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Man-Environment interaction with and

without sustainability
Let us consider the example of a town which relies heavily on fishing and has a coastal line with
very rich marine life .now let us see two examples the first example with sustainability and
second one without it.

With sustainability

When the fishing community fishes with certain rules and guidelines and does it in a way which causes
no effect to the environment and properly disposes the waste by prioritizing the sustainability the fish
population remains stable which in turn helps them continuosly fish without depleting resources

Without sustainability

In this scenario, the fishing community prioritizes short-term gains without considering
the long-term consequences. Fishing practices involve overfishing, the use of
destructive fishing methods
As a result, the fish population rapidly declines, affecting the balance of the entire
marine ecosystem. The depletion of certain fish species disrupts the food chain, leading
to the decline of predators and the proliferation of other species.the decline in the fish
population will in turn effect their livelihood as well

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