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The initial step to conduct any activity and study in order to know effective drivers on ocean conditions
is accurate estimation of wave parameters. In particular, waves in nearshore affect human activities.
Given this, wave stimulation is a prominent topic for the oceanography community, especially for coastal
water. In this study, the skill of a third-generation spectral model called SWAN has been evaluated to
study wind quality in the prediction of wave parameters. Model was executed in a non-stationary mode,
then the significant wave height (Hs) and the peak spectral wave period (Tp) were studied. For this
reason, two wind data from European Center for Medium-Range Weather Factors (ECMWF) and
QuikSCAT satellite altimetry with two different accuracy (0.2◦ and 0.25◦ respectively) were deployed to
execute the SWAN model over Persian Gulf in coarse mode and later on fine mode over Asaluye.
Amongst energy dissipation factors, bottom friction, whitecapping and depth-induced breaking,
whitecapping has considerable impact on model output accuracy. To decrease the error of the model
was 1.52e-5 and 1.642e-5 respectively for ECMWF and satellite altimetry wind input. Bottom friction was
activated in MADSEN mode which indicates the expression of Madsen et al. (1988). It was found that the
majority of results of significant wave height was between 0.3 to 0.6 m and for peak spectral period was
between 2 to 4s.

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