grade of students SMP N 1 Bonjol, June 2 2021.

“Ketika menulis text recount saya merasa tidak percaya diri saya merasa apa

yang saya buat salah dan khawatir nilai saya jadi rendah”24

It can be seen that, anxiety was caused of students difficulties in

writing recount text. The other students also make a student were not

confident when write her opinions.

On the other hand, there were some students really do not understand

what will be written. Then, they just write arbitrary and cheating his friend.

Like MR said:

“Saya tidak mengerti apa itu recount text. Saya hanya menulis apa yang saya

inginkan dan kadang saya mencontek punya teman saya”25

In conclusion, students has not confident and worry to making recount

text because they are afraid that what their write was wrong. It made the

students difficult to writing recount text.

2. Linguistic Problem

In writing recount text, the student had difficulties were caused by

incomplete or ungrammatical forms which were unnotice by the students.

Researcher found that student causes of students’ difficulties in writing

recount text were grammar and vocabulary. It’s found by the researcher after

done interview with thw students. The description had been conveyed by IA:

“Saya tidak terlalu tahu aturan menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris dan saya

juga tidak tahu banyak tentang vocabulary”26

Rahmat. H. Personal Interview, The second grade of students SMP N 1 Bonjol, June 2 2021.
Muhammad. R. Personal Interview, The second grade of students SMP N 1 Bonjol, June 2 2021.
Isra. A. Personal Interview, The second grade of students SMP N 1 Bonjol, June 2

It showed thst the student IA were difficult in writing recount text. Her

difficulties during writing, like check for grammatical correctness in using

simple past tense. Such as “I am go to Rao Panti” it shoul be “I went to Rao

Panti”. Verb “go” should be “went”. It can be showed formulated the

grammatical is one of forms of students difficulties in writing recount text.

The same case in writing recount text that caused bu grammar and

vocabulary showed by AA:

“Saya tidak terlalu paham aturan-aturan dalam menulis text recount,

karena saya tidak terlalu memperhatikan guru ketika belajar dan vocabulary

yang saya tahu sedikit sehingga saya malas untku menulis”27

It can be seen that difficulties in writing recount text was caused by

vocabulary. Where the students had lack of vocabulary caused by the student

had low motivation in learning English. In addition, most of student did not

bring dictionary although the teacher ask them to bring dictionary to help them

to find the vocabulary when writing recount text.

The other case in writing recount text that caused by vocabulary was

express by DJ:

“Kadang karena tidak tahu banyak tentang Bahasa Inggris, saya tidak

tahu apa yang kan saya tulis karena hanya sedikit vocabulary yang saya


Adinda. A. Personal Interview, The students of SMP N 1 Bonjol, June 2 2021
Dini. J. Personal Interview, The students of SMP N 1 Bonjol, June 2 2021

It showed that students difficulties caused by lack of vocabulary. It makes

recount text that DJ write was short. She couldn’t write her ideas in writing use


The same case the difficulties in writing recount text that caused by lack of

vocabulary was show by GS:

“Saya merasa kesulitan dalam menulis recount text karena kosa kata yang

saya tahu hanya sedikit. Karena kosa kata yang saya tahu sedikit sehingga

saya kehilangan ide ketika menulis. Saya juga tidak mengerti dengan

Bahasa Inggris”29

It showed that, difficulties in writing recount text were caused by grammar

and vocabulary. Where the students had lack of vocabulary, it makes the

students does not know what will he write. He also does not understand about

the rule of English.

In conclusion based the finding above, it can be concluded that students

difficulties in writing recount text caused by grammatical errors also students

had lack of vocabulary. Grammatical errors was caused by the students did not

pay attention when the teacher teching in the class. Then, the lack of vocabulary

was caused by students there was no motivation in learning English. It makes

students lazy to memorize vocabulary.

3. Cignitive Problem

In learning English, students had difficulties caused by custom and

habbit. Such as relate to conceptualization mastery, formulation, and sentence

structure. Based on the interview that had been done with the students,
Gilang. S. Personal Interview, The grade Students of SMP N 1 Bonjol, June 2 2021.

researcher found that students’ difficulties in writing recount text are the

conceptual mastery, formulation, and sentence structure. It was express by YS:

“Saya merasa susah dalam menulis text recount karen asaya tidak begitu tahu

tentang aturan dalam recount text. Saya juga tidak tahu banyak vocabulary,

akibatnya jika tidak tahu sesuatu dalam Bahasa Inggris saya jadi kehilangan

ide ketika menulis”30

It showed that, the student had lack of concept in writing recount text.

He was also had lack of vocabulary. When student did not mastery a concept

and had lack of vocabulary, it would difficult to the student to formulat his


In other case was happen with NM she was difficult in writing recount

text also caused by low concept about recount text. She said that:

“Saya tidak terlalu paham aturan dalam recount text, karena saya tidak

terlalu memperhatikan guru kektika belajar. Sehingga jika tidak tahu Bahasa

Inggris sesuatu, maka saya jadi malas mengerjakannya”

It can be seen the lack of concept influences the student in writing

recount text. When there was no concept influences the student become

nervous, finally the student feel difficult in writing recount text.

In conclusion, there were psycholinguistic problem, linguistic problem,

and cognitive problem by the students in writing recount text. Where

psycholinguistic problem included student intelligent, anxiety, selves

confident, and comprehend. Then, linguistic problem included grammar and

Yofi. S. personal Interview, The second grade students of SMP N 1 Bonjol, June 2 2021.

vocabulary. The last, cognitive problem included conceptual mastery,

formulated, and sentence structure.

In this research, researcher found that the students’ difficulties in

writing recount text caused by grammar and vocabulary. Students also

difficulties caused by lack mastery concept of writingg recount text,


Based on the data analysis above, the researcher has found five aspects students’

difficulties identified in 25 students’ writing recount text. Those difficulties include

content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. From the data above, it can

be concludes that students still had difficulty in writing. Writing becomes the most

difficult skill when it is learned by the foreign language learners. According to Rass in

Zulaikha stated that writing is a difficult skill for native speakers and non-native speakers

due to writers must be able to write it multiple issues such as content, organization,

purpose, vocabularies, audience and mechanics such as spelling, punctuation, and

capitalization.31 This statement support this research, due to for all off aspect, there was

students that got the difficult.

Based on the data analysis above, the researcher found the most problem of was

grammar. The researcher concluded that grammar in a writing recount text could be a

most problem due to when students wrote it, they tried to improve their language. They

tend to wrote what they think without think about grammar. Otherwise, based on the

finding of study was done by Dwi, she found the most dominant aspect in the students’

Zulaikah, “An analysis students’ ability in writing descriptive text of second semester of English
Educational Program at STKIP Nurul Huda OKU Timur”. Jurnal Darussalam; Jurnal Pendidikan, Komunikasi dan
Pemikiran Hukum Islam. Vol. X, No 1. September 2018. P.13

writing is the language use and vocabulary aspects, and conversely in organization,

mechanic, and content. According Ameliani, learning English involves the grammar

which is taught for the young learners not always be easy. Grammar that is an essential

part of the language that cannot be understand easily.32 The second problem was

vocabulary. Apparently some students possess limited vocabulary. It makes they got

difficulties in doing their writing a recount text. Researcher also found that some students

were wrong in diction. For example: “we eaten rice fried” it should be “we ate fried

rice”. Another example was “fishing in there so biges” it should be “the size of fish at

there really big”. Next problem was content. Harris said that content refers to the

sentence which flow easily and not too hard to understand by the readers.33 The

researcher found that some students were wrote a incomprehensible recount text.

Meanwhile, there was more content in writing recount text that could be understand while

there were grammatical error.

The forth was difficlut mechanics. It happened due to the students didn’t pay

attention toward spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. According Gowere in alfaki

stated that spelling problem happened due to the influence of other languages, variant

pronunciations and other historical reasons, the English spelling system which has

become inconsistent is complex for students. In addition, for capitalization problem,

alfaki stated that learners have problem in using capitalilzation properly. There are

reasons for students’ difficulties in using proper capitalization. The rules of capitalization

are not universal and classifying nouns as proper and common nouns is difficult for

Ameliani, Atiqoch Novie, Students’ Difficulties in Grammar of Seventh Grade Junior High School 1
Mangelang. Proceeding 1st Conference of English Language and Literature(CELL). 2019.
David P. Harris. 1996. Testing English as a Second Language. New York : Me. GrawHill

students.34 .The last problem was organization. The indicator of organization was

coherence. It has sub indicators consists structuring the paragraph, topic development of a

paragraph. Researcher found some students got problem in organizing idea.

From finding of interview’s data, the researcher found that there were three

causes of writing. First causes is based on interview with students was psychological

problem. Psychological problem made students got difficult when write recount text.

Self-confidence and motivation have large influences to support students when writing.

Davis in Dwi Warry Octaviana states that the students will be encouraged to write if

writing tasks motivate them and keep them interested.35 The desire of writer to

communicate something is very important due to it is much more difficult for students to

write about something they have no interest in. Then, the students’ motivation is said to

strongly which relate to how the students acquire writing knowledge.

Next cause was linguistic problems. Linguistic problems refer to grammatical

error, vocabulary. Students that have limited knowledge and didn’t understand about

grammar, vocabulary will get problems in writing. In this research, researcher found that

some students sometimes when they have idea, but they could not express their idea. It

was caused due to they should be aware to used grammar correctly. They also have

limited vocabulary. Then, students made paragraph in Indonesia form firstly, after that

they translated into English, it caused they didn’t care about grammar. Last cause of

problems was cognitive problem. It influenced their writing but it didn’t give big impact

for their writing.

Alfaki, Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed. University Students’ English Writing Problems : Diagnosis and remedy.
International Journal of English Language Teaching. Vol 3. No.3
Octaviana, Dwi Warry. The Causes of EFL Students’ Difficulties in Writing English.




Based on researcher finding of the research about analysis of students’ difficulties

in writing recount text, it can be concluded that most of students’ difficult in writing

recount text. It can be seen from the collecting of the data from documentation and

interview at the second grade VIII2 class of SMP N 1 Bonjol. The forms and causes of

students’ difficulties in writing recount text can be concluded as follow:

1. The forms of studnets’ difficulties in writing recount text by the second grade VIII 2

class of SMP N 1 Bonjol are content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and

mechanics. The mostly of dtudents’ difficulties done by the students was formulated

of grammar.

2. There are some causes of students’ difficulties in writing recount text. Such as

psycholinguistic peoblem, linguistic problem, and cognitive problem. In

psycholinguictic problem most of students’ difficulties in writing was caused by their

intelligence, comprehend, feeling anxiety, and not confident. In linguistic problem

most of students difficult in writing was caused by lack of vocabulary and

incomplete or grammatical forms which unnotice by the students when writing

recount text. The last is cognitive problem was caused by custom or related to

learning English, relate to conceptualization mastery, formulation, and sentence

srtucture. The students’ difficulties influencing in writing recount text is lack of

vocabulary. Another reason was caused by students was low motivation in learning



1. For English Teacher

a. The theacher shpuld suppose to teach writing to the students with more detail


b. The teacher should use appropriate strategies in teaching writing especially

writing recount text.

2. For the Students

The students should suppose to study about vocabulary and grammar.

3. For the Researcher

Researcher would like to remind that is not complete yet and still needs more



Brown, H.D. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language pedagogy (2nd

ed). New York : Addison Wesley Longman.p.335.

Byrne, Donn. (1993). Teaching Writing Skill, Singapore: Longman Singapore Publishers Pte


Byrne, Don. Teaching Writing Skills, (New York: Herever Collin Publisher,1980),p.4

Chintya Boardman and Jia Frydenberg, 2008, Writing to Communicate 2: Paragraphs and

Essays 3rd edition, New York : Pearson. P 18, 23, & 25

David P. Harri, 1996. Testing English as a Second Language .New York: Me.Graw Hill. P68-69

Gay, L.R.2012, Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Applications. Tenth

Edition, Pearson. Upper Saddle River, p. 7

Gerot, Wignell.1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Fydney:Gerdstabler, Sntipodean

Educational Enterprises.p.154

Harmer, J. (2004). How to Teach Writing. Pearson Education Limited.p.4.

Jonathan Sarwono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif, (Yogyakarta:Graha


Ken Hyland, Second language Writing (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003,p.20

L,R.Gay, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application, third edition,

(Merrill: Macmillan Publishing Company,1990),p.102

Margono, metotologi Penelitian Pendidikan Komponen MKDK, (Jakarta: Rineke Cipta,


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra: MC Millan,

Educational PTYLTD, 1998) p.24.

Nunan, David.2003. Practical English language Teaching. Suingapore: MC Graw Hill Company

Peter Westwood, Learning and Learning Difficulties: A Handbook for Teacher,...,p.103-104

Sugiyuono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif dan R7D (Bandung: Alfa Beta


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif dan R7D (Bandung: Alfa Beta


Research Guideline

Sub Number of Total of

Variable Indicator Descriptor
Variable questions questions

The students
The causes
Students difficulties
of students 1. Psycholin
difficulties was caused by
difficulties guistic 4,5,6 3
in writing their
in writing problem
recount text intelligence
recount text
2. Linguistic ungrammatical
7,8,9 3
problem form which are
unnoticed by
the students
The student
difficulties is
caused by
3. Cognitive
custom or 1,2,3 3
habit or
related to
learning in



Pedoman Wawancara:

1. Apakah saudara tahu bagaimana cara menulis text recount?

2. Apa yang menyebabkan saudara merasa sulit dalam menilis text recount?

3. Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang penggunaan grammar ( tata bahasa) dalam

recount text?

4. Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang past tense ( kata lampau) dan conjuction

(kata hubung)?

5. Apakah saudara tahu banyak vocabulary (kosa kata)?

6. Ketika saudara menulis text recount, pernah tidak saudara merasa tidak punya ide

atau tidak tahu lagi apa yang akan ditulis? Kenapa?

7. Pernah tidak saudara merasa takut dan khawatir ketika menulis text recount? Apa


8. Apakah saudara pernah meminta saran atau masukan kepada teman ketika menulis text

recount? Jelaskan!

9. Adakah penyebab lain yang membuat saudara merasa sulit dalam menulis text recount?




Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu bagaimana cara menulis text recount?

Informant : tahu sedikit kak, tapi sulit kak

Researcher : Apa yang menyebabkan saudara merasa sulit dalam menilis text recount?

Informant : saya tidak terlalu paham aturan dalam recount text kak

Researcher : Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang penggunaan grammar ( tata bahasa) dalam

recount text?

Informant : Saya tidak terlalu memperhatikan guru ketika belajar kak.

Researcher : Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang past tense ( kata lampau) dan conjuction (kata


Informant : Saya tidak tahu kak

Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu banyak vocabulary (kosa kata)?

Informant : tidak kak

Researcher : ketika saudara menulis text recount, pernah tidak saudara merasa tidak punya ide

atau tidak tahu lagi apa yang akan ditulis? Kenapa?

Informant : pernah kak. Kalo sudah tidak tahu apa bahasa Inggrisnya saya malas lagi


Researcher : pernah tidak saudara merasa takut dan khawatir ketika menulis text recount? Apa


Informant : pernah kak. Saya takut apa yang saya buat salah karena saya tidak terlalu

yakin dengan apa yang saya buat.

Researcher : Apakah saudara pernah meminta saran atau masukan kepada teman ketika menulis

text recount?

Informant : pernah kak tapi teman saya juga tidak tahu kak, walaupun ada teman saya

yang pinta banyak orang lain yang meminta bantuan kepanya.

Researcher : Apakah ada penyebab lain yang membuat saudara merasa sulit dalam menulis text


Informant : banyak kak. Saya merasa sulit karena saya kurang memahami pelajarannya

dan waktunya cuma sebentar.


Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu bagaimana cara menulis text recount?

Informant : sedikit kak, tapi susahlah kak

Researcher : Apa yang menyebabkan saudara merasa sulit dalam menilis text recount?

Informant : saya tidak terlalu tahu recount text kak

Researcher : Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang penggunaan grammar ( tata bahasa) dalam

recount text?

Informant : itu kak yang sering salah kak

Researcher : Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang past tense ( kata lampau) dan conjuction (kata


Informant : saya tidak terlalu tahu aturan-aturan dalam bahasa Inggris kak

Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu banyak vocabulary (kosa kata)?

Informant : tidak banyak kak

Researcher : Ketika menulis text rexount pernah tidak saudara merasa tidak punya ide atau

tidak tahu lagi apa yang akan ditulis? Kenapa?

Informant : pernah kak, kadang karena tidak tahu apa bahasa Inggris jadi sayapun

kehilangan ide ketika menulis.

Researcher : Pernah tidak saudara merasa takut dan khawatir ketika menulis text recount? Apa


Informant : pernah kak. Saya takut jika yang dibuat salah maka nilai saya akan rendah

Researcher : Apakah saudara pernah meminta saran atau masukan kepada teman ketika menulis

text recount? Jelaskan!

Informant : pernah kak, tetapi seganlah kak kalo terlalu banyak bertanya kak

Researcher : Apakah ada penyebab lain yang membuat saudara merasa sulit dalam menulis text

recount? Jelaskan!

Informant : banyak kak. Selain tidak mempunyai vocabulary yang saya tahu saya juga susah

mengerti bahasa Inggris.


Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu bagaimana cara menulis text recount?

Informant : saya tidak tahu kak

Researcher : Apa yang menyebabkan saudara merasa sulit dalam menilis text recount?

Informant : Banyak sekali kak. Sebenarnya saya tidak mengerti kak.

Researcher : Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang penggunaan grammar ( tata bahasa) dalam

recount text?

Informant : Entahlah kak

Researcher : Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang penggunaan past tense ( kata lampau) dan

conjuction (kata hubung)?

Informant : saya tidak mengerti kak

Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu banyak vocabulary (kosa kata)?

Informant : tidak kak. Yang saya tahu hanya yes no saja kak

Researcher : Ketika menulis text recount pernah tidak saudara merasa tidak punya ide atau tidak

tahu lagi apa yang akan ditulis? Kenapa?

Informant : pernah kak. Saya tidak tahu lagi apa yang harus saya tulis kak

Researcher : pernah tidak saudara merasa takut dan khawatir ketika menulis text recount? Apa


Informant : pernah kak. Jika yang saya buat salah maka nilai saya sudah pasti rendah kak.

Researcher : Apakah saudara pernah meminta saran atau masukan kepada teman ketika menulis

text recount?

Informant : pernah kak, tetapi seganlah kak kalo terlalu banyak bertanya kak

Researcher : Apakah ada penyebab lain yang membuat saudara merasa sulit dalam menulis text


Informant : banyak kak. Selain tidak mempunyai vocabulary yang saya tahu saya juga susah

mengerti bahasa Inggris.


Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu bagaimana cara menulis text recount?

Informant : sedikit kak, tapi susah

Researcher : Apa yang menyebabkan saudara merasa sulit dalam menilis text recount?

Informant : saya tidak begitu tahu tentang recount text

Researcher : Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang penggunaan grammar ( tata bahasa) dalam

recount text?

Informant : itu yang sering salah kak

Researcher : Apa yang saudara ketahui apa itu past tense ( kata lampau) dan conjuction (kata


Informant : saya tidak terlalu tahu aturan dalam bahasa inggris

kak Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu banyak vocabulary (kosa

kata)? Informant : tidak banyak kak

Researcher : Ketika menulis text recount pernah tidak, saudara merasa tidak punya ide atau

tidak tahu lagi apa yang akan ditulis? Kenapa?

Informant : pernah kak, terkadang saya tidak tahu bahasa inggris sesuatu jadi saya

kehilangan ide ketika menulis

Researcher : Apakah saudara pernah merasa takut dan khawatir ketika menulis text recount?

Apa penyebabnya?

Informant : pernah kak, saya takut apa yang saya buat salah maka nilai saya akan rendah

Researcher : Apakah saudara pernah meminta saran atau masukan kepada teman ketika menulis

text recount?

Informant : pernah kak, tetapi saya segan terlalu banyak bertanya

Researcher : Apakah ada penyebab lain yang membuat saudara merasa sulit dalam menulis text


Informant : banyak kak. Selain tidak mempunyai vocabulary yang saya tahu saya juga susah

mengerti kata past tense itu kak


Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu bagaimana cara menulis text recount?

Informant : Tahu sedikit kak, tapi sulit kak.

Researcher : Apa yang menyebabkan saudara merasa sulit dalam menilis text recount?

Informant : saya tidak terlalu paham aturan dalam bahasa inggris itu

Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu tentang penggunaan grammar ( tata bahasa) dalam recount


Informant : saya tidak terlalu memperhatikan guru ketika belajar

Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu apa itu past tense ( kata lampau) dan conjuction (kata


Informant : saya juga tidak tahu kak

Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu banyak vocabulary (kosa kata)?

Informant : tidak banyak kak,

Researcher : Apakah ketika membuat text recount saudara pernah merasa tidak punya ide atau

tidak tahu lagi apa yang akan ditulis? Kenapa?

Informant : pernah kak. Kalo tidak tahu apa bahasa inggrisnya saya jadi malas menulis

Researcher : Apakah saudara pernah merasa takut dan khawatir ketika menulis text recount?

Apa penyebabnya?

Informant : pernah kak, saya takut apa yang saya buat salah

Researcher : Apakah saudara pernah meminta saran atau masukan kepada teman ketika menulis

text recount? jelaskan

Informant : pernah kak, tetapi kadang taman saya juga tidak tahu kak

Researcher : Apakah ada penyebab lain yang membuat saudara merasa sulit dalam menulis text


Informant : banyak kak. Saya sulit karena kurang memahami pelajarannya.


Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu bagaimana cara menulis text recount?

Informant : Tahu sedikit kak, tetapi saya merasa recount text itu susah kak

Researcher : Apa yang menyebabkan saudara merasa sulit dalam menilis text recount?

Informant : saya tidak yakin dengan kemampuan saya kak

Researcher : Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang penggunaan grammar ( tata bahasa) dalam

recount text?

Informant : sedikit kak

Researcher : Apa yang saudara ketahu teatang past tense ( kata lampau) dan conjuction (kata


Informant : kata lampau adalah kata yang telah berlalu dan kata hubung adalah kata yang

menghubungkan kalimat

Researcher : Apakah saudara tahu banyak vocabulary (kosa kata)?

Informant : tidak terlalu banyak kak

Researcher : Ketika menulis text recount pernah tidak saudara merasa tidak punya ide atau tidak

tahu lagi apa yang akan ditulis? Kenapa?

Informant : pernah kak, kadang saya berfikir apakah yang saya buat nyambung atau tidak

Researcher : Pernah tidak saudara merasa takut dan khawatir ketika menulis text recount? Apa


Informant : pernah kak karena tidak percaya pada diri apa yang saya buat rasanya salah

dan kawatir nilai saya rendah

Researcher : Apakah saudara pernah meminta saran atau masukan kepada teman ketika menulis

text recount? Jelaskan!

Informant : pernah kak, tetapi saya malu

Researcher : Apakah ada penyebab lain yang membuat saudara merasa sulit dalam menulis text


Informant : saya sebenarnya suka pelajaran bahasa inggris tetapi bahasa inggris sulit kak


Interview with Yofi Saputra (student of SMP N 1 Bonjol)

Interview with Nira Mawarni (student of SMP N 1 Bonjol)

Interview with Gilang Saputra (student of SMP N 1 Bonjol)

Interview with Jenia (student of SMP N 1 Bonjol)
















Nama : Erin Hayfitma /2316.125

Judul Penelitian : An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Writing Recount Text at 8th

Grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol

Fakultas/ Jurusan : Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan/ Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Petunjuk :

1. Untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap instrument “An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in

Writing Recount Text at 8th Grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol ”. Bapak/ Ibu cukup memberikan

tanda check list (√) pada kolom yang disediakan.

2. Angka-angka yang terdapat pada kolom yang dimaksud berarti:

0 : Tidak Valid

1 : Kurang Valid

2 : Cukup Valid

3 : Valid

4 : Sangat Valid

3. Huruf-huruf yang terdapat pada kolom yang dimaksud

berarti: A : Dapat digunakan tanpa revisi

B : Dapat digunakan dengan sedikit revisi

C : Dapat digunakan dengan revisi sedang

D : Dapat digunakan dengan banyak


E : Tidak dapat digunakan


Aspek penilaian Penilaian Keterangan

0 1 2 3 4
1 Aspek petunjuk
a. Petunjuk dinyatakan dengan V
b. Indikator yang diamati V
pengamat mudah diamati
c. Masing-masing indikator V
dapat dibedakan dengan
2 Aspek isi
a. Indikator yang diamati V
sudah mencakup semua
b. Kebenaran isi angket V
3 Aspek bahasa
a. Kalimat yang digunakan V
berdasarkan kaidah bahasa
yang benar
b. Menggunakan kalimat yang V
mudah dipahami


NO Uraian A B C D E
1 Penilaian secara umum terhadap V



Pertanyaan di angket terlalu general dan kurang bisa menggambarkan kondisi siswa secara
terperinci. Sebaiknya pertanyaannya bisa lebih spesifik dan terperinci dalam mengukur
kemampuan dan pengetahuan siswa mengenai recount text

Bukittinggi, 30 Maret 2021


Muthia Rahman, M.Pd


Saya yang bertandatangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Muthia Rahman, M.Pd

Jabatan : Dosen

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa mahasiswa yang bernama Erin Hayfitma dengan nim


RECOUNT TEXT AT 8TH GRADE OF SMP N 1 BONJOL” benar telah melakukan validasi

instrument penelitian yang akan dipergunakan untuk penelitian dan pengolahan data dalam

pengolahan skripsi.

Demikian surat keterangan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya agar dapat dipergunakan
sebagaimana mestinya.

Bukittinggi, 30 Maret2021

Muthia Rahman, M.Pd


Name : Erin Hayfitma

NIM 2316125

Place/ Date of Birth : Bangkinang, 10 July 1995

Address : Bonjol

Motto : Be the best

Education :

1. SD N 1 Bonjol
2. SMP N 1 Bonjol
3. SMK N 1 Bonjol

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