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Case Study 3: Did Rizal retract?

1. On the case presented in this lesson articulate your affirmative or negative stance

-No, Rizal did not retract. Although there were many opinions and evidences presented by various
authors as to whether Rizal did or did not retract. Nonetheless, until now there is no proof or any
justification to end the debate.

2. Use other sources in defense of your side.

-Based on the other sources, the following assertions bring about the testimonies that Rizal did not
retract before his execution.

First was the copy of the retraction paper that was allegedly signed by Rizal that was even kept secret
and was only published in newspapers. When Rizal’s family requested for the original copy, it was said
that it was lost. Could the Jesuits be this irresponsible to not know the value of the paper? Or was it just

Thirty-nine years later the original copy was found in the archdiocesan archives. Ricardo Pascual Ph. D
who was given permission by the Archbishop Nozaleda to examine the document and later concluded in
his book, “Rizal beyond the Grave” that the documents presented was a forgery. The common rebuttal of
this argument was either Father Balaguer or Father Pi had made errors in reproducing another copy of
the original.

Another evidence as to Rizal did not retract is that when Father Balaguer came to terms that he married
Jose and Josephine, after Jose had signed the retraction paper, however, there were no marriage
certificate or public record shown that could prove Father Balaguer’s statements.

Let us look at Rizal’s character as a man aged 33. He was mature enough to realize the consequences of
the choice he had made even before he opposed to the Jesuits; he had been anticipating this to happen
and would be unlikely if he had a behaviour showing a threat from death. Anyone who has been
studying his biography and had been acquainted with him knows this is so, even the priests had
admitted that Rizal showed a behaviour consistent of what he was throughout his mature years.

Whatever further study that may emerge as to the truth about Rizal’s retraction controversy, “Nothing
can diminish His greatness as a Filipino. ”

Case Study 4: Where did the Cry of Rebellion Happen?

1. On the case presented in this lesson articulate your affirmative or negative stance
-On the case presented in this lesson, For us, We agree that the Cry of Rebellion happen in Pugad
Lawin on August 23, 1896.

2. Use other sources in defense of your side.

-Based on the internet, It is also said that in August 1896, In the sitio of Pugad Lawin in Balintawak,
now part of Quezon City, the Katipuneros led by Andrés Bonifacio rose up in revolt by tearing up their
“cedulas” which became a sign of enslavement of the Filipinos.

Case 3

3.Why did you take your stance on the case presented?

There are many reasons to believe and not to believe but we believe in real evidence. “After analyzing six
major documents of Rizal, Ricardo Pascual concluded that the retraction document, said to have been
discovered in 1935, was not in Rizal's handwriting.” just in this statement by historian there are many
documents that can be present that he did not retract. In hand writing we can really identify if this is real
or not, we cant deny the fact that hand writing can be a big confirmation if that really person is. Also
there are many more historian site like this statement like this for example “there were four versions of
Rizal’s retraction. The first text appeared on La Voz Española and Diaro de Manila on the day Rizal died.
The second version appeared on La Juventud, from a writer named Fr. Balaguer. The third version, which
is the “original” text, was discovered by Fr. Manuel Garcia, C.M. The fourth version appeared on El
Imparcial a day after Rizal’s death. According to the same source, there were difficulties in identifying the
writer of the document stating the retraction of Jose Rizal.” and “The copies received by the Archbishop
and Fr. Pi were only imitations of the original document. The said versions of the document were only
copies made by a person who has the same handwriting as Rizal”. There were conflicting versions of the
text and we cant trust or believe fast if they said there were written documents but many versions and
cant identify if its real or not. Also read as well his last message to the Filipinos which is his “Mi Ultimo
Adios.” He didn’t retract, he even died for the nation. The letter, dated December 29, 1896, was said to
have, we tried to determine their motives as to why they would have released a forged copy of Rizal’s
retraction, if it was indeed forged. In some sources, they state that Rizal s alleged retraction did not
actually happen. So we cant easily believe and that is why we take the stance, we determine the pattern,
evidences, and the history.

4.Connect the significance of your stance to make sense of our history.

Case 3

On our view Rizal did not retract it is simple Rizal's is very expressive since he saw the situation in the
country then political and religious, the abuse of Spanish colonialism in the catholic dogma. Then what is
the point in retracting when he is to be executed or if he agreed to retract he's execution but Rizal is not
that kind of a man, he did not retract . If we see the history itself there are really some evidence but it is
not clearly stated if that is Rizal’s hand writing so we cant say if its true or not. Also we studied Rizal’s life
in high school to collage, so we already know when he was born and dead, we know his literary works
and literary works like novel, stories, and even poetry can determine and reflect to what his personality
and the mind works. In our stance we use the making historical connections , Analyzing historical sources
and evidence, and creating with supporting a historical argument. These help us to decide which stance
we are standing and believing.

Case 4

3.Why did you take your stance on the case presented?

It is well presented and have no difficulties to understand and believe that the Cry of rebellion happen in
Pugad Lawin on August 23, 1896. This is also taught in school and written in history like these three
primary sources are the accounts of Dr. Pio Valenzuela, Santiago Alvarez, and Guillermo Masangkay. They
participated in the revolution as the witness on the happenings during the volution, also we will believe
and trust because there are many witnesses and evidences that it is really happened that time.

4.Connect the significance of your stance to make sense of our history.

The first cry is a historical event where the Filipinos tore their cedulas which for Andres Bonifacio is the
sign of the slavery of the Filipinos to the Spaniards in which in movies, written documents, or even
stories have the same date that is presented and didn’t even change a bit to have a correct time and
date. On what we believe there are a lot of pattern, evidences, guide to history because we can’t believe
or we cant present or to say to anyone on something that have no truth or based documents. As you can
see history is important to make a choice, it give us a hand to what should be decided to produce a
conclusion. It can be favourable to what you believe or not but still it proves the way of our thinking in
solving particular subject.

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