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Writing a GCSE Statistics coursework can be a challenging task for many students.

It requires a
solid understanding of statistical concepts, the ability to analyze data effectively, and good
mathematical skills. Additionally, the coursework often involves the use of statistical software and
the presentation of findings in a clear and concise manner.

Creating a coursework plan is a crucial step in the process, as it helps students organize their thoughts
and approach the assignment systematically. Developing a plan involves defining the research
question, selecting appropriate data sources, determining the statistical methods to be used, and
outlining the structure of the coursework.

However, if you find yourself struggling with the coursework or facing time constraints, seeking
assistance from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable option.
These services often provide expert writers with experience in statistical analysis and coursework
writing. They can offer valuable insights, guidance, and even complete coursework on your behalf.

When considering such services, it's important to choose a reliable and reputable platform. ⇒ ⇔ is one such option that provides custom writing services for students. They offer
assistance in various subjects, including statistics, ensuring that the coursework is well-researched,
accurately analyzed, and professionally written.

It's crucial to note that while seeking help from writing services can be beneficial, it's essential to
maintain academic integrity. Students should use such services responsibly, using the completed
work as a reference and learning tool rather than submitting it as their own.

In conclusion, writing a GCSE Statistics coursework can be challenging, but with careful planning
and the right support, it becomes more manageable. ⇒ ⇔ is a platform that
students can consider for professional assistance, ensuring a well-crafted and academically sound
coursework submission.
I have been given instructions to collect data for my GCSE statistics cours. I have to come up with a
question and hypothesis on climate and i think i have found one but i have no idea how to gather the
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gcse art coursework introduction. The data I am using is the same as in question 2 and 4. I am not
too happy with this graph due to the trendline appears to have been drawn wrong by the outliers.
However, you can also see that there are some outliers, so I am going to find out the outliers by the
following calculations. Where as the majority of boys come with normal and below average results
and make a better improvement than the Girls. The histogram shows that most of the data is near 0
and roughly fits a normal distribution. However, I think these extraordinary students must have
another form or way of learning when not at school (the student might be an independent learner for
example). Also they will have very varied improvements as some will have tried harder than others. I
have placed these ages in a table with the students IQ. So, I will be able to estimate the averages
much easier using these graphs rather than using tables. The highlighted cells with the bold numbers
are the new set of data (this is a stratified data). Histogram uses the area of the bars to represent the
frequencies rather than the heights like normal bar charts. I think this would be useful because the
girls may have made preference changes at a younger age. This method, however, is time consuming
and is not always specific, meaning there is room for errors and there may be several anomalies. I
would investigate a different mileage of different cars to go into deeper investigation. Sampling I
need to sample to get the results for Mathematical ability. Whereas the Vauxhalls that will have a
lower mileage will have a higher second hand price rate than the Fiats and the fords. Not to be biased
I am going to stratify my data to keep the boys and girls in proportion. I would investigate a
different mileage of different cars to go into deeper investigation. Where as the majority of boys
come with normal and below average results and make a better improvement than the Girls. GCSE
Statistics Coursework Introduction Scenario: I am not very good at estimating lengths so I am going
to find out how to improve it. 1) Is the ability to estimate the length of a straight line related to
mathematical ability. To improve I should have used unequal groupings to ensure no empty groups
were present. Gcse statistics coursework help statistics coursework help we provide coursework
writing help you etutoraqa gcse statistics coursework help help with aqa statistics gcse coursework.
If I timed my pulse for 1 minute, it is a fair amount of time, and although it would be a lot more
accurate, but when I choose my pupils from their class, they may get restless and want to go back to
their lesson. Looking at the same pieces of data for the females, we can work out that the range is in
fact 5KG less than that of the males. Feel free to contact our support team whenever you need help
with your is designed to help students pass their gcse in mathematics by going through some. Satire
essay help. Why our coursework help is so valuable. Therefore if you get a good mark at Key Stage
2, you are very likely to get a good mark at Key Stage 3. These results also seem to correlate with the
scientific theory of later male development however to make a solid conclusion of the issue I would
need stronger results.
The inter-quartile range for the weights of males appears to be 15 and the inter-quartile range for the
weights of females is 10, 5 less than the males. Reading was a heavy component in elementary
school, and my mom and I would take weekly trips to Starbucks where we would sit in the nice,
comfy chairs and read for as long as we wanted to. It shows the correlation between two sets of data.
I will also be looking at price depreciation because I now that a new car looses its price in the first
year that it has been made and this will show how much money the car has lost in over a period of
time. The characteristic of a standard normal distribution depends on the mean and the standard
deviation of the data. Find careers statistics coursework help gcse that relate to your. I need to make
the experiment fair, so I need the same controlled experiment for each person who does the
experiment. The less able pupils’ box and whisker plot is lower on my scale and a lot more spread out
as they have not improved much as my hypothesis says Also they have very varied improvements as
some will have tried harder than others. The only problems I can oversee are those which are
included in the secondary data. Hypothesis s, i ve pretty much got three to write about, but i need
help on how to structure it. They beat the boys mean mark by 0.15. It is not much of a difference but
still means that the Girls did better than the boys. I also excluded hyphenated words as these tend to
be easier to read. The children clearly change heights (physical) as they grow older. But for those
who are not an independent learner and still get wonderful exam results, they might concentrate hard
in lessons when they are actually in school and absorbs everything that they learn. See other similar
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But with the estimate of only 20% of all sexual assaults being reported to police, more representative
estimation for sexual offences would be approximately 86,000 in a calendar year, almost eight times
the amount of vehicle thefts. The median is about 20 and 50% of the results are between -40 and 30.
As the statistics provided have not been collected by myself and are therefore a form of secondary
data, they may be seen as unreliable. If I have a chance to do this coursework again, I would like to
do it using the full data to make it more specific and possibly use other graphs and diagrams to
display the data. I will calculate the mean for each year group and then I will verify this result by
finding the median from a cumulative frequency graph. Write in detail how you plan with collect
your data and what sampling method you horizons use. Then I will be able to see both the mean of
the girls and the boys and compare them. The box and whisker plots where then draw on to two
sheets of paper one for boys and one for girls. This also applies for the GCSE students (Year 10s and
11s); just because the student is taking their GCSE it doesn’t mean that their attendance is going to
be a full 100% (even though it should be like that). I will ignore these rows, as they may be genuine
errors, to increase the precision and accuracy of my investigation. By using histograms, I am then
able to see the shape of the distribution, whether it has a symmetrical distribution and positive or
negative skew. I then plotted this summed value against the IQ of the students. Boys will, however,
eventually grow taller and so in years 10-11 it can be assumed the number boys taller than girls will
be greater. I think that this counts for both girls and boys.” To prove this I will use a correlation
graph and also spearman’s Rank Correlation. This way, it does not only reduce the amount of time
for me to process the data, it also reduces its quantity.
To take a stratified sample I will divide the whole population of children into year group and gender
e.g. Year 7 Boys. I will then take 10% of each stratum to gain fair representation of each stratum.
The histogram shows that most of the data is near 0 and roughly fits a normal distribution. I was
about choose a different subject for my coursework, I was about to do about how much people
spend on computer games. I think this would be useful because the girls may have made preference
changes at a younger age. A Year 7 pupil could have a 100% attendance figure just like a Year 11
student and it doesn’t have to relate to age at all. The highest value for females is 70KG (ignoring
the outlier) and for males: 75KG, the median for the males’ weight is 5KG higher than that of the
females. To choose the pupils I am going to select at least 4 boys and 4 girls at one time, and I am
going to randomly point my finger to the first people I see in the classroom, but only to the correct
number of boys and girls from that particular year group. Question 2 Does the estimation of a non
straight line improve after practice. I would provide me working on computer to avoid biased results
and also to get more accurate results. On the other hand I expect to see the less able pupils’ box and
whisker plot to be lower on my scale and a lot more spread out as they will have not improved much
according to my hypothesis. The proportion must be the same for all categories (in this case I’ve
chosen 20% of the attendance figures from each year), so that the investigation is fair. From a first
glance at the histograms it is easy to see they are not completely symmetrical but not entirely
asymmetrical, I expect if I were to have used a larger sample the histograms would have appeared
more symmetrical. This meant I only had 8 Year 11 girls whilst far more Year 8 girls, which may
have been the cause of the increased range of their data. I think that the best way to portray
mathematical ability is to take their most recent exam result. In all of the graphs, diagrams and
tables, I could clearly see that the Year 8 attendance figures has always been the odd one out by
being the most consistent. This is because it uses more shorter words than the tabloid. Year 10 in the
Stamford Endowed schools is a good choice as every person has have the exact same education and
experience and the data is reasonably easy to collect. Overall I am pleases with the work I have
produced. I have added each child’s KS2 results together to get one value. To get this data I need to
get a person to measure a line and a non straight line in an experiment. I think doing my investigation
on computer would give a better pictorial view than by hand. A 6, 10, 12 and even 15-year-old
students can still have a stunning 100% attendance figures at school just by having that one
important reason of why they have to come to school everyday (and again it might not have anything
to do with age at all). I have chosen to look at height and weight mainly because in this line of
enquiry my data will be numerical and continuous, meaning that I will be able to produce a more
detailed analysis. As you could see again as the age increases the price decrease because the higher
the age means it has been used a lot, so customers would give low prices. The number line below
shows the degrees of correlation. I decided to look at both Key Stage 2 SATs results Key stage 3
SATs results for Both Girls and boys. I will ignore these rows, as they may be genuine errors, to
increase the precision and accuracy of my investigation. I need to make the experiment fair, so I need
the same controlled experiment for each person who does the experiment. My fourth hypothesis was
correct because there was a positive correlation. Boys did make a better improvement then the Girls.
I decided to use 20 results from each the Boys set and also the Girls set of data. I think this maybe
because my sample is not large enough. I will then compare my findings and see if there is any
similarity between them such as the older the car the cheaper it will be and the more mileage it has
done the cheaper it will be or as I have mentioned before I will get some vintage cars and skew my
data. By doing the standard deviation I am then able to see the Normal distribution for each year
and also compare them with each other and see much more clearly which year group have a higher
attendance figure. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave
some feedback. It turns out the variables correlated and where in the same general area, abolishing
the idea that the Year 7’s where of a higher ability than the Year 11’s. The higher the standard
deviation the more spread out the curve is. Every person has used the same facilities, books and
material and the teachers have all been taught using the same course. Sampling I need to sample to
get the results for Mathematical ability. This wide spread has occurred later in the boys (Year 8) than
the girls (Year 7) This follows most scientific theories that state boys puberty developments happen at
an older age to that of girls. I also did not think that I would have much of a reply rate if I did. This
is evidence to suggest that my first hypothesis is correct. This shows that the Year 11 boy’s have a
wider range of interests and are more open to new things, this makes them more mature than they
where in Year 7. Gcse maths statistics coursework mayfield high school data, board is edexcel
answered by a studyzones. I assume that in years 7-9 girls will generally be taller than boys- this is
because girls tend to grow faster than boys during the early stages of development. The reason why I
am providing diagrams for different makes of cars is because to get more accurate results. This is the
information on the histogram which I have taken from Autograph and put into word. There is one
exception in between Year 8 girls and Year 9 girls however; I think this can be accounted for as they
are close, Year 8 shows a large range of heights, (three standard deviations from the mean) and this
may have caused the discrepancy in the data. (Outliers may have affect the median point, upper and
lower quartile points on which the box and whisker is based.) Or it could simply be that Year 8 is
exceptionally tall whilst Year 9 small for their age. On the other hand, the results from the
Spearman’s coefficient of rank correlation disprove my hypothesis. I wanted to see if they are right if
not I will be able to prove them wrong. I think that this is because our school is an all Boys school, if
it was a mixed school I do not think that the boys would have made a better improvement than the
girls. The characteristic of a standard normal distribution depends on the mean and the standard
deviation of the data. Null hypothesis: There is a relationship between the ability to estimate the
length of a straight line and mathematical ability. It may not be correct either, as the information will
vary from school to school and maybe from county to county. Empty reply does not make any sense
for the end user Submit reply Cancel See more Report this resource to let us know if it violates our
terms and conditions. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?0.00
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updated 27 February 2021 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Stats Academy 4.81 32 reviews Not the
right resource. To select the random people I filtered the data in excel by selecting first the males
from every set, and then the females. The number line below shows the degrees of correlation. I used
the same number of boys and girls, because there is roughly around the same number of boys and
girls in the year group and this helps reflect the whole year group better. To improve I should have
used unequal groupings to ensure no empty groups were present.
I, therefore, predict that my results will produce a pattern which shows that boys weigh more than
girls. From these tables I have plotted a scatter diagram in Microsoft Excel Application using the
entire sample population. The data which I selected was supposed to be every 6 th person, but some
pieces of data was missing on the sheet, so I had to choose the one below, and start counting every 6
th person again. Alternative hypothesis: There is no relationship between the ability to estimate the
length of a straight line and mathematical ability. 2) Does the estimation of a non straight line
improve after practice. You have seen that the girls beat the boys in their Key Stage 2 exams but the
boys beat the girls in the Key stage 3 exams. I did predict that the girls would beat the boys in their
Key Stage 2 exams but they did not in their KS3 exams. I did not think that the boys would beat
them I thought that they will still be a nudge under. All data related to this scatter graph can be
found in the results box. However, I bring this result into question as the Year 8 girls have such a
large range of heights compared to the other year groups, and this may have some affect on the
inter-quartile range. I can use this equation to estimate what exam mark a boy would get if his error
in estimation was 30. Also I would like to link all of the results in a much clearer way. Where as the
majority of boys come with normal and below average results and make a better improvement than
the Girls. The reason why I am providing diagrams for different makes of cars is because to get more
accurate results. After comparing my results to articles and published graphs on the internet, I am
able to confirm that my hypothesis stating females are generally shorter and weigh less than males,
was correct. Every person has used the same facilities, books and material and the teachers have all
been taught the same. The 14th boy in the set was the first to be selected etc. I have Predicted this
because the girls who come with high results from Junior School to High School do make an
improvement but not better than the Boys in Our School. It is a measure of the agreement between
two data sets. I think that this is because our school is an all Boys school, if it was a mixed school I
do not think that the boys would have made a better improvement than the girls.”. Year 10 in the
Stamford Endowed schools is a good choice as every person has have the exact same education and
experience and the data is reasonably easy to collect. The more calculations used will, in my opinion,
enhance the reliability and understanding of the investigation and results, I will calculate the
distribution, standard deviation and variance. I selected four articles from the broadsheet then found
an article in the tabloid for each that covered the same story. By using standard deviation, I can also
use work out its Normal distribution. Null hypothesis: There is a relationship between the ability to
estimate the length of a straight line and mathematical ability. Get help from teachers and hundreds
of thousands of student written documents. It will also achieve greater precision than, for example,
random sampling; therefore because it provides greater precision, a stratified sample often requires a
smaller sample, which will avert wasting unnecessary time. My second hypothesis was correct
because the boys made a better improvement then the girls. The diagrams would maintain a clear
understanding and show what is happening to the cars and what people prefer according to their
engine size. The diagrams would maintain a clear understanding and show what is happening to the
cars and what people prefer according to their engine size. The unreliability of the data can be proven
by looking at these; many values are missing and in some cases there appears to be two people with
the same name. I have answered my hypothesis in fair depth and sighted future tests that could be of
interest to this topic. I will be investigating the relationship between height and weight and how these
statistics differ between females and males.

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