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Lecturer: Hoang Thanh Tùng 0915318885


6/10 & 17/11 học ở phòng máy

Some important skills that environmental management specialist should know

1) Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Methodology (CAM)
2) Community Risk Assessment and Planning
3) Hazard and Climate Risk Modelling
4) Water Modelling
5) Integrated Assessments: SEA, ESIA, EIA, EMP etc.
6) Urban Resilience
7) Nature Based Solutions in Agriculture-Planning Tool
8) Mainstreaming of Disaster risk management and Climate Change in Socio-Economic Development
9) GIS skills (QGIS, ArcGIS)
10) Developing Decision Support Systems (DSS)
11) Cost Benefit Analysis
12) Economic Valuation
13) Payment for Ecosystem Services
14) Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis
Environmental Science: Environmental engineering:
- Climate change - Fluid mechanics (cơ họ c chấ t lò ng)
- Air pollution - Thermodynamics (nhiệt độ ng lự c
- Analysis of soil and water họ c)
- Geospatial technology (Cô ng nghệ - Hydraulics (mô n thủ y họ c)
khô ng gian địa lý) - Chemistry and Biology
⇒ Understanding the science:
Environmental management is using appropriate economic, technical and social measures, laws and
policies to protect the quality of the living environment and sustainably develop the national economy
and society.
[Environmental problems]

World population started a rapid growth phase in the early 1800s and has increased sixfold in the past
200 years.
At present it is growing by 80 million people per year. Future projections are based on assumptions
that birthrates will continue to decline.

Problem: depletion of natural resources – pollution increase

→ Limits to growth modeling
Problem: CO2 emission increase

Problem: Global warming

Problem: Temperature distribution in global warming scenarios

Problem: Sea level rise

Problem: Natural disaster risk increase

Problem: People are affected by disasters
Con người chịu ảnh hưởng nhiều nhất là drought, flood, storm
Problems: Deforestation, biodiversity loss
⇒ Need good management, good practices. Because:
Climate crisis in near future
Widely impact on every sectors of economy & society
Challenges come with opportunities

Fundamental concepts of environment and climate change

Environment is the surrounding conditions that interact with the subject by exchanging
- Material
- Energy
- Information
In terms of the system analysis approach, the physical environment is constituted by.
- Geosphere (Lithosphere) địa quyển : the rock under the soil layers
- Atmosphere
- Hydrosphere
- Biosphere
- Cryosphere: băng quyển
- giáng thủy: precipitation
% of N2, O2, CO2 in the air? ~78, 21, 0.04.
Greenhouse gas: H2O, CO2, CH4, N2O, O3

Functions of environment:
- Provide natural resource
- Habitat
- Place for disposal (nơi xử lí)

Ecological footprint
An ecological footprint expresses the cumulative
area of biologically productive land and water
required to provide the resources a person or
population consumes and to dispose of or recycle
the waste the person or population produces

Dấu chân sinh thái thể hiện diện tích tích lũy đất và
nước có khả năng sản xuất sinh học cần thiết để
cung cấp tài nguyên cho một người hoặc một quần
thể tiêu thụ và để xử lý hoặc tái chế chất thải mà
con người hoặc quần thể đó tạo ra

Shown here is a breakdown of major com-ponents

of the average person’s footprint. Data From Global
Footprint Network, 2017.
Climate vs. weather
Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions
Climate is the weather of a specific region averaged over a long period of time.

Factors affect climate (sự biến thiên nội tại tự nhiên)

Climate Oscillation (dao động khí hậu)

Climate oscillations are the naturally reoccurring changes of earth's climate
ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) is a climate oscillation.
ENSO is the term covering both El Nino and La Nina
Question: What is El nino/La nina? The cause? The effect? How does it affect to Vietnam?
Nino xảy ra khi gió yếu hơn bình thường
Nina xảy ra khi gió mạnh hơn bình thg
Ảnh hưởng: Nino lm thời tiết ẩm, lạnh  drought; Nina: khô, nhiệt độ ấm  flood

refers to any environmental change or phenomenon that is caused or influenced by human activities.

Climate Change
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) defines climate change as “a
change in climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of
the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable
periods of time” (UNFCCC, 1992).
“sự thay đổi về khí hậu được quy trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp do hoạt động của con người làm thay đổi thành
phần của khí quyển toàn cầu và ngoài ra còn có sự biến đổi khí hậu tự nhiên được quan sát thấy trong những
khoảng thời gian có thể so sánh được”
Natural-factor Climate Change in history

Greenhouse effect
Definition: The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to Earth's surface by “greenhouse
Hiệu ứng nhà kính là cách nhiệt bị giữ lại gần bề mặt Trái đất bởi “khí nhà kính”.
Ozone depletion
Definition: When chlorine and bromine atoms come into contact with ozone in the stratosphere, they
destroy ozone molecules. One chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is
removed from the stratosphere. Ozone can be destroyed more quickly than it is naturally created.
Sự suy giảm ozone
Định nghĩa: Khi nguyên tử clo, brom tiếp xúc với ôzôn ở tầng bình lưu, chúng sẽ phá hủy các phân tử
ôzôn. Một nguyên tử clo có thể phá hủy hơn 100.000 phân tử ozone trước khi nó bị loại bỏ khỏi tầng
bình lưu. Ozone có thể bị phá hủy nhanh hơn so với việc nó được tạo ra một cách tự nhiên.
Question: What are the gases that harm to ozone layer?

What is the name of top most layer of atmosphere?
What is the altitude of stationary satellite?
What is the altitude of polar orbit satellite?

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