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Rizkiana Maharddhika
Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Novi Sriwulandari
Universitas Gresik


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dan menganalisis jenis dan fungsi Talk and Action
dalam struktur expektasi yang muncul di berbagai percakapan di film Great Expectation. Dalam hal
ini, peneliti menggunakan teori Talk and Action dari Ronald Wardaugh dan Structure of Expectation
dari Claire Kraimsch. Peneliti merumuskan dua masalah yaitu (1) jenis-jenis Talk and Action apakah
yang digunakan oleh karakter utama dalam film Great Expectation, dan (2) berapakah frequency
struktur expektasi yang digunakan karakter utama dalam film Great Expectation. Untuk menjawab
pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut, peneliti mendeskripsikan terlebih dahulu tentang unsur intrinsik film:
setting, plot, sinopsis film, umur, dan hakikat tindak tutur. Kemudian menganalisis pola dan jenis Talk
and Action, dan strucktur expektasi pada setiap percakapan di film dengan metode deskriptif
qualitative. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pola atau jenis Talk and Action seperti tindak tutur,
kerjasama, dan percakapan. Peneliti juga menemukan adanya struktur expektasi di dalam perkataan
karakter utama dalam film ini.


This study is aimed to investigate and analyze the kinds and functions of Talk and Action in the
Structure of Expectation appeared in every conversation in Great Expectation movie. In this case, the
researcher used the theory of Talk and Action by Ronald Wardaugh and the Structure of Expectation
by Claire Kraimsch. The researcher formulated two research problems; (1) what kinds of talk and
action used by main characters of the Great Expectation movie? , and (2) how much the frequency of
structure of expectation used by main characters of the Great Expectation movie?. To answer those
questions, first, the researcher described some intrinsic element of the movie, such as: setting, plot,
synopsis of the movie, and nature of speech event. Then, the researcher started to analyze the pattern
and kind of talk and action and the structure of expectation in every conversation in the movie by
using a qualitative descriptive method. The findings show that there are some kinds of talk and action
raised such as speech act, cooperation, and conversation. The researcher also found the pattern of
expectation in main characters’ speech inside the movie.

Keywords: Talk and Action, Speech Act, Cooperation, Conversation, Structure of Expectation

1. INTRODUCTION plot, nature of speech event, age, social
status, and synopsis of the movie.
Holmes (2001) stated that using language
appropriately involves knowing the Talk and Action
sociolinguistic rules for speaking in a In speaking to one another, we make use
community. The knowledge which of sentences, or to be more precise,
underlies people’s ability to use language utterances. We can attempt to classify
appropriately is known as their these utterances in any one of a variety of
sociolinguistic competence. Understanding ways. In recent years, a number of
sociolinguistics, we can observe deeply in philosophers have had interesting things to
many literary works and real community. say about what utterances do as well as
In this case, the researcher tries to mean, observing that part of the total
investigate the part of sociolinguistics meaning is this very doing. There are
through one of the literary works, movie. several kinds of Talk and Action here,
This study is aimed to investigate and such as speech acts, cooperation, and
analyze the kinds and functions of Talk conversation. In this case, the researcher
and Action in the structure of expectation describes these kinds briefly.
appeared in every conversation in Great Speech Acts:
Expectation movie. During watching the One thing that many utterances do is make
movie, the researcher found some kinds of propositions. A different kind of
Talk and Action in the expectation proposition is the ethical proposition. Just
patterns. Therefore, with the theory of like an ordinary proposition, an ethical
Talk and Action and Structures of proposition may be true or false, although
Expectation, the researcher tries to find out not in the same sense. Austin (1975) in
these patterns inside the movie and Wardaugh (2006) distinguished still
analyze it. Based on the background of the another kind of utterance from the
study, the researcher formulates some performative utterance. In using a
statements of the problems as follows: (1) performative utterance, a person is not just
what kinds of talk and action used by main saying something but is actually doing
characters of the Great Expectation movie? something if certain real-world conditions
, and (2) how much the frequency of are met. There are also less explicit
structure of expectation used by main performatives, such as ‘I promise’, ‘I
characters of the Great Expectation apologize’, or ‘I warn you’. Another cases,
movie?. we perform speech acts when we offer an
apology, greeting, request, complaint,
2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK invitation, compliment, or refusal. A
speech act is an utterance that serves a
In this part, the researcher elaborates the function in communication.
theory of Talk and Action and Structure of
Expectation in brief. The researcher only
takes several theories of them which are
appropriate with the pattern in the movie.
Then, the researcher describes the setting,
A speech act might contain just one word, (1975) in Wardaugh (2006) gave some
as in "Sorry!" to perform an apology, or examples of the four maxims, they are:
several words or sentences: "I’m sorry I
forgot your birthday. I just let it slip my Table 0.2 Four maxims and its examples
mind." Speech acts include real-life Maxims Example
Quantity If you are assisting me to mend a
interactions and require not only
car, I expect your contribution
knowledge of the language but also to be neither more nor less than is
appropriate use of that language within a required; if, for example, at a
given culture. Here are some examples of particular stage I need four screws,
I expect you to hand me four,
speech acts we use or hear every day: rather than two or six.
Quality I expect your contributions to be
Table 0.1 Another kinds of speech acts and its genuine and not spurious. If I need
examples sugar as an ingredient in the cake
Kinds of speech Example you are assisting me to make, I do
Acts not expect you to hand me salt; if I
Greeting "Hi, Eric. How are things need a spoon, I do not expect a
going?" trick spoon made of rubber.
Request "Could you pass me the mashed
potatoes, please?" Relation I expect a partner’s contribution to
Complaint "I’ve already been waiting three be appropriate to immediate
weeks for the computer, and I needs at each stage of the
was told it would be delivered transaction; if I am mixing
within a week." ingredients for a cake,
Invitation "We’re having some people over I do not expect to be handed a good
Saturday evening and wanted to
book or even an oven cloth (though
know if you’d like to join us."
Compliment "Hey, I really like your tie!" this might be an appropriate
Refusal “Oh, I’d love to see that movie contribution at a later stage).
with you but this Friday just Manner I expect a partner to make it clear
isn’t going to work." what contribution he is making,
and to execute his performance
with reasonable dispatch.
we are able to converse with one another
because we recognize common goals in
Analysts working in the
conversation and specific ways of
ethnomethodological tradition have paid
achieving these goals. Grice (1975) in
close attention to conversation. They have
Wardaugh (2006) maintains that the
examined how people manage
overriding principle in conversation is one
conversation, how talk proceeds in turns,
he calls the cooperative principle. Grice
how one utterance relates to another often
lists four maxims that follow from the
in some kind of pair relationship, how
cooperative principle: (1) quantity:
topic are introduced, developed, and
requires you to make your contribution as
changed, and so on. One particularly
informative as is required, (2) quality:
important principle used in conversation is
requires you not to say what you believe to
the adjacency pair. Utterance types of
be false or that for which you lack
certain kinds are found to co-occur: a
adequate evidence, (3) relation: the simple
greeting leads to a return of greeting; a
injunction, and (4) manner: requires you to
summons leads to a response; a question
avoid obscurity of expression and
leads to an answer; a request or offer leads
ambiguity, and to brief and orderly. Grice
to an acceptance or refusal; a complaint knowledge about the world and use this
leads to an apology or some kind of knowledge to predict interpretations and
rejection; a statement leads to some kind relationships regarding any new
of confirmation or recognition; a information, events, and experiences that
compliment leads to acceptance or come their way. The general structures of
rejection; a farewell leads to a farewell; expectation established in people’s minds
and so on. by the culture they live in have been
variously called frames or schemata.
Structure of Expectation
Kraimsch (1998) stated that language users Setting
bring to any verbal encounter blueprints Great Expectation was the 1946 movie and
for action that have developed through produced in England, London. In this
their socialization or acculturation in a movie, there are some settings including
given society. From childhood on they graveyard, Pip’s house (Joe’s home), Ms.
have learned to realize certain speech acts Havisham’s house (Satis House), and
in a culturally appropriate manner, like London (Pip’s Flat, Mr. Jagger’s office,
saying ‘Thank you’ in response to and ballroom). In the first scene, the
receiving gifts, and ‘Goodbye’ as way of setting is in graveyard where the Pip is
closing encounters; they have learned to threatened by convict. The convict expects
speak differently to people of different the food and a file to remove his leg-iron
ranks and to distinguish an insult from a from the Pip by forcing him. Then, Pip
compliment. These behaviors have become comes back to his home and steals some
second nature to them because they are foods and a file. In the second scene, the
grounded in their physical experience of setting is located in Ms. Havisham’s house
the phenomena around them. This where she is expected to revenge on male
experience filters their perception and their sex because of her broken heart in the past
interpretation of the world. Language users through her adopted child, Estella. The
have not only learned to interpret signs and next years, Pip expects to be a gentlemen
to act upon them; they have also learned to and winning the affection of Estella. Then,
expect cars to stop at a STOP sign and Pip’s life is changes because of the
pedestrians to be able to cross the street at mysterious benefactor and he moves to
a WALK sign, so too they expect to be London. The next scene is mostly
greeted upon a first encounter, to be describes the journey of Pip’s life in
listened to when they speak, to have their London. Because Mrs.Joe died, Pip comes
questions answered. There are cultural back to the former home and also visits
differences in these expectations. French Ms. Havisham’s house. Then, he goes to
speakers from France may expect to be London again because he is broken heart
greeted with a handshake, Americans may with Estella because she crushes his heart
expect a smile instead; a professor may and his hopes again. In London, Pip tries
expect to be greeted differently from a to find out his benefactor, the connection
student, a friend from a stranger. On the between Jaggers, Miss Havisham, Estella,
basis of their experience in their culture (or and others. He also tries to find out what is
combination of cultures), people organize to become of him as he tries to make his
way in a very bewildering world. Finally, expectations. He also expects to have
the end of this movie is placed in Estella’s hand in marriage. But this stage
Ms.Havisham’s house where Pip tries to of his expectations is brutally shattered
win Estella’s heart and he finally ensures when Magwitch discloses his identity to
her to escape from Ms.Havisham’s house. Pip. The third stage of Pip’s expectations
explores the complete collapse of Pip’s
Plot great expectations, which are replaced by a
Structurally, the novel is a narration by a more mature sense of life and
mature and retrospective Pip. It is divided respectability. This section primarily
into three distinct “stages,” each labeled as constitutes his transformation, which has
a specific “stage of Pip’s expectations.” In been at the heart of the novel. Such a
chronological fashion, these chapters trace pattern of growth, development and re-
Pip’s progress from industrious obscurity education reflects the Bildungsroman
as a child through willful idleness as an tradition of Great Expectations.
adolescent and young adult, to a resigned
and modest acceptance of his true place in Nature of Speech Event
society. This is an obvious variation on the The speech event in this movie, mostly,
picaresque theme and carries with it many shows a conversation. There were a few
of the significant overtones of earlier short monologue speeches. The characters
picaresque novels. The first stage made interaction to each other, there is
introduces all the major characters and sets addresser and addressee.
the plot in motion. Pip’s situation is
developed fully, including the first seeds Age
of his desire to be “uncommon.” It leads to Great Expectation movie told about the
the revelation by Mr. Jaggers, the lawyer life journey of Pip, the main character.
that Pip is to inherit a huge fortune and This movie began with the Pip’s
become a gentleman. It is something Pip childhood, when Pip was about thirteen
considers as miraculous, though and fourteen years old. Then, in pre-
mysterious, as his patron’s identity is not climax and climax, it described adult Pip.
to be revealed for the time being. Mr. That is around twenty and twenty first
Jaggers only imparts to him that his years old, when he became a gentleman of
benefactor has great expectations from him Great Expectation.
and so with the support of his anonymous
provider, Pip’s expectations of himself Social Status
also rise, and the action shifts to London. The social status which showed in this
The second stage of Pip’s expectations, movie from the very beginning was low
therefore, has a change of setting. In this status. Pip lived in the Joe’s home, a
section, Pip’s development into a blacksmith. However, another main
“gentleman” is explored. It describes the character, Estella, is lived in Satis Home.
spend thrift and idle way Pip squanders She lived in high-status. Fortunately, after
wealth and what kind of person he has several years, Pip’s life was changed. Pip
become. On the surface of things, Pip lived in London, learned to be a
believes that he is living up to his great gentleman, and lived in high status.
Synopsis of Great Expectation movie a secret benefactor and that he is to be
When we first meet Pip, he has arrived in educated as a gentleman with “great
England from Cairo, where he has lived expectations.” Pip is thrilled, says goodbye
and worked for eleven long years. With his to his friends, and travels to London. But,
return home, memories flood over him in when Pip arrives in the city, he is
the form of voices and scenes from his overcome by the gentleman’s life; and he
past. The first scene he remembers occurs grows embarrassed of Joe and his past,
in the graveyard where his parents are overspends his allowance, and participates
buried. He stumbles into an escaped in the frivolous social circles of the upper
convict, Magwitch, who threatens Pip, class. Then, with the news that Mrs. Joe
demanding that he get food and a file to has died, Pip must travel to his former
remove his leg-irons. Pip returns to his home. While he is there, he returns to Satis
home to steal the items. There, he runs into House where Pip sees the beautiful and
his abusive older sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery, haughty Estella and falls hopelessly in
who has been raising him since their love with her. But Estella crushes his heart
parents died. Mrs. Joe is married to the and his hopes again. After the funeral, Pip
local blacksmith, Mr. Joe Gargery, who returns to London full of confusion and
has become a kindly surrogate father to questions: Who is his benefactor? What is
Pip. Chancing the beating he will receive the connection between Jaggers, Miss
from Mrs. Joe, Pip gathers the food and Havisham, Estella, and others? And, most
file and takes them to the menacing importantly, what is to become of him as
Magwitch. Next, Pip’s opportunistic Uncle he tries to make his way in a very
Pumblechook arranges for Pip to become a bewildering world?
companion to the wealthy Miss Havisham.
Pip is cleaned up and sent to spend the day 3. METHOD
at Satis House, where he meets the In analyzing this movie, the researcher
beautiful young Estella, Miss Havisham’s uses a qualitative descriptive method.
adopted child. The mansion is dark and First, the researcher collects the data
eerie, and Miss Havisham is dressed in an during watching the movie. Next, the
ancient yellowed wedding gown, which researcher relates to the Wardaugh’s
she has worn since being left at the altar as theory of Talk and Action and Kraimsch’s
a young girl. Jilted by her fiancé, she has Structures of Expectation. Then, the
stopped all clocks at 8:40, the moment of researcher analyzes the data and gives the
the rejection; and she has raised Estella to examples. Finally, the researcher draws a
wreak revenge on the male sex. Estella has conclusion.
learned her lessons well and teases Pip
piteously. The next years are miserable for 4. RESULT
Pip. He has dreams of becoming a In this section, the researcher lists several
gentleman and winning the affections of data found which to be analyzed and
Estella and is unhappy with his destiny to discussed in the next section. The
become a blacksmith. Then his life researcher writes the dialogues with the
suddenly changes. He learns from Mr. abbreviation, such as; PP (Young/Adult
Jaggers, a lawyer from London, that he has Pip), EST (Estella), MSH (Miss.
Havisham), JO (Joe/Mr.Joe), MSJ (Mrs.Joe), JDG (Judge), AGP (Aged P
), CVT (Convict), PBC (Pumblechook), 4. Cooperation  Quantity
- JGR :I
SGT (Sergeant), JGR (Jagger), and HBT knew you’d get
(Herbert). on. How much
do you want?
PP :
Table 0.3 Result of data collection and Twenty pounds.
 Quality
its relation to sociolinguistic aspects - CVT : Bring
No. Sociolinguisti Data found that file and
c Aspects them whittles to
1. Speech Acts: - EST : You this churchyard
Proposition are to come this tomorrow
way today, boy. morning.
- MSJ : . . .  Relation
Now, get on - JGR :
with your …..They should
supper and get not be working
off to bed. clothes. Twenty
2. Speech Acts: - JDG :  Manner
Performative Prisoners at the - HBT :
utterances bar. It is now …… London
my duty to it is not the
pronounce the custom to put
sentence the knife in the
demanded by mouth for fear
the law. . . . of accidents. It's
And that each scarcely worth
of you there mentioning,
shall be hanged only it's as well
by the neck to do as others
until you are do.
dead. And may 5. Conversation - PP :
Almighty God Goodbye, Miss
have mercy on Havisham
your souls. MSH :
3. Speech Acts: - PP : I must Goodbye, Pip
Less apologize, thank - EST :
Performative you. Name?
utterances - PP : Sorry, PBC :
thank you Pumblechook
Quite Right.
- JGR :..
.Your allowance
will be 250
pounds per
annum. Which
means that you
will draw from
Wemmick here
the sum of
pounds ten
shillings per
quarter. A very
handsome sum
of money too, I
think. Do you
consider it so?
PP : How
could I do
JGR : Ah, didn’t expect
but answer the you.
question. - AGP : You
PP : have made the
Undoubtedly, acquaintance of
Mr. Jaggers. my son at his
JGR : Good. office, I expect.
Get out.

6. Structure of - PP :I
Expectation hope we don’t
find them, Joe
- PP : I hope
you’ll forgive
me for having
knocked you
about so.
- PP :I
hope you have
done well.
- PP :I
wish I could
kiss you
- JO :
Well, I have
now concluded,
sir and Pip. I
wish you ever
well and ever
prospering to a
greater and
greater height.

- PP :I
have no wish to
laugh, Estella.
- SGT : You
are expected on
- JO : we

Kinds of talk and action in the structure

of expectation used by main characters
of the Great Expectation movie
After watching movie and reading its
transcript, the researcher found some kinds
of Talk and Action in the Structure and
Expectation. Here are the details of
descriptions and explanations.

a. Speech Acts
The researcher found the proposition in
this movie. Proposition is the utterances
which are connected in some way with
events or happenings in a possible world. These examples show the connectedness
Here is the example of proposition: with events or happening. The events or
happening in this dialogue was in dinner
Long after I had gone to bed that and night. It is indicated by “supper” and
night, I thought of Estella. And “get off the bed”.
how common she would consider In this movie, the researcher also found the
Joe, a mere blacksmith. I thought performative utterance. Wardaugh (2006)
how he and my sister were sitting stated that in using a performative
in the kitchen and how Miss utterance, a person is not just saying
Havisham and Estella never sat in something but is actually doing something
a kitchen but were far above the if certain conditions are met. Here is the
level of such things.The following example of performative utterance:
U168EST : You are to come this U683JDG : Prisoners at the bar. It
way today, boy. is now my duty to
pronounce the sentence
Estella said that utterance when Pip came demanded by the law.
back again to visit Miss Havisham. The The sentence of this
emphasis of proposition in this case is court is that you will be
indicated by “this way today”. Another taken hence to the place
example of proposition is when Mrs.Joe from whence you came
was angry to Pip because he came late for and from thence to the
dinner. Mrs.Joe also expected Pip to get place of execution. And
the supper and go to the bed quickly. that each of you there
shall be hanged by the
U044PP : I wonder who's neck until you are dead.
put into prison ships and why And may Almighty
they're put there. God have mercy on
your souls.
U045MSJ : People are put
into prison ships, The sentence “It is now my duty to
because they pronounce the sentence…” is quite similar
murder and forge to “I sentence you…”. It happens when
and rob and do all someone in particular circumstance, in
sorts of bad court as judge or lawyer, wants to declare
things. And they the punishment to the convict. On the
always start by other words, by saying that sentence in the
asking too many very beginning, it is expected to be
questions. Now, listened carefully to the convicts. Other
get on with your kind of speech acts which the researcher
supper and get off found is less explicit performative
to bed. utterance. Wardaugh (2006) gave some
examples of less explicit performative,
such as ‘I promise’, ‘I apologize’, or ‘I
warn you’. These examples also can be
seen in this movie. For example:

U377HBT : Ah, yes, Miss

Havisham. But Let
me point out the
topic that in London
it is not the custom
to put the knife in
the mouth for fear
of accidents. It's
scarcely worth
mentioning, Only
it's as well to do as
others do.
U378PP : I must apologize,
thank you.

Pip did apologize because he was wrong in

table manner when he had dinner with
Herbert Pocket. Herbert expected Pip not
to put the knife in the mouth while eating.
Herbert warned Pip because Pip asked to
Herbert to give him a hint about London’s
manner. Pip did apologize twice at that

b. Cooperation
We are able to converse with one another
because we recognize common goals in
conversation and specific ways of
achieving these goals. In this case, the
researcher used Grice’s four maxims that
follow from the cooperative principles.
First, the researcher found the example of
Quantity. Quantity requires you to make
your contribution as informative as is

U392PP : And so if I could buy U018PP : If you would
some new furniture and kindly let me keep
one or two other things, upright, sir,
I think I would be quite perhaps I shouldn't
at home at Barnards be sick and
Inn. perhaps I could
U393JGR : I knew you’d get on. attend more.
How much do you want? U019CVT : Bring that file and
U394PP : Twenty pounds. them whittles to this churchyard
tomorrow morning.
This conversation shows that Pip wanted U020PP : Yes, sir.
to get twenty pounds, not another
numbers. Pip expected to buy some This convict wanted to get a file and some
furniture by asking Jagger “twenty food from Pip. He did not want anything
pounds”, not twenty one pounds or more except a file and food because he was very
than that. starving and need to cut the leg-irons. He
Second, the researcher found the example will be very disappointed if Pip brings
of Quality. Quality requires you to not to other tools. Third, the researcher found the
say what you believe to be false or that for example of Relation. Relation is the simple
which you lack adequate evidence. injunction, be relevant. Here is the
U017CVT : Get me a file and
whittles or I'll have your heart and
Liver out.
example of relation.
Here, Jagger emphasized Pip to buy some
U278JGR : I am well paid for new clothes which are suitable with
my services, London. Jagger did not expect Pip to buy
otherwise I would working clothes. Last, the researcher found
not render them. I some examples of Manner. Manner
have arranged for requires you to avoid obscurity of
you to go to expression and ambiguity, and to brief and
London in a week's orderly.
time. You will
need some new U374PP : As I have been
clothes. They brought up by a
should not be Blacksmith, I'd
working clothes. take it as a great
Twenty guineas. kindness if you'd
Well, Joseph give me a hint
Gargery, you Look when I go wrong
dumbfounded. in my manners.
U279JO : I am.

U375HBT : With Pleasure, Another example is a summons leads to a
though I should guess you response:
need very few hints.
U376PP : Thank you very U123EST : Name?
much. Now tell me more of U124PBC : Pumblechook
Miss Havisham. U125EST : Quite Right.
U377HBT : Ah, yes, Miss
Havisham. But Let Here, Estella asked briefly to the guest to
me point out the mention the name by saying “Name?”.
topic that in Estella then answered “Quite right”
London it is not because she knew that there will be a guest
the custom to put named Pumblechook. Therefore, Estella
the knife in the wanted to ensure whether the guest’s name
mouth for fear of is Pumblechook or not.
accidents. It's Another example is a question leads to an
scarcely worth answer. This is a common pattern that
mentioning, Only every conversation in every movie is
it's as well to do as dominated by questions and answer. Here,
others do. the researcher gives the example from the
U378PP : I must apologise. movie which describes someone really
Thank you. needs an expected answer.

Mr.Pocket here tried to give information U326JGR : . . .Your

and little bit to give warn about London’s allowance will be
table manner. He said that in “London it is 250 pounds per
not the custom to put the knife in the mouth annum. Which
for fear of accidents” politely to Pip. He means that you
expected Pip not to do that again in the will draw from
next time. Pip appreciated that. Wemmick here the
sum of sixty-five
c. Conversation pounds ten
One particular important principle used in shillings per
conversation is the adjacency pair. quarter. A very
Utterances types of certain kinds are found handsome sum of
to co-occur. Just like this example below, a money too, I think.
greeting leads to a return of greeting: Do you consider it
U254PP : Goodbye, Miss U327PP : How could I do
Havisham otherwise?
U255MSH : Goodbye, U328JGR : Ah, but answer
Pip the question.
U329PP : Undoubtedly, Mr.
U330JGR : Good. Get out. Pip really expected the sergeant and his
soldier would not find the escaped convict.
Mr.Jagger here really wanted Pip to The setting is in the churchyard. It was the
answer his question appropriately. When first setting in the movie. Then, in pre-
Pip answered “How could I do otherwise”, climax, the researcher found the same
Mr.Jagger seemed disappointed with Pip’s pattern, for example:
answer. Therefore, he directly said “Ah,
but answer the question”. On the other U356PP : Fight! I knew I'd seen
words, Mr.Jagger expected Pip directly you before. You are
answer the Mr.Jagger’s question. the Pale Young
Mr.Jagger didn’t expect a return question. Gentleman from Miss
Frequency of structure of expectation U357HBT : Bless me. And you are
appeared in the Great Expectation movie the Prowling Boy. The idea of it
In this section, the researcher tries to list being you...
some expectation patterns which U358PP : Well, the idea of it
frequently appeared in the Great being you.
Expectation movie. In order to give a clear U359HBT : I hope you'll forgive
description, the researcher lists some me for having knocked you
pattern in the table and diagram. The table about so.
0.1 below describes the frequency of U360PP : Oh, of course.
structure of expectation which used by
main characters in Great Expectation Pip really expected Herbert to forgive him
movie. The researcher identifies the about the past. The past that he invited to
frequency based on the plot: Exposition, came a fight with Herbert. It was the first
Pre-Climax, and Climax. In exposition, it time when Pip and Herbert met each other.
described the young Pip’s life. When he In this case, the situation was the first time
still lived in the Blacksmith’s home and of Pip arrived in London. While in the
invited to Miss Havisham’s home. Pre- Climax, the researcher also found the “I
climax, it started when Adult Pip began to hope” pattern, for example:
live in London and meet Adult Estella.
While in climax, it is the time when Adult U544BFT : I have been a sheep
Pip met his real benefactor until he found farmer away in the
his rival in obtaining Estella’s affection. new world, in New
First, in exposition, the researcher found South Wales.
the use of “I hope”, for example: U545PP : I hope you have done
U094PP : I hope we don’t find them, U546BFT : I have done
Joe wonderfully well.
U095JO : I’d giving a shilling if U547PP : I am very glad to hear
they’d cut and run, Pip. Come on. it.
U096SGT : Help! Convicts
This is the time when Pip was figured out home. Next, the pattern “I wish” can be
his benefactor. In gloomy weather, the seen in the pre-climax, for example:
benefactor visited Pip’s flat and admitted
that he was his benefactor. Pip was really U452JO : Well, I have now
surprised because he knew him well. Then, concluded, sir and
Pip asked his condition whether or not he Pip. I wish you ever
had done well so far. well and ever
Table 0.4 Frequency of expectation prospering to a
pattern appeared in Great Expectation greater and greater
movie height.
U453PP : But you are not
Exposition Climax
Climax going now, Joe?
I hope… 3 3 3 U454JO : Yes, I am.
I wish… 3 7 7
I expect/ 1 1 1 The setting was in Pip’s flat in London.
I didn’t
expect Joe visited to Pip’s flat in order to see
Pip’s condition. Unfortunately, Pip
Another pattern which used by main became a snob and Joe was very
characters is “I wish”. As we look at the disappointed. However, Joe still expected
table, this pattern is the most frequently Pip to be given a prosperous and healthy.
appeared in this movie. Let the researcher Last but not least, the pattern “I wish” also
gives the example in the exposition first: can be seen in the Climax, for example:

U259PP : To be educated for U743EST : When Jaggers

a lady? disclosed to
U260EST : Yes. Well? Aren't Bentley
you sorry I'm going? Drummel my
U261PP : Yes, Estella. I'm true parentage,
very sorry. I wish I he no longer
knew when you wished to have
were coming back. I me for a wife.
wish... Well, Pip, why
U262EST : What do you wish? don't you laugh?
U263PP : I wish I could kiss You have every
you goodbye. right.
U744PP : I have no wish
It is the time when Estella said that she to laugh,
would go away to France, to be educated Estella.
lady. Pip was very sorry to her. He
expected to kiss her goodbye. The setting Estella was failed to be a wife of Mr.
is in the Satis home, Miss.Havisham’s Drummel and Pip really felt sorry to
Estella. He did not expect to laugh at
Estella’s condition.
The last pattern that the researcher found is U650WMK : Nod away to him
“I expect/I didn’t expect”. The researcher if you please.
here only found three sentences which
used this pattern. In the exposition, the Aged P is Wemmick’s father who suffered
researcher found: aphasia. But he still could say a word
clearly. In this situation, Aged P really
U103CVT : Let me. Let me expected Pip to make a good relationship
U104SGT : Make ready. Present. with his son, Wemmick.
Fire! Hands. You are Finally, in order to make the reader
expected on board. understand the scale of expectation
Come on. Light those pattern, the researcher put the table into
torches. Get aboard, this diagram below. It shows that the
you! Torch bearers! highest frequency is “I wish” pattern and
the lowest frequency are “I expect/I didn’t
It is the time when the sergeant and his expect” pattern.
soldier caught the two escaped convicts.
He expected them to go to the board
quickly. While in the pre-climax, the 7
researcher found: 4 Pre-Climax
2 Climax
U459BDY : Joe, Pip's here. 0
I hope… I wish I expect/I didn't

U460JO : Oh, we didn't expect expect

you, Pip.
U461BDY : Pip, your bed's not Chart 0.1 Flow of the Expectation Pattern used by
ready. Main Characters of the Great Expectation movie

Joe said whether he didn’t expect the Pip’s CONCLUSION

coming. Joe still felt disappointed towards The findings shows there are some
Pip’s attitude last time when Joe visited dialogues in the Great Expectation movie
him. Then, in the Climax, the researcher containing the aspects of Talk and Action:
found: speech act (proposition, performative
utterances, and less explicit performatives
U647WMK : This is Mr. Pip, utterances), cooperation (quantity, quality,
Aged P. And I relation, and manner), and conversation
wish you could (adjacency pair). These aspects are
hear his name. contained in some dialogues, especially
Give him a nod, which shows the expectation pattern. On
Mr. Pip, that's the other words, the researcher sees the
what he likes. aspects of Talk and Action inside the
U648AGP : You have made Structure of Expectation. Finally, the
the acquaintance of my son at his researcher concludes that there are some
office, I expect. kinds of talk and action in structure of
U649PP : Yes.
expectation which appeared in Great
Expectation movie.

Holmes, Janet. 2001. An Introduction to
Sociolinguistics (2nd Ed). London: Pearson

Kramsch, Claire. 1998. Language and

Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wardaugh, Ronald. 1998. An Introduction

to Sociolinguistics (3rd Ed) (soft file –
retrieved from


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